The family man

Bởi CountVustafa

3.1K 178 57

Harry and Niall have been together since they were kids. The Family Man is a heart-warming, humorous story of... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

261 20 6
Bởi CountVustafa





Harry steps inside the house he despises so much. Gosh, the house has this weird mixture of smells he could not put his hands on. It stinks and in dire need of some sage cleansing. He looks at the living room, a mess of Christmas wrappers and candy scattered on the tattered carpet by the Christmas tree. Harry sighs, he is just way too tired to care about this shit right now.

He drags his feet up the stairs, sighing as he felt something gooey on his fingers. He sees the door of his bedroom from across the hall. A picture of him and Niall hand-in-hand smiling widely at the camera, and the words Daddies on the bottom.


It was like seeing something he had no collection of.

Harry rests on the edge of the bed, letting the exhausting builds on him. He was tired. He'd drove more than eight hours since the beginning of this nightmare, and all he wants to do now is rest. Niall enters the room shortly after, holding a phone to his ear. He looked at him in a fury.

"One moment."

Harry stares at him, he's decently dressed now, nothing fancy but dang he's still a looker.

"You stopped dying your hair."

A curious look from Niall. "Yeah. Ten years ago."

Niall stands in the corner of the room, looking at Harry, his face completely blank, giving away nothing. "Are you okay? You wanna talk about it?"

Harry took a breath. "Yeah. I'm fine. Really."

He gives him a resolute nod, then continues on the phone conversation.

Harry grimaces as Niall angrily hangs up the phone then glares him down. He remembers the fight he used to have with Niall. Niall was smaller than him, but hey, he packed a mean punch. Don't be fooled by that angelic face and bright smile. That was Harry's first mistake.

"Are you completely insane, Harry? Do you have any idea what you put us through today? You walked out of here at 7:30 in the morning, didn't tell me where you're going, or bring your phone, and I don't see you till hours later. I was on the phone with the police for Jesus' sake!"

Harry watches him vent, the frustration on his face building. He hadn't been told off like this since forever. He hates the feeling of wanting to scream  back but feeling absolutely powerless to do so.

"Why would you leave your family on Christmas morning without a word about where you're going?"

Harry grits his teeth and clamps his hands together in frustration. Harry is almost at the brink of bursting.

"Who does that?"

"I don't know! Please stop yelling at me! Fuck," spits Harry venomously. "Jesus, shut up."

Niall stares at him, deadpan. He crosses his arms tightly against his chest.

"Where were you?"

Harry sighs, "I was in the city."

"The city? What city? The town council?"

"London," says Harry meekly, embarrassed. "Because that's where I'm meant to be."

Niall scoffs, "Harry, don't you start."

"Look, you don't understand. I woke up here and everything's different. This is very weird and surreal trip. This is not my house," expresses Harry animatedly, moving around the room. "I'm not a dad. And you're not my husband Niall. We've never married."

Niall remains expressionless. "You know what, Harry? It's really not funny this time. I'm genuinely cross at you. And you have the cheek to put all of this on me?"

As the tension in the room raised, Conor enters the room riding his new bike.

Harry watches as he pedals over, ushers Harry to get to his short height.

"Thanks, Dad!"

Conor gives a peck on Harry's cheek and rides excitedly out of the room on her bike leaving Harry and Niall alone again.

"You missed the whole thing, Harry. The pancakes, the presents, the twins laughing hysterically when they saw the present we gave them. And Jack stood on his own. You missed it. For god's sake, you spent six hours putting that bike together on your own and you didn't even get to see the look on Conor's face when he opened it."

Harry finally sees the disappointment on Niall's face.

"You missed Christmas, Harry."

Harry looks down at his hands, he felt almost  ashamed and regreful. He remembers being a kid and one time his dad missed it, because he couldn't make it back home on time due to the snow. He felt sad the entire day. Harry relents, giving in to the moment.

"I'm so sorry."

Niall looks at him and sighs. "Look, we don't have time for this right now, we'll talk about it later. Now get dressed. You'e not wearing that to the Tomlinson party."  

Harry looks worried, "Oh no, I can't go to a party."

Niall cocks an eyebrow at him, "You look forward to this party all year. What's with you today? You're acting really weird."

"Trust me on this Niall. I really don't think going to a party is the right move for me at the moment."

Niall looks at him for a moment, then shakes his head. "Fine. Do whatever you want."

He walks past him to the hallway. He could feel Niall's eyes watching his every move. Harry opens the door, and to his disappointment it's a closet.

"Where the is the bathroom?"

"Really funny, Harry. I'm truly laughing on the inside."


The light comes on in the toilet. Harry walks in and pauses for a moment. He was a little apprehensive to look in the mirror. But Harry was determined to collect himself after this morning's disaster. He glances around the green tiled space. The bathroom is teeny tiny and it's cluttered with razors, loofahs, baby creams, toothbrushes and stuff he never ever thought to buy.

"What the fuck is all these crap." None of this stuff is his.

Harry looks in the mirror again, luckily his good looks hadn't changed a bit, and he definately wasn't living for the thicker scruff and the higher hairline.  But he stilled looks good. Harry looks around the space, he feels a sense of displacement. Nothing belonged to him. He doesn't even know where to start. He stares at himself and looks down.

When was the last time I fucking manscaped?

And Harry starts to lose it. He begins breaking down. Grabbing the old grisly looking towel hanging beside the mirror and screamed into it.

After a moment, Harry turns on the water, rinsing his face.

"Get yourself together mate."



Harry and Niall arrives to garishly loud house. Harry didn't keep his comments to himself and annoyed Niall with critiques of the cheesy bright decor of the Tomlinson family home. Niall rings the bell.

Eleanor Tomlinson opens the door, "Niall, Harry. Great you could come. Everybody, Niall and Harry are here!"

Harry looks right past her the brunette to the house filled with guests looking as shabby as he was.  Harry's eyes darts around the room. It was definitely much larger and neater and smelled lovelier than their house. He glanced at the fishing trophies on the mantle above the fireplace.

He got to meet the Tomlinson kids, who were very well behaved and even though they ran in and out of the house, showing people their new toys they got for Christmas, they were really polite and charming.

Harry sighs. It's so mediocre.

Nobody is wearing any fancy dress or eating fine delicacies imported from Turkey or Spain, but everyone looked like they were having a good time. Just as Harry was about to shift from his spot to another quieter location, he spots the pretty lady that had been eyeing him from the moment he entered the house.

Harry smiles at her direction and nudges her to come to him.

"Hey, Harry. How's it going?"

"Well. It's a great Christmas," replies Harry, giving her a dimpled smile. "You look absolutely ravishing."

The lady blushes.

Yup, still got it.

"I see you standing here all alone," says the lady, clicking her heels and took a creamed covered muffin near Harry's mouth. "Have you tried my muffins?"

"I would love to try your muffins," says Harry flirtatiously. "Oh look, I always lick the cream first."

The lady blushes deep red.

At the corner of the living room, Niall sees Harry taking a bite of the muffin from the lady. Niall looks away and continues the conversation with the other guys.


Harry comes down the stairs from the bathroom. He looks across the room and sees Niall being surrounded by the guests, he stops and takes him in. God. Niall looks amazing in simple dark jeans and smart blue Oxford shirt. His beauty made it so easy for him to look effortlessly beautiful.

Harry passes through the guests, he wants to hear what  Niall was saying.

Niall's eyes meets his and he gives him a subtle smile.

"Then she asks me to put this sweater on. What choice do I have, right? I mean she was a doe eyed intern."

Harry watches as Niall charms the crowd.

"But as I was slipping on the jumper, I noticed that she had misspelled the word lawyers," the crowd laughs. "I had to go through the entire day and night, in public wearing a hand embroidered sweater that said, Non-Profit Layers We Do It For Free. I swear I had more than enough inappropriate calls to last me a lifetime."

The guests laugh again. Even Harry finds himself laughing at the story.

"So you're a lawyer."

A chuckle from the group. Niall looks at him, unsure what he was playing at.

"A non-profit lawyer."

People starts to snicker.

Niall turns red.

"You don't get paid at all. Nobody makes a dime. Well, bravo, at least your conscience is clean."

Everyone stops and stares, including Niall.



Niall and Harry walks to the front door in silence. Ever since they left the party, Niall hadn't spoken a word to him. The couple walked in eerie awkwardness in the night.

As Niall opens the front door, Colin the dog greets them happily, jumping up on Harry, licking him at all direction.

"I better go wake my parents."

Niall grabs a leash off a back door hook and hands it to Jack.

"Here you go, big shot," says Niall, hinting the sarcasm.

"You're kidding me. Niall, I'm exhausted," whines Harry.

Niall shrugs, "He's your dog, Harry."

"No, he's not."

"Fine, he's the kids' dog. Let's wake up the kids' shall we, and you and them can go on the walk together," says Niall, venemously.


Harry grabs the leash and shakes his head at the situation he's in. He looks at the adorable golden retriever starring at him with his droopy eyes, tail wagging excitedly.

"At least, you like me right."

The dog barks.

"You know how to go back here right? What's your name again, dog?"

Colin ignores him.


When Harry got home, he finds Niall already in bed,  all tucked-in and fast asleep. Harry tiptoes into the room, his face and ears still pink from the cold outside. He pauses and stares at Niall sleeping body on the bed. He takes off his shirt and khakis, laying them orderly on the chair. Harry walks to the dresser and finds a pair of flannel pajamas folded on the dresser. He shakes his head in defeat, then dons the pajamas and climbs into bed.


Harry opens his eyes. A hankering headache pounding in his head.  The sunlight almost feels too bright with bursts of light hitting his tired peepers from the window. Just like his old town house in London. He reaches across the bed and finds the emptiness in the space.

Fuck. Thank you god.

A smile appears on Harry's face as he puts his head back on the pillow, zoning off to slumber land again.

It was only for a day.

Suddenly the sound of a baby crying erupts from the next room. Harry instantly goes upright with a distressed look on his face.

Fuck, I'm still here.

Now the baby is wailing like an old Marine Ship.

Harry lies back to the bed, blocking his ears with the thin pillows, hoping this entire nightmare stops. Then, he hears the sound of the bathroom door shutting. Harry jumps out of bed and runs clumsily to the bathroom.


He hears a familiar sound blasting from inside the bathroom. The door was unlock.


Harry knocks the door. But he still hears Niall singing in the shower.


The music stops and Niall opens the door. 

Harry's jaws dropped as he sees Niall's naked upper torso. Niall had definitely worked out in the years Harry missed. His pale chest was well developed, all tough and muscular looking and those defined abs. And Harry likes the light amount of chest hair he left on his chest, not too much, not too little. Harry can't help himself that seeing Niall like this was something he definitely missed.


Harry coughs, "The baby is crying."

Niall raises an eyebrow. "And?"

Harry tries to turn his gaze away from his naked body, only to be starring back at it again.

"Don't give me that, Harry. I'm not taking over. It's Tuesday. It's your turn. And try to get James to day care on time alright. He missed his painting class last week and I had to hear a scolding from some of the parents. Gosh, these people are so insufferable," says Niall, closing the door and turning the music back up.



Conor is watching his dad awkwardly while standing in front of a changing table with his baby brother James on his back, playing with a set of plastic keys.  His dad has been always on point when it comes to changing James' and the twin's diapers. But today he seems off.

Harry takes a fresh Huggies diaper and puts it next to the baby. He observes the little curly haired baby, he was making bubbles with his saliva. James suddenly spits at Harry, hitting his lips.

"I can't believe this."

He looks over to Conor.. He's still observing him by the corner like a hawk. Harry crabs the Huggies packet and reads the detailed instruction at the back.

"Pull tape."

Harry searches the diaper for the tabs of tape, then carefully pulls them apart, releasing the diaper from the James' bottom.

"Oh my lord."

Harry almost puked when he saw the inside of the diaper. He hears Conor giggling at the corner, this is all amusement for him. Harry holds the diaper out away from him, searching for a place to put it.

Conor points to a weird looking bin by the dresser.

Harry couldn't find the pedal to open the bin and hits it several times on the side, only to find that you open it by pressing the top. Harry throws the diaper in, and quickly pushes back the lid.

Conor then points to the container of Baby Wipes.

"You're kidding me?"

Conor shakes his hear.

"You're not really our dad, right?"

Harry turns to him. Conor was starring back at him with complete alertness. They stare at each other a moment.

Harry sighs. "No, I'm not."

A look of curiosity from Conor as he approached Harry.

"I am an international singer, writer, producer, actor and model.  I work with big names in the music industry, you know?"

Conor stares at Harry blankly.

" I live in this fancy house in this fabulous neighborhood and I can buy just about anything I want."

Conor only nods and continues starring at Harry, still suspicious.

"This isn't my real life. I'm not your real dad. I just look like him. This is a punishment for me because I said something I shouldn't have," says Harry, he instantly regrets saying that out loud to the child.

"Then, where is my real dad?"

"I truly don't know."

A concerned look appears on
face. Harry instantly regrets saying that as Conor looks like he was about to cry. He couldn't have two - including himself, three - crying people in the same room.

"But don't worry, he loves you and I'm sure he'll be back very soon."

Conor breaks into a smile, and approaches Harry.

"They really did a good job."

Harry looks at her confused. "Who did?"

"The wizards."

Harry feels a sigh of relief. "Uh. Thanks, I guess. But I'm slightly better looking though, right?"

Coner shrugs.

"Do you like kids mister wizard?"

Harry pauses. "Not entire fond of them. More of a case by case basis."

"You know how to make chocolate milk?"

"Sure. I think I could figure it out."

"And you promise not to kidnap me and my brothers and put spells to control brains? And return our daddy back to us very soon?"

Harry breaks into a smile. He likes this kid. He has spunk. He reminds him of a young Niall.

"Okay then. Welcome to the muggle world, mister wizard."

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