Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of Le...

By AmirBadass007

45.4K 615 235

Zoro sacrifices himself for Luffy, giving his life for him at Thriller Bark. The distraught Straw hats strug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Final Chapter

Chapter 10

1.7K 23 4
By AmirBadass007

I don't own One Piece or it's characters :)

Robin's POV

I only knew how much time had passed by the numbers on his arm. For one hour i sat in this cell, rubbing my bare arms to keep warm and blocking out the sounds of clanking metal that were my chains. No one came through the corridor outside my cell, not even to bring a meal. My stomach rumbled and i shushed it quietly. i couldn't afford to let myself get weak from lack of sustenance. i had yet to figure out a way of escape. Once i removed the Moon pearl i could easily break free.

The seconds ticked by. My movement became desperate and shaky, with only four hours left. My wrist was rubbed red from constant pressure against the Moon Pearl cuffs, trying to slide it through, but i had no luck. the only option seemed to break my wrist, but i was hesitant, i can't escape with a hundred broken wrists. The thought was already sending sparks of pain up my arms.

I looked at Zoro again. his skin was pale as a vampire, lips drained from all color and hair limp and dead across his forehead. When bodies lose their lives, they immediately begins to break down into gas and decay. It had only been about a day and half since his sacrifice, but already he was losing form. I had been around plenty of dead bodies in my life, but never one of someone i truly cared about.

I breathe heavily through my nose, finally resigning myself to the inevitable. breaking my wrists would be the only option to get out of this mess. I sucked my bottom lip and ripped a shred of cloth from my skirt, stuffing it inside my mouth, preparing myself for the pain.

"Snap!" My bones shattered with a sound like a gunshot. I bite hard on the cloth, whimpering through tears suddenly leaking down my face. I dared not move for a minute, straining for the sound of a guard's boots clicking across the hard cobble ground, but none came, and i followed myself a quite squeak of pain. This was not the first time i'd broken a bone, but the pain still got me. Struggling to remain as silent as possible, i slipped my wrists through my Moon Pearl cuffs, sliding them gently to the ground. i spat the cloth from my mouth, grimacing pain.

I wasn't sure what i was expecting, but no sudden urge of life energy flared in my veins as my abilities returned. I shouldn't have thought something childish like that. as it was, with both hands practically immobile, i would have some trouble sliding Zoro free from his own restraints.

Luckily for me, my dominant wrist had retained less damage than my left, and did not hurt as bad when it moved. My fingers twitched, but moved all the same, perhaps even more luckily, The vampire or dwarf or whoever had locked Zoro up had been careless and the shackle binding his ankle was a size too large, and his foot slide cleanly through. His skin was cool to the touch, and i felt another surge of tears welding behind my eyes as i touched him. I was so happy just to able to touch him again.

I walked to the cell door, cradling both wrists in the opposite armpit as if that would somehow ease the throbbing. it was highly likely this metal was constructed of Moon Pearl as well.

the best way to get the key is to lure it from the guard, but there were two problems with that plan. One it would alert the guard that i had somehow escaped my restraints and two there was no guard to begin with.

I experimented with my current abilities, blooming various body parts inside and outside the cell doors, finding that as long as i was careful not to touch metal, i was on free reign with my powers. With each hand that i bloomed, the pain in my wrists doubled, and at ten hands i reached my maximum capacity of silence.

I breathed deeply, struggling to control my lungs. My limbs disappeared in a puff of petals, and i rested for a moment to ease my mind from the thousand knifes stabbing my wrists. Steeling myself, i bloomed eyes up and down the corridor, scanning for the keys to this cell. It was harder than i imagined, to bloom eyes in places I've never been before can be exhausting, and it required a period of rest between expeditions.

Luck was with me, i spotted a flash of silver just at the end of the corridor, and upon closer inspection, it was revealed that a single key hung from the silver ring. A hand grew from the wall and stole the key from it's place, passing it along back down the corridor to where i was imprisoned. The key slid under the cage bars. The hand that did so brushed the iron, and disappeared suddenly without my will. It is Moon Pearl, i confirmed, kneeling to scoop up the ring. Navigating myself to the bars, i fit the key into the lock and twisted it. The barred door swung open on silent hinges, and i stepped out into the hallway cautiously, glancing up and down through the darkness. Feet supporting the swordsman's body followed me out, and i laughed silently as i remembered back on the sky island when he had been electrocuted by the false god, and i walked him up to the next cloud level in the same manner.

Since i had been spacing out on the way into the corridor, i did not know which direction was the exit. Trusting my instincts, i took a right turn and walked quietly away, four extra pairs of my feet following. The air was cold, and i rubbed my bare arms as best as i could. The pain had faded to a dull throb, but it still spiked suddenly at random intervals.

I struggled to control the cold that prickled my skin by focusing on the other warming thoughts, mainly focusing around memories i secretly hoped to have in the future, though i would never admit these desires aloud. When i was a child, i watched other children playing with their parents and i thought to myself, when i have children i won't leave them behind, i'll try to be the best parent possible and play with them. They won't grow up like i did.

After the Buster call i thought that vision had ended, i thought that no one would love a demon from the forbidden country, with dirty Oharan blood running through her vein. My face was known all over the world, and everyone knew my name.

And then i joined Luffy's crew, i finally found something to live for, here were people who cared about me, who loved me and didn't care about my past. And here was Zoro, the man i started to fall for the moment i laid my eyes on him. He was happy, not a care in the world except for his ambition. He didn't care that other people called him a Demon or a Monster, unlike me, though i would never show it. he didn't care how other people saw him, he was only focused on his goal of becoming World's Greatest Swordsman. I didn't know his past nor his reasoning behind it. There was no need, we were the demons of the world, each sacrificing anything and everything to achieve our goals.

My sub dream resurfaced. I unintentionally began dreaming of my children, laughing and smiling, playing with the saya(sheath) of their father's Katana while i read them a bedtime story. It was a horrifying thought at first, because at the time i had these dreams i had only joined Straw hats for a month. I watched the swordsman closely the the next week, and he didn't seem to act any differently than usual. Did he have similar dreams? Was he as good as hiding IT as i was? Normally i could read people like an open book, but not him, he was a mystery novel to me... taking the plot one step at a time and trying to figure out who the killer is before it's revealed.

I remembered our escape from Enies Lobby, i was standing on the deck of the beloved Merry, crying and thanking my Nakama with all the power of my heart. "Save that stupid stuff for after we've escaped!" he said, and i laughed as Sanji and Chopper attacked him.

Even then, with us reunited, he was still the same. Nothing could faze him, he told me later in private, "Don't think we wouldn't come for you. We're not the kind of people who would let others, especially Nakama, die for them."

So why did he do exactly what i had wanted to do? I had listened to Brook's story of Zoro's willingness to give himself up for Luffy, and i sat in stunned silence as everyone rowed with all their power, my eyes occasionally finding that small park of green near where Zoro used to sleep on the deck. Why not follow your own advice? I wondered as Sanji, Nami and i trekked through the woods, watching his body's limp head sway from side to side as if he were only sleeping. I could almost hear him snoring.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when something hot breathed down my neck. i stopped walking, goosebumps running down my spine. I didn't turn around immediately, my ears straining to place the sudden ragged breathing that had joined my echoing footsteps. Scrolling through the knowledge i had, eventually came to the conclusion of monster. Not the most specific of deductions, but at best it was what i could do.

My feet moved Zoro's body a little Ahead of me, and i turned slowly, the hot breath on my neck now blowing in my face as i stared in horror at the huge creature looming over me.

"A Minotaur!" i breathed, backing up a step. "The guard?"

Suddenly the monster let out a long loud bellow, the deep throat-ed sound reverberating down the longs corridor and pounding on my eardrums. It was obviously alerting the vampire to my escape attempt, and that was something i couldn't have. I began running down the hall, away from the Minotaur, keeping Zoro right next to me so i wouldn't lose him. I bloomed eyes to guide my way, and still keeping an eye on the Minotaur, which had taken off in hot pursuit, still bellowing.

I took a sharp right turn, skidding to a halt as i swerved into a blocked off corridor, the brick worn with age. i whipped around to retrace my steps, but the exit had been blocked by the ancient creature, snorting and dragging a hoof across the ground. i cursed for allowing myself to get cornered. I doubted with my broken wrists i could take on such a huge creature, all the while trying to protect Zoro. i grimaced, crossing my arms over my chest anyway. It was the only option.

"Now, now," said a voice. "We don't want you having to go break those pretty little arms of yours, do we?"

The Minotaur backed off to reveal a group of ten vampires, all wearing tailored black suits stark against their pale skin, and smiling with an unkind aura. I spotted Xabian among them. I backed up another step, my back pressing against the wall. They took a step forward.

The owner of the first voice smiled wider, holding out three fingers. "Stock 24601," he said, his voice like nails on chalkboard.

"On the count of three, walk forward. i promise the Minotaur wont't kill you, it will just take an arm or leg. And then we'll see if you're still available for sale."

I shook my head, not lowering my arms. I wasn't intimidated by his threat, but still didn't dare try and perform a Clutch. Not yet, not while i still could negotiate.

"Please," i began. "Let me go, there is something i must do before i am sold."


"I need to reach the Valkyrie!"


"The man i love is dying and the only way to save him is to take him to the Valkyrie! Please! Help me!" My voice rose to a scream, tears leaking from my eyes.


I raised my head, frustration evident in my features, even though the tears carving shining paths down my cheeks. This was the only way. "Trienta...!"


My heart leapt. the vampire whipped around, but not fast enough. Over the Minotaur's shoulder, i spotted a flash of yellow, followed by the crackling sound of electricity. The cloud above their head suddenly exploded into lightning. I threw myself over the body as the screams of pain from the Vampires and Minotaur rose above the sound of streaking electricity.

Smoking bodies hit the ground with a thump, billows of steam rising from their mouths. I blinked the tears from my eyes and turned around, a smile lighting my face.

"You bastards," said a wonderfully familiar voice. "trying to hurt my Robin-chan! Your knight in shining armor is here, my princess!"

"Shush Sanji-kun," Said a female voice. "The others will hear us."

The smoke cleared, and the wonderful features of the Straw hat cook and navigator appeared, both beaten and bruised, but alive and as energetic as ever. Our eyes met, and we all rushed together in a large hug. I was never one for such close contact, but it was good to feel the warmth of their bodies against mine, driving out the cold of loneliness, hopelessness and solitude. i involuntarily began to weep again, partially from sadness and the other part from laughter, the cook looked practically ready to explode from joy. As our group embraced, i spotted a flash of green and the warmth on my back had returned.

We finally all parted, holding each other at arms length to examine the other. Sanji looked really banged up and tired, his hair matted and his cloths torn and dirty. Wounds on his bare feet oozed blood, but he didn't seem to notice. Nami had attempted to keep herself in order, but had no such luck. Her thriller bark tee was barely covering her body now, her shoes missing and shorts ripped at the hem. Her smoking Climatact was in her belt, and i marveled at how it had not been confiscated.

"How did you get here?" I asked,  genuinely curious.

Nami and Sanji exchanged glances. "You probably won't believe us," the navigator said.

"It was the weirdest sensation," Sanji said, looking at his hands. "It was like i had been submerged in a tub of boiling water, i was hot all over, and i started sweating."

"It was on our way to Loren," Nami put in. "In the town."

"I had this sudden image in my head," Sanji continued. "Like a mental map, i don't know how, but i just suddenly knew where to go. One of our captors was carrying Nami-san's Climatact, so i pretended to stumble, and tripped him, grabbing it and... well..."

"We somehow managed to escape," Nami took up the story. "I don't know where our captors are now, we just kinda left them in the street, but Sanji's apparent map was leading the way. Took us down this alley, backtracked a couple of times..."

"It was like that damn Marimo was trying to give us directions," Sanji muttered. "And we eventually came to a giant boulder set into this cliff. This is where it gets weird... I heard Zoro's voice, in my head!"

I struggled to show no emotion. It wasn't just me? i hadn't been imagining anything Zoro's spirit could really talk to us? And if he had led Sanji and Nami here... that means he had been with me until our separation because of the Ghoul ward, that was when the warmth in my back was gone. it also means that he is here now!

"It told me..." Sanji took on an imitation of Zoro's voice. "Knock four times and answer, The right side of the white oak! So i did as he told me to!"

I listened intently as Sanji and Nami switched off, relaying their struggle through the maze that was this underground slave market. They encountered several vampires along the way, taking turns to defeat them. Finally Sanji admitted to hearing the bellow of the Minotaur, following the sound and finally homing in on my location with my scream for help.


We whipped around. The lead vampire was on his feet again, one hand against the wall for support. His red eyes glowed with anger as he raised an angry finger aimed at my chest. I met his eyes, unafraid. I was not alone anymore, i was not powerless. Yes my wrists are broken, yes i'm burdened, but i'm not alone.

"You will come with me," the medical vampire hissed. "No one has ever escaped from this cavern, and i will not have our reputation tarnished by mere humans."

He leapt forward, moving blindingly fast. An image flashed in my subconscious, of a man with long dark black hair, thin, uncaring eyes, and a pigeon perched on his shoulder. No, this vampire moved much faster than that. he left not even a dust of wind behind. My eyes scanned my surroundings, waiting for anything...

A sharp pain exploded in my calf. With a cry i collapsed to one knee, Zoro's body thudding to the ground as the feet supporting it disappeared. Two bite wounds oozed a purple liquid, running down the back of my leg and pooling around my ankle.



I gripped the puncture wounds as the Vampire reappeared where he had been standing before, wiping the back of his hand across his black lips. "Give that a few minutes to set," he smiled evilly. "And we'll be on our way."

The other Vampires slowly began to regain consciousness, Xabian's eyes were narrow with hate. the vampire advanced, reaching out their hands for us. Nami raised her Climatact, but it was quickly knocked from her hands by a swipe quicker than you could blink. Sanji looked slightly unsteady on his feet, blood loss was finally getting to him.

Even with my Nakama, we were still disadvantaged. I closed my eyes. Please, i prayed. If there is such a thing as god on this island, please help us.

"Come here, 24601!"

Suddenly light exploded in the room, penetrating every dark corner and making the entire corridor bust with white. The vampires screeched as the brightness burned their skin, ducking to hide behind the huge mass that was the still unconscious Minotaur. Sanj gathered Nami and i in his arms, turning his back to take the full blast of the light and protect us. His hand brushed against my wrists and another flare of pain raced up my arms. I had almost forgotten that my wrists were shattered. I disregarded the pain as my eyes fixed on Zoro, the light making his pale face even more devoid of color, looking like one of the Ghost princess's negative Ghosts. I looked for that telltale flash of green that i had cherished on this journey, but none caught my eye. the warmth from my back was gone again.

The white retraced, gathering into one tall mass near the center of the room, in the view of everyone around it. All pairs of eyes stared, transfixed at the shining column. Us Straw hats stood slowly, me leaning on Sanji's shoulder for support.

My calf was completely numb, i couldn't feel it. The light turned steamy as if vaporizing all the moisture in the air. The mist curled from the source like smoke from a fire, twisting and curling gracefully like ballet dancers. the peak of the source began to spark with tiny stars, and as we watched, the sparks expanded, sliding down the tall column of light, transforming it into a human being.

Sanji tensed, his eyes wider than bowling balls. His cheeks turned hot, and she swallowed sharply. "Am i dead?" he whispered. "Did i die and go to heaven?"

He might certainly been close. The sparks finally reached the person's feet, dissipating into the hard stone ground and completing the transformation. Standing before us now was a beautiful woman, dressed in an elegant gown of ivory silk, twisting around her feet as it was blown by a nonexistent breeze. Long white hair fell in waves down her back, perfectly crimped bangs on framing her face like a portrait frame, Around her neck hung a necklace of pure diamond, matching the gems dangling from her ears. A circlet of silver adorned her head, an emerald hanging as a bead over her forehead, like a bindi. When she opened her eyes, the pure blueness of them reminded me of the cerulean sky after a storm.

Sanji collapsed, his breathing increasing dangerously. I swayed, unsteady on my feet but finding support with the wall. Blood seeped from the cook's nose, staining his chin as his eyes rolled inside his head, falling back against the cold ground, his one visible eye transformed into a rapidly beating heart. Nami knelt by his side, rolling her eyes and attempting to revive the decommissioned cook. I stood my ground, and watched as the woman turned her head first to the Vampires, eyes stern. She kept her hands folded in front of her, but i could see vampires tense up with her gaze.

The Vampire who had threatened me stood from his spot, looking apologetic.

"M-My lady," he said, somewhat insincerely, and bowed low at the waist. "What honor brings you here?"

"Lady Freyja send me," the woman said, her voice like bells. "She has heard the cry and sends me to collect."

Is she a Valkyrie? i wondered in awe, unable to take my eyes from the sight.

Her eyes turned to me. "Yes i am. You will refer to me as Antinodea."

She's telepathic. I marveled as Antinodea returned her gaze to the groveling Vampire. "They will come with me, all three." she said.

"Three?" Nami spoke up.

"Yes, you, the other woman and the dead man. The blonde stays behind."

"Why?!" Nami said harshly. "We all go, or none at all!"

"No living man may enter our kingdom of Valhalla," Antinodea explained, not bothering to contain the slight harshness in her tone. "Our world is a place where those chosen among the slain of battle may become the warriors of Valhalla. The Valkyrie choose only the finest of men's souls, for them to join us in above palace." She smiled coyly. "We serve mead to them... among other things they desire."

I shifted restlessly on my feet. "Those slain in battle". My eyes found Zoro again. Does sacrificing yourself when no one is around make you worthy?

"I don't care what you serve them!" Nami growled, standing up from the cook's side. Sanji was mumbling something incoherent under his breath, that goofy smile still etched in his features.

"Either Sanji-kun comes with us, or you don't get anything!"

Antinodea grimaced, not a good expression on a face such as hers. I could almost see the gears turning in her brain, what to do, what to do!

Finally, she let out a sigh. "Very well." She raised her hands to the ceiling, closing her eyes and moving her lips silently. A beam of pure sunlight pierced the earth, shining in a perfect circle on the floor in front of us.

Antinodea gestured to the light. "Please, proceed."

"Sanji!" Nami slapped him. "Get up!"

It was no use. Resigning herself, Nami hooked her arms around his armpits and dragged him inside the light beam. In a flash, the navigator and the cook disappeared.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"Valhalla," was the concise reply. "The body." Antinodea raised her hand and the swordsman's body levitated into the air, floating toward us and into the light. Fwooom! Gone.

It was my turn.I took a step forward, but i suddenly felt something latch onto my shoulder, and i stumbled, tumbling backward into the light. I caught a glimpse of burning red eyes full of hate before the world flashed into white, and i felt the sensation of falling.

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