Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of Le...

By AmirBadass007

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Zoro sacrifices himself for Luffy, giving his life for him at Thriller Bark. The distraught Straw hats strug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Final Chapter

Chapter 9

1.6K 26 1
By AmirBadass007

I don't own One Piece or it's characters :)

Robin's POV

Back in the boat when i was sharing my thoughts with him i could sense his presence, i knew that he was there. Zoro was there, i can't explain how i knew, but he just was, there was a disturbance in the calm air, a flash of green from the corner of my eye, a voice in my head.

At first i thought it was my own subconscious, berating me for being a fool not looking through the second window. And then his voice warned me about my captor's attack. And that's when it slowly sank in that no, it wasn't my own subconscious. He was with us, in spirit, watching over us! The entire time! 

I was terrified the dwarfs would leave him behind when they wanted to take me. When the short men touched him a rage boiled up inside my chest. The cuts on my hand flared, but it only added to my sudden rush of passion, to not damage his body further. What had his body endured until now? All the damage he took during his fights in Thriller bark plus all the damage and suffering of Luffy, A raging cyclone, falling overboard, hung upside down from a pole, tumbling down a steep decline and punctured with poisoned thorns! It was a dead body, it can't heal itself. True, it won't bleed or bruise, but imagine the physical pain Zoro would return to.

And yet, despite my rage, i couldn't help but internally laugh at the dwarfs assumption that he was under a sleeping spell. Of course i had seen Unicorns, Dwarfs, Minotaurs, Vampires and all kinds of different creatures. So i have no doubt that spells such as that exist here. Still what the dwarf said "true Love's kiss." it sounded similar to the legend i had memorized now,"Woman reviving the man in the waters of the river Chai." The term "Reviving" could be interpreted different ways, but the meaning was still the same principal. And as we walked into town of Loren, i couldn't help but compare the dwarf's term and our own, noting the similarities between them.

"The right side of the white oak." Said Orin and the great stone door slid open to admit us. I bloomed eyes from the back of my head, discreetly so that no one would notice. I searched frantically for that shimmer against a backdrop of hard grey stone, a flash of that secondary color that indicated Zoro's spirit, and there was none. It had completely vanished, invisible even to my eye, which had grown accustomed to picking out the right symbols of indication.

"Keep your head down." Said Orin as a warning. "The ceiling is too low for humans to stand straight."

I did as he suggested, and crouched low to the dwarves height. As soon as the door rolled shut, my extra eye vanished and i was plunged into darkness. I could faintly hear the scuffing of the dwarves as they moved around, obviously used to the dim lighting. They conversed with another voice in some foreign language i didn't understand, even with my seemingly unlimited knowledge. I wished heavily that i could generate light, but unfortunately, i could not. I hoped i wouldn't die of claustrophobia before i was able to bring Zoro to the highest temple.

Suddenly, a lantern flared up, lighting the room enough so that i could at least see the dim outlines of my captors. The flame danced in it's cage, casting shadows all throughout the corners of the room. Doing a quick head count, i realized one more dwarf had joined us. He handed a second lantern to Orin, who proceeded to light it and give it to Dori, who took up the back of our procession. As more light flooded the room, i saw something inscribed on the back of the boulder that was the entrance to this hideout, it was an intricate circle with foreign letters wrapped around them, like some sort of enchantment.

"What is that?" I risked asking, nodding my head in the direction of the circle.

Ilfred looked to where i was gesturing. "That's a ward." he said proudly, "It keeps away the ghouls and other undesirables, y'see we don't want anybody finding out about this place." That being said, he prodded me forward and our group continued into the darkness, walking down a steep set of stairs and into the musty smell of the underground. As we walked, my back felt suddenly cold, like a warmth that had been there had vanished, and now i felt like death itself was crawling up my skin. If i couldn't feel Zoro's presence any longer, then that circle had to be the cause of it. "Keeps away the ghouls" Ilfred had said. Ghouls by definition were evil spirits or phantoms, robbing graves and feeding on dead flesh. Which now that i think about it, would be very bad in my situation.

My eyes found Zoro's body, still lying on the litter strung between Irogan and Ilfred. With each wobbly yet sure footed step, his head swayed from side to side limply like a rag doll. It reminded me of the times i used to bloom an eye inside the men's dorm late into night and watch him sleep, he had a cute sleeping face. I couldn't help but smile as we continued down the deep stairwell. We finally emerged in a huge room, tall enough for me to stand to full height. My back creaked from having been bent over for so long.

The walls were lined with glowing torches, tiny creatures flittering inside the can. The ceiling was made of pure gem, what appeared to be a pearl of some sort, but this wasn't the correct environment for it to grow. At the far end of the circular craven was a tall desk with another dwarf behind it. To either side of the desk, two door led off from this place.

Orin approached the dwarf at the desk, "Bosi," he said "I bring two for the auction tomorrow." Bosi put down his quill and stared at me quizzically and i studied him likewise.

"What happened to her hands?"

"She's touched the Crickle thorn." was all Orin had to say before Bosi gestured toward the door on the right, where a sign written in a dwarven language, probably indicated hospital wing. "And the second?" Bosi stared hard at Zoro. "He looks dead."

"We believe he is under a sleeping spell," Orin explained "Angela has been pretty active this year, you know and the Valkyrie do like to experiment..."

Bosi chewed the inside of his cheek. "In that case, go ahead and put him through third. The female will follow after second." That being said, he took up a long pole and smashed it against the pearl ceiling, where i could see several chips were already missing. As the pieces fell, Bosi drew out a pair of shackles from inside his desk and fit the pieces into a small hole in the lock. The cuffs glowed with a soft ivory white, then faded back into the black metal. Orin took the shackles and replaced my ropes with the cold metal. Bosi began scribbling once again on his roll of parchment, ignoring my captors.

"Ilfred and Irogan," Orin ordered the two carrying Zoro. "Take the sleeping one down that way, you know what to do. Dori and I shall take the female through the second and join you shortly."

The two dwarfs nodded and hefted the litter to a more comfortable position on their shoulders and began walking to the left as Dori and Orin pulled me to the right. I resisted, i didn't want to let Zoro out of my sight, i wasn't going to take any chances with our separation. I didn't trust these traders, and i didn't trust their culture even if it was fascinating.

I managed to cross my oozing wrists over my chest, my eyes fixed on the retreating backs of the dwarfs, but no limbs bloomed from the floor! "Why!?" I strained to sprout spare arms, but they did not appear, and soon i was overcome by Orin and Dori, and i lost sight of the swordsman. I cried out, commanding my captors to release me, hysteria rising in my tone. I didn't want to be separated from him, Not since the warmth on my back had gone.

The hall i was led down eventually expanded into a large room cemented to an off white color. The musty scent had vanished to be replaced with one of sweet flowers and herbs Chopper used in his medicines. A line of beds sectioned off by curtains lined either side of the room like a hospital. Some shadows could be seen behind some of the curtains, many of them non humanoid.

We were approached by a tall woman dressed in a long white lab coat and bearing a clipboard, resembling the one we had passed on the upper levels of the town, her skin was pale as death, her eyes glowing red, and when she smiled, her pointing canines were revealed through her back lips.

"What can i help you with?" she asked.

"Her hands. She was touched by the Crickle thorn."

The vampire smiled again, scribbling on her clipboard. "Drainage prescription," she said. "Xabian will see her."

The vampire smiled again as she turned sharply on her heel and strolled back down the ward, I pulled along behind. Near the back of the ward, i was pushed through a second door into a small room with only a single bed, a hole in the corner and a simple sink. The walls were mirrored, so on all sides i could only see myself and my ragged appearance. With knotted, flyaway hair, ripped cloths and a wild look in my eyes. The door was closed behind me, and i was left on my own. I was reminded of the days i spent on my own the past twenty years, alone in my own solitude, filled with constant worry that this night might be my last. But now my worry was directed toward Zoro, and wherever he may be.

The minutes ticked by, and all i had to look at was myself in the mirror across me. I passed the time attempting to free myself from the shackles, which proved in vain, and also to try blooming my limbs, once again with no results. I was nowhere near sea prism stone, i didn't feel the weakness and helplessness that usually accompanied the user's bane.

At one point another pale vampire entered the room with folded cloths in her hand, with the indication that i should change into them. I was now wearing a thick strip of durable stain across my breasts, leaving my chest, shoulders, and stomach bare. A long red skirt wrapped around my waist, open at the hip and ending in tassels mid calf. It was a very exposing dress, but it was still very fashionable. I had tossed my old cloths in the corner. A pity, i really liked that outfit.

Finally the door opened again to admit a tall black haired vampire. His red eyes framed by his long bangs. He wore an open neck black suit without a tie, allowing his collar to breath freely.

He held his arms out wide and smiled a toothy smile. "Xabian, Miss 24601." he said.


"Your number," Xabian explained, walking forward with still his arms open. "We do not take time to learn names." I held my chin high, determined not to show any weakness. These people were a dangerous group, i could tell just by looking. "If you insist" I said, with a hint of ice in my tone. "What has become of my spell ridden companion?" Xabian tilted his head. "I have heard of no such person, only that you have suffered Crikle thorn and are in need of my skills." I raised my cuffed hands to show him my oozing hands. The puncture wounds had begun to swell to a painfully large size, the skin red yellow. The impish grin faded from Xabian's face, and he gently stroked his nimble fingers over my wounds, his black nails gently scraping against my skin. I braced myself for pain, but nothing was felt.

His expert hands poked and prodded at my hands for a good ten minutes, occasionally wiping his  tongue across the puncture wounds. His hair fell over my wrists, and i could not see whatever he was doing. I resisted the urge to recoil from his grasp. I had a vague idea of what he was doing, but the only doctor i trusted was Chopper. A bolt of lightning spread through my arms as something sharp pricked my skin.

Xabian finally content with his work sat back with a smile, running his tongue over his teeth. "I am particularly fond of Crickle thorn venom, i don't leave a single cell behind." he said swallowing.

My eyes widened, flipping my hand over from palm to back several times, just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. What was left of the puncture wounds was now just simple white lines on my skin, and even they were slowly fading. Two holes on either side of my hand indicated where Xabian had punctured my skin to bleed the poison from my blood.

"What...?" I murmured, incredulous.

Xabian waved his hand dismissively. "That was nothing. Do not think of it as an act of charity. You sell better healthy. Now if you will com with me, leave your things behind."

i stood from the bed. I was reluctant to go with Xabian. He took me by the arm and led me back down the ward, ordering me not to look at the other patients. I obeyed, but curiosity nagged at my conscious. We had left the ward before it got the better of me.

We roamed through the labyrinth of corridors, the breath of the earth in my nose, the sounds of our footsteps echoing through the passages. we met no one on our way to wherever we were going, and i took the absence of distractions as an opportunity to create a map of this underground in my head, to possibly use as an escape route should it be needed.

"Xabian," I said as my guide paused to a fork in the tunnels. "What is this gem in my shackles? It... limits me." I was careful not to reveal my possession of Devil fruit abilities. Should he know, it might not prove well in my favor .

"it's called moon pearl," he said as he came to a decision and pulling me to the left. "It's embedded in every piece of restraining equipment."

"What does it do?"

he stood and studied me with his glowing eyes. "You're not from around here."

"No, Shipwrecked." I said, dodging the truth.

His eyes narrowed, slowly walking forward again. "it's stone found deep underground beneath the Four Towers. In the realm outside our own, it's cousin is referred to as Kairoseki or sea prism stone. This gem is much more powerful, it neutralizes any super human abilities and renders it's victim to that of an average member of it's distinct species."

"Why is it called the Moon pearl if it is found so deep underground?" i asked genuinely interested now. Bosi had placed that substance in my handcuffs, and it must be the cause of my inability to bloom extra limbs. At first i assumed it to be the venom rendering me powerless, and i didn't feel weak at all, not like when i was clamped in sea stone. I was at the average strength of a human woman? Interesting.

"It is said that it was discovered by the Moon Goddess, Lady Freyja, in a time known to the world as the void Century, but the actual date is unknown to all."

I almost stopped walking. There was a jerk in my gait as the name took me by surprise, but i quickly regained my balance. The void century. "Does that mean that a Poneglyph is on this island!?" I asked urgently.

He looked at me curiously. "Poneglyph?"

"Yes!" I didn't bother to hide the urgency and excitement in my voice. "it would be like a big tall cubic structure with a lot of strange writings on it."

"Could it be you refer to the cube of Caine?"

"The what?"

Xabian stopped walking. I could barely keep still, if this cube of Caine was in fact a poneglyph, it might be the key to finally unlocking the true history. But it may also hold the key to granting me audience with the Mongrels that lived high above on the four towers, which we appeared to be under at this very moment. Anything to get Zoro and i to the top and one step closer to the River Chai, or whatever it was.

"The cube of Caine belongs to the Moon goddess Freya, and is in the care of her twelve handmaidens, the Valkyrie, and is a mystery to us down below," Xabian explained carefully. "But there has been rumor lately that the women up there are using their servants to unlock the secrets of it. That's why they only last a week, it's only a rumor of course."

My mind raced. "I volunteer then," i said. "I will go to the Valkyrie as a servant and help them unlock it's secrets."

The vampire raised an eyebrow. "One does not simply volunteer to work for the Valkyrie. They're a very brutal group, selecting their closest servants from among the slain of battle. No one volunteers."

"Then i won't make it simple," I said, confidence building inside me. "How long until the auction?"

"eight hours."

I cursed silently. That was over Zoro's time limit. Last i checked it had been about six hours and thirty four minutes. Who knew how much time had passed since then. I went for a different tactic. "I need your help Xabian" I said.

The vampire smirked. "Know your place, 24601," he said "You're going to the stock cells. Maybe you'll find your spell ridden companion there." He spoke no more as we continued forward, but his hand wrapped tighter around my forearm, as if he was double checking to make sure i didn't try to escape. I was too mind boggled to even think about such a thing.

Zoro, valkyrie, Poneglyph. All the pieces to the puzzle had to fit somehow together, and somehow coincide to all lean to my advantage. Different scenarios and escape routes and strategies raced through my mind at top speed, and it was so distracting that when i finally jerked out of my trance, i found myself cuffed to a wall at the back of a large stone cell, the hem of my new skirt a bit dirty. And Xabian had left.

I looked to my left and i nearly cried with joy. Zoro was tethered to the wall at the farthest corner of the room, his ankle clasped with a Moon Pearl shackle. His bandages had been removed, and his entire body cleansed. The swordsman's body was now dressed in a long black slacks and a loose fitting white shirt, through the thin cloth, i could see the soft glow of the numbers on his forearm.


My shackles wouldn't allow me to reach him with my hand, and i felt like i couldn't believe he was actually there if i couldn't touch him. So i retreated back to the wall, still sitting as close to him as my restraints would allow. i drew my knees to my chest and rested my forehead in the crevice they made.

Only just under six hours left. I was without a plan, locked in a cell deep under the earth prepared for the life of a servant. My Hana Hana powers were useless, and quite frankly, i hadn't felt this helpless in twenty years. Even in Enies Lobby i had the knowledge my Nakama were there for me. Now i had no idea what was going on out there, and i was scared.

i wouldn't give up. Zoro needed me, he was depending on me, the entire crew was depending on me. Nami and Sanji were out there and needed my help, wherever they were. Luffy and the rest of the guys would be on their way promptly as well as soon as they finished off the Marines. I wiped away the tears i hadn't realized were streaking down my face. Sighing deeply to release tension, i stared in defiance at the bars.

"You won't defeat me. I'll break out of here. Zoro and i will go to the Valkyrie. I'll read the Cube of Caine. I'll bring Zoro to the River Chai. We'll be reunited with the crew, and we'll sail on to the new world."

I look at him, "Zoro, i want to say something. I love you."

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