Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of Le...

By AmirBadass007

43.3K 592 233

Zoro sacrifices himself for Luffy, giving his life for him at Thriller Bark. The distraught Straw hats strug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Final Chapter

Chapter 12

1.4K 24 2
By AmirBadass007

I don't own One Piece or it's characters :)

Robin's POV

Venus's smile unnerved me. It was the smile of a sly fox with it's eyes on the chicken coop. It sent chills down my spine.

Venus led me into a different room away from the Valkyrie and my Nakama, isolating me from any possible means of assistance. Nami was left fuming with a lovesick cook in the throne room. But lady Freyja didn't seem keen on keeping the humans in her presence any longer than necessary. I didn't want to drag out this process.

The door that the goddess and i passed through slammed shut, enclosing me in a dark chamber, water dripping from the stone crevices in the walls. It sank of mildew and mold and what i thought must be rotting fish. A strange place to hold the test. Venus seemed to think as well, because with a wave of her hand, the room turned into a lavish VIP room, complete with cups of coffee on a small table situated between two futons.

Venus faced me, her face changing to that of a woman with long black hair and blue eyes, golden snakes dangling from her ears. "Robin," she said. "That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." i said, keeping my face as lackadaisical as possible.

"Come one, lighten up, all i'm going to do is ask you a few questions."

"Questions?" I repeated.

"Mhm! make yourself comfortable."

She gestured behind me to one of the futons, cushions of red velvet. I settled into the seat, inviting myself to a cup of coffee. I was about to take a sip when an air of caution swept over me, and i returned the cup to its coaster. Venus remained standing, playing with her earrings, and i suddenly recognized her face. Boa Hancock, the warlord, claimed to be the most beautiful woman in the world. I could see why Venus might adopt those features, She really was a sight.

"Might we begin?" I asked.

"What is the air speed velocity of an unladen Alabastan swallow?"

I blinked. "What?"

"I asked you the air speed velocity of an unladen Alabastan swallow." Venus repeated simply.

I grit my teeth. This was no test of ambition or bravery as i had been expecting. This was a test of basic knowledge! I knew the answer of course, but it still baffled me. I spoke the answer and attempted to ask what was going on, but Venus wasn't giving me any time to question her.

"List in order the names of current Vice Admirals in which they were promoted."

Venus continued with questions such as these for maybe ten minutes. Sometimes she asked about the world government, sometimes geography, some history and etcetera. Nothing that was truly worth my effort. Time was wasting and i had neither the time or energy to for silly quizzes like this. I hadn't been able to check Zoro's time before he had been stolen by the woman standing a few feet away, so i didn't know how much time i had left before he would be gone forever.

"What is the...?"

"Stop!" I interrupted, standing abruptly from the couch. "I won't answer another question! I demand you give me the real test!"

"What are you talking about?" Venus asked innocently. "This is the test."

"No, all this is doing is testing my patience," i growled, not even attempting to shelter my frustration and anger under a veil of forced calm.

 "You are wasting my time on useless information. Zoro is counting on me to bring him back, and believe me nothing is going to stop me from doing so!"

Venus finally sat on the other futon, crossing her legs at the knee and propping her chin in the cup of her hand daintily. "He's counting on you?"

I suddenly found interest in my sandal-ed feet. 

"He's saved me countless times before, sometimes without his knowing. The first time we had just met, he didn't fall for my usual methods of bribery, teaching me not everyone is vulnerable."

 I hugged my arms, my vulnerability suddenly exposed to the love goddess. "I can still feel his strong arm around my shoulders as he caught me, just before i fell. He didn't have to do that, i had only just joined the crew, he had no obligation at all, so why? was i so quickly a part of this family?"

My eyelids slid closed. "I thought i was wrong to think i had already assimilated into the Straw hats when Foxy chose me to be a part of his crew. I heard him say he knew i would betray them eventually. It hurt me, it wasn't my fault i had been chosen. Granted i had planned on leaving them someday, but not like that. So i was surprised when i was welcomed back into the crew after Foxy's defeat, albeit my apparent eagerness to change my alliance again."

"I had convinced myself by that time that Zoro would never really accept me into the group. And at first i was okay with that. But as our journey went on i found myself craving his company and attention. I started pulling all nighters so i could read while he trained, and i engaged him in light conversation whenever the urge struck me, which was often."

"Everything i had built while travelling with the Straw hats crashed down when Aokiji appeared." My fingers tightened around myself. 

"I knew immediately we were all in danger. The appearance of any admiral means trouble, but to me Aokiji was the worst of them all. I didn't dare let down my guard. And i was right, he attacked us, well i attacked first, and i was sure i was going to die."

 A light smile appeared on my face. "But Zoro, he saved me, again. I could read his body language like the runes on a Poneglyph, he was angry, like a tiger ready to pounce, but why? did this mean that he finally trusted me? that he sees me as one of his crew mates? I didn't know. But he had stopped Aokiji's attack. No one like that had protected me before, and there he was, doing it for the second time in a row."

 A tear slipped from my eye and carved a shining path down my cheek. "That i think is when i realized..."

"That you loved him." Venus finished my sentence for me.

I dipped my head. "Yes, but i didn't tell him. Why should i? They were my feelings, he would reject them anyway, Zoro wasn't that kind of person to fall into a romantic relationship with anyone, much less me."

"What else?" Venus pressed.

"Enies Lobby happened," i whispered. "I should have known that after appearance of Admiral Aokiji, but i had let down my guard. I had no choice but to betray them. It was for their sake, and for his. Seeing him, Luffy, Chopper and Nami burst into Iceburg's room to take me back, it took all my willpower to appear uncaring. In all honesty, i wanted to go with them, but they didn't know the danger i posed to their safety. Why wouldn't they just leave me be? I surrendered to CP9 so that the Straw hats be allowed full pardon. I didn't need saving, i only wanted to die, that was my destiny. I was the Devil's child, shunned all my life only for being a survivor of the infamous island. It was a painful twenty years, hunted by the government, finding no place to live for fear of betrayal, scavenging for food. The government had caught up to me one day, like i knew they would, but not like this. I was going to die soon, and i accepted that fact. My only consolation was that Zoro and the others would survive."

"I wanted nothing more than to die. To forget and dissolve all weakness like love, friendship and family into darkness. They called me the demon child and for a good reason. I was the lowest of low, the hated. Death was my constant companion, and i had resolved myself that i would soon become it's. But the Straw hats..."

 I laughed lightly. "Those pirates forced me to live. They forced me to see the world and myself in a different light and embrace it. I never thought i could be so happy in my life to be reunited with the people i could call my Nakama. Friends, those who would protect me. They would stay with me through hardships. They would protect me with their very lives, they didn't care about my past, about who i was. To them i was Nico Robin, their friend and crew member, and didn't care about anything else. My only regret was that i could not continue to travel as a Straw hat and share in their memories..."

Saul's voice rang in my ears, his words confusing to an eight year old child, but a life long motto for a grown woman. 'There's no such thing as being born into this world to be alone!'

"I found out that the key to release me from my sea stone shackles, the number 5 key, had been retrieved by Zoro. Was it fate? No, i don't believe in those types of things. But an omen? Maybe. After Enies Lobby i was one hundred percent convinced that Zoro counted me as one of his Nakama. All previous doubt of my loyalty had been extinguished from his mind. We exchanged small talk later, and i felt the words he spoke came from the heart."

"I had never planned to marry anyone, much less have children. Even when i realized my affections, i had no intention on furthering that dream, nor the relationship. At least not until i was positive he felt the same way. And it made me so happy when i found out that he had feelings for me, and i couldn't help but think what a good fatherly figure Zoro was." 

I laughed again just thinking about it. "I haven't told anyone about this, but i had seen him with children before, we met in the shopping center. I planted an eye and ear and sat back, despite the kids' hectic ways, he seemed to know what to do and how to go about doing it. Just like a real father's instincts. And when i confronted him, the red on his face was priceless and i meant it when i said it suited him, i really did."

"When we left water 7, i thanked the crew again for saving me. The Straw hats took in stride, but Zoro only shrugged it off. He told me, Do you think anyone on this crew would accept a Nakama dying for them?"

"So why!?" My voice rose unintentionally. "Did he even believe himself when he said that!? That hypocrite!"

"What did he do?" Venus asked like a curious psychiatrist. Though i could tell by the expression on her face that she already had a pretty good idea.

"He broke his promise and died, that's what he did!" I answered darkly.

"Broke his promise?" Venus asked.

"Yes, he had promised me that he would not leave me, but he did..." I answered tears strolling down my cheeks. "Bartholomew Kuma is known for not delivering mercy to anyone. The fact that he agreed to take his life instead of Luffy's was probably because he had an ulterior motive, and he did not do it because he had compassion or respect for what Zoro wanted to do." I continued while wiping my tears.

"Luffy would die for any of us, but he knows his limits. On the other hand, Zoro is too reckless. he couldn't even imagine our reaction to finding him dead. He couldn't have imagined how it would make us, make me feel! He couldn't even come close. He probably even had forgotten his promise to me."

"That's why i need to find the River Chai and bring him back so i can slap him hard for what he did to me, but all these efforts would prove to be worthless if i'm trapped here answering petty trivia. He's saved me many times and now it's my turn to return the favor."

I was aware i had just blabbed my entire relationship with deceased swordsman to Venus, but at the moment i was indifferent to the fact. It remained that I've given her my reasons, and whatever the love goddess made of it was up to her. But i was standing firm by my words, and nothing could alter my mind.

Venus observed me for a few minutes, her expression unreadable. Cool and calculating eyes stared deep into mine as if assessing the honesty of my monologue. She suddenly broke eye contact and raised her hands, i tensed, ready to fight.

Clap, clap, clap.

I watched, dumbfounded as the goddess applauded me. Her perfect lips pulled back into an elegant smile. She was applauding me? What for?

"Bravo, bravo!" she laughed.

"I'm afraid i don't understand." i said still cautious.

"You passed my test," Venus chortled. 

"It was never about the trivia. It was about how long you could stand the pressure hanging over your shoulders. You got up to eleven questions, fifteen is the failing point." She moved closer to me, putting her hands on my shoulders and forcing me to join her back on the futon. 

"And that eulogy was heart warming!"

"It was testing my commitment, not physical abilities." I summarized.

"Yep!" Venus chirped.

Venus looked deep into my eyes and asked. "Do you love him?"

"I love him with all my heart." I said slowly and calmly, not diverting my gaze from hers.

Venus then smiled. "One may tolerate a world of Demons for the sake of an Angel."

Then the inside of my arm began to sting. Looking down, i saw numbers etched in purple glowing in plain view. 00:53:12 It was the same timer device Zoro had! I think it was Venus's way of telling me to hurry.

"I'll entertain your friends while you're gone, now i'll send you to your swordsman!"

And with a wave of her hand a portal opened and she signaled me to walk into it and so i did.

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