Recycled time

By mienim_stilinski

299 10 0

When you get cut you heal over some days but this isn't the case for Amore Grey-Wall who can heal in a matter... More

Le muffin
Mrs Mary's magic store
Through the back wall
The trip to school
Level 0.3
She's not dead
Having no heart doesnt mean your dead
Next time tell me yourself.
Dance to the death
Make it or fake it
Double beat


39 2 0
By mienim_stilinski

"Where is he?" she said puffed and exhausted she seemed as if she had been running in a triathlon. Her heart beet was up to 209 beets a minute which for a witch is not healthy and is a quarter if the average to fast. The girls eyes had turned from a pure bright green to a very faded murky mossy green and her skin was a pale white colour almost colourless which was carried through to her lips that where an exceedingly pale pink colour the girl other than those factors was completely normal.
"Is anyone there?" is all she could think of to say but as she ended her sentence a woman that hermione recognised very much walked in.
"Jen, where's-" she was cut off by a boy entering the room with a large clump on the ground he landed of the table from when he slid across.
"Enzo" is all the girl could say with relief that he had not run away for the hills once he had seen her heal like she did.
She glanced down at what she was wearing. A pink play suit and a floral kimono with nude stilettos. She looked down at her self pondering how long she had been unconscious.
"How long have I been out for?" she said glaring at the boy together the truthful answer not expecting it from Jen.
"Uh, a couple of hours" he said with uncertainty as if he was no good at telling time, which was true as he could not tell if it had been half an hour or 4 hours.
"That's not that bad" she said attempting to prove to Jen that her charms did not affect her badly.
"Not that bad, they shouldn't be effecting you like this at all" she said with huge alarm as if trying to get a point across that she is not to use them any more. The boy still standing there was utterly confused as if he knew of no charms at all. Hermione looked across at him and said "oh come on you can stop faking we all know who you are" she said getting her self off the couch and into the kitchen to make coffee. The kettle whistled loudly and then suddenly nothing. Enzo slowly walking into the room knew nothing of what she was talking about, his mind was racing on what she had said: you can stop faking now, we all know who you are" he was utterly confused who was he supposed to be.
"Coffee?" she asked him as if nothing had happened. She turned away with no answer from the boy and poured him a cup knowing his facial expression meant that he was truly clueless. Enzo took the white expresso sized cup and placed it on the table sitting in front of him in the lounge room. The room had grey walls, beige couches and one small coffee table I the centre which was polished deep wood colour with a traditional look to the legs.
As Enzo began to clear his throat hermione began quickly.
"As you know my family and myself along with our people are different and our people also includes you." she said in a comforting manner to soothe him into believing her every word.
"We come from a different universe ,or ,planet I can never remember which." She said waiting to see if he had any questions than she began again " two millenniums ago our planet disappeared. The only survivors being the ones who came here to your would as a prison where you can not get caught doing magic because other wise if you do than people would probably want to investigate you and well we both now that leads to discovery and 'surgery' " she said with great pleasure that she remembers the story." But others where also sent here to see how hubbleys live with out magic. Around three hundred million survived the others did not but there is still hope I mean we only misplaced our planet" her eyes grew larger as if about to blow up into tears but instead let out a sigh of distress but continued the story.
" Every one was either a prisoner who had done a mildly bad thing, an investigator or a creature who would have been transported here through a time binn" she took a deep breath and then continued. " all exept one. he was no prisoner or investigator he was pure darkness. No one even dare say his name, people say he plots in a castle far from prying eyes where only he can reach.
Or it's a load of baloney an he went missing with the rest of them."

Enzo was slowly allowing this to be considered real. After a life of needing evidence and logic he was being brought into a world where no maths or logical explanations existed and instead the average pocket accessory was a wand that suited your abilities. The world felt like it was up side down when it was actually left side right as he soon discovered when he needed to go shopping for a wand but although Enzo knew she was telling the truth he still had not registered on one thing that hermione had said ('you can stop faking we all know who you are').

* * *
A month had passed and Enzo had turned eighteen and was beginning the school of great wizards and witches in three weeks, the school was located in a very strange place but never the less Enzo was bewildered with a strange sense of not belonging. He would be in the same year level as hermione seeing he knew nothing he would have to study extremely hard and get top grades to not be lowered to the grade under her.
The schools name was Charshole school of wizardry with headmaster Nicholas Debensun. Nicholas Debensun was an elderly man with a foot long blonde almost white beard and a blue pointy hat that flopped down most of the time, he wore a deep blue robe and half moon glasses that where usually worn at the end of his nose because of his height he looks down at students and most teachers.

* * *
"Wake up sleepy head!" she yelled at his face. Enzo had been staying at Hermione's house learning how to cast basic spells and learn how to master a simple beginners wand before purchasing his own, his parents did not mind after they had a memory charm cast over them and thought Enzo was in his room sick with a highly contagious sickness. After one week of learning memory charms Enzo knew his parents where not his birth parents because why would he be able to do magic and not them or have they been hiding it form him.
The day had come to buy his own personalized wand he was feeling miserable because he knew as soon as that wand was placed in his hand he could never turn back, but he did not want to instead he wanted to go home and celebrate his fathers 65th birth day and eat cake but there was no cake to be eaten at 86 Pomore avenue there where instead flying irons and tinny little things stealing Hermione's shoes and running off with her undies.
"Hey babe" he said waking up to the sound of Jen yelling at what looked like self walking shoes. Hermione was sitting on the desk chair waiting for him to get up with a constant stare at the clock on the guest bedroom wall. The girl helped the boy sit up after he had fallen off the bed.
"You okay?, you looked like you had a ruff night" she said with pure worry in her eyes. "I'm fine, just had a bad dream" he said lazily rubbing his eyes to wake him self up. "Was it about having to leave your family?"
"Yeh, how did you know?" He said feeling like she knew all his deepest darkest secrets even though he had none.
"You woke me up so I came and entered your dream do I could calm you down." she explained to him praying that he didn't realize that meant he was penetrable but her prayers where answered and he no longer had his mind on that subject and had moved onto what his wand would look like and feel like but after coming out of his day dreaming he blinked and looked at Hermione who was now standing at his door completely dressed in a light blue skater skirt and black shirt along with ankle heigh blue converses. Her hair was now a reddish brown with waves.
"That was quick" he said in shock on how quick it took her but then glanced at the clock and it had come to his mind that he had been sitting there for one hour and thread quarters.
"Look at your self," she said moving her eyes slowly up and down his body he had completely dressed him self.
"Wow!" astonished Enzo looked down at himself. " I dress my self better when I'm day dreaming than when I concentrate."
" Or I said dressium repairium and you looked as good as you do now." she said boasting about her excellent fashion sense.
"Any way, she said walking slowly toward him and pressing her lips against his then quickly removed them. "its time to get your wand," she said walking out with a smile on her face and a mirror in her hand fixing up her lip stick. "You coming?"

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