Chapter 13

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Lisa's P.O.V.

I was scolding myself inside my head while walking towards for being obvious earlier. I was walking my way towards the bar and i stop from walking when i see a glimpse. I froze on my spot when I saw her expose legs. Damn she's so hot.

I shook my head to erase the dirty thoughts and continue my way to the bar to order some drinks.

After i succesfully order our drinks i look around while walking seeing  a lot of people in the beach today. It's been a while since I came here and it's feel nice to enjoy and have a good time here with my friends, especially with my nini.

Jennie and i getting close to each other day by day.. And im not oblivious to feel that we have some spark. I noticed it the way she always clingy on me and being sweet. She's not like that to our friends only for me. and I really love it. I was also planning to  onfess to her but i think that this is not yet the right time to confess my feelings for her. Maybe soon, but now I just want us to enjoy what we had and ride with the flow.

"What taking you so long lis, I'm so thirsty" Seulgi whined and stood up from the bench to approach me. I shove her drink to her and leave her to go to my nini.

"Monkey!" I heard seulgi mumble and sit back beside her girlfriend.

"It's about to get dark guys let swim already" Jisoo unnie announced and pulled her girlfriend.. The others nod there head and stood up one by one..

I was about to get up but I stop when I saw jennie taking off the big T-shirt she was wearing..

I gulp hard while staring at here slowly taking off that shirt. I feel hot instanly when I saw here with that sexy black two piece..

She look at me and give me her signature gummy smile. She look innocent and didn't have any idea what she did cause me a to have a boner.

argh it's getting hard and it's so painful inside. thank god it's getting dark already. I cover my hand to my front carefully not to make it obvious.

I wet my lips and smiled awkwardly at her. She look confuse and tried to hold my hands but I panicked and run to the water..

It's so obvious and I don't want jennie to saw it. I don't want her to think that im lusting over her sexy fucking body geez.

"Yah! why did you leave me there" oops her she goes. I face her and scratch the back of my head.

"Sorry nini.. Am something bite me like ants or something so I run in the water because it's so itchy" I reason out and saw her face get worried expression.

"Where Lili? is it still itchy?" I shook my head and hold her hand.

"It's all good now nini don't worry let's join the others now" She smiled and nod her head.

We join the others and played a game.. The first opponent is seulrene and us. I bend down in the water to make nini sit on my shoulder. We're playing wrestling in the water.. the one who will fall from her partner is gonna be lost..

We win against all of them and they can't still move on about it. especially jisoo unnie. She said that jennie cheat Haha she's so childish.

"We won Lili!" Jennie cheered for a third times while leaning her head in my shoulder. She said that she's tired to swim nor stand in the water so I piggy back her and guess what? this Mandu really liking it.

"Geez get a room guy's!!" moonbyul shout while back hugging her girlfriend.

"Say that to your face idiot" seulgi butt in and splash some water on her.

"Are you happy nini?" I ask while looking to our friends.

"Yes Lili. Im so happy cos our friends is all here and especially you. This is the first time I'd enjoy being here and thank you Lili" I get startled when I feel her peck on my cheeks..


8:30 Pm

It's already night and we all here at the veranda of the house we rent with a lot of beers and snacks.

We already took our dinner earlier before we get back here and now we're getting started to our drinking session..

"To the champions!!" We click our beer and drink it bottoms up.

It's my six beer now but I'm still sober not like the girl beside me who can't even stand properly. I stood up and hold her in the both arms to make her not fall.

"Hey where are you going?" She look at me and cup my face to squeeze it.

"Your so cute Lili" She drunkly said and lean closer in my ears. "I need to pee Lili,but the room is moving can you help me pwease" she say's cutely using her baby voice and I can't help not to grin and nod my head. Drunk jennie is my favorite now.

"Guys I will just bring jennie to the room. she's drunk already I will be back after" I announced and they give me a teasingly look.

"Hey manoban be slowly okay!" I creased my brow.

"for what?"

"to bang jennie" moonbyul said with a laugh and get a smack from Chu

"Yah! that's my sister your talking about so you better watch your mouth dude, but your right be careful manoban its gonna be jen-jen first bang" They all laugh on jisoo said. I only look at them mouth open. oh my god these idiot really need some holy water.

"You guys need some holy water" I said and scoop jennie to carry her in bridal style. She immediately snake her arms in my neck and lean her head on my shoulder.

I walk toward our room and thank God the door is open. I put her down slowly to the bathroom and walk outside to give her privacy..

I rummage on my bag and grab a sleeping wear before i walk back in the bathroom door.

I knocked.

"Hey nini are you done!?" "Yes Lili you can come in now!!"

I open the door and saw her sitting on the floor half asleep. tsk this girl

I approached her and help her stood up.

"Get up now nini so you can rest already" I pulled her but she refused to get up and pulled me with force that I get stumble on the floor and she's now on top of me.. We look in each other eyes as she slowly lean down. our lips meet and my eyes widen.. I was about to push her but she hold me in the face and smash her lips.. she moan and that was hot, I was about to kiss her back when I heard a little snores from her. tsk she's a tease..

I slowly get up and hold her carefully not to wake her up and bring her to the bed..

"You are really something nini" I shook my head and cover her with blanket and kiss her forehead before I exit the room to join back to the squad..

When I get back to the veranda they all already wasted and making out to their partners. I drop the ice bucket in the floor and they all get startled and stop from what they doing.

They all glared at me.

"Come on men!!" They said in Unison.

"Continue that on your rooms guys. Your making a show here" I said and point the people in the next house near us peeking on my friends make out session. Jisoo unnie stood up and shout..

"Yah!! did you enjoy the show!!" We laugh at her .

"Go to your rooms now guys" they nod and I noticed Liam and Ruby Jane is gone already.

"Btw guys did you saw hyung and Ruby jane? did they sleep already" They smirk.

"Maybe they banging already" Moonbyul tap my shoulder and leave.

Why do I have a dirty minded friends around me? ..


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