Burning Up (M.YG+ P.JM)

By spectaclescience

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COMPLETE "I can't feel you, because it would kill me." || Jimin had never asked for this life, restricted to... More

Ch 01| Conditions and consequences
Ch 02| Gargoyle Mansion
Ch 03| A little allowance
Ch 04| Tissues
Ch 05| Not a secret
Ch 06|Discovery and decision
Ch 07| The final note
Ch 08| Meet you
Ch 09| Baby steps
Ch 10| Interlocked
Ch 11| Where's the smoke, Jimin?
Ch 12| Hug you
Ch 13| Talk to me
Ch 15| Confusion
Ch 16| Confusion Pt II
Ch 17| Thank you Yoongi
Ch 18| In my Dreams
Ch 19|Alone for a while
Ch 20| Giving in
Ch 21| Kiss You
Ch 22| Exploration
Ch 23| Love you
Ch 24| Early
Ch 25|Cold Bath
Ch 26|Smoke
Ch 27|The Breaking Point
Ch 28|Feel You Burn
Epilogue: Fire

Ch 14| His name was Jung Hoseok

191 20 3
By spectaclescience

"Fine," Yoongi said and Jimin instantly put his food away.

"Okay okay I'm listening," He said, putting his chin on his hand which was propped up on the counter.

"This is unfair," Yoongi began to protest all of a sudden, and Jimin pouted. "You know everything about me, it's only fair that you tell me your story,"He argued.

Sighing in defeat, Yoongi began;

"His name was Jung Hoseok,"


I met him one day near Christmas break in freshman year in high school. I had black hair, he had this obnoxious red. He was one of the nobodies in school, the kind who are liked by everyone, hangs out with everyone, don't get bullied, but aren't all too popular either. And I was the sensitive nerd who made it into the basket ball team, which meant I was one of the popular kids, but I got bullied too. High school politics are complicated, don't ask.

That day, I was coming out of music club, he was bouncing off the walls after dance club, he had an unnecessary amount of energy for a teenager. This random guy Min wo? Min ju? I don't remember his name, but he pinned me to the lockers, and began to beat me up. I only got out because I was short and could lift my leg enough to kick him in the privates. And after that, I slid down the lockers, face bleeding from all the punches, and began to wipe at my face.

That's when I met him. He had a frown on his face for the first time I had seen him ,before, he always seemed to be laughing. "Hey can you move?" He asked me, and I shook my head no, because it hurt too much.

Then I found out that he had only asked me that because I was leaning on his locker, and he wanted to leave his books before going to another period.

I hated Jung Hoseok for a long time, so much, that I made it a point to be a total jerk to him whenever I possibly could. But each time I did something, he responded like an absolute angel. I guess that's why no one bullied him.

I had started to notice how he had these small braids in his hair, the dimples in the corner of his mouth when he smiled, and the little smiley face that was in his eyes when he smiled. I had caught him looking at me from time to time too. He seemed like a legit nice person, regardless of our first meeting.

After a while, I quit harassing him, I never went as far to bully him; I'm not heartless, but I quit the harassment, and became his friend. How did that happen? Honestly, I don't know, it just sort of transitioned.

We hung out a lot, during school, after school, in the weekends. We hung around each other so much that people started spreading rumors that we were dating, which we weren't. Yet.

So we brushed them off and continued our ways, me? I got super irked sometimes, but Hoseok? he was just... himself. Happy, bubbly and zero care to everything else that was happening around him.

He got me out of a lot of fights, protected me from a lot of people. He even gave me a place to stay when the landlord kicked our family out, because our rent was overdue. Eomma and appa moved to Seoul so that they could make money, and I- I lived with Hoseok. I got a job, helped with their family's chores, paid part of their bills- just 'cause I felt guilty taking advantage of their kindness.

We shared a room, he wasn't super rich, and over time, we got used to cuddling each other in our sleep. It was warm in his arms, and he said he felt precious in mine. So I made it a point that I was the big spoon, the cuddler, if you will, because it made me happy that I could make him feel precious.

By the end of senior year, there was no Yoongi without Hoseok and no Hoseok without Yoongi. We were that close. The problem was, he wanted to be an idol, I only wanted to be a pianist. We would have to go our separate ways one day, and neither of us were ready for it.

By the day we graduated, I had enough money saved up to rent a small space and go to college, getting by with student loans. I packed up my stuff and left, and he barged into the apartment. I remember he had red eyes, matching his red hair, which was a lot. It broke my heart to see him cry, and I didn't know what to do about it.

I tried wiping his tears, hugging him... I even promised that I would come back, but he still kept crying. It took a long while for him to grow tired, and reduce into sniffles, and my heart shattered with every breath he took.

"Hoseokie?" I asked when he went quiet. He met me with his doe eyes.

"Yoonie I don't wanna be an idol,"He said, "I wanna go to college and be a dance teacher,"

"That's alright, that's fine, Seokie why are you crying?" I soothed him, petting his red hair, and then he asked me a question that brought me so much happiness at that time, but eventually lead me to the cold.

"Move to my place?" He asked, "We can go to college together,"And I smiled at his petty reason to cry so much. Now I wonder if that really was the case.

Of course I said yes, and a week later, I was in our apartment, cooking for the two of us. We still had like two months before we started College. He came after his part time as a barista in the cafe down the road, and had brought me a muffin as usual. This time, it was a blue berry muffin; not exactly one of my favorites. But still, it was something Hoseok had brought for me, and that made it special.

I scrunched my nose as I bit into the muffin, and he giggled after I took a bite.

"You got a little something," he said, and I quickly wiped my face to get rid of whatever crumb that was on my face.

"No you aren't getting it, lemme get it for you,"he said, and before I knew it, he was kissing the corner of my mouth, tongue poking out the tiniest bit before retracting away from me, grinning like a mad man.

Believe me when I say I had a system malfunction. 

I had never thought of Hoseok, or anybody in that case in that way, y'know?I was too busy being broke, but now he had kissed me, not properly, but still it was doing all sorts of things to me. And I wasn't going to let something as petty as his gender effect me. A kiss was a kiss, a feeling was a feeling, and I missed the feeling of Hoseok's lips on mine.

"What was that?" I asked Hoseok after I got out of my daze.

"Some guy did that in the cafe today, thought I could try it out,"He shrugged, eating my abandoned muffin.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, and took the small steps left from the counter towards him and pinned him down to the counter surface.

"Well some guy did this in a movie, wanna try it out?" I said, and placed my lips directly on his. We didn't move or anything, just kept them pressed on each other. It was just as I was about to pull out of it that he moved once against my lips, and I was addicted.

My hands moved from the counter top , one hand ended up around his waist, the other ended up in his hair, he stood up, and he was taller than me, so my chin was tilted up to a small amount. His hands were cupping my face,and at that moment, there wasn't a better feeling than the feeling of Hoseok, who dove for kiss after kiss, breaking apart slightly, only to take a breath of air.

From that point on wards, I was happy. I had enough happiness to match his. We fed off each other's energy, him making me a little goofier, I anchoring him a bit down to earth. We went on dates whenever we found the time, we practically did everything together, and for a while, life was perfect.

Then I got the call from appa saying that eomma might need a kidney transplant. This was around two years ago, and everything went haywire.

I dropped out of college, and worked around five jobs through the week, to keep the two of us from going broke, to pay off the loans and to raise money for eomma's surgery, if it ever came to that point. Hoseok helped too, he took up a night job, in addition to his one at the cafe, and he still went to college, I having convinced him to keep going after his dream.

We never fought, I was thankful for that.That happiness I shared with my sunshine was the only thing that held up my otherwise crumbling life. We lost time, we couldn't go on dates like we did before, but we still found time, somehow, to sneak in a kiss, to whisper our little I love you's,  to cuddle on the couch, Y'know? The important things.

It came to the point where we decided that we couldn't afford the place we lived in, so we moved to a dingy sort of apartment. It wasn't a bad neighborhood, and it was close to WWW, our hyung's e cafe.

But still, he managed to smile, which kept my one from falling.

He quit college shortly after we moved, and appa called, telling me eomma was in hospital, and he quit his job to look after her. I wanted to yell at him, but didn't have the energy to, so I silently took that weight onto my shoulders too.

I wanted to drink, get wasted and forget everything, for just once in my life. But again, I had Hoseok. He decided that we desperately needed a break from our work and worries. One day wouldn't hurt right? That's what he said.

So we stayed that night, the whole place to ourselves, and we caught up, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was the one responsible for what Hoseok was going through. He didn't deserve this pain.  

Of course, he said no, we were in this together, he reminded me, leaning in for a kiss. The kiss carried every emotion we left unspoken, and soon it turned to something else. I got to feel all of him that night, and he got a feel of all of me.

Our relationship never got out of that honeymoon phase, we just grew closer, more intimate. And through all those problems, we could smile because of that.

It was all heart shaped smiles, nick names and laughter.

That was until I got home from work one night. "Hoseokie?" I called int the abnormally dark and lonely space, and I heard someone choking. Fearing the worst, I ran towards the sound, and on the floor of our home, my love was foaming white, eyes tinted red, shaking as if having a seizure. There was an empty bottle of some acid in his hand.

"Y-yoo-n-i" That's all he said, or at least, it was all I heard in my panic.

I called the ambulance.

They took too long to come.

And my boyfriend, the love of my entire fucking life died, the acid burning him inside out.


"He was smiling one moment, then he just burned from the inside. It's been almost a year and I still don't know why he did what he did, but I am sure I had something to do with it, that's what I always think of when I see his face," Yoongi finished his story, leaving Jimin speechless.

He had expected some explanation like "Oh, he was my business partner, he moved to America," not a tragic love story like that. Yoongi had gone quiet after the story, looking down at his hands which rested on the table. Jimin sat frozen, unable to react.

What was he supposed to do after something like that?

Then Jimin noticed the tears that trailed down Yoongi's pale cheeks, and all of a sudden he could react. He rushed over the counter and took Yoongi's perfect little face in his hands, wiping away the tears that fell down Yoongi's face. He then pulled the older into a hug, and rubbed circles into his back soothingly, until Yoongi actually broke down, letting it all out.

"Shh... hyung it's okay, I'm here," He whispered into the hug. Yoongi sobbed a bit harder.

It pained Jimin to see his hyung like this, he was usually so strong, sarcastic and full of smirks and teasing remarks. This, this was something else, and Jimin doubted that it came out that much, but it ripped at his heart mercilessly.


"I'm sorry Jimin," Yoongi sniffled, pulling a bit away and wiping his own tears. "Look I've got your shirt all wet," He said, a ripple of a broken smile passing over his features.

"I guess now we're even," Jimin said, offering a small smile of his own.

"No you owe me for everything you did to me at the hospital," Yoongi scowled, and Jimin gulped. Yoongi wasn't the type of person who just said things like that. Jimin thought hard, what could've he done at the hospital that made him owe Yoongi?

Then he began to draw parallels. How he had been smiling and laughing on the day he attempted to take his own life, the machines he'd been hooked up to, his little outburst about dying, the way he had wanted to die,everything must have reminded Yoongi of Hoseok so much.

He couldn't fathom just how much he had put Yoongi through.

"Hyung, I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, just don't g killing yourself on me, and we can call it even," Yoongi said, patting a tensed up Jimin on the shoulder. "Geez, it was one sad story, relax kid," He smiled, the cool and strong demeanor coming back, and Jimin could feel Yoongi locking his demons away.

"Hyung, I have a question,"

"You already heard my love story, what more do you want? " Yoongi asked,beginning to wash the dishes.

"That piece at the event..."

"I wrote it for Hoseok,"

a/n: The tragic love story of Yoonseok. I might do a spin-off later. >.< How do you like the story so far??? I hope it's going okay, but I have a feeling that it is suuper messy :/

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