Love is forbidden (Anakin Sky...

By rhinestonecowgirl14

34.8K 375 29

Mia Petrova was a Orphan founded by grand master Yoda and Master Windu on a trip to Naboo when she was two ye... More

Love is forbidden (Anakin Skywalker love story)


1.3K 14 1
By rhinestonecowgirl14

Sometime or another I must of pass out after boarding the ship I wake up to a solid white room then I realize I'm in the medical room back at Corascant.I look and see my arm has been bandage. I feel someone shaft from beside me I turn to see ani laying in the makeshift bed beside mine. He looks to me and smiles " finally awake" he said smirking now I blink confused " how long have I been out" I ask still dazed we were still in our clothes my top had been rip from battle so my belly was showing I lost my jacket somewhere another anakin still had his brown shirt but his black leather vest was off " just a couple hours you fell asleep on me on the way here" ani said still smirking " oh.." I say embarrassed " did.... anyone .... uhh say anything about it" I ask " no I think they understood you simply pass out from exhaust ration you did save us from being crushed by a bolder" he said " ha yea and thanks to me you lost your arm" I huff laying head back on my pillow anakin reaches his hand over to my chin turns me to look back at him " hey that jerk was gonna kill you I had to stop him I rather lose my arm over and over again if it meant keeping you safe" anakin said smiling while staring into my eyes I smile to him I look over and see his new arm I drop my smile " I'm not really supposed to use it yet " he say catching me looking at his arm " the droids said it'll take some getting use to , it's strong enough to crush a bolder " he adds " well that could come in handy " I say he laughs oh I love his laugh I look up to his beautiful blue eyes as he looks into my brown ones feeling at ease.

" I see she's woken up " padme said walking into the room smiling at us " are you two alright " she ask looking between us " yes we're okay" I tell her I give her a small smile " well when you two get your strength back the councils order you two to escort me back to Naboo I have things to straighten out there with the queen now that we are going into a war " she tells us sadly.

We were on our way back to Naboo anakin was talking to the driver of padme's ship I was sitting next to padme " so you and anakin...finally "she said smirking I roll my eyes " I don't know what your talking about " I say innocently "oh please I saw the whole buggy kiss and how you told him you loved him ,I mean I know we all thought we were going to die but damn talk about epic " she said laughing I blush " I don't know what we're going to do and yes I do love him I just don't know what to do yet exactly " I say " marry me then that's what you can do" anakin said padme and I turn around to see him standing there the whole time. " what " I say shocked " you heard me Mia marry me you love me and I'm in love with you let's do it" he said all serious " but we're Jedi what about the code" I tell him he shrugged his shoulders " so what screw the code is what I say we love each we're meant to be together as far as I'm concern " he said I stare at him completely shocked " I'll just give you two a moment " padme said while trying to hide her smirk she leaves the room leaving just us.I stare at him still in complete shock" Say something Mia " anakin ask after a couple minutes " ani I don't know I love you I do but we're both jedi's we're both meant to be we're the chosen ones remember " I tell him pacing around " I know but then why don't we do both we're meant to be together too what's so wrong with that" anakin ask " we can keep it a secret padme knows but she's gave us support from the beginning let's do it we can still be Jedi like we're meant to be and while being together like we're meant to be I know you feel it too that this is right just say yes Mia be my wife ,I want you by my side always." he said I can't find the words to speak " Mia I love you I've loved you since I was 9 years old, I don't want to lose you again I can't this time.I'll give up being a Jedi if it means being with you I don't care anymore I just want you to marry me Mia please " anakin ask again putting his hand behind my neck and his new hand on my wrist " okay I'll marry you Anakin Skywalker " I say giving in to what I wanted all along he smile big without thinking he lifts me up spinning me around when he puts me down he bends down and kiss me his lips feel so amazing.

We arrived at Naboo a few hours later Obi-Wan stay back at Corascant with master Yoda and Master Windu. We had plan out with padme's help on what to do we decided we do this quick padme arrange a Priest to the ceremony she suggested we could do it at the lake county but I had a better idea and new exactly where and anakin new what I was thinking about because he quickly agreed we wanted to be married at the waterfall where we fell in love. It was sunset it was a very private ceremony it was just anakin and I ,the priest padme had gotten and he had been sword to secrecy padme was there as well I guess you could say she was my braids maid she was also the witness along with C3po and r2d2 the two droids they are to stay with padme.The priest reads from his book he reaches the end he looks up at us and tells us " look upon one another and say these words " he said we turn to face each other looking into each other eyes hand in hand as he wraps a ribbon around our hands "Father , Smith , Warrior ,Mother, Maiden,Crone,Stranger " we both say together " I am his " I say " I am hers" anakin said " and he is mine " I say again " and she is mine" anakin said too " from this day to the end of my days" we say together again " In light of the seven I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your braid " the priest tells anakin he then walks away, anakin steps closer to me. I was wearing a beautiful long white gown with a thin brown slash that came around my waist with a white thin material rode over my shoulders that went to the floor and a white flowery arrange headpiece in my hair while anakin was wearing his regular Jedi clothes under his rode ,padme had a gown similar to mine but hers was solid light pink and my hair was curled more like hers usually is and it was down beings anakin like it better down he lifts his new hand to my face as we look deeply into each other eyes he smiles and I smile back " I love you Mia " he said " I love you anakin" I say to him he then leans down to me and we kiss sealing our marriage it felt like the first time. We turn towards the sunset to look at it feeling no regrets this wasn't no fairytale I know but I had my knight and shining armor I truly felt like a queen standing next to him. " I told you I'd marry you someday " anakin whispers in my ear making me giggle as I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me laying his head on my head as we stare out to the view of the waterfall and sunset above.

( so I decided to do a few chapters that will be a few time lapses into the clone wars it will have Asoka tano but not much then we'll go into revenge of the slith. Also I plan on doing the ending a little bit different then the original so don't be surprise if the ending is different and when this book is done I am going to do a sequel with episode 4,5 and 6 so stay tune enjoy. And if you are a game of thrones fan thats where the wedding vows came from just my twist. I also thought about doing a side book after I finish this book and when I finish the second book like a alternate universe type thing where the force decides to send Luke and Leia back in time to try and help Mia their mother (without her realizing who they truly are) save their father anakin from falling to the dark side and becoming Darth Vader... But I don't know yet.)

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