Chapter 16

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Alex stared at the lock on the chained door, watching it pop open. He pushed the door open, walking in and looking at some of the shelves. He looked around, then behind him, looking at the third shelf. He smiled triumphantly, moving the towels off of the CPR dummy. He grabbed it, about to turn around when he heard footsteps walk into the room.

"Hey, I found the breakers," Mike said, pausing as Alex turned around. "Woah, that thing is super creepy. Let me see it," he said, taking it from Alex and holding it at his side. Alex crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow, trying to hide his smile. "I think this'll work, right buddy? Right, Mike," he said, making his voice an octave higher pretending it was the dummy talking. Alex facepalmed, biting back his smile and taking the dummy back from Mike.

"God," he laughed, heading towards the exit.

"Wait, can we talk for a second?" Mike asked. Alex turned around and looked at him, contemplating whether they had time for this.

"Sure, but it needs to be fast," he said, tapping his foot impatiently. Mike took a step forward causing a blush to make its way up Alex's neck.

"I was wondering if you would be my boyfriend," he asked, looking down and shifting his feet from side to side. Alex smiled, grabbing his chin and tilting it to look at him. He leaned forward and kissed him softly, and Mike smiled into the kiss. Alex pulled back, walking out of the exit as he said,

"Yes, I will."


Alex could hear Billy shouting out that the pool was closed, asking who was there angrily. This guy had some serious anger issues. He heard him trying to open the door to leave, and he closed his eyes, turning all the lights out. Mike's voice continued to speak from the walkie talkie, and Billy continued to yell. He heard Billy look at the door, and Alex stared at it, making it close, so that it looked like someone had just ran through. He came into the room, looking at the sauna where the dummy and the walkie were. He was laughing and saying how he found him, clapping his hands together. He looked fucking insane. He walked towards the door, pulling it open and grabbing the dummy by his neck.

"Look behind you," The walkie said, and Billy turned around to see Alex.

"Hi." He said, flicking his head and throwing Billy into the sauna wall.

"Now!" Mike shouted, everyone running in as Alex threw his arm to the side to close the door, Mike putting the pipe through the handle. Lucas started wrapping the chains around it and a pillar. "Hurry!" Mike said as Lucas locked it, all of them running to stand by Alex. Billy started hitting the door violently, trying to open it and get out.

"Max," Billy said, and everyone turned to look at her. Alex could see her fighting not to let him out, and Alex almost had to hold her back.

"Do it." She said. Will ran forward and turned up the heat as much as he could before running back over to them.

"MAX," he shouted, slamming on the door. "Let me out of here! Let me out. You think funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank huh?" He asked, spitting on the window in the door. "You little shits think this is funny?" He watched as the group looked at each other, and he started to shake and twitch. "What is it? Open the door," he said, seeming to be calming down. "OPEN THE DOOR!' He screamed, slamming into the door, making everyone jump. "OPEN THE DOOR. OPEN THE DOOR." He said, slamming his hand into it with each word. "OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" He screamed, continuing to try and slam it open, and failing each time. He fell to the ground, and Will walked over to the monitor that showed how hot it was.

"We're at 220," he said, looking back at the group. He walked back over, staring at the door as Billy started making noises. It sounded like he was crying, and Max knew that as she slowly walked towards the door.

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault, Max. I promise you it's not my fault." He cried as Max arrived in front of the door, looking down as her brother was on his knees, his hands in a praying position as he muttered a mantra of 'please' from his lips.

"What's not your fault, Billy?" She asked, voice quivering.

"I've done things Max, really...bad things. I didn't mean to," he cried, tears pouring from his eyes like a waterfall. "He made me do it." He said, lifting his knees to his chest and messing with his hands as he continued to cry.

"Who made you do it?" She asked, not wanting the answer to be what they all knew it was as they moved a bit closer.

"I don't know it's like a shadow," he breathed, everyone glancing at each other. "Like a giant shadow. Please, Max." He begged.

"What did he make you do?" She said, almost in a whisper.

"It's not my fault okay, Max? Please," he begged, leaning onto the bench and crying. Tears started rolling down Max's cheeks as she watched the man in front of her wheep. "Please believe me Max it's not my fault! I tried to stop him, okay? I did! Please believe me Max." He panted, his chest heaving.

"Billy it's going to be okay," she said, placing her hand on the door as he started moving a bit. She started saying how he just needed to talk to them and how it was going to be okay, but Alex was focused on something else. He looked at Will, who had reached a shaky hand to rub the back of his neck.

"What is it," he asked, already knowing the answer.

"I can feel him.... He's activated," he breathed, shaking and closing his eyes for a moment.

"Max, get away from the door," Alex said.


"GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" Mike screamed, and she did. Not a second later did Billy throw himself at the door and take a piece of broken tile through the glass, shattering it to pieces. He started screaming at Max to let her out, making the girl cry even harder. He tugged at the pipe, pulling it out of the handle and trying to unlock the chains. Lucas grabbed his slingshot, pulling it back and hitting Billy in the face with a rock. He fell back, and Lucas reached out to his girlfriend.

"Max come on!" He shouted, grabbing her as she ran towards her friends. The lights began to flicker like crazy, everybody looking around at them and then back at the door. They could see Billy moving around, making a few strange noises. Alex could hear him growling and groaning, and then he was throwing himself at the door. He continued to throw himself at the door until the lock broke and the pillar was bent. Alex pushed everybody back, glaring at Billy. He lifted his arm, lifting a giant dumbbell and screaming, throwing it at Billy. The weight pinned him against the wall, pressing into it as it choked him. Alex lifted his other hand, pushing the weights further into the wall. Then Billy started to push the object away from his neck, well, less Billy and more the Mind Flayer. He screamed, trying to fight it, but he won.

He threw it at him, knocking him to the ground. He walked over to him, grabbing him by his hair and making him look up at him. Alex felt tears and blood stream down his face, mainly from his nose. Billy looked at Max, tears rolling down his black veined cheeks as he grabbed Alex by his neck and slowly lifted him off the ground. Alex tried to kick free, hitting and kicking and crying, trying as hard as he could to get him off. He felt his vision slowly start getting dark before he was dropped, hearing Billy fall to the ground next to him.

"Go to hell you piece of shit!" Mike shouted, trying to hit Billy with the pipe again. Alex could barely move, laying on the ground and feeling helpless. Billy grabbed the pipe from him, standing up and throwing it across the room. He slowly walked towards him, backing Mike against the wall, about to hit him when he was slowly lifted off the ground.

From the floor, Alex was slowly standing, his arms pointed towards Billy as he rose into the air still. He walked around him, slowly making his way in front of Mike, screaming as tears poured down his face and blood leaked from his nose. He threw his arms to the side as Billy crashed through the brick wall and onto the wet grass. The group looked at Billy on the ground, except for Mike and Alex. Alex slowly slid down the wall with Mike, screaming and crying and leaning into him. He was reaching back and trying to grab him as he felt arms wrap around his body. Justin ran over to them, bending down and looking at Alex in the eyes. Mike slowly got up, him and Justin helping Alex stand up as they slowly walked towards the hole in the brick wall. They watched as Billy ran away, trying to hold himself up as he ran into the night and away from the party.

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