Falling For The Werewolf-Wolf...

By acewriter14

19K 677 329

A young werewolf boy named Remus Lupin is gay and has a crush on a human boy named Sirius Black. Remus' paren... More

Chapter 1: The New Wolf
Chapter 2: I'm Remus
Chapter 3: Friends?
Chapter 4: Sirius
Chapter 5: English Class
Chapter 6: Full Moon
Chapter 7: Vampire
Chapter 8: Sunday Morning
Chapter 9: Don't Worry
Chapter 10: Let's Get to Know Each Other
Chapter 11: I Can't Date a Human
Chapter 13: Amitting Feelings
Chapter 14: Presents
Chapter 15: The Prank
Chapter 16: The Black of Night Hunters
Chapter 17: Regulus
Chapter 18: Boyfriend
Chapter 19: First Date
Chapter 20: James and Lily Sitting in a Tree
Chapter 21: David
Chapter 22: The Story of Remus & David
Chapter 23: Meet Greyson
Chapter 24: Spring Break
Chapter 25: Telling Mom and Dad
Chapter 26: Chocolate & More Chocolate
Chapter 27: Meeting With David
Chapter 28: Running With the Wolf
Chapter 29: Kiss Me
Chapter 30: Summer Break

Chapter 12: Winter Break

642 25 14
By acewriter14

It was a start of winter break for all the students at Hogwarts. Remus made it through the days with being bullied to being saved by his friends, mainly Sirius though, and he was grateful in so many ways for them.

He was so excited for the holidays because this was a time for laughter and joy. He even convinced his parents to come to James' house for Christmas because they were invited by his parents. This would be the first time Remus' parents got to meet any of his friend's parents and he was quite excited.

Remus' father also took the news of Remus' friends knowing about him being a werewolf. He also, surprisingly, took the Sirius' family being the 'Black of Night' werewolf hunters. Yeah he reacted a bit badly, but after Remus' mom, Hope, butted into the conversation and explaining everything he had calmed down.

There was also another event that had happened during the days at school.

"Hey guys," James has said to break the unbelievable silence between them all. It was just the four boys outside sitting at the courtyard without Lily. Lily was with her other friends and declined to sit with her friends out in the cold November air.

"Yes James?" Remus had replied still looking down at his book that he was reading.

"I was thinking—"

"Oh no...that's not a good sign," Remus marked his place in his book and looked up at James to show that he was listening, as well as Sirius and Peter.

"No I swear that this is actually a good idea I have!"

"Well go on and tell us!" Encouraged Sirius.

"This better not be another plan to try and win over Lily. Because we all know that's not going to work," complained Remus. Hey he was tired of James bring him into his plans to win over Lily. He honestly felt bad for the poor girl, more her than him.

"No I swear on it! Ok so I was thinking that we should have code names."

"Code names?" Questioned Peter.

"Yes code names! And we should also have a name for our group."

"When you say group, do you mean just the four of us?"

"Yes exactly!"

"Ok what should we call our group!" Sirius was so excited about this he wanted to get straight into it.

"Why do we have to name our group first? I think we should come up with our code names first."

"No Rem! We need our group name first!"

"Fine whatever you say."

"How about...James and his Squad!?"

"How about no!" That was a terrible name Remus thought. "How about we do something like..."

"The Woofers!"

"Definitely not Sirius. Where did you come up with that?"

"I don't know. It just popped up into my head," He shrugged.

"H-how about the Marauders?" Peter suggested.

"The what now?" James asked.

"The Marauders? I quite like it!" Explained Remus.

Sirius agreed with his head nodding wildly saying, "YES! I like it! It's got ring to it. Don't you think so James?"

"I actually do quite like it."

"Well it's settled then! We're the Marauders."

"You got that right Rem! Or should I say Moony!?"


"I think that should be your code name or just nickname," Sirius explained. "Since you're a werewolf and all I think Moony quite fits you."

Remus thought of it for a moment, but then coming to an agreement with it. Sirius was right. He's a werewolf, the full moon affects him, and it just makes a lot of since. It was better then Wolfie though. He was going to say that for his name, but thank god Sirius suggested Moony because now thinking about it, Remus wouldn't be able to stand Wolfie. What in the bright mind gave him that idea anyway!?

"Ok now it's you three that we have to figure out. Ummm...what's your guy's inner animal?"

"Why does that have anything to do with our code names?" James questioned.

"Just tell me!"

"Ok then...ummm...OH! My inner animal is a stag!"



"Your name."

"Prongs? Prongs..? Prrroooongs...I QUITE LIKE IT ACTUALLY!"

"Where did you get stag and Prongs from?"

"Well...I don't know really. Stags do prance, like deer, and I just thought of Prongs."

"I a-actually quite like it. My inner animal is a rat."

"A r—"


"Oooo...I like that."

Sirius and James just looked Peter confused.

"Rats tails usually look like a worm kinda."

"OOOOOOHHHHHH!" Sirius and James said at the same time.

"Ok my turn!"

"Padfoot," Remus spoke without hesitation.

"Wait I didn't even get to say my inner animal!"

"It's obviously a black dog. And before you interrupt, I know it's a black dog because you're named after a constellation, which is a dog, and your last name is Black, so it just makes sense," Remus slipped out of his mouth. Remus learns a lot about the moon and stars because of him being a werewolf. His parents taught him all about them since he was a boy, and it just so happens one of friends, well more so his crush, is named after a constellation. Remus never had a favorite constellation until he met Sirius because that constellation of the dog up in the sky is now one, and forever his favorite constellation.

"But why Padfoot? Don't get me wrong! I actually quite like it, but why?"

"It's simple as simple." Everyone looked at Remus questionably. "Dogs have pad like feet."

"That makes a lot of sense," said James.

"Y-Yeah it does," added Peter.

"Well that's that!" Sirius stated. "Moony, Prongs, Wormtail, and Padfoot! The Marauders to the very end!"

That was a wonderful day for Remus and his friends. After that they made a pact to stay friends forever, till the very end, and there's nothing that could change their minds on that.


It's Christmas Eve night in the Lupin household. Tomorrow they will be heading to the Potter's to celebrate Christmas with them, along with Sirius as well. Peter wasn't able to make it because he was on holiday with his whole family, while Lily, who also wasn't able to make it, was spending it with her whole family. The Lupins weren't going to see their other family because they lived in America and Remus' family lived in England. This week was a full moon and they made sure to stay home when that was the case. This wasn't the first time it's happened, but this time they were going to the Potter household during Christmas, which was something new. As for Sirius, it was just him going over, which was one of the reasons Remus' parents agreed to the whole going over to the Potter's in the first place. Apparently Sirius wasn't on the best of terms with his family so he stays with the Potters. He seems happy so that means Remus is happy as well. Sure Sirius does go back to his family once in awhile, but he spends most of his time with the James and his family.

"Remus it's time for bed!" Yelled his mother. "We have a busy day tomorrow, so you better have everything packed and ready for your stay at the Potter's."

"Don't worry mom I do!" Remus shouted back. "Good Night!"

"Night my sweet boy!" Hope called back.

Remus was so excited for tomorrow that he was getting the jitters. This was his very first sleepover, not counting the one with Lily and Peter because technically he didn't sleep over, he went to his house and ran out and spent the night outside.

Remus got gifts for everyone, counting Peter and Lily, who got theirs before they left school. Sirius and James were begging him for theirs, but he simply said, "you'll get it on Christmas." They weren't happy about it, but there wasn't much they could do.

Remus got all the Marauders necklaces. Each one was special that represented them, even Remus had one hidden in his shirt so no one could see it because his friends were receiving one. Each necklace had a leather, black chain with a different charm on each one. His was a crescent moon that had his name, Moony, on it. Peter's was a triangle charm with the name Wormtail on it, James' was shaped as a branch with Prongs written on it, and finally Sirius', this was Remus' favorite one of all of them. Sirius was in the shape of a star with Padfoot on it, but on the back it has the constellation that Sirius was named after. Remus decided to do that because one, Remus has a huge crush this boy, and two, he thought it would be nice because not only is it his name, but it was also part of the reason why his name was Padfoot.

For Lily's present he got her a necklace as well, but it was a gold chain necklace with lily flower charm on it. Lily opened it with Remus and loved it so much. Remus was happy that she liked it because he was very much worried that she wouldn't.

Now Remus is in bed letting sleep take over him with a smile on his face, happy as he can be, happy because he got everything he could want, great friends and a loving family. There was this one thing that was missing, but Remus couldn't figure it out.

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