Chapter 19

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Alex stood next to Mike in front of the vending machine, trying to get a stupid piece of candy. Mike started shaking it and cursing at it, making Alex roll his eyes and stare at the piece of junk. It made a large movement and a bunch of stuff fell to the bottom of the box. Mike smiled at him, reaching down to grab an M&M bag, which he knew were Alex's favorite. He reached them out to Alex, asking,

"Want 'em?" He nodded, reaching for them, but Mike held them above his head.

"Mike, you aren't funny. Give them to me," he said, getting on his tippy toes and trying to grab the M&M's from his hand.

"I will if you forgive me," he said cheekily. Alex stopped struggling, pushing him behind the machine and standing on his toes again, brushing his lips against Mike's. Mike leaned forward, pressing his lips against Alex's and grabbing him by the waist, pulling him closer. Alex ran his hands down Mike's arms, breaking away from the kiss to nip at his collarbone. He slowly and carefully rubbed the back of Mike's hand, swiping his tongue over his Adam's apple before yanking the bag out of his hand and walking over to Lucas and Will. Mike hadn't moved, sitting there bewildered before pushing off the wall and walking over to Alex. "That was not fair!" He said, watching as the smaller boy dropped a piece of candy into his mouth.

"Was too," he said. Mike huffed, watching as he turned back around to face the two boy's.

"What did you do?" Lucas asked, looking at him and laughing.

"He wouldn't give me the M&M's unless I forgave him for the outburst in the car, so I started kissing him to distract him and took the candy." He said cheerfully, taking another bite.

"Is that fair?" Mike asked the two boy's. Lucas thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"I mean, you both ended up with some candy, am I right or am I right," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Lucas," Alex said, frogging him in the shoulder. Lucas rubbed his arm, looking at him with fake hurt in his eyes, but also confusion at how he's so strong. "I play basketball." He said. Alex sat down in one of the chairs next to Eleven. Lucas sat on the other side of El, next to Max, and Will next to Alex, Justin next to him. Mike looked at them, groaning.

"Seriously?" Alex rolled his eyes, standing up and pointing to the chair. Mike sat down, confused, that was until Alex sat in his lap. Mike smiled, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "Does this mean you forgive me?" He asked, placing his chin on Alex's shoulder.

"Maybe," he said, eating another M&M. He grabbed Mike's hand, interlacing them and putting a few M&M's in the other. Mike smiled, popping them in his mouth before smiling brightly.

"Delicious," he said. "Not as delicious as you." He said, nuzzling his nose in the boy's neck, making him giggle and shove him.

"Shut up, you're so disgusting, Mike." He said, handing Will a few M&M's from next to him.

Will stood up, looking up at the lights, which had slowly begun to flicker. Alex stood up next, followed by Mike and everyone else. They watched as the flickering grew quicker and Will started to shake. He reached up a hand, placing it on the back of his neck and muttering a small,

"He's here."

Alex didn't need to hear anymore, walking quickly towards the elevators, ignoring the woman telling them only two at a time. He pressed the button, waiting for it to open then holding it so that everyone could walk in, stepping inside and clicking the number four. He tapped his foot anxiously, hearing the dinging sound as the door opened again. He held it open, running out after everyone walked out. He started speed walking, hearing the scream of Jonathan and Nancy. They found Jonathan at a door, trying to open it and get to Nancy. When he saw them, he moved out of the way, watching as Alex stared at the door and flicked his head. The door flew off his hinges and across the room, revealing a giant monster that looked to be full of blood, guts, and bones.

"Jesus." Mike muttered.

"What the fuck!" Max shouted. It started running towards them, Alex's face changing to anger as he lifted his arm and threw it against one wall, shouting. Then he threw it against the other wall, then he threw it up to hit the ceiling, then the floor. When he let go, the two stared at each other, and then it charged towards them. He screamed, lifting his arms and throwing it out of the window, glass shattering.

"Go!" Alex shouted, everyone but Jonathan following him back to the elevator. He repeated the process from before, running out of the hospital, Nancy and Jonathan on their tale. When they got there, he put his arms up, stopping them from going any further. The creature had turned into a slime, bones and other things sticking out of it as it slowly slid into the sewer.

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