Por writerchick88

10.6K 242 16

What would happen if Charlotte Flair debuted in the Attitude Era where women were merely over looked and unde... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 27

250 8 1
Por writerchick88

"What?" Charlotte's mind raced back to the present. She was in a match, in the middle of the ring and she had completely spaced out.
"Fall, Charlotte." Chyna instructed quietly.
Charlotte fell and sold Chyna's attack just in time to take the pin. They were in a non title match after Charlotte mocked Chyna in a promo, stating she could beat her with her hands tied behind her back. That was not the case. Charlotte took the loss and Chyna was made to look very strong going into her future battle with Hunter. Charlotte was probably one of the most physical matches Chyna would have outside of the men. They always outsold.
While Chyna stood victorious, Charlotte tried to leave the ring quietly until she was called back.
"Where do you think you're going?" Chyna grabbed the back of her head and threw her to the floor. "We're not done by a long shot, Princess."
Charlotte looked up from the ring and kicked. "That's queen!"
They began to brawl. Hit for hit was exchanged until Hunter's music started, distracting Charlotte. Chyna took full advantage and knocked Charlotte out as Hunter appeared. He ran into the ring, grabbing Chyna, throwing her to the ground. He lifted Charlotte just in time for Chyna to low blow him and kick him over. She stood on his side with her arms in the air and the crowd went crazy. This was going to be some feud.
Once the commercial break hit, Charlotte and Hunter staggered out of the ring and Chyna followed soon after. While Hunter was oblivious to Charlotte's obvious distraction, Chyna noticed and commented.
"What was going on back there?"
"It's nothing." Charlotte absently slipped her hand into her bag and put her ring back on. She was trying to end the conversation as smoothly as possible without arousing Hunter's suspicions. He'd been in his own little world as well. They weren't doing very well in the communication department.
"No, something is off and I want to know what." Chyna was prying. "You know the one rule I have for being in the ring with me is total focus. People get hurt when our minds are elsewhere."
"Just leave it alone, Joanie."
Hunter stormed off and Charlotte and Chyna just stared at each other. He never called her that. Not even when they were dating. This was serious and they both knew he wasn't dealing with the news he'd gotten very well.
The night of their engagement, Hunter learned that his father was out of prison. Not only was he out, but his mother had allowed him to move back into the house. None of this sat well with Hunter.
He'd told Charlotte as soon as he knew and shrugged it off like it didn't matter, but it did. He'd been distant. Anytime she tried to talk he'd just shut down and use sex as a way to escape the conversation. It had Charlotte wondering if they were even getting married at this point. He hadn't even told his friends and family then were really engaged yet.
"Does he talk about it?" Chyna looked extremely worried.
"No. He's not ready yet, I guess. I really wish he would, but all I can do is be there. I don't even know how to begin to understand what he's going through. I'm so close with my dad and I couldn't imagine hating him."
"They have such a complicated history."
"And it's even worse now with everything going on. This is supposed to be a happy time for us. I hate that it feels this way." Charlotte fiddled with the huge diamond on her hand and Chyna grabbed it.
"This ring is so beautiful. Hunter really went all out for a prop ring." Chyna studied the ring and placed a hand on her chin. "I swear it looks so legit."
Charlotte nervously drew her hand back and Chyna's eyes widened. "We haven't told anyone but my folks."
"We're engaged."
"How did it happen? Tell me everything!" Chyna's excitement meant the world to Charlotte. She had been previously nervous about how everyone would take the news. She thought people might think it was too soon. She feared her friends wouldn't be happy for them, but here Chyna was waiting on the details and genuinely happy about their life changing decision.
"I found the ring before he could ask. I was looking for socks." Charlotte shrugged.
"He hid it in his sock drawer? How romantic." Chyna rolled her eyes.
"No, it really was romantic. I found the ring and naturally thought it was just for the story and he caught me looking at it. I was crushed because it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, but it wasn't real. I thought I was going to cry into my pillow all night."
"But—I mean there has to be a but because you're sporting that goofy grin and won't stop fiddling with that damn ring."
"I tried to give it back and put on a brave face and he stopped me. He said the sweetest things—he'd heard me the night I told him I meant my proposal but thought he'd dreamt it up. He turned me down of course and went into this ultra sweet confession of why he could never let me propose to him. He's had this ring since before we broke up. He said he'd known the night we first made love that he was going to marry me. He said I deserved to be asked."
"Oh my God. That's adorable."
"I know, we're sappy and so corny, but—"
"No, really, that's probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard him say. I'm glad you got it that way. You guys really deserve this."
"I'm so in love. We talked about so much and I know we have had our issues, but I felt like we were ready."
"And you don't now?"
"His dad being back is a big deal. He sent Hunter down a dark path before. I think we're strong enough to get through this, but what if he doesn't? He won't talk about it, and when we don't talk we do stupid things. I don't want to mess up again."
"He loves you."
"I know that, I—"
"No, he really loves you. When he told me you were coming to work here, I can't lie, I didn't take it the best. I wanted to hate you, I told him I would. He told me that if I wanted to hate someone it needed to be him because once I met you I'd see how special you were and I'd love you too. He was right, but any guy who would tell the ex he cheated on that she'd love the woman he fell in love with while they were together has to be so in love they can't see straight."
"Did you know I was the one the whole time? Even when you picked me to take your belt?"
"At first he never said your name. He just said he reconnected with someone he'd thought he was over and the feelings were even stronger than before. He didn't give me your name until he knew you were going to be working with us. At that point I did. All the old feelings of resentment rushed back for a moment and I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to handle seeing you.  I didn't know if I could watch the two of you."
"We weren't going to be together. That was never the plan until it happened. I think we both tried to act like we could exist without a romantic relationship."
"I knew you wouldn't. Not with the way he talked about that night. The way he described it, I knew he'd found something. I envied that for a while. I wasn't sure why he had let it go so easily."
"He said he was scared. I also think he wanted to make sure he preserved his relationship with you. He knew running straight to me would have been insensitive. As much as we know about Hunter, we know he loves his friends so much he'd do anything for them."
"Including risking his own happinesses to respect my feelings." Chyna nodded.
"He's never admitted that to me, but I've suspected it for a while. He respects you so much."
"I respect him too. And that's why I listened when he spoke about you. When I first saw you arrive I heard what you said to Vince about working and not wanting handouts and how much out of all people here you respected me the most and hoped you'd be as good as me. You talked about my matches and knew the moves from memory. In that moment I felt like you were my biggest fan, and I coincidentally became yours."
"Really? Why?"
"You were a breath of fresh air and you reminded me that we don't have to be enemies. It's no secret the spots for women are limited and we have to compete for everything, but you wanted to band together. I respect that. I thought that if all the girls took on your attitude we could implement changes around here. I was right. It's getting better, but we have so much work to do."
"So much work, but I'm willing."
"Me too." Chyna smiled. "There was a time when I only looked out for myself, but I see how selfish that was. This match between me and Hunter has the potential to create so many paths for us. I'm just nervous I won't do it justice."
"You will." Charlotte grabbed her hand. "I have ever bit of faith in you and Hunter wants this too. He's going to do all he can to make it the best match."
"He's so dedicated to this job." Charlotte silently agreed with her as she spoke. "He's also dedicated to you. Make him talk to you. Don't take no for an answer tonight."
"I don't want to push too hard. This situation is very delicate."
"You're going to be his wife, push. He has to know that you're not going anywhere and that you're not going to be shut out. Establish it early in."
Chyna walked away, and Charlotte headed toward their dressing room. Hunter was already in his street clothes and had hers laid out. She quickly showered and dressed without saying much. She'd save the hard conversation for their hotel suite.
"Oh, God. Oh, shit." Hunter bit his lip as he gripped Charlotte's hips tighter. She'd tried to talk and he'd stripped her the minute they hit their hotel room. She protested at first before giving in. He was getting to good at shutting her up just to shut her out.
She dug her nails into his chest as he lifted her and heard the growl he let out. Charlotte spaced out as he guided her to his desired speed with her nails digging deeper into his sweat drizzled chest. She could hear him grunting louder, but she couldn't stop herself. She was completely out of it.
"Baby." He attempted to lift her hands and she didn't budge. "Charlotte." He obtained her attention by ceasing his movements and her hands went limp.
She looked down at his chest and the welps she'd caused. "Babe, I'm sorry." She shook her head, resisting the urge to cry. She wasn't aware of her emotions being so close to the surface. "Let me get you some ice."
She climbed off of him and he stopped her. "No. Don't go. I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"You're distracted and you have been for days, but it's not your fault."
"You have a lot of things on your mind. I didn't want to add to it."
"That doesn't give me the right. I'm turning your special time into a nightmare, and that wasn't my intention. I know you want to tell your friends and do all the things a bride should."
"There is plenty of time for that." Charlotte tried to act as if it wasn't a big deal, but she had been out of sorts over his change in mood.
"No, not a lot because I don't want to make this a long drawn out thing. The sooner I get to marry you the better."
She was surprised. She thought for sure it would be a while with all the new revelations. "How long are we talking about?"
"Six months, give or take a few."
"That's soon, Hunter. There is a lot to do."
"There is, but I think we can pull it off."
"Maybe." Charlotte looked away absently. They still hadn't discussed the real issue. "Hunter, how are you feeling about everything with your dad?"
"I'm trying not to think about it. I really don't like discussing it. He doesn't matter."
"He does if it's making you so unhappy you can't talk to me. Until just now I wasn't even sure you still wanted to get married."
"What? Why would you question that? I love you."
"I know you do, but I also know how much turmoil your relationship with you dad bring to our lives. It had you questioning if you could even love me because of how he is. I think it cost us years we could have shared together."
"I thought you said what we've been through made us stronger."
She gripped his hand. "It did, but imagine if we could have admitted we loved each other from the start."
"I don't know what my life would be."
"Me either, but I would have had you."
"You have me now and I'd very much like to marry you as soon as I can, but I still want the day to be special."
"I still want to meet your mom."
"I don't know if that's possible. I swore I'd never see that man again. And I definitely don't want him around you."
"I'm a grown woman. I can handle myself. But are you going to abandon your mom because your dad is home?"
"How could she take him back? What does that say about her?"
She sat behind him on the bed and put her chin on his shoulder. "Did you ask?"
"I never got to speak to her. He answered and I hit the roof. I haven't been answering her calls since."
"Maybe you should call. Make the effort."
"What am I going to say? I'm so angry."
"Say that. Ask her why. But don't disappear. I've been there before. Making all the wrong decisions before I got one right. And feeling like you're alone makes it ten times worse."
"Do you still get scared? Even though he's dead, do you have those moments where you just let fear take over?"
"Not as often as it used to, but yes. Sometimes it wakes me up."
"I don't know. Maybe because everything is so perfect with you it seems unrealistic. You will have gone to the restroom or something and I'll wake up in bed alone and a panic hits. I'll wonder if I dreamed of this life we have and then you appear and I'm at ease. You give me a calmness I've never had before."
"You always lay your head on my chest when I get back into the bed."
"I like hearing your heartbeat. It solidifies everything for me and I'm the happiest I've ever been in those moments."
"I hate it that you still worry."
"I know. It's going to take a while."
He nodded and she slid her hands down to cross at his chest. She exhaled into her hair and he kissed her arms.
"You didn't want sex tonight, did you?"
"What?" She was caught off guard.
"When we got here you tried to talk to me and I shut you down. I didn't let you talk, and when you said no I found a way to make you say yes. I was being an asshole."
"You didn't force me."
"Not physically."
"Baby, if you don't want to, I should never push. You should never feel like you have to hurt me to get me to stop."
"That wasn't what—"
"Forgive me."
She slid into his lap and palmed his cheek. "I love sex with you. I was just in a different headspace and if we would have had this talk before I'd still be making love to you now. I always want you. I want you when you're not even aware that I do."
"You don't have to say that."
"I hate that your dad makes you so insecure about the way I love you. You question so much about us when you're trying so desperately to make sure you're nothing like him."
"I just want to be sure I never make you do anything you don't want."
"Babe, I'd never let you make me ride you."
He laughed at her joke. She looked deeply into his eyes and sighed. He seemed calmer. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She knew he hated being vulnerable, but he was growing so much when it came to his feelings.
"How did you get so good at this fiancé stuff?"
"This beautiful man taught me how to fall in love and the rest was easy."
"Easy? How easy?"
"Like riding a bike. I could do it with my eyes closed."
"No baby, you're clumsy. You need your eyes open. You'd smack into a wall."
"How about I smack you?" She raised her hand and he caught her, pulling her over. She landed in his lap in all her naked glory.
"I like you right here." He gripped her inner thigh and leaned in for a kiss. She met him halfway and crossed her arms around his neck.
"I can stay as long as you want." Her hips shifted, allowing him to fill her completely. She didn't get all her questions answered. She figured she probably never would. "Mmmhhhh. That feels nice." She bit his lip. "Didn't we have something to finish?"
"We're restarting. You don't get to pause in this match."
"I never need to."
She laid her head against his chest and he flipped them. He spent what was left of his night inside her before succumbing to the sleep their bodies craved.
Somewhere around three in the morning, Charlotte woke and had a sudden urge. Grabbing his phone, she dialed a number and waited for an answer. When she heard her father's voice she slipped into the restroom.
"Is something wrong?"
She felt a pang of guilt listening to his sleep riddled voice.
"It's nothing. We're great, I just— I just wanted to call."
"At three in the morning?" Ric sounded unconvinced. "No, something is up. Hunter do something? And don't lie to me."
"He didn't do anything. I just needed to know how bad things are with him and his father. I know about why he went to prison, but there had to be more before that. He won't talk about it."
Ric sighed. "Sweetheart, I know you love him, and I know he loves you. So do you truly think going around him and asking me is the best thing to do?"
Charlotte closed her eyes and exhaled. "No. I'd be violating the trust he has for you. And for me. I don't want to do that."
"Then try with him again. Get him to open up to you."
"I don't want to—"
"You push as hard as you need to. Don't always be so afraid that love is going to leave you. It won't. He'd rather die than be without you. Give him a reason to tell you everything or give him the option of losing you."
"But I don't want to lose him either. I don't want to even pretend like I do."
Ric laughed. "This is the first time I've ever heard you fight for any man. It's a little offsetting."
"He's not just any man. I'm completely in love with him."
"That's the first time I've heard you say that too."
"It's the first time I've felt it. Agreeing to marry him wasn't even what happened. I asked first."
"That stunt on tv—"
"Wasn't a stunt. I asked him."
"Wow. I thought for sure it was just a story someone wrote for you that spurred him into action."
"We're probably the worst at following their scripts. You'd think they would just stop writing them for us."
They both got a laugh from that. "They might at some point. You guys are a real life soap opera."
Charlotte laughed a louder than she meant to. She was still talking when she heard the bathroom door open. Hunter's deep voice went right through her.
"Baby, I'm missing you in bed. Come back and give me round five."
"This is my cue." Ric announced. "Because I never want to hear how many times you've had sex in one night. What the hell are you two doing over there? Didn't you have work? How are you even—"
"Dad." She cut him off. "I love you and I'll talk to you soon."
She hung up and Hunter looked mortified. "You were—what are you doing talking to your dad at this hour? I... put our sex life on display for your dad."
"And he's efficiently grossed out." She couldn't help the smile that broke out across her face. He looked as if he had been gut punched. "He deserves it for all the ways he's embarrassed me over the years. It's fine."
"He's my mentor like a real—"
"Like a real father?" She finished for him.
"Yeah." He slid down to the floor. "I know I keep letting sex happen to distract you from talking about it. I shouldn't allow that to make you feel as if I don't want to share things with you."
"I know it's painful, but how will we ever get better if we don't discuss it?"
"It's not you. Don't ever think we need to get better, it's all me this time. I guess I figured if I ignored it those feelings would go away."
"Hunter if this is about our age difference again, you never forced me. You never made me feel unsafe when I was underage. You never touched or looked at me in a way that made me uncomfortable."
"I stayed my distance once I looked at you as more than a friend."
"And I was of age. There is no need for distance now. I'm here, I want to know all the things I don't. I can't keep living like this. Not with you freezing me out. I wasn't even sure we were still going to get married."
Hunter seemed to take on how serious it was with those words.  "I would never let my father win that way. He could never take you away from me. I wouldn't allow that."
"Then what? What is it? Because I can't ignore these feelings that I'm being shut out when we promised  to do and be better. We were doing so well."
"The guilt I feel isn't just because of the one time I admitted to seeing him do that to my cousin. I knew, or I suspected. I knew something was off way longer than I admitted and I didn't say anything. When I think about all the things I've done wrong that's at the top of the list. And what happened to you is right under it."
"I felt like he was doing that and had been for a while and one day I saw it with my own eyes. Maybe I didn't want to see it before, but I was always there when it happened. I'd get sent out to play and she'd be alone with him. Until that day. I walked in and saw it. She was screaming, she was crying so much and I ended it. And that night, with us, I saw your bruises. I could have asked. I could have marched over and kicked his ass and saved you from those last times, but like with my cousin, I was being a coward. How can you want to marry a man like that?"
"Is that why you want to get married so quickly?"
"I don't want you to wake up one day and figure out you made a mistake. I don't want you to realize you could do better and that I'm not the hero you think I am."
"Babe, you were a child. That is never going to be on you. It's up to the adults to make the world safe for children. We're going to make it safe for ours when the day comes. And as for me, you did save me. Without you I would have never had the courage to leave him. You have to believe that. I wish all of this didn't affect you so deeply."
"He threatened me."
Charlotte felt her blood boil. "How and with what?"
"He wants some of the settlement money or he threatened to tell you and the world what he is and how long I went without telling anyone what he was doing."
Charlotte closed her eyes and screamed. "He's such a bastard. It would hurt him more than you. That was never your fault or your job. He put you in a terrible position and no real parent would do that to a child."
"He's not a real parent. The only reason why people don't know about him now is because he never went to trial. He took a plea deal and now it could get out. He doesn't care about his reputation—only ruining mine."
"You were a child. No one can hold this against you."
"It just looks bad. I don't want anything I did touching you. I don't want it to affect you in any way, but I never want to let you go. I don't blame you if it's too much."
"I'm here. I'm never going anywhere. We will just face this head on. We're going to do it together this time."
She touched his face and he kissed her hand. "I don't what I'd do without—"
"You never have to find out." She pulled back and slapped him.
"Never keep things from me again. All these horrible things were running through my mind. I questioned our relationship and I was a mess at work."
"I'm sorry."
"I love you. I love you so damn much."
"I know you do. And I'll never keep anything from you again." He pulled her to him. "Let's get some sleep. We have training in a few hours."
"Push it back until nine." She nodded. "Suddenly I'm so tired."
He laughed as she rested her head against him. He picked her up and carried her to bed. They slept until around eight thirty, both waking to begin their day with all the tension between them gone. Charlotte was much more relaxed, and when she locked up with Hunter in the ring everything flowed naturally for her. Now all she had on her mind was work and the looming issue of his father. But she knew just the person to help them with that.

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