The Forgotten Child

By laurenhouser908

77.5K 2.8K 254

Alyson and her group of misfits have gone north in search of the other half of their pack along with Alyson's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 7

3.7K 128 17
By laurenhouser908

Once the two were outside and far enough away that they could no longer be heard, Hayden gave her a look that read as spill it.

Alyson heaved a heavy sigh and got to explain, "When I was fighting Alpha James, he was saying awful things to that made my blood sizzle. Not metaphorically either, my blood felt like it was boiling and I had this overwhelming sense of power. It was like when I built all those mind bridges that one one time way back when. I knew it was dangerous but I didn't know how much so."

"Then the humming started it was so disorienting, it got louder and louder. It started to make black spots in my vision. Then next thing I knew I was talking to Iina. I was so confused and scared. I asked her why she called me at such a time. But she didn't call me my soul went there. She told me that the humming sound was a sign of pure exhaustion. That I was in danger...she guided me back to my body..." Alyson tried to push through but her body was overtaken by chills and her eyes started leaking against her will.

Hayden stopped as soon as he noticed this and pulled her into his arms. He rubbed small soothing circles into her back. Her hands shook as the fear of remembering what happened struck her.

"It's okay, just breath and let it out. We've got all the time in the world, okay. There's no rush," Hayden said stroking her wild hair making her already start to relax more. But her tears kept streaming down her face. 

She was scared that once she told him this that this would be the last time he held her like this. She couldn't handle losing him when they'd finally gotten together. She tried to pull herself together and eventually managed. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes, searching them for something that she couldn't name.

"Swear to me that when I tell you what happened next you will tell no one nor will you reject me because of it."

"Alyson-" he starts but cuts him off.

"Swear to me!" she says her voice breaking slightly.

"I swear! There's nothing you can say that will make me ever leave you again, okay?" Hayden said planting a kiss on the crown of her head. She searched his eyes one last time making sure he was true to his word.

"When...when I came back into my body... it was fighting against Alpha James. And my skin was starting to rip and tear like a fresh Skinwalker," Alyson said dropping the bomb at last. Hayden's face turned pale and fear filled his eyes. Alyson's stomach dropped. He was silent for a long while after that. 

Alyson looked away and stepped away from him. She couldn't look at him now.

"Listen, I know I made you promise not to reject me. But that's selfish and I can't ask that of you. I can't let you risk your family's lives. I...I think it's better if I leave. I understand if... if you don't want to ever see me again. I'll go pack my stuff up again and find my dad," Alyson said hugging herself to prevent tears from falling. She wanted to reach out and grab his hand but the fear of the disgust that might make its way into his eyes was more than her heart would've been able to handle. Her eyes searched Hayden's but his eyes hide whatever emotion he was feeling.

Alyson swallowed tears that threatened to leak from her eyes. She watched him for a few more moments, "I understand if you want me to leave, but please just don't tell me how much you despise me now. I can't handle that. I guess I'll start to leave. I promise not to come back. I'll stay away. I'm sure it's for the best," Alyson said her heart felt like it was replaced by a lead brick.

"Before I leave, I just want you to know, great you're family is...and I want you to know that I love you. I suppose this is goodbye then," Alyson said her voice on edge of breaking from holding back tears as she stepped away from Hayden.

She went to step away from him but before she could leave he grabbed her hand.

"Alyson," he said so softly and so broken it made the last bit of strength she had crumble away and tears freely streaked down her face.

"Don't worry I'll think of something to tell your family," Alyson said tears streaming down her face.

"No," Hayden said his eyes searching her own. She could feel the pain they exuded.

"No, you aren't leaving. You're going to stay here and I swear if you even think about leaving like this again, I'm going to handcuff us together and throw away the fucking key," His eyes burning a hole in her as his voice was passionate, in a way that was harsh but in a caring way.

"Do you really think, that this would stop me from loving you?" he asks in the same tone.

"Hayden, I don't know what to think! I'm so scared I'm going to screw this up! I don't want to put you or any of your family in danger, because I'm some freak mutation. I can't handle it," Alyson says her throat starting to close up.

"Alyson, I love you. And nothing will ever change that, though his progression is shocking. It doesn't mean you have to run away, we'll find a way to work through this together. I've almost lost you too many times to let this stand in our way," he comes closer to her and cups her cheek gently.

"Am I shocked, yes. Am I terrified! But one thing I'm sure of is how much I love you and how much I need you with me," he says gazing into her eyes. Tears streaming down her face a few tears escaped Hayden's eyes as well. Alyson wasted no time connecting their lips. The kiss was brimmed with passion and heartache. A kiss that promised not to abandon but stand together.

Hayden was the first to pull away, though he reluctantly so.

"I love you, Alyson," Hayden said a big goofy smile crossing his lips.

"I love you too," Alyson said burying her head in his chest.

"Now, let's talk about what we're going to do," Hayden said gently lifting her head and pushing stray hairs behind her ears.

"That's the thing I dunno what to do. I don't want to tell the rest of the pack because I'm sure they'll hate me for this. I'm not mentally ready for that," Alyson says.

"They'd still accept and love you, but I'll respect your choice for now," Hayden says.

"The openings healed up pretty quick once I got back into my body but there are few thin pink marks still visible," Alyson said pulling up her sleeve and pointing out the jagged lines across her arm, the healing skin looked like lightning bolt webbing. Sharp jagged edges, like something, was trying to burst through her skin.

"It looks like it's not going to scar, and it not noticeable until you pointed them out. But what I want to know is how this happened. You were never bitten or scratched by a skinwalker. It's like you're carrying it in your blood somehow," Hayden says. Before Alyson can respond the moment is interrupted.

"Hayden, Alyson! There's trouble in the eastern side of the forest! Meet the rest of the hunters there asap!" James's voice floated through their minds.

"We're on our way" Hayden shot back. 

"It sounded serious, I hope everyone's okay," Alyson said nervously. 

"Yeah, give me a sec to ya know," he says with a small smile.

"Yeah, have you seen Kai today?" Alyson asks Hayden.

"He's with Elliot. Kai's helping him keep his spirits up, I suppose." 

"Yeah, Kai is quite good with kids. When I was working for the ice cream parlour, I'd take him to work with me and he'd play with the kids while they waited for ice cream or comforted them if they dropped theirs. Which if he's happily helping with the clean up too unless of course, it had chocolate in it," Alyson reminisced Kai's cuteness as Hayden finished transforming.

Once done he stepped next to her, and looked at her expectantly.

"No, I'm not doing that again! It's embarrassing," Alyson said crossing her arms.

"Too bad it's faster this way, now get on!" Alyson huffed annoyed, as he sat upon his back.

Hayden zoomed through the forest occasionally sniffing the air. After a few minutes, Alyson could see the pack up ahead. Collin was the first to notice them. His eyes were sad looking and it made Alyson's prickle in fear as she got off Hayden's back.

"Guys? What's going on?" Alyson asked her voice unsteady already. The group parted to reveal Kai laying on the ground.

Alyson's heart stopped momentarily. She raced over and saw the pup was curled up tightly. As she approached she heard him growl lightly. She blinked in surprised, Kai had never growled at her ever.

"Kai? Baby? It's me," Alyson said her voice soft and her breathing laboured. He whined and lifted his eyes to meet her. Alyson almost fainted when she saw his eyes, or what used to be his eyes. His eyes had long scratches across them. They weren't bleeding anymore, but blood was coated in his fur.

Tears flowed freely from Alyson's eyes looking at her little pup.

"We got the bleeding to stop, but he's pretty bad. And he won't let us touch him," Daniel said his voice soft. Alyson nodded and looked at the pup's face longer.

"The scratches are Were," she said numbly as her blood started to boil. There was only one Were who'd do this.

"As soon as I know Kai is okay, I'm going to kill Micheal." Alyson declared the fire in her veins so dangerous it almost leaked out of her mouth when she spoke.

"Alyson, I know you're angry-" James started.

"Anger doesn't even begin to describe the feeling!" Alyson's low voice dripping flames. After that everyone else was quiet. Alyson now spoke to Kai the anger in her vanishing as she spoke softly to the pup.

"Kai, my sweet boy. I'm going to clean you up. I'm going to touch you. Just me no one else. Okay, sweet boy?" Alyson says to Kai. He whines ever so softly back to her.

"One of you, go back to the house and grab my backpack," Alyson said her voice left no room for argument. 

"I'll go, I'm the fastest," Dylan offered and zoomed away.

"The rest of you I suggest you back away," Alyson said.

"Kai, it's going to be okay," Alyson spoke to the pup softly as she gently stroked his back. He moved closer to her and put his head on her lap as he used to when he was a small pup. Alyson sat and whispered comforting words to him while looking at his face. Seeing how deep and painful the wounds must be.

"I'm so sorry, boy. You shouldn't have ever been involved in this," Alyson said closing her eyes and trying to control her breathing, a few seconds later she heard Dylan running back to them.

"I grabbed the bag and mom put a few other things in her she said that should help,"  Dylan said placing the bag down next to Alyson.

"Thank you, Dylan," Alyson said sounding much more composed now. 

"Alright, boy. Please be patient okay? this is going to hurt at first but it'll help with some pain and discomfort. If you get too wormy, Hayden's going to have to hold you okay?" Alyson spoke to Kai. He whined softly. Alyson didn't need to look to Hayden to know he'd transformed back into a human, sitting close by if she needed him.

Alyson got to work cleaning the wounds with a bottle of water and a cloth. Kai whined as she did so but made no attempt to fight her, the poor baby must be too tired to move. 

After cleaning out the wound, she pulled out a container and sniffed the ointment.

"Is this that ointment you used for my bruise that one-time, Daniel?" she asked him.

"Yes, it's a recipe that helps to heal and ease pain," Daniel answered. Alyson nodded and applied a bit to Kai's wounds then wrapped up the wounds in a bandage.

"Now, listen sweet boy. I don't want you trying to get these off," Alyson said but the poor pup was already asleep now that the pain has lessened.

"Let's go," Alyson said gently picking up Kai.

"Someone start explaining," Alyson said her voice monotone. Elliot spoke up his voice meek.

"Kai and I went out here to play in the forest. We were hunting for each other. So we got separated and I heard him yipe. I came over to find him bleeding. I called Alpha James and he brought the pack and called you all. Kai let me stop the bleeding but wouldn't let me touch him afterwards. I'm so sorry I should've been watching over him more. Alyson, I'm really sorry," He blurted out, his voice was scratchy most likely from crying.

"I'm not mad at you Elliot. Did you see Micheal anywhere around?" Alyson asks.

"No, but he's the only one who would do that to Kai," Elliot said.

"Well, we'll find out as soon as we get home and I can leave Kai to Sarah. She'll be able to do more than I can," Alyson said her voice dripping fire again. Alyson had never considered murder, but now she wasn't even considering it she was going to once she gets her hands on him.

The walk back was quiet and uneventful. Once they got back Alyson and Hayden went in while the rest of them transformed back.

Upon entering Alyson could hear loud sobs coming from the dining room. Alyson and Hayden looked at each other and entered the room.

Rebecca sat at the table little Jasper was in his high chair happily eating something Alyson couldn't tell what but she knew it was messy. Rebecca was sobbingly loudly while leaning against Sarah.

Julia and Justin were looking at her with sad eyes, but upon entering with Kai Julia stood up.

"Alyson! How is he?" she asks.

"He'll live, but he'll be blind for the rest of his life. he just needs time to heal up. What's going on with Rebecca?" Alyson asks.

"Micheal smacked her when she told him that he needed to learn to handle his anger better. He then threatened their child. Then they had a whole argument she denounced him as her mate. " Julia said her hand squeezing Justin's for support.

"What's a mate? and what happens when you denounce one?" Alyson asks confused. She looks to Hayden who blushed and looks away.

"You mean you haven't told her yet?" Justin asks.

"No," Hayden says his voice uneasy. Both Justin and Julia sigh.

"Alyson, you've heard how we Were came into existence right?" Julia asks.

"Very faintly," Alyson said blushing lightly.

"I'll give you a crash course then. The god of the sun created an evil beast to terrorize humans at night to make people when happier when the sun was up and thus worship him more, thus creating Skinwalkers. But the moon goddess didn't want humans harmed during her ruling of the day. She couldn't uncreate the work of the sun god for he shined much brighter than her. But she could give a gift to help the humans to stop them from being killed by these Skinwalkers, she gave the gift to a few families across every continent across every place. This is how Weres were created."

"Though a gift it was also a curse because once the sun god found out about this he made the Skinwalkers hunt the blood of were just to spite the moon goddess. So, the moon goddess gave them one more gift. The mate bond. This is a bond between to were the strength both of them mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is trustest love, but again the sun god was cruel and twisted her gift. He modified the gift to where only the male would know who their mate is, traditionally the male anyway there have been a few cases of a female finding a mate attraction with another female. Anyway, that male must then get the female to allow him to claim her. If she doesn't give him the truest love, then they will never truly be mated."

"As you can guess, it's quite difficult for some people to find their mate. But it's surely worth it once they do." Julia took a deep breath and collected her thoughts.

"But kind as always the moon goddess gave an escape to those who they feel have been wrongly mated, thus they can denounce their mate. As you can imagine it's very painful to get denounced." Justin finished for Julia.

"Does that mean Rebecca and Micheal were mates?" Alyson asks scrunching her brows.

"Supposedly, I don't know if I fully believe it. Since he had the gull to lay hands on her. I'd never even thought such things, I'm sure Hayden hasn't either," Justin said looking at Hayden for confirmation.

"No, not once," Hayden said his cheeks still on fire.

"Wait, why'd you look at Hayden for confirmation?" Alyson asked confused making Julia laugh quietly.

"Hayden, you can't keep the poor girl in the dark forever," she says.

"Wait does that mean...Hayden and I...are..." Alyson says her cheeks heating up as she looks over at Hayden, he doesn't meet her eyes. Embarrassment is coming off him in waves.

Julia nodded with enthusiasm. Alyson blushed suddenly all those words when they'd first met, that's what they meant. He'd found out she was his mate. It all made sense now, the instant draw she felt to him. She looked at him with wide eyes.

He cleared his throat.

"Um... Aunt Sarah, we came here to get you to check on Kai," Hayden said avoiding the topic and making Alyson jump back into what she came here for. The fire instantly returned.

"Oh, yes. Rebecca, I'll be back soon. I'm sorry, " Sarah said and Rebecca nodded at her.

"Go ahead. Alyson, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have ever thought he'd do such a thing, it truly makes me sick," Rebecca said.

"You did the right thing, Rebecca. For you and Jasper," Alyson said.

"If you're looking for him, he's probably in the house packing his things," Rebecca said wiping away a few tears that strayed.

"If he knows what's good for him he'll be gone before I get there, because if I get there and he's there. He's a dead man. I'm sorry if that causes you heartache, but no one lays a hand on my pup and isn't severely hurt in the least," Alyson's fire burning bright in her veins.

"Just don't do anything you'll regret later," Rebecca said her eyes shining with the wisdom of an older woman. Alyson nods and gives Kai one last pet before leaving and telling him to listen to Sarah while she's gone.

Alyson goes up to her and Hayden's room. Hayden follows her.

"Alyson are you sure you're in a condition to take on a full-grown wolf? You almost died a few days ago," Hayden's voice was borderline pleading.

"Positive, I'll be fine. He's not nearly as powerful as a Maikoh. I could take him in my sleep," Alyson says sure of herself. Hayden seemed extremely uncomfortable with the idea.

"Alyson, I know you heal fast but no amount of heating will save you if you die. No healing can bring you back," Hayden says grabbing her hand his eyes wide with fear. Her other hand freezes as she reaches for her bow.

"Hayden," she says softly as she cups his cheek with her hand. He leans in instantly and huffs softly.

"Alyson, I'm scared. I've almost lost you so many times. I dunno if I could handle it again," Hayden says his brows creases. 

"Well come with me, make sure I'm not stupid and get myself hurt too badly. He denounced his mate if they were mates he'd be even weaker then ever. If the two of us fight together nothing will stop us, right?"

"Alyson," Hayden said sternly.

"Hayden, that pup has been with me for so much. He's like my child. I got him freshly born, I feed him, I cleaned him, I was there when he was scared. Hayden, I'm not going to let someone who thinks they can go around and hurt innocent animals just because someone vexed them. I can't do that. Surely you understand," Alyson said her voice pleading.

"Fine, but if things start to turn for the worse, promise me you'll get out as soon as possible...please," He pleaded in return.

"I promise, now let's go." Hayden nodded as he grabbed her bow from the top shelf and handed it to her. She gave him a small kiss as thanks.

"Is a bow and arrows all your taking?"

"No, I have old reliable in my bag," Alyson said pulling out the hunting knife that she'd been using to kill Skinwalkers for quite a while.

"Of course you do," Hayden said rolling his eyes and laughing lightly.

The two trotted down the stairs and Elliot and Dylan came racing towards them.

"Are you two going to fight Micheal?" Elliot asked.

"Yes, why?" Alyson had a sneaking suspicion the two boys wanted to go, but asked anyway.

"Can I come? I want to see you whip his ass!" Dylan spouted. Alyson looked to Hayden,

"As long as all you do is watch. I don't see the problem in it," Hayden says. Elliot and Dylan did a high five of excitement

"Collin's been telling me all about how she-alpha you can get sometimes, then mixed with momma bear instincts. This is a battle for the ages! plus, I get to see Micheal's ass get beat for the first time. He's so rude!" Elliot said.

"Before the four of you go anywhere, I need to speak with you," Alpha James says.

"Daddd," Dylan complains.

"No, whining. Fighting among the pack is serious," Alpha James says to his son.

"Rebecca denounced him, so technically he's no longer the pack," Hayden challenged.

"Hayden you know very well that rule is no longer effective," James says his tone stiff, "Anyway, if you insist on fighting him, only Alyson can actually fight him-" Hayden let out a sound of objection. James held his hand up to him to silence him.

"I'll count it as a revenge fight since he attacked Alyson without cause. Hayden, you'll only be allowed to intercept if Alyson is no longer able to fight. Otherwise, it'll be considered a betrayal of pack laws," James said his voice harsh.

"Uncle James, you can't be serious? You really think I'm going to sit by and watch Alyson get beat while I sit there!" Hayden says anger radiating off him.

"I'm dead serious, just to make sure you follow orders. Both Daniel and I will be going. This is an official pack matter, a challenge to Micheal's authority in this pack,"  James says.

"Wait what, he has authority in the pack?" Alyson asks confused.

"He married the eldest and because our eldest is female that means he's the next in line to be Alpha of this pack when I step down. But anyone who can defeat him in a challenge no matter of gender can take his spot," Alpha James explains.

"Wait, wait, wait. I didn't sign up for a leadership role in the pack. I don't want that authority," Alyson says flustered.

"Well, it's either that or you get marked as a traitor for fighting the future Alpha," James says. Alyson shakes her head.

"Seriously?" she asks looking at Daniel who nods.

"Alyson, if you win you'll be our first Alpha female for centuries!" Elliot said excitedly.

"No! Absolutely not! As the next beta, I refuse," Dustin says shaking his head no.

"Wait, you're the next beta in line?" Alyson asks, this thing suddenly sounding pretty good if she gets to tell Dustin what to do.

"He's the oldest of my four boys," Daniel says.

"Too bad, The current Alpha and Beta have already approved." Collin teased.

"Now,  gather up Pack, all except Sarah, since she's treating Kai. Everyone else follows to the ground where Alyson will challenge Micheal as the next in line for Alpha and yes the children must also come," James sent out. And within minutes the whole pack was gathered and on their way to find Micheal.

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