Love is forbidden (Anakin Sky...

By rhinestonecowgirl14

34.8K 375 29

Mia Petrova was a Orphan founded by grand master Yoda and Master Windu on a trip to Naboo when she was two ye... More

Love is forbidden (Anakin Skywalker love story)


1.4K 16 1
By rhinestonecowgirl14

Mia's outfit which well be her main outfit and how she'll have her hair for most of the story.

It's now been a year an half since the attack on  geonosis that started this war that were in now. All the Jedi are all scattered across the galaxy anakin and I are secretly married and it's been wonderful when we actually get to be together. The first seven months we were in the outer rims with Obi-Wan and anakins new padwon ahsoka he wasn't happy at first with having to become a teacher and looking after someone other then his self but she quickly grew on him. I remember her from when I help master Yoda teach the youngly class when she was smaller. It's now been three months since I seen anakin in person before that it was five months after we're together for seven months its been hard we keep in contact through hologram calling and we've come up with hand signals to let each other know we miss the other or tell each other we love you. I been on different mission here and there if I'm not lucky enough to team with anakin and Obi-Wan I've been pair with kit fisto and Ayala sercna a time or two talk about drama. But mostly I been assign to guard padme which is fine with me because we're best friends and sometimes Chancellor Palpatine will request me to guard him on small mission which is also fine he become a father figure to me. Now I was with padme and 3po to meet a secret ambassador to discuss foreigning a alliance. " wait you actually saw them together " padme ask shocked about what we were gossiping about with kit and Aayla romance I had caught them together when I was on the last mission with them." Yep arms rubbing each others and kissing " I tell her " what did you do?" She ask " I try to act like I didn't see anything " I answer " but that didn't pass well with aayla she came to me afterwards and said I better not say anything to no one that I don't have any room to talk " I tell padme" what she mean by that" padme ask worried " her exact words was that she sees the way Skywalker and I look at each other and that it's obviously were banging" I tell her rolling my eyes at the memory" she actually said that to you?" padme ask her eyes widening " yes word for word and believe me it was hard to reframe from hitting her " I said as we both burst out laughing " I can image " padme tells me " we worked it out later tho, I told her what her and him do is on them and isn't my business just as mine and anakin is our business she apologized so we're cool now" I tell her " well that's good at least ,did you tell ani about it " padme ask " yea he wasn't happy that she threatened me like that but he calm down he's worried more people will suspect us if they don't already ,we both think Obi-Wan knows but if he does he turns a blind eye. " I tell her " well didn't you tell me he almost caught you two kissing once actually?" Padme ask " yea I remember that" I laugh " it was right after we got married we were at the Jedi temple practicing on our lightsaber skills before we actually became generals  and....well you know how competitive anakin is he can't take being beaten by anyone even me ,we started play fighting after arguing on who was actually better. We started hitting and chasing each other with the practice saber then we tackles each other to the ground and right when he goes to kiss me in walks obiwan " I say blushing at the memory. Suddenly I'm remembering that exact moment "pinned ya  " I say to anakin smirking while sitting on top of him holding both our practice lightsabers in my hands now against his neck he smirks up at me "oh really now" he said he grabs my butt causing me to squeal catching me off guard then suddenly I'm flipped over and looking up at him wide eyed from below him now he was now smirking down at me " you were saying sweetheart " anakin said giving me a wink " no fair you cheated " I pout " no angel it was fair and square which proves I'm the better fight between us " he said " oh so grabbing your opponents butt is how you win " I say smarting off to him rolling my eyes " only to you my angel " anakin says winking again still laying on top of me he goes to lean in closer to my lips just before ours lips meet " what is going on here " I hear obiwan voice coming in from behind us we quickly come to our feet. "Oh he was not happy with us at all. We both got a chewing out big time by him tho anakin tried to argue that nothing was gonna happen but obiwan's not stupid and didn't fall for it but luckily he never reported us" I added remembering that memory " I still can't believe he never reported you two to the Jedi councils " padme said shaking her head" well I think it's because he had a love flame too when he was younger back on Mandalore with that duchess Satine " I tell her "oh yea I know her she is pretty " padme said " mmhm " I humm in agreement.

" miss padme, miss Mia are you two sure this is safe" 3po said coming into the control room with us worried as usual " yes 3po I got a message from a reliable source that this ambassador wants to meet and to foreign a alliance that could hopefully end this war soon" padme tells him " I hope so that be nice" I say " yes which is why this meeting needs to happen " padme said as we stop the jump speed we come in right in the middle of a battle " what the this isn't where we was told to meet" padme said shock " no it's not we're in the middle of a battle and that's a droid control ship right there " I say pointing to the grant ship in front of us I then senses a familiar presences Anakin... we hear Ahsoka on the radio calling to us " Naboo control ship what's your cornets" she ask I push the hologram calling button to go through to them " this is general Petrova and senator Amidila we are supposed to be meeting a ambassador about an alliance " I say then anakin come on the hologram " Mia what are you doing here its dangerous here" he shouts panic in his voice " I see that but this is the cornects they gave us it seems to be wrong " I tell him I get the feeling this was a set up along when I feel our ship being pulled to the droid control ship we were being pulled in " Mia ,padme get out of here now" he shouts to us still panic in his voice " we can't we're being pull in I see now this was a trap I will not be held hostage for war trade do not hold your fire "padme shouts to them and cutting the hologram calling off as we land in the droids landing dock I started to type on the control panel" oh this is a disaster what are we going to do " 3po panics " relax we'll be fine I'm setting up a self distrut so the ship will blow itself up in five minutes, little trick ani taught me" I say while I have a small smile thinking about when anakin showed me all kinds of tricks on ships and starfighters. We run off the ship and hide behind some crates we see a couple of droids and general grievous himself " check the ship I want those stowaways brought to me pronto to take to Count Dooku" he commands after they left we take off running down the hallway " oh goodness my maker we're going to die" 3po panic again" we'll be fine if you just hush " I tell him we then hear the ship blow up we hide again as grievous comes running out" find those stowaway now and get that hyperdrive fix" he orders taking off somewhere I use that time to call Ahsoka I tell her that their hyperdrive is messed up and they were trying to fix it then anakin and Obi-Wan pop in saying they were on board to help save us" what I told you not to and kept firing " padme shouts to him " someone had to come save your skins " he tells her she shouldn't be surprised he never follows orders but I was glad he didn't listen this time " whatever just meet us at the transport center and get outta here" I tell him " on it" ani said we then head off there.

      We arrive but we don't see anakin or Obi-Wan no where " where are they" padme ask " late as usual " I said I look up to see blasting coming from behind us from droids I pull my lightsaber out and start destroying them as padme pulls out her blaster and blasting them as well anakin and Obi-Wan show up" its about time" I say to them we jump on the transporters train " padme do you trust me " I ask her " yes " she said " then hold on I can use the force and carry you to Obi-Wan " I tell her " okay"  she said I lift her and it works " good job " Obi-Wan praises I then jump to anakin and landing in his arms as we go under a tunnel " the things you do to get me alone" he said smirking " just stop talking " I tell him and pull his lips to mine as we kiss it felt amazing being in his arms after so long I felt safe like I was where I belong we let go as we heard Obi-Wan on the communicator "we'll l head to the ship you two head to the control panel and destroy the hyper drive I'll get the droid meet you back at the ship" Obi-Wan tells us " we're on it" anakin tells him " duty calls " I say " yes it does" ani said as we took off.

We made it to the control room destroying droids that were in there with our lightsabers as we move in sync together. Anakin starts messing with the hyperdrive " I guess I'll house clean then " I said "so atleast it'll look like we weren't here " I say "love you" ani said to me " yea yea " I say to him he grins " there it's finish now they'll think it's fix and when they go to to use it it'll blow up on them " anakin said as we go to leave " Ever since I known you you've been playing with droids " I teased him " ha yea I use to build them now I take them apart" anakin said shaking his head" I wonder if Obi-Wan and padme had any trouble with 3po" I ask " I don't know but I'm not worry about them for the moment"  anakin saids as he puts his hands on my face and kisses me again  more passionately as the elevator doors closes oh I've missed him.

We landed back to Corascant the councils order Obi-Wan and anakin back to the outer rims and I'm to stay with padme but they weren't leaving till tomorrow which meant anakin and I had tonight until who knows how long after we were dismiss we decide to make the most of it we went back to our apartment that's attached to padme's she given to us as a wedding gift so we could have our own place it was nice and private and it not on any of the building data base so we are completely safe from getting caught. It had its own skylight and balcony I don't usually stay here unless anakin is home with me.

We were laying together in bed cuddling after we made love for the third time tonight since we been back this our clothes were scattered all over the floor I was wearing anakins reddish Brown under shirt as I was watching him trying to sleep with his hand over his eyes and his metal arm around me " your staring " he said " I'm gazing " I correct him" it's creepy " he said while smirking " no it's romantic " I tell him he then takes his pillow and hides his face I gasp as I acted like I was mad and try to take the pillow off his face but he tackles me instead causing us to make love again for the fourth time tonight... " I love you so much Mia " he tells me as sweat is coming down his face " I love you too anakin so much " I tell him catching my breath we share a kiss again then finally let sleep take us.

I awoke up to the sun starting to shine on my face. I dreaded this anakin has to leave in an hour back to the outer rims siegers I don't know when will see each other again the part I hate most about this war is being separated from him. I roll over to my side facing anakin still sleeping peacefully he look so handsome. I rise up to him kissing his lips softly then going down his neck causing him to stir groaning slightly " damn woman don't you believe in sleep "anakin say grappling " I can't help it my husband is so sexy I can't control myself" I say continuing to kiss his chest down to his abs making him groan "baby I need to gain my strength back before we go another round again " anakin said still sleepy I looked up at him then back down again smirking back up at him " by the way the sheets rising in a certain area I would say otherwise " I say swinging my leg over him climbing on top of him and giving him the full view of my naked body gaining his full attention " besides you need to get up anyway your leaving in less then an hour" I say pretending to look at a invisible watch on my wrist smirking down at him while I grind my core against him " grr...don't remind me " he said looking up at me letting out a moan " oh what the hell " he said as he's reaching up to kiss me wrapping his arms around me rolling us over to were his on top of me never breaking the kiss.

The depart was quick beings Obi-Wan and ahsoka were there we hug slightly he pulls a strand of hair behind my ear his signal of telling me he loves me and I put my hand behind his ear my signal that I love him too " I'll see you soon my angel " ani whispers" I know ani please be careful " I till him he nods " look after them" I tell Ahsoka " I'll try " she said smiling she always has look up to me as a role model I was flatter by that. I look to Obi-Wan " try to keep out of trouble " I tease him he smirks " ha tell that to anakin here " he laughs walking on to their ship " hey!" Anakin yells after him we share one last look before he parts on the ship taking off.

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