chapter XIIII- Piano vs radio

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Alastor's Pov) 

"Erebus, lay down your arm's I do not want to kill you, it would be a shame" Alastor looked the other suited demon up and down he was covered in lesser blood that reminded the radio demon of himself so long ago but even now he could not push off the feeling that something was wrong with his friend, and yet he was so ready to fight. Alastor smiled wider readying himself "if I want to win this I have to keep my distance, it seems Erebus is a master at hand to hand combat," he thought to himself before pointing his magic staff at his old ally muttering something while an ungodly scent fills the air before a blackened arm erupts from the ground wrapping itself around Erebus, taking this moment Alastor looked closer at the demon's eyes to also find that they had shifted color from the normal gold to a void-like black with a hint of icy blue in his iris that glowed with hate "my friend do not resist i am trying to help you". The radio demon let a sigh escape his lips before the air around him filled with white noise blood-red symbols litter the small area around him 

Erebus's pov)

"resist my friend I want to end you, like everyone else" Erebus looked at this demon, the hate burning brighter, the suited demon smiled holding his hand up under the arm hiding it from Alastor "Al you will die, I will enjoy eating your flesh the most" Alastor's eyes go wide as a small spear-like blade breaks from the fingers of the hand, causing the red-suited demon to back up slowly placing a hand on the open wound while Erebus broke free from the shadowy hand, holding his own arm out looking at Alator "looks like your time is up, my old friend, a new overlord has been born" the blood spear-like item slowly sank back into his body before remerging taking the sworded form as before. In a single blink, Erebus stood before Alastor swinging his right arm into the radio demon's face with enough force the ground broke from under them before Alastor was shot into a building followed by The black-suited demon jumping after him "time to die!"  lighting fill the sky once more with each strike and block, a burst of sick laughter echoing in the small clearing as the golden-eyed demon seemed to be enjoying himself letting it all down, his voided out wings fully extended as he lunged baring his fangs aiming to kill this pest 

Alastor's POV)

dang, it, he is alot quicker then I thought, I can barely keep up  Alastor thought to himself while he was slammed into the wall getting buried a few good feet, taking what letting time he had. he switched his staff for a knife, while it was shorter he was more skilled and it seemed the way this fight was going he had to put this rabid man down "I'm sorry Erebus, for what it is worth I pray that you forgive me" holding his palm out, black tentacles shoot forth wrapping that the red-skinned demon warping him up before with a sudden jerk Alastor slammed him down into the ground, wiping a little bit of blood Alastor jumped down after freeing himself, while keeping his friend bound on the ground, blood dripping to the ground from his own wound on his chest, rising the knife over his head, aimed right at Erebus's chest the radio  demon felt something deep within his core, what is this feeling, remorse  "im sorry my friend, let the next life be better for you" with that the knife was thrust towards Erebus's heart

really Hunter is that really how your going to let this end, beat by this over lord, do you not care about Angel, do you not care about getting even with James, if so just lay down and die, but if you have one care in the word get you head clear and fight, not for yourself but anyone that you give a rats ass about, I will give you the power to fight, but you must be willing to fight, no one is going to save you, now fight

Erebus's pov 

looking out at his friend, the blinded rage had vanished allowing Erebus to think clearly for once, but even with a clear mind, there was a burning pain surrounding his core, out of reacting the black-suited demon willed anything to stop that knife from killing him, and his wish was answered with a long whip wrapping around the knife-throwing it away from the two, Alastor jumped back not sure what the hell that was. Seeing his moment Erebus pushed with all his might to break free a moment later was just that free. Rising to his feet the suited demon smiled at his friend, for a moment he was fine only to fall to his knees the burning now was slowly creeping around him, taking a quick look behind him a white-furred demon stood in the ally smiling reaching at him before the world around him was black, still able to see it seemed his wings had covered him, the heat now reaching a point that his skin felt like it was melting the blackness giving away to a pair of pure white as the bones in his body broke and reset themselves. Moments pass before the wings released him, the air around him steamed up from the heat as Erebus lifted his head to finally scream in pain but only a howl filled the air, as he had lost his speech. looking down Erebus found his reflection had been replaced with that of a dire wolf, his money gold eyes replaced with a shade of red that vampires feed on with delight and envy, both the white demon and Alastor stood still for a moment before Alastor hit him on the side of his head with his mic, the world once again went black 

A voice called out to him, one he knew, one he held very dear "EREBUS, PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!!!" with the world fading in and out, he knew he had lost to his friend, but what hurt more was watching the spider run upon his body burying his face into his fur, tears falling and wetting the fur he had fucked up again, he had hurt the one demon he swore to protect for some reason, it's not like Angel cared for him, they only slept together once, and even that was a mistake at least as far as the angel was concerned, but for him, it was the one time he did not have to hide his true side, the one that was truly scared of giving in to the darkness within himself, 

the one that wanted to kill everyone and everything, 

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