Double Trouble (Jenlisa)+COMP...

By Manoban1995

152K 5.2K 395

Lisa Manoban Is always a headache in school especially to Jennie Kim. Jennie Kim hate her so much for being a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (🙉)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Ending🙉)

Chapter 4

5.9K 261 9
By Manoban1995

Jennie's P.O.V.

It was weekend and I planned to sleep all day and be lazy, but my sister won't allow me to have my beauty rest. She barged inside my room and start to disturbing me in my sleep. I checked my phone and look at the time and groaned when I saw it's just seven in the morning.. I rolled over and cover the duvet in my face to ignore my sister, but then she have another plan when i feel her lay down on my stomach. I whine and push her away but she just chuckles and pull the duvet out that covering my whole body and stood up in my bed.

"Unnieeee~~ I want to sleep more it's weekend, so please let me have my beauty rest" I whine using my baby voice and tried to pull the duvet..

"That's the point jen-jen it's weekend so let's have some fun. Don't be just stuck here in your room all day. You need to go outside and explore the world. Get ready now where fetching my love in there house and where going in amusement park" She said excitedly. I just rolled my eyes and stood up on my bed and lazyly walk into the bathroom.. She woke me up just to be their third wheel again. I sighed and start to brush my teeth and take a bath.

Jisoo unnie have a girlfriend name Chaeyoung but we used to call her chaeng. She's a sweet girl and nice to be with she's so cool too that's why I like her for jisso unnie. My family support their relationship, except for one person and you know who is it..

After fourty minutes I finish taking a bath and dress up my self in a simple white T-shirt and I tucked it in on my high ways pants.. I exit my room and go down stairs and I heard some beckiring at the kitchen. I peeked my head and  saw Oppa and Jane eating while arguing like always. I quietly go to the fridge and get some milk but oppa noticed me and pat the chair beside him. I saw Jane lift her head and gaze on me, she rolled her eyes and continued to eat..

"Woah! your dress up early in the morning jen-jen. Are you going some--" "She's coming with me" Jisoo unnie cut off oppa and sit beside me..

"Where the two of you going?" Jane asked out of curiosity while looking the two of us back and forth..

"In the amusement park with chaeng you want to come too?" jisso unnie answered her while eating her chicken.

"No thanks.. I'm gonna hang out with my friends too so enjoy" Jane sarcastically said and stood up to bring her plate on the sink before she made her way in the living room.

"Take care of our jen-jen Chu okay" Oppa warn unnie. Then we heard Jane shout from the living room.

"She's not a kid anymore guy's stop babying Jennie!!"

"Jealous alert" Oppa chuckled and finish his food.


We arrived at chaengs house in less than twenty minutes and I sighed in relief when unnie stop the engine of her car. She was driving so fast like where chasing someone and I was holding my breath all the way here..

"Are you trying to kill me unnie?!!" I asked her in disbelief when I regain my self from nervousness I felt earlier.

"Ow hehe I'm sorry manduu I'm just excited to see my girlfriend" She said with peace sign while scratching the back of her head. She the go out from the car and run over to my side to open the door for me.

"My lovely chipmunks where are yoouuu!!" Unnie sing song when we entered chaengs house.. I followed her inside look around the house then i noticed that someone is sleeping at the couch..

"Who the fuck is that!!" The person in the couch groaned and cursed. I recognized the voice and gasp when the person stood up and look at us. She look pissed off but it's change immediately when she saw unnie.

"Hi jisoo unnie" She grin and while waving her st hand in unnie still yawning. She stretch her long body and she creased her brews when her gaze land on me. I still look surprised to saw her here in chaengs house. What this stick doing here. I look to unnie and watch her reaction but it looks like they know each other already.

"Why are you here again you idiot"I chuckled when I saw her pout and cling on unnie. This is the first time I saw her behave like this.

"Don't you miss me unnie?"She hug jisso unnie as they stumbled on the couch..

"Hi baby"Chaeng pop out from nowhere and approach unnie. Jisoo immediately push Lisa away and crushed chaeng into her body..

"I miss you so much baby"I smiled while looking at them then I feel someone breath in my ear. I feel goosebumps and shiver, i immediately face her as i push her away from me and then i glared at her.

"What do you think your doing you stick?" I glared at her but it doesn't even bothered her.

"I'm just smelling you kitten. I love your strawberry scents btw" She said with a wink and leave me stunt. I feel my cheeks blushed on what she said and I shook my head to erase the thought in my head..

"Hey jennie. I guess you already know my best friend Lisa, your classmate right?" I snap out when I heard chaeng talking to me. I smile and nod at her.

"Yeah she's so annoying I don't know that she was the best friend you were talking about"

"I know right. Lisa is annoying and stubborn, but she's a good friend, and I treat her like my own sister than a friend" Chaeng said while looking at Lisa in the island table eating some cereals.. She noticed me looking at her then she smile widely and point her spoon like a gun. Argh she's so childish.

"Lisa will you be okay here alone?" I heard chaeng asked Lisa when she approach her and give her some water.

"Why?" Lisa stop from eating and look chaeng confusely.

"Where going somewhere"

"I want to come too chaeng" She said as she stood up and face chaeng. I heard jisso unnie cleared her throat when she saw Lisa hold chaengs hand.

"Don't be jealous chicken. chaeng is like a sister to me so calm down your tits" Lisa explain and back her gaze on chaeng.

"I thought you said that you don't want to go outside today. What makes you change your mind" I saw Lisa avert her gaze on me before she answered chaeng.

"I don't want jennie to be your third wheel so I will be her partner for today. I pity her for being your third wheel, So im just doing some good deed" I look at her in disbelief and annoyance in what she said.. argh I wish I can smack her head...

"I don't need your pity manoban, It's better to be a third wheel than to be partner with you" I snap at her and throw the pillow from the sofa. But she catch it and stick out her tongue on me...

"So what are you waiting for.. Get ready your ass now manoban palii palii!!" Jisso unnie said and this stick immediately run in the room..


Where still driving our way in amusement park and this stick is so annoying. She keeps tapping my shoulder then innocently act like she didn't touch me.. I don't want to show her that I'm affected on her so i fake sleep to ignored her. Minutes later I heard her mumbling something..

"You look like a lose cat when your sleeping"I heard her giggled and murmured something but I can't understand it. she's like talking in alien word.. She so weird.. I didn't heard her anymore so I slowly open my eyes and peeked on her and I  saw her sleeping while leaning her head on the window.. I have a silly thought in my head and my mind push me to do it, so i borrowed a lipstick from chaeng and carefully put some in lisa's face. I giggled while applying it I made it tick so that she will look like a Barbie with a pinkish lips and I put some on her cheeks.. She always annoying me so this is my revenge for her.. I smirk while looking at her sleeping figure. I feel proud of myself that i succesfully applied a lipstick on her lips and some in the face. I chuckled quietly and avert my gaze when I saw her move and open her eyes.. I act innocently and fucos my gaze in my phone..

"Where here guys" Jisoo unnie announced and I immediately get down from the car.. The three followed me as we enter at the park. I tried so hard not to laugh when I saw the people looking at Lisa as they giggle.. I saw Lisa frown and look at us confusely..

"What's wrong with the people here do I have something in my face?" The two burst in laugh when they noticed the lipstick and the blush on on lisa's face..

"Oh my gad.. you look so beautiful lis" She knitted her brows at chaeng then she immediately fish out her phone and open her camera to used it as a mirror.. She gasp and immediately glared at me.

"What the heck Kim!!"

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