Book of Ruel

Bởi DarlinVanDijk

118K 2.4K 361

some stories about Ruel, since I can never get him out of my head. check out my tumblr, that's where I post t... Xem Thêm

Welcome to my Book
Pregnancy Prank
I Just Need You
Tour Bus Cuddles
Just Friends
Not Ready *
Not Ready Pt. 2 *
Phone Call
Wrong About You
What About Me?
Hickey Prank
Thrift Shop
Don't Talk To Her Like That
Baby You're Drunk
Christmas Photos
Always Been You
It'll Be Okay
Valentine's Disaster
Spill the tea
Im so sorry lmao A/N
Quarantine Vibes
Stars in the Sky
Secrets & Rainy Days
After Care
Letter to anon.
After Care: Soft Version
Black Lives Matter.
Smile Please
Feeling Blue
Baby Lotion
Late Night Swim

Good Girl

4.1K 92 53
Bởi DarlinVanDijk

(i will not write smut for him. point. blank. periodt. don't really support that and makes me uncomfortable. so this is the closest you will ever get from me.)

I smile at everyone as I make my into the kitchen, dressed in my new summer dress for the family get together they were having at the park today. Ruel grabs on to my wrist as I walk past him, lightly tugging me back so that I'm getting hugged from behind, his chin now resting on my shoulder, both arms wrapped loosely around my waist. I let out laugh as he snuggles his face into the crook of my neck, the feeling of his hair against my neck being super ticklish.

"Hey gorgeous, I see you're wearing the dress I got you" he mumbles, pressing a kiss to my shoulder with a grin. I hum back in agreement, hands resting over the top of his, as I lean back into his warm body. We both look over to Kate as she tells us the plans for the day, all of us nodding along, and listening to her basically tell us to not torment the rest of the family that's also going to be there. Kate decides that her and Ralph will be going in one car, Ruel and I in another, and then Sylvie will be with coco who will also have Wilbur in the backseat. Ruel of course was ecstatic about us having a car to ourselves, having complained all night about how we can never get away from his family, hopefully now he'll stop whining so much.

We make our way out of the house, carrying the things we were all assigned to take, only to hear Ruel let out a shout and groan, causing all of us to flip around to see what happened. There laying in a heap on the floor, blankets and little pillows littering around him, is none other than my boyfriend. Before we even get the chance to accuse him of not watching where he's going like usual, we see a ball of fur fly past the front of our eyes, four little paws slamming straight into Ruels stomach, leaving him a groaning mess yet again.

"Oh there he is! Hey Wilbur get in the car" Coco says, placing hers and sylvies stuff in the trunk, leading Wilbur into the backseat, and acting like she never saw Wilbur drop kick her brother. Kate and Ralph both shrug before getting in their own car, both cars leaving the driveway, leaving me to stand there and watch my boyfriend roll around on the grass. I walk forward and stare down at him, lightly kicking him in the side to see is he's alive since he went still, getting a muttered "fuck you" thrown at me.

"You're so dramatic. You know what, maybe you deserved to get your ass beat by Wilbur" I snort, leaning down to take the keys from his pocket, and getting inside of the car. I sit there for a few seconds before the blankets and pillows are thrown into the back and a tall body flops into the drivers seat. "Are you done throwing your fit so we can leave?" I sass, giving him an eye roll as he looks over at me. He stares at me silently with a small glare on his face, waiting to see who was going to break first. You can bet your ass it wasn't me.

"Fuck fine, you win" he laughs out, a smirk lighting up his face as I throw my head back laughing, knowing he could never beat me in a stare down. I grab his hand off the console, bringing it up to press a kiss to the back of it, before holding it against my thigh. The only thoughts filling my head of how nice it was to just sit in silence with my boyfriend, no interruptions, and definitely no warning glances if a hand slips up a little too high on my leg. "I really like that dress on you, it accentuates your... eyes" he mutters, eyes darting to look at my legs every chance he gets.

"Eyes on the road lover boy, don't need you crashing because you decided to be extra needy right now" I tell him, pushing his face to stare straight ahead, laughing at the whine he lets out. We finally pull into the parking lot for the park, both of us realizing you have to take a trail to wherever his family is set up at. I unbuckle and reach for the door handle, only to be stopped as Ruel turns my face and presses his lips against mine, giving me a rushed and needy kiss. His hand starts to slide up the front of my dress, before I grab it and move it back, leaning away from him with a stern look. "We have a picnic to go to. Stop being a whore and grab the blankets" I scold him, watching as he drags his hands down his face in frustration, both of us turning and getting out of the car to grab our stuff.

"I literally haven't been able to be alone with you in two weeks! Two fucking weeks! Can you blame me for wanting to get at least a little action" he grumbles, walking beside me on the path as we try to find his family, glaring at me as I roll my eyes. He picks up his speed and stops in front of me, giving me no choice but to listen to him. "You seriously can't tell me you're not bothered by the lack of privacy we've had lately" he barely gets out, an accusatory look in his eyes.

"Maybe I'm just not as needy as you Ruel. I don't need sex to live" I choke out, laughing at the pure shock and annoyance that's spread across his face. I walk around him, continuing my way down the path, hearing his footsteps a few seconds later as he jogs to get next to me, a thoughtful look covering his face. I wearily watch him out of the corner of my eye, knowing his thinking face always means bad news. I was right.

"You know what, fine. Next time you want a kiss or even literally anything physical, I'm going to say no, even if you beg. Since you're so fucking self sufficient" he haughtily gets out, watching the look of disbelief I give him, not understanding how one boy can be so over dramatic. Like yeah it sucks that we haven't had any time alone for awhile, but is it really thaaat big of a deal?

"Trust me the last thing I'm going to do is beg" I snark out, lightly bumping my shoulder against him as I pass him and walk over to where Kate is standing, talking to one of Ruels aunts. They both greet me with smiles, taking the pillows out of my hands so that they can set them up, along with the blankets Ruel finally gives them. They thank both of us before making their way around to set it up since everyone had been standing and waiting for us to show up, but Ruel was too busy arguing with me to hurry up and bring them the stuff.

About 2 hours pass of us all just sitting around and talking, Ruel sitting with some of his cousins across the park, as I lay across Coco's lap, laughing at Sylvie bringing up Wilbur's wild attack on Ruel this morning. We're all laughing and making jokes about how dramatic he can be sometimes before a shadow is caster over us, causing the three of us to turn with scowls on our faces. Guess who's blocking the sun?

"Let's go, I have to take a phone call, but I'm not going to go alone" he mutters, eyes trailing along my legs. I let out a huff and push myself further back on to Coco, lifting my hand up to flip Ruel off, hoping he gets the hint that I'm not going anywhere. "Stop being a brat. The faster you get up, the faster we can get back." He snaps out, showing me just how thin his patience is wearing, making a lazy smile slip on to my lips as I enjoy just how much I can get under his skin. Especially since he wanted to act like an ass earlier just because he's mad at something that literally isn't my fault. Like yes, I completely set up a plan to make sure someone was always with us or barging into his room, just so I could fuck with him.

I roll my eyes and get up, telling Sylvie and Coco that I'll come back as fast as possible, before turning to look at Ruel. He stands there and watches me, before turning and heading straight to the trail, probably wanting to take the call in the car. I trail behind him, watching the way his shoulders flex with his strides, and being entranced by the way his arms flex as he clenches and unclenches his fists. I instantly shake my head, clearing my head of all thoughts of his arms, because like I said earlier, I can live without all of that.

We reach the car, Ruel walking with me to my side as he holds the door open for me, before he walks around to sit in the drivers seat. I blankly stare straight ahead, watching the birds that fly through the trees, and the bees that fly around the flowers in silence. Ruels voice then breaks the silence as he answers a call, his voice instantly cheering up as he talks to Nate. He rests his hand on the middle console, my eyes darting over to see if he'll make the move to hold my hand, only to be met with no movement at all as he laughs at whatever Nate told him.

I let out a small sigh, leaning my chair back a bit to get more comfortable, knowing just how long these calls can sometimes take. I can see Ruel make a small glance at me, eyeing the way I hold my hands on my lap, since I'm not willing to make the first move and grab his hand, knowing all he'll do is throw my words back at me as soon as he gets off the phone. He turns back to look straight again, causing me to let out another sigh, hoping he'll feel bad. I hear him let out an annoyed breath, before his hand reaches over and rests on my thigh, rubbing small circles as he pays attention to his phone call. I smile at his way of showing he gives in, placing my hand on top of his, giving it a light squeeze.

I lay my head against the window and shut my eyes, deciding that taking a nap for a few minutes wouldn't hurt anybody, and since I was going to fall asleep no matter what to the feeling of him rubbing the same pattern on my leg. I start to drift off to the sound of his voice and his soothing touch, before my eyes instantly dart open and I grip his wrist. Just barely stopping the hand that was trying to slither up my dress, knowing this little fucker was trying to seduce me again. I give him a warning look before putting his hand back to its oringinal spot, choosing to instead lay on my side and watch him talk on the phone, my eyes trained on the way the sun reflects off of his smooth skin. As I watch him, I can feel my heart start to race, feeling nothing but infatuation as I just look at how truly beautiful he is, having never seen someone as absolutely breathtaking as him. Ruel glances over at me, raising an eyebrow at me in question, probably wondering why I was burning a hole into the side of his head.

"Yeah, sounds good to me. Yeah, of course. Cool, talk to you later Nate" Ruel finally says, concluding his 30 minute phone call. I open my mouth to speak, ready to tell him how I can't believe he made me sit in the car for this long so he could talk to nate, only to be interrupted by the boy himself. "Want to tell me why you stared at me for literally like 20 minutes straight? Like you didn't even blink" he laughs out, a small smirk forming on his face as he watches the way my eyes stay trained on his lips. My brain finally being able to take in all of him as we sit in the car together. Alone.

"I had nothing else to look at. So I just chose to look at you" I reason, a blush coating my face as he gives me an unconvinced look. He sends me a boyish smile after a few moments, lifting his hand to cup my face, his brain turning mischievous instantly as he watches me press my face closer to his hand for more contact. Realizing that my body was finally giving in to the lustful mindset that he was also in. So I lean over the console, pressing my lips against his in a light kiss, wanting nothing more than to show my boyfriend a little affection, finally taking in that maybe the lack of physical touch lately is genuinely getting to him. Since I can definitely feel the toll it's taking on me start to fly in at a rapid pace. As I go to pull away, his hand instantly grips my hair again, pushing me back against him, my hands flying up to his chest from the sudden movement. He pulls away, hand still in my hair, with a hazy look in his eyes. A look that I know all too well.

"I'm not done with you yet" he mutters, reaching over and grabbing my hips, pulling me to rest on his lap, my chest pressed against his as he leans his chair back. He lifts his head up and connect our lips again, choosing to let them move at a languid pace, his tongue swiping at my bottom lip, waiting for me to open my mouth. I keep my mouth shut to taunt him, causing him to let out a laugh as he leans forward, completely pressing me against the steering wheel. He adds more pressure to the kiss, making me press my body hard enough into the steering wheel that the horn beeps.

"Ruel! We need to be careful, if we get caugh-" I try to scold him, his mouth slamming against mine with a laugh, before I can even finish my sentence, his hips pressing up and rolling against mine at a slow pace, not wanting to completely jump ahead too fast. The action causes me to gasp, Ruel instantly taking that opportunity to press our tongues together, easily letting them tangle in the dance they've done together many times before.

My dress starts to get caught on the wheel from the way he still has me pressed against it, making it slowly start moving up my thighs, which catches Ruels eyes in an instant. "Wow look at that, already trying to flash me and I've barely touched you" he chuckles, a playful look flashing across his eyes for a few seconds before turning back to their lustful gaze, his eyes catching sight of white lace.

"Fuck you" I mumble, knowing he was going to tease me relentlessly for everything I said earlier, just to end up doing exactly what he wanted anyways. I'm not even able to care about the teasing I know he's going to do later, the only thing filling my mind being that of the anticipation for his next move. Upon hearing my words, his hands tighten on my hips, and he jerks my body forwards, a gasp leaving my lips as the movement makes me roughly grind against him.

"That's what I'm trying to do" he says, sitting up to pull me flush against his body, hands gripping my dress to pull me closer. I let out a gasp as his lips attach to my neck, slowly moving down to my collarbone, taunting me. My hands shakily reach up, tangling in his already messy hair, before I give a tug as he licks over a particularly sensitive part, a moan leaving his lips at my harsh hair pull. His hands slide up my dress, resting on the curve of my back, arching me into him even more than I already was, trying to press every part of my body as close to his as possible. My body ends up being so tightly pressed against his, that I swear our hearts started to beat as one.

"Look at you baby, all needy and out of breath for me" he muses, pulling back to rest flat against the seat, looking up at me with a devilish smirk, his hands sliding from my back to rest on my hips. I let out a shaky breath as his hands slide to the front of my thighs, my heart feeling like it might just fall out of my chest. "This might be my favorite view. Seeing you above me looking all pretty for me. You're so good for me huh" he breathily whispers as he pulls me down, our lips barely brushing each other's as he talks. My body tensing up at the meaning behind his words, becoming even more flustered than I was before, my legs unconsciously squeezing against him.

"Gonna be good for me?" He questions, hands sliding up my dress as he pulls my hips tight against him, a daunting smirk tugging at his lips, loving the control he has over me. I nod my head, unable to form words at that moment, too entranced by the feeling of his body against mine, and the need to be closer to him. He laughs, feeling the way I grasp at him to be closer, hearing the airy gasps that leave my lips as I stare at him in a daze. His lips press against mine, as his hands start to roam around my hips, causing me to let out a soft groan against his lips. He pulls away and trails one of his hands up my neck, grabbing my chin to make me look him in the eyes. "Think you can stay quiet for me?" He mutters, eyes darkening by the second. My mouth drops open at his request, my heart stuttering as it takes in the words that so effortlessly fell from his lips.

"I need you to use your words baby" he mutters, his thumb pulling my bottom lip and letting it snap back into place. I stare at him wordlessly for a few seconds, only shaken out of my trance as he pushes my hips down and grinds up against me, causing me to let out a whine and grab on to his arm. "Words. Use them." He lets out, watching the way my eyes roll back at his touch, feeling completely euphoric in his embrace.

"Yes, I can be quiet. I promise" I mutter, looking at him with wide eyes, wanting nothing more than to be touched and loved on by him. He looks me up and down, eyes watching the way my chest rises and falls, taking in the slight tremble my body has in anticipation, and feeling my heart pound as I hold myself against him. I then lean forward and press my lips against his neck, sucking hard enough to leave marks, completely disregarding the fact that everyone will know what we were up to once they see them. He tilts his head back to give me more access, moving both his hands to rest on my ass, fingertips digging into the flesh as he holds me against him.

"You like being on top? Think you can handle it?" He whispers as he pulls me away from his neck, choosing to lean forward and connect his lips with my collarbones and upper chest, my hands tangling in his hair instantly. I nod my head as he glances up at me, willing to do anything to make him happy right now. He smiles at my willingness, opening his mouth to speak, but getting distracted as my hands start to slide up his shirt along his abdomen. Goosebumps rising on his skin as I drag my nails along it.

"I can handle whatever you want me to handle" I slowly get out, feeling the mood in the car literally triple. He watches me through dark eyes, before sitting up and pinning me against the window, leaving me a panting mess.

"Whatever I want you to handle?" He hums out, eyes watching my every movement, a grin lighting up his face as I shiver from his touch. I nod my head shakily at his question, watching as his hand starts to trail up my arm. "Good girl" he mutters against my lips, his hand sliding up to my throat and wrapping his fingers around it, lightly squeezing down.

"Oh my gOD this is DISGUSTING" is all we hear get screeched out, both of us pushing each other away, coming face to face with Coco, who looks like she could throw up at any second now. "Lets go, mom got suspicious and turns out she was right. I can't believe this. I- you're never going to live this down when I tell everyone" Coco states, watching the terror that spreads across our faces at her words. Both of us knowing we were in deep shit once Kate finds out what were doing in his car.

Let's just say the talk we got when we made it home was so bad that we swore off car makeout sessions for life. I'll never forget the look on Wilburs face when Coco said Ruel was choking me... in a way that wasn't him trying to kill me. Poor Wilbur. I hope one day he can find it in his heart to forgive me for traumatizing him.

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