Alternate universe..(Naruto f...

De Kaylahotthunder

416 4 2

Naruto has lived in this world full of abuse for 12 long years. He had to suffer being an orphan. Being kicke... Mais

6 years..
12 years/graduation.
Missions and the first c-rank mission part 1
C rank mission part 2
C rank mission final part
Back home/ new teamate?
Genin exam part 1 (universe 1)

Naruto is born

112 1 0
De Kaylahotthunder

third person.

The night was dead silent. No one even moved. The ninja in the village had an irry feeling. Somewhere in the uchiha district a young boy with lines under his eyes was holding a sleeping baby with duck butt hair. But then the peace was disturbed by a swirl of chakra appearing and out came a man with slightly broad shoulders and a orange mask with black swirls. The boy holding his baby brother tightened his grip.

"who are you and what do you want?" he asks practically growling. The baby in his arms whimpers and he rocks him slightly while activating his sharingon.

"shh. its going to be alright sasuke. I wont let this man hurt you. "he says gently to his little brother. The man infrount of him smirk. The only indicater was his mask moving slightly ajar. itachi swiftly moved his hand to his pocket and brought out a kuni then put it out infrount of him protecting his baby brother.. Their parents had a clan meeting today and would mostly be out for most of the night.I tachi growled. 'What timing' .he thinks and gets in a stance. but before itachi could blink the guy had moved behind him.

"Your to weak."He whisperes into the young teens ear and knockes him out. He then lays itachi down and picks up baby sasuke.Then leaves in a swirl of chakra.

later on that night mikoto and fuguka walk into the compound to find it completely silent.

"Itachi-kun? Sasuke??" mikoto calls out to her two sons. when she doesn't get a response she looks up at fuguka who also looked conserned and they both rush off to find their kids.

"Mikoto!" fuguku yelled from outside. mikoto rushed outside and what she saw broke her and she rushed to her eldest son franic and trying to wake him.

Itachi jerks awake, sharingon blaring. but when he sees his mom crying over him his heart stoped and he knew.. He had lost his baby brother.


On the other side of town. A man that was famous around the whole village and was the most powerfull shonobi looked almost faint as he held his wifes hand and she screamed bloodly murder.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Kushina screamed and tightened her grip on her husband. whos hand was mostly broken 10 times over. they had been in there with kushina in labor for 8 hours now.and just as minato was about to ask for something else he hears it. The one thing that has ever made his heart stop besides kushina.

"Waaaaaaa!" A blonde baby screamed coming into the world. Biwako grins widely at the littly miny minato with blonde spikey hair and ocean blue eyes. The only thing that told them apart was the 3 whisker marks on each cheek. she quickly cut the imbilable cord and was about to hand the screaming baby to his parents who where waiting with open arms and wide smiles, someone snaps her neck and grabbes the baby. Minato quickly threw his teleporting kuni behind the mysterious masked man but it was to late and the guy had disappeared. only saying two words that would haunt the two parents forever.

"to late...."


The masked man grinned at the two babies in his arms. His left red eyes spins dangerously and the tree of them disappear.. from that world.


The mask man stands infrount of the two parents. His hand over their newborn baby.

"Yondame hokage,minato.. step away from the host. If you don't this child wont live a minute longer."The guy says. minatos blood freezes, and he clenches his teeth.

'how did he slip through the barrier..?? who on earth is he?" minato thinks. he still doesn't move.

"Get away from the host.. or do you not carewhat happens to the brat?" The masked man asks evily.

"wait calm down!" minato pleads and steps forward. which makes the mask man throw the young blonde baby up in the air."shit!"minato says and teleports to catch his son."

"Naruto!!"Kushina screams.

minato catches him and the masked figure chuckles.

"I expected nothing less of the yellow flash. but what about the next one."The man says evily. minato quickly looks down and finds narutos baby blanket full with paper bombs. forcing the father to quickly throw the blanket and shielding his son from the explosion.

"Minato!!Naruto!!"Kushina screams as the whole safe house blows up.Minato teleported with Naruto the last second.

"Thank goodness narutos unharmed." he panted.He then teleported them both to their home and layed Naruto in his crib.

"you'll be safe here. Just wait here a little bit Naruto. I have to go save your mom right now."Minato soothes while tucking the sleeping infant in blankets. Then he diseapers.


"what do you want?"asked a chained up kushina with her seal exposed.

"to take the kyubi from you and destroy konaha." the mask man tells kushina. who immedatly looks alarmed.

"what?"She aske shocked. The masked man then notices a new set of seals on kushina and the masked man chuckles darkly.

"Minato is always protecting you.But now ive gotten him away from you. and furthermore the is weakend after you gave birth. Do you know how long ive waited for this brief moment? he asks.Kushinas eyes widen dramatically.



A gaigantic 9 tailed fox suddenly appeared.

'YOUUUU!' He thought as if he reconized the masked man. but then the restained fox had the sharingon in his eyes.

"wait!"Kushina yelled and looked up at the masked man from laying on a rock totally drained.

The guy then chuckles.

"The uzumaki clan really is amazing...still alive after having a biju ripped from you,eh."


"you where the kyubis host.... and now I will use him to kill you." The guy with the swirl mask says evil and commands the kyubi to kill her. Just as he tries to minato swoops in and grabs her bridal style and jumps away from the attack."You still have the flash.... but your to late." the guy says smirking.

kushina looks up at minato. her face is super pale and she could barley keep her eyes open.

"..Minato.. Naruto is Naruto alright?" she asks him. minato smiles down at her reassuringly.

"Ya .. He's in a safe place now."Minato says calmly. Kushina sighs relieved.

"Thank goodness." she says contently. minato nods then looks back at the masked man with a glare that if glares could kill. The masked figure would be dead 10 times over. Then kushina started talking again."Minato.. you have to stop that man and the kyubi.. He's heading for .. konaha.."Kushina told her husband who nodded.and teleported back to their house and layed her down by Naruto.

"Why.."She asked. Tears brimming in her eyes. minato sighed.

" its fine. your with Naruto now."He says and only then she turns to her baby boy and pulls him gently into her chest.

"Naruto."She whimpered.and a single tear started building and she clutched her eyes closed. But the tear ran over her nose onto her little new born.minato watched this with sadden eyes already planning his next move.but he couldn't help it and clenches his fist at the seen of his dieing wife holding their baby boy. he then pulled out one of his teleporting kunis and left it there as he went to leave."minato....thank you...go now.."she says and he teleports out of there.


A young teenage was siting down on his back pourch,holding his baby when the kyubi appeared in the distance and young sasuke started to cry. Then the elder sibling stated rocking him.

"shhh. don't worry your big brother will always protect you. no matter what happens." he says and then a big boulder comes straight at them and itachi hugs his little brother closer to him and runs through the compound. he had to get to the shelter where they would be safe.

"Ahh!" a girl screamed and falls forward but itachi grabes her arm and something explodes near both of them and he shields both her and sasuke. he then looks at her sternly.

"Lets go to the shelter."He says and takes off running leaving the brown haired uchiha there girl to grab onto his shirt and run with him.


The kyubi growls and looks at the hokage monument to find minato who is staring back at him. he then appears near the masked man and he start fighting. minato tries to stab him with but the attack goes threw the mysterious guy. the guy then tries to rip him apart by teleportation but minato teleports himself behind the guy

"who are you?" minato asks. the masked man chuckled.

"Madara Uchiha." he says making minatos eyes widen dramatically.

"But that's not possible!" minato says shocked. then shakes it off with a snarl." why are you attacking konaha?"

"I guess you could say.. its revenge."he says and minato's eyes widen and then they charge head on they both throw their kuni. minato dodges while the other guy lets it simply pass through him without any damage. they then charge up another attack while the masked guy came at him again. he then teleported above the guy and his him straight on with the rasangon. The guy then teleports away.minato doesn't waste anytime and also teleports. but to the frount lines. he then quickly summons gamabunta. who quickly gets into it with the fox.luckily giving minato an opening to teleport the fox away from the village.Then he went and grabed kushina and Naruto and transported all of them to where the fox was. Kushina then quickly released her chains to wrap around the kyubi.she looked at minato and grunted.

"I'm going to draw the kyubi in and kill myself....That way.. I can put off the kyubis resurrection. That's the only way the last of my remaining chakra can be of help to you."she says and alittle blood falls from her mouth."thank you for everything."She says sencerly. minato is taken aback.

"kushina you.. "He says and his body trembles as he looks for the right worlds to say."You made me the yondaime hokage.. You made me a man.. and you made me this child's father! and yet..."Minato says and kushina interuptes.

"Minato... don't look like that... I'm happy.. you love me and .Its his birthday.."She says. "And most importantly.. when I think about it.. what our life would be like together.. if I lived. I can only picture happiness." she continues and minato starts crying."If there is one thing I regret...Its that I wont get to see Naruto grow up..."She finishes honestly. Minato crys and clutches Naruto closer to his chest.

"Kushin.. Theres no need for you to die with the kyubi. use your remaining chakra so you can be reunited with Naruto.."Minato says kushina looks at him confused.


"I will seal your remaining chakra inside Naruto with a hakkefun. then I will take the kyubi down with me since I'm not the host,i can use shikifujin!"

"But with that seal you'll !!" she says shocked he nods.

"Ill die. but this is the only way and you know it." he says and forms the seals before she can say anything."Have faith in this child! after all he is our son!"minato says. kushina glares at him.

"But.. he is our son. and I don't want him to bear that burden!" she yells. while looking at her newborn son. then back at minato.

'damn you yondiame hokage!!' the fox growled and thrusted is claw forward. both minato and kushina jump in the way and cough up blood knowing its the end for both of them..

"You wont see him for a while.. so tell him anything you want to say now." minato says with a pained voice.

"Naruto....don't be a picky eater. healthy so you grow big and strong ! take a bath everyday and keep warm. and don't stay up late get enough sleep.and make friends... you don't need a lot.. but just a few ture friends you really can trust. and I was never good at it myself but study hard and practice ninjustu...but everyone has things they are good at and things they are bad if you have a hard time don't let it get you down...respect your senseis at the academy.....oh and one more thing...about the three ninja vices.. especially carefull when lendingor borrowing money.. no save the money you earn from missions and don't drink until youre 20.... and drinking to muchis bad for you so take it easy.. and as for women .. I'm a woman o I don't really understand but anyways ..find a woman like me... and speaking of vices one more thing. watch out for jiraiya sensei!!!........ Naruto you will face many painfull times and hard times.. but just be yourself and have your dreams and confidence to make those dreams come true...I really really wish I could be with you... I really wish I could be here with you longer... I love you.. "She sobs ."Minato sorry for talking so much."She apolizes. He smiles gently.

"No its alright....Naruto as your father ....ill just second everything your chatty mom said.." he says and the justu is soon complete and all 3,minato ,kushina,and the kyubi,are sucked into the seal on the little screaming infant.

The night once again becoming silent...

A/n : this is not a narusasu.the main parings are cannon. Like Minato x Kushina
Fuguka x Mikoto
Itachix Izumi
Shishi x (you guys pick)
Naruto x Hinata
Sasuke x Sakura
For the other characters tell me what you would like.

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