
By UglyMfff

926 8 1

"MIKE!" "He can't hear you." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 2

69 1 0
By UglyMfff

Alex was awoken by his mother, and he immediately freaked out, not wanting her to ask what him and Justin were doing. Although when he looked behind him, Justin wasn't there, and he frowned slightly. He sat up, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he stretched his arms out.

"Honey, you need to start packing today," Maggie said, a smile plastered on her face. "Get dressed." She said before walking out of the room and shutting the door. Great.

Alex got out of bed, going into his closet and grabbing a red hoodie and some overalls. He grabbed a yellow t-shirt that said in bold pink letters 'RAY OF F*CKING SUNSHINE' on the front. He slid the shirt over his head, grabbing his overalls and sliding his legs through the jeans. He brought the strap over his shoulder and clipped it onto the button on the ripped jeans. He grabbed some socks and put them on, pulling up to about an inch below the middle of his calf, rolling up his jeans an inch before his white socks stopped. He grabbed his white vans and slid them on, tying them before throwing his red hoodie over his head. He pushed his arms through the sleeves before rolling them up to his elbows.

He walked out of his room and down the stairs, stopping at the dining room and grabbing a waffle from the plate, shoving it in his mouth. He started walking towards the front door, getting stopped by Ron.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Alex rolled his eyes, opening the front door.

"To the park," he said, shutting the door in his face and walking down their front steps. He walked down the sidewalk, heading towards the playground. There wasn't usually anyone there, and he wanted to be alone with his thoughts. As he was walking, he felt a weird chill go down his spine when he thought of Hawkins. Just the name made him want to run in the opposite direction that it was in, and he didn't know why. He shrugged it off, continuing to walk to the park, stepping over all the cracks.

Once he got to the park, he walked past the slide and over to the swing set. He sat down on one of the swings, grabbing hold of the chains and slowly swinging back and forth. He wasn't sure why, but it always helped him to relax when he was stressed. He began to go higher, closing his eyes and listening to the wind going past him as he flew through the air. He focused on the sound of the wind and the movement of the chains. Then he heard another noise, a voice, a voice he knew all too well. He opened his eyes as he saw Nori sit on the swing next to him, watching as he slowed down and stopped swinging his legs back and forth.

"What are you doing here, Nori," he asked, his cheeks flushing when he remembered the last time he saw her. Well, the last time he talked to her, at least.

"You ignored me the rest of school, I wanted to talk to you." She said, looking at him when his swing stopped. He sighed, looking to his left at Nori, his small smile turning into a frown.

"I'm moving," he said sadly. "I'm moving to Hawkins, Indiana." She looked shocked, but mostly sad. She also looked confused. Like him, she hadn't ever heard of Hawkins, and he wondered if it gave her chills like it did him.

"Why?" She asked, pushing her legs to move the swing, her feet digging into the dirt.

"My mom quit her job and Ron was transferred. Which, I'm not sure house that works when you're a pilot, but he is. I'm supposed to start packing," he paused, looking down at his watch before his eyes widened and he stood quickly. "Shit, I promised my mom I would start packing an hour ago! I'm sorry Nori, I have to go. Goodbye." He said, starting to walk away. He felt her grab his wrist and pull him back to her, giving him a big hug. Alex wrapped his arms around her neck, being about an inch shorter than her. When they pulled back, Nori looked in his eyes, taking the chance and placing her lips softly against his.

Alex didn't feel anything. He knew that he was supposed to, but he didn't. It just felt like skin on skin, like if their arms were touching. She smiled at him, Alex reciprocating the expression, although a small amount of it was fake. He didn't understand, he swore that he really really liked Nori, but he didn't feel the butterflies in his stomach that everyone was talking about.

"Goodbye, Alex," she said. He smiled, waving at her as he left the playground.

Now that he thinks about it, the only thing about her was that she walked in slow motion for him, right? Well, no, that isn't completely true. He used to get butterflies in his stomach every time she looked at him. Thinking about it, he had kind of been ignoring her after what happened at the dance. Maybe he just lost feelings for her? Alex was getting tired of thinking about it, so he just came to the conclusion that he got over her. It seemed to be the only logical explanation for how he was feeling and why that kiss didn't mean anything to him.

The park wasn't very far from his house if you took a shortcut, which is exactly what he did. He walked home quickly, not wanting his mother, or even Ron to yell at him for being home so late. It wasn't his fault that he lost track of time. Was he really on the swings for over an hour? He didn't think about that as he ran up his front steps and into the house. Nobody was downstairs, so he assumed that they were all in their rooms packing things up. He tried to ignore the aching feeling in his stomach when he walked up the stairs. On his way to his room, his mother stopped him.

"Honey, just to let you know, we have to be out of the house by the end of the month," she said, walking down the stairs, not even letting him get a word out. He groaned, walking into his room where a few boxes were placed on the floor and his bed.

He started with his bed spread, taking them off of his bed and folding them, placing them at the bottom of the first box. As he was undoing his bed and folding everything, he kept wondering what Hawkins was even like. He barely knew anything about Indiana, what was a place he had never heard of like? God, he hoped that it wasn't like Russia. He shook that thought out of his head and again, tried to ignore the aching feeling growing in his stomach, until it became too much. He ran to the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat and getting on his knees. He emptied the contents of his stomach, tears streaming down his face as he tried to breathe.

He felt somebody rubbing his back, cooing him, telling him that it was going to be okay. They handed him the tissue box, going to shut and lock the door. They sat on the ground next to Alex, who turned around and smiled at Justin. Then he just started to break down, he broke down because he didn't understand anything that was happening to him. He didn't understand why just thinking about the name of the town made him throw up. He didn't even understand why he was crying, and that made him cry harder. He just cuddled into Justin's chest, wanting this to just go away.

Wanting everything to be okay.



I don't even know what's going to happen, I'm like here waiting for the next chapter realizing that I have to write it. :))))

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