Chapter XII- shattered mask

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     ding dong ding dong the old grandfather clock rang while the two spun a sudden dip had the smaller spider bending while Erebus smiled looking deep into the furred demon's pink eyes a slight blush crosses angels face before the suited demon brings him back up slowly, their faces only inches away "At this moment I feel at peace with that darkness within my soul, my heart beats like a wolf who howls at the moon when I'm around you, I do not understand it but one thing I am sure of is that in the short time I know you, Angel I am in love with you" the suited demon looked away ashamed of admitting this petty feeling knowing deep down that saying this as early as he is, matches that of an endeavored mad man, meanwhile the white-furred demon's face dropped as well as his smile fades "I'm sorry Erebus but what we had was nothing more than a one night stand, and I do not even know why I slept with you, it started after you bit me. I think It is time for me to go" the smaller furred demon letting go of Erebus before walking to the bedroom quickly getting dressed, all the while the suited demon stood there a clear look of pain in his eyes watching the demon he had just confirmed his feelings for leaving him just as the others did see? i told you that he never cared, you were just a slice of fresh meat that he had yet to taste, let me in ill control the pain". The voice calls out to Erebus with both hands he suited demon covers both his ears burying his head down, his feathered parts on his back extending around him, as the darkness once again consumes his being

"Welcome to my world Hunter a place of sadness and hatred" a shadow stood before the suited demon slightly shorter then him wearing a blue suit with white strips littered all over it, the demon's eyes black with a glowing blue iris took his time taking a seat across from the suited demon, a wicked smile crosses his lips as he holds his hand out to the empty chair "take a seat Hunter we have a few things to speak about my child" the taller demon sat down pulling a cigarette out taking a deep breath, his golden eyes affixed on the new demon before him "who are you, my friend, I already let the old me back in, so what do you have to offer me? the demon I find myself in...." 

"It matters not to you who I am, but what you need to do is be careful here in hell showing weakness can and beyond doubt get you killed, I am here just telling you that. now leave" the demon snapped his their finger's as the world around Erebus suddenly flooded with light causing him to shield his eyes.

this just in, a new demon had flared up a turf war within Overlord Valentino's turf. the body count stands around 50, we have been told this demon has been staying in the happy hotel that our very own princess told us that demons could be redeemed, but it seems to me that she had lied to us and that her project was a failure

Erebus stood among the bodies a scythe made of pure blood hung around his shoulders while a wicked smile crosses his face, in the distance a shadowy demon stood close by watching his master killing "lord Erebus, shall I call the pack for the hunt" fang walked up keeping his distance not wanting to feel the edge of that blade, the suited demon turned his hand looking down of the scar covered demon, his golden eyes faded into a black sclera with a glowing blue iris "no, it seems the radio demon is here wanting to end my fun, retreat back to the room and await orders" with a bow fang turned taking off running into the darkness the sounds of his feet hitting the ground fading quickly as a white noise fills the air, "tisk tisk tisk, Erebus you had to know I would not allow this to stand, not because I do not like the carnage, but you are ruining the entertainment that the hotel gives me now be a good mut and put your weapon down and allow me to punish you or not and i get my entertainment anyway" Alastor smiled back at the suited demon while the magic mic poofed into his hand its eye opening. Erebus spun his scythe from around his neck pointing the edge at the radio demon returning a smile of his own "my dear, that I shall not do, perhaps you will honor me with a good old fashion fight, and i will not go down easy" both demons stood as still as stone staring at each other, the air as thick as molasses. A sudden crash of thunder filled the air in the normally clear sky of hell as the two men seem to ready themselves for a fight and the atmosphere of hell was ready for it "Erebus it will pain me to end your life i will make sure everyone knows how well you died" Alastor paused for a moment as if he felt something was off about Erebus. Another crash fills the air as Erebus charges his once friend with murder in his eyes 

(sorry for the shorter chapter i hope you all can forgive me, i promise the next chapter will be better. this was what i felt was the best part i could stop at. i will see you all in the next chapter)

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