Your My Weakness [Vampire Dia...

By Books_Are_B4E

43.1K 1.5K 84

I'm Emily and I am new in Mystic Falls. I needed to get away from life in the big city. I was in too much dra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 34

499 17 3
By Books_Are_B4E

We arrived home and I see Elle. I take her up to my room and I immediately hug her.

"I missed you so much." she says.

"I'm so sorry I got you into the whole vampire thing. It's all my fault." I apologize.

"Emily, don't beat yourself up for this. You compelled me to forget so I wouldn't be in this. You did all that you could. Its just.....Klaus found me and turned me into a vampire and I found out that Gabe was dead and I was a vampire." I could see her eyes watering.

"I'm here for you, Elle. Don't worry. I won't let Klaus get you again. Speaking of Klaus, how did he find you?" I ask.

"Well right after you left and Damon compelled me, I went inside the house. I was getting ready for bed, then I hear my doorbell ring. I go downstairs and see Klaus. He compelled me to let him in. Then he took me to some place. He kept me there and said that I could be useful. About a day later, he gave me his blood and snapped my neck. He kept me in a locked room and fed me blood. Then one night he came into the room and snapped my neck. That's when I woke up seeing you."

"He kept you prisoner just so he could use your for a sacrifice? What's wrong with him?"

"Well he is a vampire."

"Well a hybrid now. Half vampire, half werwolf. And on top of that an Original. One of the most powerful vampires that ever lived."

Elle looked back at the door and back at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Something's burning." she says.

We both run downstairs and I see Damon burning in the sun. I run and push him out of the sun. "What are you doing, Damon? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I'm sorry."

"Where's your ring?"

He pointed to the floor. His ring was on the floor. He purposely tried to kill himself.

I grabbed his ring and put it on his finger.

"Why did you do this?" I ask.

"What's going on?" Stefan asked walking in the room.

"Damon tried killing himself." Elle said.

Stefan grabbed Damon and took him down stairs in to the basement. Elle and I followed. Stefan put Damon in the cellar and locked the door.

"I can't let you kill yourself. Bonnie is looking for a cure for the werwolf bite."

"Damon has a werwolf bite?!" I ask.

Stefan looked at me."Yes."

I looked at Damon and he explained,"When Klaus took you, he came back and bite me."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry about me." he said.

"Damon, you can die from that bite." when I said that he started coughing up blood.

"Go ahead and say your goodbyes." Damon says.

"I'm gonna find a way to help you, I promise." We left Damon and we went to see Bonnie. Bonnie said she needed to go to the witches' house to try to summon Emily, her witch ancestor.

Bonnie started chanting in Latin. Stefan and I waited for a few moments before Bonnie's eyes turned white. She was being possessed. Not long, her eyes turned normal.

"Emily?" Stefan asks.

"Stefan. Why are you here?" She asked.

"We need to know how to cure a werwolf bite. Damon has been bitten." Stefan says.

"There is a natural balance to everything, so Damon deserves to die."

"Tell us, please." I beg.

"There is a cure-." Bonnie clutched her head and yelled in pain.

"The witches, they don't want me here because I've been abusing my power." she explains. She stopped yelling in pain and Emily returned. "I did hear that Klaus is the key to the cure."

Stefan, Elle and I went to the outdoor screening where Jeremy, Caroline and Elena were. We filled Elena on what was happening. Elena said that she was going to visit Damon.

Stefan, Elle and I went to Alaric's apartment. When we arrived, Katherine was still there.

"Where's Klaus?" Stefan asks.

Before Katherine could answer, Klaus and Elijah arrive.

"Klaus." I say,"We need your help."

"Well I'm sorry, love, but I have to meet Elijah's needs first." Klaus replies.

"Klaus has given me his word that he would reunite me with my family."

Klaus came up behind him stabbing him with the dagger. "And so you shall." Klaus whispers.

Elijah falls on the ground and Klaus attacks Stefan. Klaus stabbed Stefan in the stomach with a stake.

"Klaus, stop!" I yell.

Elle pushed Klaus off of Stefan. I helped pull the stake out of Stefan.

"Elle, my darling. Klaus begins,"How dare you." Klaus stuck his hand in Elle chest.

"Klaus, stop, please! I'll do anything! Just stop!" I beg. "I'll do anything just let her go."

Klaus removed his hand out of Elle's chest.

"I'll do anything for you to give me the cure for Damon. Please." I beg.

"Oh I see. Your in love with him, aren't you?" Klaus asks.

"Why does it matter? I wanna help him." I reply.

"You wouldn't be any use to me. Especially as a human."

"Then turn me." Klaus smiled at my statement.

"Emily, no. You don't know what your getting yourself into." Stefan says pulling me back before Klaus could do anything to me. "I'll do anything. I'm the one that turned Damon into a vampire. I owe him."

"Do you remember when you were the ripper?" Klaus asked Stefan.

"I haven't been like that for years." Stefan replied.

"That kind of vampire, I can make a deal with." Klaus went and bite Katherine. Katherine's arm was now infected, but Klaus bite his wrist and fed his blood to her. Her arm immediately healed up meaning Klaus's blood is the cure.

Klaus walked to the fridge and took out a blood bag. He handed Stefan the bag.

"Are you ready for a 'decade-long blender'?" Klaus asks.

"I'm not that person anymore."

"If you do everything I say, I will save Damon. If you do not, he will die. Your choice."

Stefan grabs the bag and drinks it all, but Klaus handed him another. "Drink it."

"Get Emily out of here." Stefan says to Elle.



Elle grabs me and drags me out of the room. I got a call from Caroline.


"Damon escaped. He is roaming around Mystic Falls." Caroline explains.

"I'll find him." I say hanging up. I went to the Mystic Grill knowing Damon. He probably wanted to drink. As Elle and I walked into the Grill, we saw Sheriff Forbes pointing her gun at Damon.

"No!" I yell, but she shot the gun.

Everything had happened so fast. Damon ran out of the way, but Elle ran and happened to push Jeremy out of the way and the bullet hit Elle right in the heart. I didn't see Jeremy behind Damon. I ran to Sheriff Forbes and grabbed the gun from her hands. I checked the bullets and saw that they were wood.

"No this can't be happening." Tears slipped from my eyes as I ran to Elle's lifeless body. She was dead. Her body was already in the process of decaying.

Jeremy ran to my side hugging me. "I'm so sorry." he whispered in my ear.

"She's dead." I sob.

Alaric and Bonnie walked in and immediately run towards me.

"What happened?" Bonnie asks.

"Liz shot her." I sob.

"Emily." Alaric says hugging me. "It's gonna be right."

"She's gone. She's actually gone. This is all my fault."

"No it's not. C'mon lets go home." He lifts me on my feet and attempts to walk me out the door.

"No, I can't leave her here. I need to bury her." I say.

"We can't do that now. Damon is still on the loose. We can put her in the back of the car for right now."

Alaric and Jeremy carried Elle's body in the car. I got a call from Elena telling me that she has Damon at the house. We dropped off Jeremy and Bonnie at the Gilbert house leaving me, Alaric, and Elle's lifeless body.

"Do you want to bury her now?" Alaric asks. I look at him nod my head. He turned into a cemetery and he parked his car. He opened the trunk and took out a shovel and started digging a hole.

"Do you have a piece of paper and a pen?" I ask Alaric.

"Look in the car." I searched the car and found piece of paper and a pencil. I wrote a little letter and folded the paper.

The letter said:

You've been there for me through my ups and downs. You've helped me get through my problems big or small. We have so many memories that I'll never forget. I'll never forget the fun that we had when you were here. I know that we didn't have such a great life here in Mystic falls but I'll always remember what we had in New York. Your always in my heart. I don't know if you'll ever see this, but I want you to know that this is never going to be easy for me. This is going to be so hard for me to get through, but I will fight for you. I love you and I'll see you sometime.


Alaric by now already made a hole. We both gently landed Elle in the hole. I put the little piece of paper in her hand. Alaric started filling the hole back up with dirt while I looked for something to put on her grave. I found some flowers and brought them back to where Alaric was. I set the flowers on top of the grave.

"I should have protected her more. Just because of one mistake, everything crashed. She could have been alive right now. With her family and Gabe. But I had to be me and bring her into all of this." I say feeling fresh tears slip down my cheeks.

"None of this is your fault or hers. She's in a better place. That's the important part. She doesn't have to be in no more pain. She's happy." Alaric replies.

I hug Alaric and cry. He took me back to the car and drove me home. There I walked upstairs to find Damon and Elena in the room. I walk in and they see me. Damon looked so bad. He looked so weak.

"I don't have much time left." Damon croaked.

"Where's Stefan?" Elena asks.

"He handed himself to Klaus so he could get the cure for Damon." right then Katherine walked in the room.

"I have the cure." she says throwing it to us. I caught it. "Stefan gave everything-even you Elena- just so he could save his brother. But at least you have Damon, right Elena."
Elena ignored her. "It's ok to love both of them. I did." and Katherine left. I fed Damon Klaus's blood.

"Damon just rest for right now." I say giving him a kiss on the lips. "You'll be alright."
Damon fell asleep and Elena and I walked out of the room making our way to the living room.


"Yes." she replied.

"I know that Damon loves you. He shows it. Do you love him?" I ask.

"No. I love Stefan." she says reluctantly.

I know she's lying. It hurts knowing that Damon loves her and she loves him. I love him but with Elena here, it's gonna be impossible to date him. I'll talk to him tomorrow when he's better.

"Emily, have you been crying?" Elena asks.

"Can you tell?" I ask.

"What's wrong?"

"Elle was shot in the heart with a wooden bullet." I say felling tears come again.

"I'm so sorry." Elena says.

"She risked her life for Jeremy."

"Is Jeremy ok?"

"He's fine. He's home." I say.

"I should be getting home. It's late." Elena says.

"Alright, goodnight." Elena left and I went to my room. I changed into comfortable clothes and fell asleep.

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