Singer of the moon (completed)

By johnathon_shadow1

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Disclaimer: this is a hazbin hotel fan fic, the world does not belong to me and I make no claims to the world... More

Chapter I- the birth of a darkness
Chapter II- An Fallen angel
Chapter III- Awaken the hidden demon
Chapter IV- nighttime games
Chapter V- subterfuge & skullduggery
Chapter VI- Embrace the heat
Chapter VII- the rise of the bloody moon
chapter VII- Night life of sin and delight
Original design
chapter VIIII- Did my heartbeat fade
Chapter X- notorious one Night stand
Chapter XI - Loveable illusion
Chapter XII- shattered mask
Chapter XIII- Born as the villain
chapter XIIII- Piano vs radio
chapter XV- Partners in crime and passion
Chapter XVI- dance with me, my love
Chapter XVII- sated hunger
Chapter XVIIII- cull the weak
Chapter XX- Fall of an empire
Chapter XXI- Please tell me the truth
Chapter XXII- man behind the piano
Chapter XXIII- Its a deal then my dear
Chapter XXIV: Knock Knock
Chapter XXV: heaven sent
Chapter XXVI: Ghost of yesterday
Chapter XXVII: Forgive me love
Chapter XXVIII: The big day
Hidden chapter: one day you shall be king

Chapter XVIII- Birth of a new overlord??

13 1 0
By johnathon_shadow1

Angel had woken up a few hours before the sun rose to rub his eyes the spider started to pop his back and let out a big moan from the pops relaxing his spine, lifting his arm the demon found his arms were littered with bite marks and very fuzzy memory of the events of the night before, flashing of a masked demon driving a dagger with the dagger breaking, the next thing was blood covering everything, with the demon dying "hey Ere" angel places his hand trying to awaken, but the suited demon was out like a light,  a glimmer of light hitting something catches his eye reaching with a thief like quickness angel pulled out a gun that looked like a colt .45 caliber handgun with black grips and a red-tinted rest, unable to resist angel pulled the slide back to find the was loaded, quickly putting the firearm back the demon got up with a sudden shuffle from the bed that turned out to be Erebus shifting to lay on his chest tucking one of his arms under his head the demon's wings fully extending that now hogged the bed "what the hell is that" angel moved as quitely as he could taking a closer to his lovers back, between the demon's wings laid a new mark, one with three moons two crescent's and one with a pentigram lineing the center, touching the new mark, angels hang pulled away with fresh blood  quickly moving out of the bedroom angel was met with the same hooded demon that he met in the allie this time shirtless and sipping on a cup of something "good morring angel dust, it is a honor to finally meet the demon that lies with our alpha" his voice cold the demon not even looking out at him "well you see um Erebus and me are just friends" he shallowed quickly patting behind him for a knife, if this demon would sneak into Erebus's apartment this was not good "so you seem to be a strong demon why are you here" angel's hand grabbing the stake knife a slight smile crosses his face before he jumped at the shirtless demon to hind that his body would not listen to him but it moved as if it had a mind of its own, with a flick of his wrist the blade flew out of his hand into the wall

"well my friend, while I am powerful I am bound to your boy toy so would like you to sit the fuck down" he demon looked up and angel's blood ran cold as before him was a pair of glowing red eyes that seemed to freeze his blood " Fang, let angel go, it is rude to bother those who just woke up" behind him angel could feel the cold and dry like air that sang to him that Erebus was behind him a large hand placed itself on his soldier before angel's body felt a weight from his body "sorry my lord but your boyfriend did try and stab me, I only did so to protect myself" from behind him. He heard a long sigh as he was walked around before Erebus sat down the wings tucking themselves in his waste band around his lower stomach, with a smile before his spoke again "so fang I know you must have something important do you" his own eyes seeming to glow before his fangs droped rising his hand as fang suddenly dropped to his knees "because if not why are you in my home bugging me and my boyfriend" this cold heartnesses scared angel, he had never seen Erebus act this way "sir we have found a part of the city you could claim but you would need to kill the current leader and as we found he was backed by part of valentinos thugs at least 50 or 60" waving his hand fang vanished before the suited demon rised from his seat "my love how about you go check in with charlie Surely she would love the details of our date, besides i need to go claim a slice of hell for myself it would beat my heart to see you get harmed" it was hard to say no with that voice and face of his but it did have a good point, who knows how well the date would of gone if Charlie did not help him get dressed besides he could go to the strip club and make a little cash "sure i will see you later then?" Erebus lifted his face before kissing him softly "my dear and sweet angel, I would love to see you every day for the rest of my undead life, so yes I will see you later" with that angel had gotten dressed leaving the apartment, the images of Erebus ripping a demons throat open flashes his mind, as well as the glowing thing he ripped out of him, perhaps charlie would know more about this demon that he was sleeping with

Unknown demon))

a hooded demon sat with their legs hanging off the edge of the building, his faded eyes watching the spider demon walking down the street a quick whiff of the air reek of his lord, but he had his mission besides he would love to know more about this demon, his mission just so happened to allow him to gather information jumping from roof to roof the demon moved with the skill of a free runner taking the time to keep his eyes on the demon only stopping at larger gaps to blink to the other side, after a while of chasing this demon he found himself outside of a gentlemen's club, they watched the spider enter before jumping down leaving a small hole in the ground before dusting themself off, a smile crosses their face before they themselves entered the robes hugging there body.

Inside the place, the demon could smell sex and drugs to the point it became almost enough to make them throw up, ordering a drink the demon took a seat near the stage, moving the mask that covered their face, they took a sip from there drink while the music started playing when the system called for "ladies and scum rode men our next dancer is the sexy and sex icon ANGEL DUST!" hearing that name the nameless demon smiles to the point their fangs became clear, with a glowing carved pentacle on their name, while the spider came out wearing almost nothing going to quick work the pole and for a quick moment the two demon's eyes met and the unknown demon slide a crisp band in his waste band before going back to their drink, their eyes flickered black and blue when a male demon touched the dance, in the blink of a eye a dagger was burryed into the demon's hamd pining him to the stage, his friends looking around for who dared attack them, with the nameless one finishing their drink before slipping their mask right back of, watching angel finish his dance walking into the back before motioning for them to follow him. Rising from their seat they walked over pulling the dagger from the touchy demon's arm but not before slamming his head into the stage with enough force to break his head open, his friends watch in horror watching a shadow doing that 

after walking back angel looked at the masked demon "so let me guess Erebus sent you to keep an eye on me" they simply nod drawing their dagger that looked similar to a karambit spinning it around their fingers before it vanished in a cloud of smoke "so your a mute or too dumb to answer the hooded demon chuckles slightly before bowing "we speak only when we choose to, or we are forced to" angel let a sigh escape his lips "well try not to kill everyone who touches me, after all, it makes me the money" they nodded before stepping back 


still sitting in his chair the suited demon rose to get dressed before walking out the apartment, Fang walking beside him "my lord shall i summon the rest, we are going to war, you can call for the pack we stand about 30 strong" fang smiled at his lord but the suited demon waved his hand "no, i need to get stronger so it will just be you and me, keep the pack on stand by, have Lilly reported in" fang shook his head "as far are we know they are still keeping an eye of angel, with the orders to kill anyone who gets too close, it was smart to place our sential  on him, at least he would be protected" Erebus smiled waving his hand as the air suddenly got colder while a red portal leading into the blackness before them "then let us go to war" both demons step inside with swords drawn ready to fill the streets with blood

southside pentagram city

  a small group of fifty demons stood around a few taking a smoking break when screams filled the air, "who the hell is here" one yelled while the air settled the demons loading the few firearms they had each keeping an eye open to the sky and the ground when a black-suited demon walked out holding a scythe in his off-hand blood dripping off the blade as he smiled "why hello boys it seems death as come for you my friend, so sorry that you have to die" the suited demon could not help but to smile as the area around them all became black as midnight even the sun failed to break through 

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