Burning Up (M.YG+ P.JM)

By spectaclescience

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COMPLETE "I can't feel you, because it would kill me." || Jimin had never asked for this life, restricted to... More

Ch 01| Conditions and consequences
Ch 02| Gargoyle Mansion
Ch 03| A little allowance
Ch 04| Tissues
Ch 05| Not a secret
Ch 06|Discovery and decision
Ch 07| The final note
Ch 08| Meet you
Ch 09| Baby steps
Ch 10| Interlocked
Ch 11| Where's the smoke, Jimin?
Ch 12| Hug you
Ch 13| Talk to me
Ch 14| His name was Jung Hoseok
Ch 15| Confusion
Ch 16| Confusion Pt II
Ch 17| Thank you Yoongi
Ch 18| In my Dreams
Ch 20| Giving in
Ch 21| Kiss You
Ch 22| Exploration
Ch 23| Love you
Ch 24| Early
Ch 25|Cold Bath
Ch 26|Smoke
Ch 27|The Breaking Point
Ch 28|Feel You Burn
Epilogue: Fire

Ch 19|Alone for a while

188 20 1
By spectaclescience

Half the day passed with Yoongi sleeping, and Jimin half reading a fancy novel on the bed of room 22. And in that time, Jimin noticed little things about Yoongi. How he curls up on himself in his sleep, his hands hidden in between of his legs, how his mouth formed into a little pout and how his nose scrunched in certain points, how Yoongi liked to cuddle something in his sleep, which in this case turned out to be a white pillow. He looked rather odd with one hand wrapped around the pillow and the other stuck in between his knees, and Jimin was concerned whether it was comfortable, but the boy was sound asleep,and Jimin decided not to act.

Were these little observations important? Absolutely not. Would he need this in the future? Not really, but Jimin wanted to learn anything and everything as possible about the kitten like boy.

At some point in that time, Yoongi shifted, and cuddled the pillow fully, nuzzling his nose to one of its white cotton corners. And it was then that Jimin decided to seriously go back to his book, because he found himself wanting to switch places with a pillow, and thought that it was unhealthy.

It was at about five in the evening when Yoongi finally woke up, and Jimin had just one more chapter left in some love story, where a couple had fallen in love in the rain. He was raging to know whether they ended up getting married, but the low groan Yoongi made as he stretched yanked him right out of that fantasy land.

"Hey mochi" The boy said sleepily, smiling an equally content and sleep filled smile. Jimin found himself blushing at the raspy voice emanating from Yoongi's throat. "Hey yourself kitten" he said back smiling.

"Ugh, what time is it even?" Yoongi said, getting up from bed, scratching the back of his head, and Jimin lost himself in an alternate universe where this was the first time he woke up next to Yoongi.

Jimin soon decided that he was not going to read a romance novel anytime soon.

"Around five" he answered his hyung's question.

"What did you eat for lunch? I'm kinda hungry,"

Jimin swallowed. He hadn't eaten any lunch, having opted to stay next to Yoongi as much as he possibly could. And upon realizing what the boy's silence met, the older scowled.

"What did I tell you about killing yourself?"

"It was one meal!"

"Which leads to two, then three, to anorexia! Believe me, I know,"Yoongi huffed, slipping on his sandals and walking out of the room. At the door he turned around and raised a brow at the shell shocked boy.

"What are you just gonna stare or are you gonna eat?"

Jimin scrambled to catch up to his hyung. And once again they were at the counter, Yoongi sorting through the contents in the fridge.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"I don't wanna eat~" Jimin whined, but only received a stink eye from Yoongi who stubbornly began to make kimchi fried rice for two.

While the cooking happened, Jimin skimmed over the last chapter of his book, and sighed loudly, putting the book down on the counter with a bang. Startled at the noise, Yoongi turned around, giving Jimin a questioning look.

"She got together with that good for nothing jerk Chad," He venomously spat, looking at the book, and making a smile form on his hyung's face.

"You're mad at a book?"

"No, I'm mad at Stephanie,'

"So you're mad at a book," Yoongi summarized, setting a plate in front of Jimin. "Now eat up,"

"But I'm not hungr- hyung what are you doing?"

"Feeding you. Now open up and say kimchi~~" Yoongi said in a baby voice Jimin had never heard before, which made him giggle at his hyung's cuteness. He opened his mouth, only because he felt weakened by the pout that formed on Yoongi's face.

"Spoiled brat," Yoongi smiled as he shoved food into Jimin's mouth.

Jimin chewed, swallowed and stuck his tongue out at the white haired boy who rolled his eyes and picked up another portion of rice from the chopsticks. Shaking his head, Jimin kept his mouth sealed, and Yoongi pressed the chopsticks on his closed lips mercilessly, hoping that Jimin would open his mouth; at least in protest.

But Jimin remained silent, and tight lipped, and Yoongi sighed in frustration. Jimin had to eat.


Jimin was being impossible with his food, and my patience was running low. I had to eat too. And when he didn't open his mouth, I decided to force feed him, but that didn't work out well either. I would pried his jaws open by holding his cheeks, but if I did that, I would hurt the boy really badly.

So I tried something else.

I put the chopsticks down and put my hands on the counter tops and looked him in the eye.

"So you're really not going to eat?"

"Mnmmhmmm, I'm not hungry~"

"Fine then,"


"Yep," I said, and began to eat my food on my own. He watched me with wide eyes and I smirked to myself. He wouldn't know what's coming.

Once he turned his attention away from me, I smiled to myself and leaned over the counter, and as quick as a viper, I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Just a subtle one, but it brought out the reaction I was expecting. His eyes widened by a million degrees, and his mouth hung open, to which I shoved in more food.

"Now eat that or I'll kiss you again, this time on the lips," I sassed, knowing that being kissed by a guy would definitely shock him to wit's end.

He gulped, touching the spot i placed the kiss on. I understood that he probably didn't want to be kissed, but he didn't have to wipe it off in front of me, I thought, a little hurt.

He swallowed, and obediently opened his mouth for more.

Smiling at my small victory, I fed him a little more of the food.


A flash went off and we both turned our heads to see a very amused looking Mrs. Park.

"That was cute," She said, grinning from ear to ear. "Aw look at you two blushing and all," She cooed at our reddening faces. 

"See this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't fed me!"He whined from behind his hands, which had raised to cover his mochi face.

"I wouldn't have force fed you if you'd just shut up and eaten!"I shot back, making him whine a little more, and Mrs. Park to raise her brow.

"You got Jimin to eat in his don't wanna mood? Teach me your secrets!" She said, sliding onto the stool next to her son.

I'd rather not, but Jimin had other plans.

"Yeah hyung tell her your secrets," He said with a sly smile. I gulped. he really didn't like that kiss did he?

"It's called the power of Yoongz Park Mochi, and if you don't eat, I'll do it again," I threatened, making him go back to his food hurriedly.

Mrs.Park chuckled. "Well then it seems like you will be in good hands while I'm gone,"She said, asking my permission to steal food from my plate. Even though I wasn't usually the type of person to share food, I gave her an invitation to go ahead, to which she obliged, eating a mouth full of rice.

"Seriously Yoongi, if you ever give up piano, you could be a chef,"She complemented, and I made peace with the fact that I was not going to get to eat from that plate.

"Hold on, what do you mean when you're gone?"Jimin piped up, and Mrs. Park shrugged. "I've gotta g to Shanghai for a couple of months. We're building a hospital network and I should be there to supervise," She explained calmly at Jimin whose mouth hung open in shock.

"Two months?!"

"It has to be done love otherwise who's gonna do it for me?"

Jimin pouted, but nodded in understanding. "Souvenir?"

Mrs. Park cracked a small smile at this. "Of course, for the both of you,"

I half choked on air. "Me? Why?"

"I want to, so why not?"

Good point. But I was still skeptic of Mrs. Park's kindness. Sure, we had gone from strictly employer-employee to something much closer after Jimin's incident in the hospital, but still, it doesn't justify her buying souvenirs to someone like me.It seemed wrong. Presents, usually came with a catch. As a broke person, I'd learnt that very well. Everything in life had a catch. But I nodded, thinking to myself that I would cross the bridge when I came to it, and uttered a small thank you.

She smiled at me, assuring me that it was no big deal, and gave her son a small kiss on the head and began to leave with a small goodbye.

"Take care you two!" She said, ruffling my hair as well. Now I was really suspicious. What was with all the love?

"Eomma you're leaving now?"

"Well not exactly but at around ten,"She said, checking her watch. "I should not have left packing until the last minute," She tsked, shaking her head from side to side. Jimin grinned at his eomma.

"Have a safe trip then eomma, you should go pack,"

The mother smiled at her son, pinched his cheek slightly and walked down the stairs bidding us a final goodbye.

Once she was gone, I turned to Jimin. "No offense, but doesn't she have people to pack her stuff for her?"

Jimin laughed at that, and shook his head cutely. I stopped myself from cooing internally, reminding myself that he hadn't enjoyed the kiss, and that I didn't have a shot.

"No, eomma is a big believer in doing stuff herself, she only has maids cuz she's out running business all the time," He explained, and though I was still suspicious of the woman, I felt a spark of respect build in my chest. "Woah" was my verbal response, which made Jimin laugh a little more.

"I mean, if I were rich, I'd get a person to do everything for me and sleep the day away," I said.

"Maybe that's why you're not rich," Jimin countered.


Without his knowledge, in the middle of that conversation, Jimin had eaten everything on his plate, and now was looking for more. Pouting at his empty plate, he walked over to the fridge, and I smirked.

"Hungry now are we?"

"Shut up" He said, trying to hide his blush behind the open doors of the refrigerator. But I saw it, and laughed. He blushed a little harder.

When he straightened up, he had two bars of chocolate in his hand, which I had never seen before, and that was saying something because I hung around the fridge a lot. He stuck one out for me to take, and I happily accepted it, and saw a compartment which was open in the door of the fridge it self. This was a whole different kind of cool.

And I made a mental note to raid that compartment one day, for a midnight snack.

"Hyung~" He began munching on his own chocolate.


"Wanna go exploring??"

"No Jimin we're staying upstairs," I said, remembering that Mrs. Park had not given us permission to leave the third floor. And besides, I was too lazy to do that.

"But hyuuuuung~" He pleaded with his eyes, and I gave in, falling victim to his cute looks.

"We'll see," I said, and Jimin's eyes brightened up as he began to clap happily. He looked so excited just then that I felt no regrets of bending the rules a little bit.He grinned, little eyes turning into crescents as excitement radiated off of his body and carried through his voice when he said, " We're gonna go everywhere,"

I doubted that he was lying, because he seemed ready to go right at this moment if we could.

"This is gonna be fun hyung?"

"What's gonna be fun?" I asked, mentally preparing myself to the task which was anything but fun in my head.

"Being alone for a while" He answered still grinning from ear to ear, bent over the counter and placed a small kiss on my nose, before scampering away into his room.

I swear Jimin was so confusing at times.

a/n: I'm back!!!! Science is awesome but I swear it can be a bitch sometimes smh.

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