Chapter 26

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Alex wasn't really listening to the conversation that everybody was having, laying on Steve as he held an ice pack to his head. He listened to Mike explain everything that the adults missed, Dustin filling them in on their part. Eleven had her head on Hopper's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her. They heard Murray say something, so everyone but him and Steve walked over there, even though he tried to stand.

"Al, stop it. We need you to recharge, and all you've been doing all day is using your powers. Besides, you need to rest," he said, petting his head softly. Neither of them noticed the small glares that Mike was sending them, barely listening to whatever Murray was saying and walking over to them.

"Alex, are you okay?" He asked, slowly and carefully lifting his feet so he could sit down, placing them in his lap. Alex nodded, rubbing away the blood on his nose and sitting up slowly, picking up his left leg and setting it down carefully.

"Yeah, just tired," he said.

"You should try to get some sleep," Mike said, looking at him sympathetically.

"Is that safe? I mean, in case something comes and tries to get us." Steve said.

"He needs to rest, Steve," he growled, looking over at the older boy. Not again.

"Yeah, I know, and I want him to, but he just can't sleep right now. It's not safe. What if he accidently contacts Billy," he said, looking at Mike angrily.

"If he doesn't rest, he won't be able to recharge and use his powers, which you all are very keen on-"

"Enough!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention. "I'm so tired of everyone always saying what's best for me and arguing over it! It's so stupid, you know why? Because none of you know what's best for me! You know who does? I do! So just drop it," he hissed, venom seeping through his voice. He stood up, limping away from the two boys and feeling Will put his arm around his waist. Alex put his arm over his shoulder, letting the boy help him walk away.

"Alex, wait," Mike said. Alex heard him stand up and he turned his head, lifting his arm and making him sit back down. He turned back in the direction he had been walking before, leaning his weight onto Will. The two walked over to Scoops Ahoy, sitting down in one of the booths. Will helped Alex slide in, letting him get comfortable before scooting in next to him.

"Are you okay, Alex," he asked, and the boy next to him started fuming.

"I'm so tired of people asking that! I'm not delicate, but just because I have powers somehow that makes me less brave and strong? It's so stupid," he shouted, throwing his hands up in the air before running them through his hair and placing his elbows on the table.

"I was talking about what happened with Mike and Steve, it must get annoying with everybody acting like they know what's best for you," he said, sighing and looking down. He looked at Will sadly, remembering what he went through.

"I'm sorry, both for what happened to you and for shouting at you. It's infuriating, isn't it?" He said, looking at Will.

"Yeah, it really is, they would always just baby me." He said, annoyance clear in his tone.

"Me too!" Alex said, and the two of them laughed.

"You know, I used to be in love with Mike," he said, and Alex looked at him with shock. "That was until-" He cut himself off, looking down and blushing.

"Before you met Justin?" He said, and Will looked at him.

"When you two were asleep in the car on the way here, you were cuddled up together. It can be obvious, the way that you look at each other," he said, smiling softly.

"Who knows?" He asked quickly. Alex chuckled lightly, taking his hand in his.

"Mainly? Me, Jonathan, and Nancy. Possibly Mike, but he can be kind of dense," he said, and Will barked out a laugh.

"We're not like, together, or anything. We just told each other how we feel and kissed once or-"

"YOU KISSED?" He said excitedly, getting shushed by Will.

"Alex!" He said, glaring at Alex's giggling. Alex stopped giggling a few moments later, looking at Will seriously.

"What am I going to do with, Mike?" He said rubbing the back of his neck. Will sighed looking at him.

"I really don't know," he laughed half heartedly, looking at Alex as Mike walked up to them.

"Hey, we're going to Murray's cabin, we need to go," he said. Alex sighed, grudgingly let Mike help him up, Will going on the other side. The two of them helped Alex across the mall, walking out of the front doors. They walked towards the door, Will looking at Alex and saying,

"Al, you're bleeding."

"Are you okay?" Mike asked, and this was a time where he would allow it.

"Yeah," he muttered, Will letting go of him to open the trunk. They helped him into the car, everyone getting in and getting buckled. Nancy got in the driver's seat, putting the keys in the ignition and trying to start the car. The engine sputtered, but didn't start.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't..." She trailed off, trying to start it again. "I don't know." She continuously tried to start it, failing each time. "You can't be serious- come on!" She said frustratedly.

"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asked.

"Yes! I'm sure it's fine," she said, trying again.

"Did you leave the lights on," Will asked.

"No." She said.

"Do we have gas?" Lucas asked.

"Yes!" She shouted at them, hands shaking from agitation as she tried again.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Just stop, stop," Jonathan said, opening the car door. "Pop the hood." Alex didn't hear anything that they said from out of the car, pushing his body further into Mike's and closing his eyes. They heard an engine revving, but it wasn't theirs. They looked out of the window, seeing a black mustang a few yards away. He heard Nancy shout,

"Back in the mall!" And opening the back door. She ran to the back and opened the trunk, helping Alex out. Alex couldn't hear much, just yelling and Mike telling them to be careful with him as they dragged him back into the mall.

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