Made For You | BOTW Link x Re...

By daetiris

465K 15.3K 36.1K

"You will aid the hero during his journey in defeating Calamity Ganon." That was the order that was given to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 12

8.4K 361 804
By daetiris

It was weird when you woke up. You weren't met with the sound of Link berating you to make food. And that made you rise from your cushioned bed with a confused expression. It took you a while to remember where you were but in a matter of seconds, your mind went to Link. You jolted off the bed, quickly gathering all of your things then rushing out the empty bedroom. Before you even made it to the living room, you caught the scent of food.

This made you slow down and when you curiously peeked around the corner of the wall, you saw a table filled with delicious meals. Your jaw dropped as you examined the variety of food that was spread across the tabletop. You went towards it, your mouth-watering with each step you took.

"Oh, you're awake!" Alena chirped as she walked out of the kitchen. You turned to look at her shining grey eyes, which were crinkled from her sweet smile. You wondered how she managed to look so bright so early in the morning. "I made you breakfast."

"You made quite a lot," you pointed out, snickering just slightly at the end of your words. Nonetheless, you went towards a chair and sat down gratefully. Your eyes scavenged the countless number of plates that laid in front of you. Just the sight made your stomach rumble.

"I may have gone a bit overboard," she laughed. "But I figured you'd wake up hungry."

"Well you got that right," you said as you served yourself. "How long have you been awake?"

"Maybe an hour or so," Alena replied, following your example by serving herself as well. You nodded slowly to her words, taking a large spoonful of the flavourful food. The rich taste made you eat happily.

"Hmm, well the food is very delicious," you commented with a smile.

"I'm glad you think so!"

You directed your attention back to your meal. There was a long awkward silence between the two of you, which caused you to fidget in your seat uncomfortably. You tried to think of topics to talk about, but your thoughts were more centred on Link. You wondered if he had finished whatever it was he needed to do, though you doubted it.

"Link hasn't passed by yet, right?" You decided to ask, breaking the horrible silence.

"No," Alena sighed. "Does he usually take a long time?"

"Yeah," you answered, a smile tugging the end of your lips.

"Ah," she nodded, pushing away her empty plate before standing. "Well if that's the case, then why don't we take a walk around the village? I can show you around."

You looked up at her, your mouth hanging open as you thought. The suggestion made you smile since it would allow you to admire the village to a greater extent. "That sounds like a splendid idea," you replied. "Are there any shops around?"

"A few, why?"

"I need to buy some things," you responded with a light chuckle.

"Alright, would you like a change of clothes? I don't mind giving you some of my tunics and trousers," Alena offered wholeheartedly. You glanced down at the pyjamas she had given you the night before and nodded.

"If it's not too much trouble, then yes."


You were amazed by everything Hateno had to offer. Not only was the area beautiful, but the people that lived in the village brought out beauty as well. Many villagers greeted you cheerfully, and their carefree moods affected you. Their lives, though simple, were filled with the joyful moments of interacting with one another and this caught your attention greatly.

"It's so beautiful here," you said to Alena as she led you around different parts of the village.

"I agree, but," Alena paused for a few seconds before speaking up again. "I'm starting to grow tired of Hateno."

"Why's that?"

"Well for starters, everyone here lives by routine," she stated, gesturing to the people around you. "Every day is the same and... it just gets boring. From the moment I was born I've lived each day like the rest here."

You looked around, watching as many of the villagers took strolls and went on with their daily lives. "I see," you said quietly. "Then just go out and travel one day. I'm sure that will cure the boredom you feel here."

The girl scoffed at your words. "And risk getting killed by monsters? You do remember I lack survival skills, right? I told you yesterday," she reminded you.

"You made that quite clear. But the thing is, if you never find a way to learn those skills," you began to say, "you'll find yourself stuck here for the rest of your life."

Alena began to fiddle with her fingers as she listened to you. "I... can't disagree with you," she muttered a bit quietly, but you were able to catch her words. You didn't know what to tell her anymore, so you remained quiet and continued walking along with her. During the walk, you looked up, spotting what seemed like a shop. Curiously you walked ahead until you were standing right in front of the entrance.

"What is this place?" You asked Alena, turning to look at her.

"Ventest Clothing," she answered. "It's a mother and daughter business. They sell a variety of things like armour and everyday attire. I usually come here to buy most of my tunics and all."

"Ooh," you said as you walked up the stone steps that led to the door. When you walked in you caught sight of a couple of garments that were neatly placed at the far end of the room. You walked over to the clothes to take a closer look and as you examined the fabric and designs, you smiled. "How much do these cost?" You turned to Alena, who was now walking towards you.

"Hmm, if I'm correct the Hylian Hood costs about sixty rupees," she said as she felt the texture herself. You nodded and grabbed two of them. One for Link and you.

"How about that?" You pointed to another piece of clothing.

"That there is the Hylian Tunic," Alena walked towards it. "This costs... one hundred and twenty rupees."

"Oh my— why so much?" You asked yourself as you went towards it. You inspected the tunic closely, to see if it was worth the money. As you felt the fabric, you couldn't deny that it felt nice. Not only that, but it looked like it would be able to keep someone warm. At least enough to survive a chilly night. You hummed in thought and took one for Link. "Where do I pay?"

Alena gestured towards a young girl. "Sophie will help you," she said. You nodded and went towards the girl, who seemed shy as she told you the number of rupees needed. You weren't sure if you would have enough, but after a bit of digging through your pouches and satchel, you were able to take out the exact amount.

"Thank you," you said to the young girl before walking out the shop with Alena.

"Well, I've pretty much shown you most of Hateno," Alena claimed as you stuffed your new garments into your satchel. "Would you like to head back to my home? I'm sure Link should be there by now."

"Yeah, that's true. Thank you for giving me a tour," you said, walking up a trail that led to her house. "I enjoyed it."

"You're welcome," she replied, sending you a kind smile. You smiled back and continued walking. Just before reaching her lovely abode, you noticed Zephyr, who was still in the pen you had left her in the day before.

"Why don't you go inside? I'll go in after feeding my horse," you said to Alena. She nodded at your words and entered her home.

"Hey Zephyr," you sang to your horse as you strolled over to her. She responded quickly to your voice and snorted, obviously getting excited with your presence. "I brought you some food." You opened your satchel and pushed your hand deep inside, stopping once you felt the carrots you had purchased just a while ago. You grinned and pulled them out, holding it out for her to eat.

Zephyr neighed and happily ate the carrots, causing you to giggle softly. "I'll give you more later, okay?" You spoke gently, rubbing her snout. You spent a few minutes there, giving her the attention she deserved before walking towards Alena's home.

When you stepped inside, you saw her in the kitchen. She was cooking food again, which made you raise an eyebrow. "You're hungry?" You asked as you walked towards her, taking a peek at what she cooked.

"No, but I'm guessing Link will be by the time he comes," she said as she chopped a few herbs before putting it in a pot. You were proud of how you cooked, but the girl made your culinary skills seem little to nothing. Alena worked quickly as she grabbed more ingredients, pouring it all in the boiling pot.

"What are you making?" You asked curiously.

"Creamy meat soup," she responded, not sparing a glance. Her focus was entirely on the food, so you decided to keep quiet in hopes of not disturbing her. You couldn't, however, stop yourself from watching her cook in such an amazed manner. Alena continued cooking until the soup looked ready. "Could you hand me those bowls over there?" She asked, gesturing to the wooden bowls that were resting on the far end of the counter.

You nodded and handed them to her. As she began serving the soup the front door was immediately slammed open. The sound of the door hitting the wall caused her to flinch and she almost dropped the soup over herself, but you were able to help her by grabbing the bowl. You hissed when a bit of the hot liquid landed on your hand, but you shook it away.

"Are you alright?" You asked, placing the hot bowl down on the counter.

"Ugh I'm fine, but who in the world just opens the door without even knock—," Alena started to say in a very annoyed tone, but she shut herself up when her eyes landed on Link. You turned to look, and a large smile spread on your lips when you saw his familiar face. He stood under the door frame with a smile placed on his lips, though it went away when he heard Alena's tone. You took a step forwards, getting ready to welcome him but Alena beat you to it.

"A-Ah Link," she stuttered nervously, quickly walking over to the boy. "You came right on time!"

"I did?" Link asked, a bit dumbfounded.

"Yes, I just finished making you soup. I figured you would be hungry by the time you came by," Alena giggled. "You can take a seat if you'd like, I'll serve you right now." She sent him the sweetest smile she could muster before going back to the kitchen. You noticed the redness in her cheeks, but you brushed it away, not giving it much thought.

"Well you certainly took your time," you commented, crossing your arms as you walked over to Link. "I'm not surprised though. I expected you to take forever."

"Did you miss me?" He asked, a small grin playing on his lips.

"Me? Miss you?" You scoffed playfully. "Never."

Link laughed softly at your playfulness. He was going to move in for a small hug, but Alena interrupted when she started to call you both to the table. You smiled and took a seat, having Link plop down in the chair beside yours.

"I hope you like it," Alena beamed as she set the bowls filled with soup on the table. Link looked down at the meal, a smile now spreading across his face. He grabbed his spoon and plopped a spoonful of the warm liquid into his mouth. A large hum was heard soon after.

"This is amazing Alena," Link mumbled out, scooping up more of the thick tasty soup.

Alena couldn't help but grin at his words. "Aw, thank you," she said wholeheartedly. You noticed how she was watching him as he ate, but you said nothing about it. Instead, you shrugged and decided to eat as well since she had served you. The soup was delicious, though you didn't mention how good it was because by the time you were going to Alena was already in a full-on conversation with Link. You brought your elbow onto the table and propped your chin in the palm of your hand, listening to their words as you finished your food.

"Oh yeah, (Y/n) was teaching me some sword stances yesterday," Alena mentioned proudly. "She said I was a quick learner."

"Really?" Link nodded and glanced at you. "Did she teach you anything else?"

"No, but we did have a small duel with branches," she added with a shrug. "But I barely survived that."

Her words caused you to snicker, but you pursed your lips to keep in a full-on laugh. Link was looking at you entirely now, a grin dancing on his face as he studied you. "So you fought when your arm is still recovering, hmm?" He said, shaking his head with his grin still there.

You turned to look at him, responding with an innocent smile. "It wasn't exactly a fight," you clarified. "Besides, I need to get my arm used to those kinds of movements already."

Link rolled his eyes, smile now replacing his grin. "I guess that's true. Just don't overdo it," he cautioned, finishing up the rest of his soup. He then hummed, obviously satisfied with the meal that had been given to him. "Alena I can't thank you enough for how nice you've been to us."

"Don't mention it, see it as a thank you for saving my life," she said as she gathered the bowls. She went to put them away in the kitchen before walking back. "Are you going to stay longer or..?"

"Actually, no. There is something (Y/n) and I need to do urgently," Link said as he got up from the table.

Alena's facial expression slowly went to a gloomy one, but you noticed how she tried not to show it. "Oh... well I guess this is a goodbye then. I wish you two safe travels," she said as she put her hands behind her.

"Thank you, Alena," you replied with a soft smile. You thought for a few moments and then pulled out your sword. "Here, have this. Make sure to practice daily, and try learning some other survival skills while at it." You handed her the sword carefully. "I'm sure with time you'll master the art of sword fighting."

"Oh wow... I will, thank you (Y/n)," she nodded gratefully, her eyes examining the beautiful weapon before placing it down on her table.

"Take care Alena and once again, thank you," Link said. He sent her a sweet smile before taking your hand, leading you out the home. You waved goodbye, turning around once you were out of the house.

"So where are we headed to?" You asked.

"We're going back to Kakariko Village. I have to speak with Impa again," Link responded as he stopped walking. "Where's Zephyr?"

"I'll go get her, if you want just meet me at the entrance of Hateno," you suggested with a shrug. Link nodded, gently pulling his hand away from yours before running off to Epona. You smiled and went to your horse. "Come on girl," you spoke to Zephyr. You untied her reins from a handle and steadily brought her out the pen. Before mounting Zephyr, you fed her another carrot. Once she ate it you got onto her back with ease.

You took a quick glimpse at Alena's house before kicking your horse's sides, leading her towards the large archway that was the entrance and exit of Hateno Village. As Zephyr trotted towards the archway, you took a few moments to admire the area for the last time. You half-hoped Link and you could come back someday since you truly loved the landscape. You exhaled, finally reaching the wooden archway. Link was already waiting for you there, and when he saw you he perked up.

"You know," he began to say as Zephyr and Epona trotted side by side. "I've become quite used to your company."

"What do you mean?" You asked, the two of you guiding your horses down the trail that would eventually lead to Kakariko.

Link observed you for a few seconds and then turned his head to look at the trail. "Hmm nothing," he chuckled.

You rolled your eyes with a smile. "So what exactly did you do yesterday?" You decided to ask after a few minutes of silence. You were quite curious to know everything he had done while away from you.

"Hmm? Oh, well I got a new rune!" He exclaimed happily.

"Ooh, what kind of rune is it?"

"It's called Camera."

A puzzled look came over your facial features at the word. "Camera?" You asked. "Sounds strange. What does it do?"

Link looked thrilled as he pulled out his Sheikah Slate. "Ok so basically," he started, "with this rune I can take pictures of everything around me! Here watch let me show you." He began to fumble with the screen of his slate for a few seconds and then brought it up, having the back face you. You had no idea what he was doing, so when he took a picture you had a confused expression on your face. "Look!"

He handed you the slate and when you examined the screen there you were. You blinked a few moments as you stared at the picture. Your (h/c) was a bit messy, which made you grow self-conscious, but the facial expression you had made you snicker. No doubt you found it odd to see yourself for the first time. "That's.. amazing," you gasped, turning to look at Link.

"I know, right!" Link said as he took the slate from your hands. He started to analyse the image, laughing when he noticed your facial expression. "You look funny here."

"Shut up," you muttered, playfully slapping his arm. "So what's so important about this rune?"

"Ah," he said as he started to put the slate away. "Apparently Princess Zelda took pictures of many areas with this rune."

"Okay, and?"

"Well, that's why we're heading to Kakariko. I'm hoping Impa can explain more about the images that Princess Zelda took," Link shrugged. "Since she knows a lot about her and all."

You hummed out as a response. "Well, lead the way then."


The day passed by quickly, but you didn't notice it at all. You were too busy engaging yourself with Link. The two of you had unknowingly been conversing for hours and this you enjoyed greatly. It wasn't until the setting sun started casting your shadows that you noticed how much time had passed. You looked behind, seeing the long path you had travelled aimlessly. Hateno was nowhere in sight and when you turned back around you remembered what laid ahead.

"Fort Hateno is just a few miles away, right?" You asked, glancing over at Link. If you recalled correctly, there was a cabin nearby the run-down fort, and you figured you two could spend the night there.

"I believe so," Link responded with a nod. "Why?"

"Just wanted to know," you shrugged. As the two of you continued down the path, a cold breeze blew past you, causing you to shiver. It was then when you remembered the attire you had purchased while in Hateno. You grinned and gently pulled back on Zephyr's reins. When she came to a stop you hopped off and Link did the same when he saw your actions.

"Something wrong?" He asked, watching as you frantically searched through your satchel.

"No, I'm just looking for something," you said. A large smile came onto your lips when you pulled out the hood and tunic you had bought for him. "I got you something."

Link rose an eyebrow at your words, curiously going over to your side. When he saw the clothes he gasped, quickly taking it from your hands. "When did you get me this?" He asked, his blue eyes lighting up as he examined the new clothes.

"Earlier today. Do you like it?" You bit your bottom lip, waiting for him to reply to your question. But when he turned to look at you with the biggest smile ever, you knew what the answer was.

"Like it? I love it!" He emphasised. He started to jump up and down in a childish manner, clearly delighted with what you had given him. "Can I change into it?"

"Why are you asking me?" You laughed at his words and actions. A goofy smile soon plastered onto his lips as he rushed towards Epona.

"Did you get clothing for yourself?" Link asked as he opened her saddlebags. He started to remove his old shirt, stuffing it away into Epona's bags before changing into the tunic you purchased. You took a glimpse at his muscular back before whipping around, not wanting to be weird by watching him.

"I got myself a hood as well," you stated. "Speaking of which...," your words trailed off as you took it out. You smiled, removing the strap of your satchel from your shoulders. Once off you placed the bag on the ground and worked on putting on the greyish-blue hood. When you clipped it on you giggled to yourself, finding the patterns in the fabric quite mesmerising.

"We're matching!" Link commented happily once he was finished changing. He stared at you, grinning until he noticed you didn't wear the same tunic as him. "How come you're not wearing the same tunic?"

"I decided to just get that for you," you shrugged. "It suits you well."

"Thank you. Well, at least we have matching hoods," he chuckled, walking over to you as he pulled his hood over his head. He started to lower it more, leaving only his lips and down visible. "Do I look scary?"

You snickered and nodded. "Oh yes very," you replied, poking his cheek against the fabric of the hood. "And so mysterious."

Link's lips were pulled into a cute smile. He then shook his head back, causing the hood to move back as well. This allowed you to see his eyes and parts of his blonde bangs. "You need to look mysterious too," he smirked as he gently grabbed your hood. He pulled it over your hair and leaned down until he was at your height. He hummed in thought, grabbing strands of your (h/c) hair so it could frame your face. "There."

"Are you some kind of hairstylist now?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. He simply laughed at your words and stood straight. Due to the hood covering some of your vision, you had to cock your head up slightly to see him.

"I could be. I mean look at my hairstyle," he said, pointing to his hair but he then remembered it was tucked away because of the hood. "Oh wait."

You rolled your eyes playfully, pulling the fabric a bit more back so it wasn't blocking your vision completely. You then patted his head with a smile on your lips as you looked at him. "You're adorable," you spoke your thoughts, and when you realised this you hesitated. Link blinked slowly until a large grin found its way onto his smug face.

"You think I'm adorable?" He asked as he cutely tilted his head.

"What? I never said that," you denied his words, shaking your head as you cleared your throat. "Oh wow, look at the sun. We should get moving."

Link couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction. "Well, for what it's worth," he started to say, walking backwards towards Epona. "You're also adorable." He sent you a cheeky grin before mounting Epona and he waited for you to do the same.

You decided to blow a raspberry at his words rather than give an actual reply. You got onto Zephyr and looked at him. "If you say so," you decided to say with a smile. "Now hurry up, I remember there being a cabin near Fort Hateno. We can spend the night there."

"Ooh, okay," Link grinned. He kicked Epona's sides until she moved at a fast gallop. You followed along, the wind now pushing your hood off your head. As Zephyr galloped down the path, you looked up, feeling the final rays of sunlight warm your face up. The setting sun painted the horizon beautifully, causing you to be more focused on that then the journey to Fort Hateno.

"How about a race to the fort?!" Link yelled, hoping you'd hear him despite the wind that whipped around you two. The idea came into his head when he noticed the run-down fort just ahead. His words snapped you away from your thoughts.

"Will there be a prize in the end?" You yelled back.

Link thought before abruptly pulling back on Epona's reins. She neighed loudly to this but obeyed. You did the same with Zephyr, though in a more gentle manner. "The winner..," he thought long and hard, "gets to sleep inside the cabin. That's the prize."

"And what of the loser?"

"Loser has to sleep outside."


"Too harsh?"

"Maybe just a little."

"But it makes the race more interesting," his words were laced with mischief as he spoke. You couldn't deny what he said, but you didn't want to agree because you knew you wouldn't win. "So yes, or no?"

"Fine," you grumbled. You positioned yourself on Zephyr in a more comfortable manner, lowering yourself onto her neck. You took a deep breath, taking a glance at Link. He had a smug look on his face, and it became more evident when he faced you.

"On three," Link smirked, his attention going to the fort that was only a mile and a half away. He started to count, and when he reached the final number you kicked Zephyr's sides, urging her to gallop as fast as she could. She neighed in response, quickly understanding what was going on. The loud sound of the horses' hooves on the ground ringed in your ears, making the race intense in a matter of seconds.

Zephyr was quick, but Epona easily caught up to her. It wasn't long until Link and you were racing side by side, but you didn't glance at him. No, you weren't going to even take a glimpse at the smug look on his face. Stay focused, you thought. Your grip on Zephyr's reins tightened when you kicked her sides once more. She snorted and sprinted with energy, allowing you both to take the lead.

Despite being in front, you didn't get your hopes up. Zephyr's strides began to be uneven, and this made your focus go off balance. You shook your head, trying to ignore the hair that now pressed against your face. In your offset moment, Link managed to catch up once again. You groaned, knowing it was only a matter of time until he passed you completely.

"We're almost there Zephyr," you spoke to your horse, eyes locked on the fort that grew larger as you got closer to it. You were starting to grow more confident with each stride Zephyr took and when you glanced at Epona it seemed like she was slowing down. This made you grin. You kicked Zephyr's sides, wanting her to use her last bit of stamina to reach the large fort.

But as usual, Link passed you. Your confidence was wrecked the moment Epona sped past Zephyr. You frowned, watching as Link reached the fort successfully. He threw his fists in the air, laughter then erupting from his lips as he slowed Epona down. "I'm the winner!" He shouted vicariously, cheeky grin then resting on his lips when he looked at you.

You huffed out, pulling back on Zephyr's reins so she could come to a stop. "You did good," you praised your horse even though you hadn't won. Your attention then went towards Link. You weren't mad for having lost, even if it meant sleeping outside. "Yes, yes, congratulations Link," you sighed.

"You'll win another time," Link snickered, his eyes then looking around for the cabin. When he caught sight of it behind a couple of trees he clicked his tongue and guided Epona towards it.

Since you had lost the race, you didn't follow him. Instead, you dismounted Zephyr and began digging through your satchel. "Where do you think we should sleep tonight?" You asked her, taking out an apple from your bag. You offered it and smiled when she ate it. After closing your satchel you looked around, trying to decide on a spot to set up your things. The moon was already rising to its rightful place in the sky, so you knew you had to pick a spot quickly.

"(Y/n)!" Link called out your name, causing you to look in his direction. He waved for you to come closer, and you did.

"Yes?" You strolled over to him, raising an eyebrow when he gestured for you to follow him inside the cabin. He opened the door without knocking and lucky for him no one was in there. The cabin, though it looked rather big on the outside, was quite small. Despite the limited space, there were many things inside.

"You don't have to sleep outside," he stated, looking around the neat room before landing his eyes on you.

"But I lost the race."

"Who cares? I'm not letting you sleep outside alone. I only suggested that to make the race interesting."

You rolled your eyes with a smile. "I don't mind sleeping outdoors Link," you laughed softly.

"I know you don't. But not alone," he repeated with a shake of his head. "Anyway, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"To tie Epona and Zephyr's reins to a branch or something," Link responded, making his way out of the cabin. You hummed in response and turned, your eyes taking in every detail of the small home. To the left side was a single bed, which was pressed against the wall. Judging by the size, you knew Link and you wouldn't be able to fit.

"I'll sleep on the floor," you spoke to yourself, going over to the side of the bed. You grabbed a pillow from the bed, along with a thick blanket. The feeling of exhaustion started to dawn over you as you organised your things. Once your made up bed was done you laid down, a long yawn then escaping your mouth. You removed your hood, balled it up and hugged it as you found a comfortable position.

You didn't expect to feel sleepy in such a short period of time, but that was exactly the case. Laying there on the floor felt somewhat peaceful. Of course, a cushioned bed would've been nice, but you were used to the grounds tuff feeling. Your eyes fluttered close as you took in the sound of the singing crickets that laid just outside the cabin. That plus the nice feeling of hugging something made you drift off with a smile on your lips.

"Alright the horse's are tied up—," Link began to say as he walked inside, but he paused when he saw you laying on the ground. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"Sleeping," you mumbled, your eyes remaining closed.

"But that looks uncomfortable, don't you want to sleep on the bed?" He asked, slowly going towards you. He then crouched down, eyes observing your resting features.

"Mmm, no it's alright. You can sleep there...," your words trailed off slowly as fatigue reached every part of your body. "Night," you were able to mumble out. You breathed deeply, entering a state of deep sleep.

Link curiously watched you, smiling at the way you hugged your hood tightly. When he noticed you were using a thick blanket as a cushion he removed his hood and draped it over your curled up body as a blanket. "Goodnight (Y/n)," his voice was a mere whisper as he tucked you in his hood. He did it gently, not wanting to wake you with the movements. Once you looked warm he stood straight up and went onto his bed.

As Link laid on the bed, he moved onto his side. This position allowed him to watch your resting body. He wasn't exactly tired so he stayed up, watching as your chest rose and fell with your quiet breaths. There was something about your peacefulness that caused the corner of his lips to pull into a small smile. He started to hum a gentle tune as his eyelids closed and after a few seconds he dozed off.

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