The Baby

Von ThatOne_Slytherin

834K 23.7K 14.3K

Harry is in 5th year when something goes terribly wrong. Harry gets drunk at a 5th-year party and wakes up in... Mehr

The Party
Morning Sickness
After Party
Baby Daddy DracoπŸΌπŸ¦‹
The Malfoys
A Month Passed
Fall Break
Three Months Passed
Pansy and Hermione
Everyone Knows
Its A.....
Baby Daddy Talk
Time Spent
Month 4 (Dracos PoV)
Month 4 (Harrys PoV)
One Room
Christmas Break
The Dursley's
A First
Month 5
Valentines Day
The Weasleys
Wait, April?
Morning After
April 30th
Month 9
The Malfoy Manor
Excuse me
Her First
The End


7.9K 180 284
Von ThatOne_Slytherin

(To make up for that disgusting war chapter I give you a Drarry wedding😗btw Remus is alive and so is Snape😗)

~3rd person Pov~
Hogsmeade looked absolutely beautiful on that fall afternoon.
It was full of colors white, beige, and silver.
Then right in front of Honeydukes, there was a white flower arch, a long white aisle, and along the sides were hundreds of chairs.

There were people everywhere, so excited to see the wedding of a century. Before the grooms came everyone was allowed to socialize and eat.

Draco was up in his room and Harry was in his. They hadn't seen each other in two days and were so excited to see each other again when they left later they would-be husbands.

Luna and Blaise were stuck with Draco and Pansy and Hermione were with Harry.
Harry was, of course, wearing white while Draco was wearing black.

~Harry's Pov~
"Harry. I need you to sit still! I'm trying to tame this mop of yours!" Pansy whines as she combed through my hair.

Draco and I have been together for 8 years. 2 of those we've been engaged in. It was finally the day...the day I walked down the aisle and got married to Draco.

I was nervous as hell, even though I had no reason to be. I knew for a fact that I wanted to marry him and be with him for the rest of my life but something about walking down that aisle made me sweat.

"I'm sorry, Pansy! You know I'm tender headed!"

I watched as Hermione rolled her eyes. While Pansy was getting my hair together, Hermione was untangling my vale. For some reason, it came in a huge knot. She was getting quite angry.

"You know, Hermione, I don't have to wear that."

She looked up at me with her jaw dropped and Pansy hit me with a comb.

"Are you insane!" Pansy squealed, "This is one of the biggest days of your life! You're marrying Draco Malfoy! You have to wear the vale!"

"She's right! This day is supposed to be perfect! Once I get this untangled it's going to be on your pretty little head!"

I chuckled as they continued doing what they were doing. I couldn't help but think about what Draco was doing. I haven't seen him in over 48 hours and Lily was down with Draco's mother. I hadn't seen anyone but Blaise, Luna, Hermione, and Pansy.

~Draco's Pov~
"Don't even think about touching my hair! I can do it myself! I've been doing my hair by myself for years and it's always looked good!" I snatched the brush out of Blaises' hand and began to brush it myself.

Today was the day I'm getting married to my boyfriend of 8 years.
I was feeling all types of things at the movement. I was trying to get my hair in place, trying to make sure I remembered my vows, I just wanted everything to be as I imagined it.

I hadn't seen Harry or Lily in like forever and I missed them both so much. I wanted to watch him walk down the aisle right now. I didn't want to wait any longer.

"Draco, you should be making sure you remember everything you're going to say. Instead, you're brushing you're hair! Let Blaise and I do it!" Luna snatched the brush out of my hand and handed me a piece of paper.

I groaned and started scanning shat I had written down. I don't know they were making me reread this! I've read it a billion times and could say every single word without even looking at what I had written.

I was so surprised that Luna brushed my hair to perfection. I looked at my hair in shock as she finished.

"Wow! Luna! Why did you not tell me you could do hair! I would've let you do my hair a long time ago!"

Her face became flustered as she giggled a bit.

"Draco! Come on! You need to put this tux on! It's almost the time, that you scheduled, to go out there and you're not even ready! You really want to make him wait?!"

"Of course not!"

I walked over to Blaise who was holding my tux in his right hand and my shoes in the other.

~Harry's Pov~
"Look how gorgeous you look!" Pansy said wiping tears from her eyes.

I was standing in front of a full-body mirror looking at everything the girls had done.

My tux was white and I had a silver flower pinned to the collar, my tie was silver, my shoes were white, I had the vale Hermione spent hours untangling in my hair, and that was being held down with a very small clip.

"He's going to love it, Harry," Hermione whispered clinging to my arm.

I'm not sure why but I became even more nervous. I started breathing really heavily.

"Whoa, Harry, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Pansy asked in a panic, leading me towards the couch. Hermione followed along and sat on the other side of me.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous right now. It's like...I don't know..." I looked down at the floor, I felt ashamed by being this nervous. I was supposed to be happy.

"Harry," I looked at Hermione as she took both of my hands, "this is one of the best days of your life. You're marrying Draco. I know you want everything to be absolutely perfect and it will be. This is your big day! You've got this."

~Draco's Pov~
"Look at me, looking like a whole damn meal," I said admiring myself in the mirror.

My tux with all black. I had a white undershirt on with a silver tie, and I had a silver flower on the collar.

I wasn't nervous at all. I knew this day would be perfect and I've been waiting for it since forever. I knew I would marry him one day and now that's it's finally here...I'm excited as fuck.

Everyone was going to be here watching Harry and me, finally, getting married.

"Draco come on! Everyone is in their seats waiting for you!" Luna said poking her head in my room.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I took one last look at myself in the mirror and walked out of the room.

Here I go...I'm finally going to be Mr.Draco Lucius Potter-Malfoy.
The thought of that put a huge smile on my face as I walked out of the room.

~Narcissas Pov~
Lucius and I had front row seats and had a completely clear view.
We were waiting for Draco to walk down so everything could start and knowing my son he would make a fashionably late entrance.

"Is he really late for his own wedding?" My husband asked me pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You know Draco. He has to make an entrance." I chuckled as I looked around at the beautiful setup. The girls had done a great job.

All of a sudden everyone turned to see Draco walking down the aisle with his best men by his side.
Theo, Blaise, Crabb, and Goyle.
(Y'all... I forgot I added Theo into the story....whoops)

Once he got the front he stood up y'all with his hands together. He told me he wade my nervous but now they he's up there I could totally see it in his face.

He looked down at Lucius and me with a smirk on his face. I hung onto my husband's arm and smiled at him. I was so proud of him. He's come such a long way and has been through so much. Now he finally gets another happy moment.

~Dracos Pov~
I walked down that aisle with all my best men behind me. I didn't truly know how many people were here until I was standing at the alter.

I looked upon the crowd and saw many familiar faces along with ones I didn't know.
I thought I wasn't going to be nervous...I thought it was going to be a moment where I was full of happiness! Of course, I'm happy! I'm overjoyed! But I could still feel myself getting more nervous by the second.

"Hey," I looked behind me to see Theo leaning closer, "calm down. I can basically hear you thinking. You're going to be fine. You know everything you're going to say. It's going to be fine."

I nodded my head and looked back at the crowd of people. I saw mother and father looking at me with such happiness. They told me how proud they were of me.

I was lost in thought as I heard the bells...Harry was about to be walking down the aisle...I don't know if I'm ready yet!

It didn't really matter because in a matter of seconds I saw Lily walking down the aisle with a flower basket in her hand.
All around people awed at how adorable she was.

She smiled up at me and ran towards me with Pansy, Luna, and Hermione walked behind her.

"Dada!" She squealed running up to me and giving my legs.

"Hey, Lil," I smirked down at her while she looked up at me with a toothless smile.

Hermione grabbed her hand once she got to the altar and went over to Harry's side.

I don't think I've ever been this nervous...that's a lie...I felt this nervous back when Lily had complications...but that's the past. She's okay now. She's here with us.

"Draco," I heard a deep snarl, I looked to my side to see that my godfather would be the one to marry us, "You better not screw this up."

"Thanks. That's a lot of help." I said sarcastically.

He smirked a bit, "I'm joking. You'll be fine."

I took a deep breath as light music started we go...

~Lucius's Pov~
Everyone stood up as music started playing.

"Oh! Here he comes!" My wife whispered in front of me. I believed that she was more excited than everyone in this room. She was so proud of them.

Eventually, we heard a bunch of awes as Harry started walking down the aisle with his arm linked to Remus's. He had this huge grin on his face.

I looked back at Draco who looked like he was about to pass out. As Harry got closer I noticed tears build in my son's eyes.

"Narcissa, look he's crying," I whispered, she turned her head to see tears running down Dracos face.

He placed her hand on mine as we continued to watch.

"Oh, shit." I heard Draco whisper as he turned around and wiped his face.

Once they reached the alter Remus gave Harry a quick hug and Draco took his hand, leading him up the three steps.

They chuckled a bit as they stared at each other. I don't think I've ever seen Draco so happy. He had the biggest smile on his face and he had tears running.

"Let's get started," Dracos godfather said as the two boys in front of him continued to hold hands, "We are gathered here today to join these two lives. Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy, but first we are going to hear a few words from the two. Draco."

~Dracos Pov~
My heart was beating out of my chest as he said my name. I was up here standing in front of hundreds of people while looking at my future husband.

I took a deep breath before starting, "First, I would like to say is that I'm sorry. Oh, I am so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for everything we were before our little girl. I'm sorry for everything I was. I treated you horribly and I can't do anything to repay you. When you told me about her...I was such an idiot. You didn't deserve any of that, you were alone when you needed me most but I continued to be selfish.
I knew I had to start helping when I knew the gender. Even if she was a boy I still would've known I had to help but everything came to reality when I saw you smiling at those pink sparks. I thought I had come over my selfishness when we became friends but that day...when we got together...I'm surprised you got so happy near the end of all that. You were right, I was only thinking of myself. I was so in love with you and I still am. Having her only made my love for you grow. I knew I had to marry you, I knew I had to be with you forever so on Christmas I had to ask you. I had to ask you to be mine forever..."

~Engagement Flashback in Dracos Pov~
"Draco! Draco come on! Lily wants to open her presents now." I heard Harry yell from the living room.

I was holding a small black box looking at the ring inside it. I wanted to marry him. I wanted him to officially mine. I wanted to stand at an altar with him...we've been together for 6 years and I wanted that number to keep growing.

I took a deep breath, closed the box, and walked back into the living. I held the box in my pocket tightly as I watched our daughter shaking boxes.

Hermione, Pansy, Luna, Blaise, and Theo have come over to spend the holiday with us and only Theo knew what I was planning to do.

"Dada! Can I open them now?' Please!"

"Just one more minute." Everyone but Theo looked at me confused as I walked up to Harry.

I was so nervous but I knew this is what I wanted. I wanted him to be Mr. Harry James Potter-Malfoy.

"Draco, why are you making her wait?" He asked me with a confused look.

"Because," I whispered, getting down on one knee, I watched at his confusion grew along with everyone else, I chuckled a bit as I took the box out of my pocket, "Harry, I love you so much and I want to continue loving you. I want to spend every living breathing moment of my life with you," so, I opened the box revealing a ring, everyone gasped as tears threatened to fall down my boyfriends face, "Harry Potter, will you marry me?"

Those tears flow down his face as he nodded his head, "Of course I will." He whispered sobbing into one of his hands. I took the other and put the ring on his finger. I took him in a hug as everyone in the room was shocked by what had just happened.

-End of Flashback-

"...the moment you said yes...I started thinking of this day. I love you so much and I cannot wish to spend the rest of my life with you and Lily."

As I finished I reached over and wiped the tears that were running down my...husbands...face.

"Harry," Snape said.

Harry took a deep breath, looking at the ground.

~Harry's Pov~
I looked back up and met Dracos eyes. He had just finished his vows and now it was my turn. I was nervous as ever...what if I forgot everything?!?

I took another deep breath before starting, "Draco, I've always known. I've always known that I loved you. I've loved you probably longer then you think I have. I just never had the courage to tell you, I wanted to so bad. I wanted to tell you how much you meant to me and how much I wanted to be with you. I never told a single person about it. When all of that happened at the beginning of 5th year I couldn't have been happier. I was so in love with you. It all felt so right but I told you I didn't what anyone to know. I told you I hated everything! When you started to watch me after some of your own thinking I could feel myself heat up in embarrassment. I always thought I was doing something stupid to make you stare at me until you asked me to go to Hogsmeade with you. You wanted to be in her life and that made me so happy. I wanted you to be in her life so much and I was so scared that it wasn't going to happen. That day, when we had that huge argument, I thought that was the day you would leave and never turn around, but instead, we ended up together...even if it was an odd way. You were with me almost every step of that way and that's all I could ever ask for. You were there when she flatlined and you were there when I gave birth and you were there when she was gone. You've always been here, Draco. I want to be there for you as long as you've been here for me. I want to watch Lily grow with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. I love you, Draco, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I ended off my vows with a smile as Draco looked away and wiped his own tears.

I looked behind him to see Theo and Blaise shedding their own tears and multiple people in the audience were crying along with them.

~Pansys Pov~
Hermione was clinging to my arm as she bawled her eyes out. I was so proud of them, they've come such a long way and look at them now, getting married.

"They're so beautiful!" Hermione whispered as she wiped her face.

"They really are," I replied holding onto her tighter Along with holding Lily's hand tighter.

Snape took a deep breath and let everyone catch their breath before continuing.

"Now, Draco Lucius Malfoy, do you take Harry James Potter to be your husband? For long as you both shall live, through sickness and in health, through happiness and in pain?"

I watched as Draco looked up at Harry with a huge grin on his face, "I do."

I looked at the audience and watched as his mother used her handkerchief to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

"And do you, Harry James Potter, take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your husband? For as long as you both shall live, through sickness and in health, through happiness and in pain?"

Harry face lit up as it was his turn to answer, "I do."

Hermione and Luna have completely lost it by down and their faces were tear-stained.

"Before we continue does anyone object to the marriage of these two?"

Nobody said a single word as my two idiots stood in front of each other with stupid grins on their faces.

"Alright. I pronounce you husband and husband. Draco, you may kiss your groom."

Draco didn't have to be told twice. He grabbed Harry by the waist and kissed him. The kiss didn't last longer than a couple of seconds and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Draco even dipped him a bit. That made me shed some tears as everyone stood up and started clapping.

I couldn't be happier for them, they deserved all of this. They were now the Potter-Malfoys.
Word Count: 3336
Publish Date: July 31
I'm sorry but I have to say this again.....DRACO MALFOY AND HARRY POTTER BELONG TOGETHER AND JK ROWLING WAS A PETTY BITCH FOR NOT MAKING THEM ENDGAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like how do goin have all that sexual frustration and not let them even have a proper scene😒

Anywayyyy, I hope you enjoyed Draco and Harry getting married☺️
Let's also forget all about the previous chapter☺️

I love you alllllll!!!! and no. This is not the last chapter, I have...I can't even say it I'm going to cry.

Also....thank you for 13k reads😭😭😭😭


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