Chapter XXVI: Ghost of yesterday

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The suited demon opened the door to his car stepping outside the sun beating down on him, the masked demon named Lilly stood beside their alpha a few moments pass before Erebus walks into the hotel that he first called home, the scent of wine and other demons cloud the scent they are seeking but not well enough that it was unfollowable, the two look at each other before shifting their bodies to the second form, with Erebus replacing his blacken jacket for midnight fur, his crimson eyes watching the demons that filled the lobby a few gasp at the sight of his form but the wolves run deeper into the hotel till they are upon his old room. Stopping outside the door was opened to a demon that dressed in the pure opposed colors that he flew the demon looked up at the alpha before smiling "oh honey glad i caught you, I missed you" just hearing this man calling him honey boiled his blood without a though Erebus grabbed him by the neck picking him up slamming his body into the wall, leaving cracks spiderwebbing "DO NOT CALL ME HONEY, YOU KILLED ME YOU LYING SHAT OF DAEMON SHIT, YOU KILLED ME IN LIFE BE COUNTING YOUR STARS I DONT GUT YOU WHERE YOU STAND"  Erebus's eyes had once again turned to his true demon face as his fangs dropped as he screamed at this demon, his once love, his rage starting to simmer when he heard a voice called out "Erebus? what are you doing my friend, you know I can not allow you to harm our guest" the voice called out as a static as Lilly jumped to her alpha's side pulling a dagger out growling at the red-suited demon with a mic "now, now dear if I wanted to hurt your master I would have done it and not of speaking out telling you where I was, so let James down or is there something i need to be aware of?" 

Lilly waited for her master to give the orders to attack but a thudding of a body made her turn to see he had thrown James down "but Lord Erebus are you got going to get even?" he turned to face me letting a deep sigh escape his lips, "no Lilly after all, i do not think Angel would want me to kill someone in his friend's hotel, let him live with his forever damnation, return home i will be back shortly also if you want, go check on angel and molly" Lilly could not help but to growl at the red in red sheathing her blade, placing her hand on her masters back "be careful Lord Erebus, if he does wish to fight to protect the heart" she let go turning her back to them all walking down the hall pulling her hood to cover her locks as he could see the fact that it was pouring outside "ah rain to clean the soul" next thing she knew the rain was hitting her jacket and hood with drops dripping from the top of her hood "great while i enjoy the rain its not impossible to track Lord Angel just my luck" while lost in though her ears perked up as she twisted her head before heading deeper into town

After Lilly left Erebus looked at his friend "so this scum killed me while I was alive for my job, and i was here to tell him to stay away from Angel or I would rip his spine from his body and beat him with it" He could not help but smile as Alastor took a step forward "is that a threat my friend?" while he took a step forward the radio demon felt himself get forced to his knee's while Erebus held his hand up a smile painted on his face "listen here friend, I will kill anyone i see as a threat to myself or my Angel if the angels could not kill me with their spears what hope do you have" the suited demon walked over passing Alastor before lowering his hand freeing the radio demon  "and before you ask, I have mastered my blood magic, I now only have to have a drop of my blood in another demon to control their bodies, it seems you never removed the blood from my spear during our fight, such a shame" Erebus turned and walked down the hall stopping to push the botton to call the elevator. While he waited he kept looking back to see James had gotten up and he would swear that James was crying but Erebus turned his heart cold as he left the building knowing that he could never get way quick enough 

It did not take long for Erebus to find angel sipping on a coffee with his sister, upon getting close he called out "angel my love perhaps I may join you, I know you wanted to spend time with your sister but since we are getting married I thought it would be wise to get to know the lovely woman that my husband is related to" the demon sat down and ordered a coffee while he sat there listening to what they were talking about, his eyes darting back and forth before he dismissed the two demons keeping guard "angel my love there is something I need to speak to you about that is kind of import, it seems that my ex-husband has been sent to hell and is staying at the hotel, for the time being I would like to have a guard on you 24 hours a day for your protection, I would hate to lose you before we are even close to wed, it would break my undead beating heart" the spider looked at him blinking slowly before nodding "and of my sister?" Erebus looked at her before smiling "she is more then welcome to stay with us at home till she wants to get back to heaven, if she ever wants to" Erebus leaned over kissing Angel's forehead softly "oh when would you like to have the wedding, as for me I could do it now and be the happyist demon in hell". The spider smiled placing his hand on his cheek as it seemed he got lost in though "how about in three weeks time, that gives me time to go dress shopping,  get some friends on the list, get charlie or Al to wed us and to rent a building" 

The suited demon pulled a black file out handing it to the spider "that should be enough money to cover everything, are you sure you do not want any help with he planning" Angel shook his head "no after all while you may of been married in life, I never was"

Singer of the moon (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora