Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)

By Stitch1123

166K 2.9K 7.5K

Au Sanses x Reader If you like edgy and scary Sanses, and romantic and fluffy and edgy scenarios, then this i... More

#1 Underfell!Sans x Reader // Just Like Old Times
#2 Non-corrupted!Nightmare x Reader
#3 Dusttale!Sans x Reader
#4 SFW Alphabet // Nightmare!Sans
#6 Cross!Sans X Reader
#7 Random Text Messages // Horror!Sans
#8 Nightmare!Sans X Reader
#9 Horror!Sans X Reader
#10 SFW Alphabet // Horror!Sans
#11 Horror!Sans X Reader
#12 SFW Alphabet // Underfell!Sans
#13 Error!Sans // SFW Alphabet
Announcement time

#5 Error!Sans X Reader // Happy Valentine's day

12.1K 224 967
By Stitch1123

Today is February fourteen. The day of hearts. I always dreaded this day when I was single because my friend would all go out with their significant other, while I would just sit at home thinking about my miserable life. That is, until I met him.

- Flashback -

"Hey, (Y/N)!"

I turned my head around to see my friend running at me at full speed with a smile on her face. Her blonde hair flowing behind her. I saw something pink in her hand. I wonder what that is.

I squinted my eyes to get a better look at the thing in her hand, when all of a sudden the world did a 180.
Or maybe I did a 180. I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head as well on my back. I must've fallen backwards. But, why?

The world was spinning so fast that I had to close my eyes to avoid getting sick.

"What the heck happened?" I groaned.

"Oh my gosh! I am so, so, so, so, sorry, (Y/N)!" Chloe said. "I was going so fast that I wasn't able to fully stop when I got closer to you."

I didn't say anything and just sighed. Chloe really is too energetic. I never really understood how she could have so much energy when she rarely ever sleeps. She's always awake late at nights watching YouTube videos or texting me on the phone.

Now that I think about, I never really got any sleep last night. I was up late too because of anime. This concrete is really comfortable. It makes me really sleepy. Maybe I should take a 10 minute nap. I'm sure it'll be fine. It's not like I'm lying in the middle of the sidewalk with dozens of people walking past me and giving me confused looks.

"(Y/N)? You still alive? Did I kill you? Can I have all your mangas if you're dead?" Chloe asked.

"No. I am not dead." I replied. "And don't even think about taking my mangas."

I opened my eyes and hissed at the blinding light. Geez, I forgot how bright it was outside. My eyes adjusted at the light a few moments later.

I saw my friend looking down on me with worry etched in her face.

I lifted my arm with my hands open. "Help me up, will you?"

"Oh, right. Here."

Chloe firmly held my hand and pulled me up. I dusted myself to get rid of the dirt. I massaged the back of my head since it was still hurting. Luckily, it doesn't seem that there's a lump. That's a relief.

"Hey, (Y/N). You alright?" Chloe asked, her voice laced with worry.

I waved the question aside. "Don't worry about it, I've got a thick head. Why were you going so fast anyway? Is there an emergency?"

"What? Oh, no. I just wanted to give you-" Chloe lifted the pink thing in her hand. "- this."

It was a pink heart-shaped box with a red bow on it. It was big as Chloe's hand.

"Happy Valentine's day!" Chloe chirped happily.

Was it already that time of the year? I didn't even notice.

I took the gift from her hand. "Uh, thanks. You didn't have to get me this. What is it, anyway?"

"It's a brownie that I made. The ingredients I used are love and care! And I know that I didn't have to make you this, but I wanted to. Also it's because I was bored."

"Oh, ok."

Suddenly, I heard the Baby Shark song. Geez, that song really annoys me. Where is that even coming from? I looked around and finally located the source of the sound. It was coming from Chloe's phone.

Chloe dug her phone out of her pocket and answered it.

I kept silence during the phone call because I did not want to be rude. I looked down at the brownie that Chloe made for me. I wonder how it'll taste like. I hope I won't get diabetes from this. Chloe has a bad habit of adding too much flavour when she's cooking or baking. One time she made eggs and I took one bite and all the moisture in my mouth is pretty much non-existent. She added waaaayyy too much salt.

I smiled fondly at the memory. I didn't have many friends, so I always cherish this little moments.

I looked up when I heard Chloe saying goodbye to whoever she was talking on the phone with. She ended the call and pocketed her phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh, it was just Jack." She answered.

"What did he want?"

Her cheeks went red and she looked away with a lovesick grin on her face.

"W-well. You didn't know, but Jack and I were dating this past few months and last week he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes."

"Wait. How come you didn't tell me that you were dating somebody?"

"O-oh well. Um... I- Please don't be mad, but I-I thought you would get sad if you knew I was dating somebody."

I stared at her with a blank face for a few seconds and saw a drop of sweat trickle down her forehead. I raised my hand above her head. She looked at me with fearful eyes. I brought down my hand as she braces for impact.

I gently laid my hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile. "I'm so happy for you, Chloe!"

She looked at me in surprise. "Wait, you're not upset or anything? You don't feel any negative emotions?"

"Why would I be upset?"

"Well I thought you'd be angry that I got a boyfriend while you're still single."

"Pffftttt. Yeah, I don't care about that. Anyway, about Jack, did he ask you on a date?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Well, you'd better get going. Don't want lover boy to wait."

"Yeah, I should probably go. I'm really sorry that I won't be able to hang out with you. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow!"

"Sure thing, Chloe."

Chloe gave me a quick hug and said goodbye. I just stared at her figure as she got farther away from me. For some reason, I feel really... sad. Shouldn't I be happy for my friend that she found a partner? And yet, this sadness make my chest ache.

I sighed and continued walking back to my house. No point in dwelling in this sadness. It's not like Chloe is going to stop hanging out with me, right?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that a hole suddenly appeared out of thin air in front me. I tried to stop myself from stepping, but it seems that my body doesn't want to cooperate. My foot went through the hole and I fell down into the endless void of darkness.


Why does my body feel so stiff. I feel like I'm having a hangover. Did I go drinking last night? Geez, my head hurts so much. What was I doing last night? Why can't I remember?

I groaned when I tried to move my body. It felt like there were strings wrapped around me and every time I would move it hurts like a knife. Wait... I don't think I'm lying down. Am I suspended in the air? I don't feel like I'm lying down. And it feels like the gravity is pulling my legs down.

I tried to move my limbs, but immediately regretted it for my body feels like it's being cut again. Another groan escaped my lips.

"WeLl, wElL. LoOkS lIkE sLeEpInG bEaUtY iS fInAlLy AwAkE."

The hell is wrong with that dude's voice. I think their voice changer is malfunctioning. Their voice keeps changing pitch and sometime he would repeat a word.

"HeY. YoU gOnNa OpEn YoUr EyeS oR wHaT?"

I forced my eyes open to be greeted by... A skeleton!?

The hell!!?? This has got to be a dream. How the hell is that bag of bones moving? How is it even alive? Is it alive though?

"ThErE sHe Is. GoOd MoRnInG, pRiNceSs."

"Who-" My voice cracked. "Who are you?"

My voice was hoarse and gravelly and it's barely above a whisper. It feels like my mouth turned into a desert.

"WeLl, To AnSwEr YoUr QuEsTiOn. I aM eRrOr. ThE dEsTrOyEr Of Au's"."

I'm sorry, what? What kind of name is Error? And what in god's name does 'destroyer of Au's' mean?

"Umm... Okay, Mr. Destroyer. I don't know what your deal is, but can you please let me go?" I asked politely.

"NoW wHy WoUlD I dO tHaT?"

"Uhh... Because it's the right thing to do??" That was more like a question than a statement.

"WeLl, GuEsS wHaT, pRiNcEsS. I dOn't Do GoOd. AnD bEsIdEs, YoU sEeM lIkE you'll Be FuN tO pLaY wItH."

I felt my sweat trickle down my forehead. " Uh. What do you mean by fun to play with, exactly?"

"Oh, DoN't YoU wOrRy. We'Re GoInG tO hAvE sO mUcH fUn."

-End Flashback-

Yep, that's how we met. Kinda lame, I know. Error was really mean to me at first. He would always keep me tied up in the anti-void and would leave alone for hours on end. He would make tighten the strings around my body to hurt me, but he didn't make me hurt too much.

After a while, Error got rid of the strings on my body. And for the first time in a long time, I was able to move around freely. He said that I was free to roam the anti-void but I can't go to far as to not get lost. Oh, and also that I shouldn't even think about leaving or else he would punish me very much.

At first, Error seemed like a heartless being. But as time went on, the wall that he built around himself started to crumble little by little.


"Hey, Error."


"Why'd you kidnap me?"

Error stopped knitting and looked at me. "Do I nEeD tO hAvE a ReAsOn To KiDnAp YoU?"

"Well, yeah. It's already strange that I've been kidnapped by a skeleton, now it's more strange if you don't have a reason."

He stared at me for a second and looked down at his needles.

"It'S nOnE oF yOuR bUsInEsS." He said coldly.

I frowned. Why won't he just tell me? It's the least he could do for kidnapping me. I decided that I wasn't going to let Error have his way this time. I'm going to get the answer that I wanted. Whether he likes it or not.

I scooched closer to Error. He looked at me with a confused look. Then I asked him the same question again.

"Why did you kidnap me?"

He frowned and went back to knitting. Hmm... I guess this is gonna be a battle of perseverance and determination. Hehehehe... I know for sure that I'm not gonna lose.


Yes, I can feel it. His almost at his limit. Just a little more, then I shall taste victory.

I kept calling his name and asking the same question. I can see in his face. Just a little more and he will break.

As I kept on chattering, Error closed his eyes and suddenly burst out.

"BeCaUsE I wAs LoNeLy, OkAy!!!?" Error shouted.


"I kIdNaPpEd YoU bEcAuSe I wAnTeD a FrIeNd. I'm TiReD oF bEiNg So LoNeLy. I jUsT wAnT sOmEbOdY tO tAlK tO."

So Error just wanted a friend. Well, that's easily fixed.

"Well then. I guess I'll be your friend!"

"YeAh, RiGhT. WhO wOuLd WaNt To Be FrIeNdS wItH mE? I fReAkInG kIdNaPpEd YoU!!"

"True. But everyone deserves a friend. So, I'll be you first friend!"

Error silently stared at me and rolled his eyes. "WhAtEvEr..."

-End Of Flashback-

After Error opened up, he became more caring to me. He started to smile more often, he would always try to cheer me up whenever I'm sad. He would laugh more often, and he started to be more comfortable around me.

After awhile, Error also became comfortable with my touches. He would still tense up whenever he gets touch, but he always immediately relaxes when he sees it's just me.

Also, Error finally let me meet a friend! His name is Ink. He's also a skeleton. This skeletons have some really weird names, huh? Anyway, when Ink first came here he was so surprised when he saw me. Error arrived shortly and Ink started questioning Error on why I was here.

When I said that Error brought me here without my consent, he started freaking out and saying to Error that kidnapping is wrong and that he was taking me back home. I really don't want to go back. It's not like anybody will be missing me. My parents are dead, I'm an only child, my relatives don't care much about me, and as for Chloe. Well, she would definitely get sad, but she'll be okay.

After a few hours of convincing Ink, he finally let me stay. Ink said his goodbye to me and left me and Error alone again.

Timeskip to a few months later (I think it was a few months. Time's kinda iffy in here.), I woke up to see a tiny plush version of me beside my bed (Ink made me house so I have somewhere to live). There was anything else. Just a plushy little me. There was no card or tag or anything. Turns out it was Error who gave it to me. I just didn't know it that time, but I figured it out after some time and thanked Error.

He denied it that it was him, but he kept stuttering and blushing that it was easy to tell that he was just lying. At first, I didn't know why he gave a gift, but I got the answer to that question after a few weeks he gave me the gift.


"HeY, (Y/N)."

"Yeah?" I teared my eyes away from what I was reading and looked at Error. He was looking at the floor with his hand on the back of his neck and his cheeks has a tint of yellow on it. "What's up?"

"I wAnTeD tO aSk YoU a QuEsTiOn."

He kept stuttering and his voice kept changing pitch more so than usual.


"WeLl, I jUsT wAnTeD tO aSk If YoU wAnTeD tO gO oN a... WiTh Me..."

"I'm sorry. Could you say that again? I couldn't quite catch that."

"I sAiD, dO yOu WaNt To Go On A dAtE wItH mE..." He said in a small voice.

I was taken aback. I never really thought that Error had any romantic feelings for me. But nevertheless, I was still ecstatic. I've never really shown it, but I had developed some feelings for Error over the past few months we were together. I just never had the courage to confess to him.

"YoU kNoW wHaT? NeVeRmInD. FoRgEt I eVeR sAiD aNyThInG."

I took me few moments to realize that I was just staring at him after asked me on the date. I was really deep in thought that time.

Error started to walk away, but I held on to his wrist. He tensed up.

"Error... Look at me."

Error complied, but kept his gaze on the floor. I reached out and grabbed his chin and tilted it up to have him face me. Error still stubbornly stared at the floor.

"Error... I would love to go on a date with you." I smiled.

Error's sockets went big like saucers. He stared at me silently. Seems like his brain (Does he even have one?) is trying to process what I just said. God, I hope he doesn't crash right now.

"... SeRiOuSlY...?"

I giggled. "Yes, seriously. So, where we going?"

"Oh, GoD. To Be HoNeSt WiTh YoU. I dIdN't PlAn ThIs FaR aHeAd. I tHoUgHt YoU wOuLd'Ve ReJeCtEd Me."

"Well, I didn't reject you so you better start thinking about what we're going to do on out date." I said. "But, we could always just stay here and watch a movie. You can get Ink to make a T.V. for us to watch on."

"NoPe I aM nOt CalLiNg InK. I hAtE tHaT gUy. AnD bEsIdEs, I aLrEaDy HaVe An IdEa FoR OuR..." Error started to trail off. "DaTe."

"Oh, okay. When are we going?"

"We CoUlD gO rIgHt NoW. If YoU wAnT."

"Sure! Where are we going?"

"YoU'lL sEe."

I smiled and held out my hand. Error looked at it for moment before understanding what I want. He slowly lifted his hand towards mine and gingerly wrapped his hand around mine as if, if he was too fast our hands might catch on fire.

Error coughed and looked away, but I still caught a glimpse of him blushing. I giggled and tighten my hold on him.

"UuUuUhHhH... AnYwAy, LeT's GeT gOiNg, ShAlL wE?"

I nodded in response. Error snapped his fingers and a portal appeared. We both walked through in each others hands.

-End Flashback-

That first date will always and forever be my favorite date. Error took me to a place he called 'Outertale'. That place was so wonderful. The sky was always full of sparkling stars. It was by far my favorite out of the places he took me to. We just sat there and admired the stars.

I also cuddled with Error while we were there. He was very awkward and tense at first, but he got comfortable after a while. His embrace made me feel safe and secure. I especially loved it when he played with my hair. It really relaxes me.

On our second date, he took me to a place called 'Waterfall'. There was a lot of waterfalls alright. There were a lot of sparkling precious stones in the sky that looked like stars too. But, my favorite is the 'Echo Flowers'. It repeats whatever it hears. I had a lot of fun loading all the flowers with knock knock jokes.

Our third date which is also on my birthday (Error got me a calendar.) is most definitely my second favorite because it's when our first kiss happened.


"HeY, hApPy BiRtHdAy."

I turned around to see Error handing me present. My eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Aww. Error, thanks so much!" I said happily as I took the gift from him.

"YoU'rE wElCoMe." He said shyly.

I proceeded to open the present. It was a book. More specifically, it's a book that I've been wanting to read forever.

I squealed. "Thank you so so so so much, Error! You're the best."

"AcTuAlLy, ThAt'S nOt My OnLy GiFt." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

Error was blushing very much.

"What's the other gift?"

Error stepped closer. He put his hands on my either side of waist and pulled me close. My hands rested on his chest. I looked up at him since I'm smaller than him.

"E-Error. What's g-going-!"

I was cut off by Error's mouth pressing against mine. My eyes went wide with surprise. Oh my gosh, he's kissing me!

He pulled away panting. I just stood shocked I can't believe he kissed me! I mean, I know him kissing me is normal since we're dating but still!

"YoU aLrIgHt, (Y/N)? YoU lOoK lIkE aBoUt To CrAsH."

I tried to form a sentence but all that came out where weird noises. I was a blushing mess. I finally gave up and just buried my face into his chest to hide my face.

I felt his chest rumble as he chuckled.

"I LoVe YoU."

"I love you, too."

-End Flashback-

I almost passed out on that first kiss to be honest with you. I was so surprised and shocked that time.

I heard the sound of a door open and close

"HeY, sWeEtHeArT. WhAt ArE yOu DoInG iN bEd? I ThOuGhT yOu'D bE uP bY nOw."

"Eh, I'm feeling kinda lazy today. Also, because I just want to cuddle with you right now."

Error chuckled and proceeded to cuddle me.

"Oh, wait!" I said as I turned around to get something from under my bed. "I made you something."

Once I got hold of the package I sat up and gave it to him.

"Happy Valentine's day!"

Error took the gift and opened it. It was a blue scarf. I spent weeks trying to perfect that.

Error's eyes sparkled with excitement. Good, he liked it.

"ThAnKs, BaBe. I lIkE iT."

Error wrapped the scarf around his neck and gave me a box shaped-heart. I took it and opened. It's full of chocolate. And my favorite kind too.

"Thanks so much! I love you."

"I lOvE yOu, ToO."

The moment I put the box down he pulled down again. I rested my head on his chest with my hand caressing his cheek and. His hand gently played my hair. I sighed in content. I really love Error. His the best boyfriend ever.

"HaPpY vAlEnTiNe'S dAy, SwEeThEaRt."

I tilted my head to look him in the eyes. "Happy Valentine's day, my sweet cinnamon skelly. (ʃƪ^3^)"

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