Fight That Forgotten Love ✔️...

By bethwritez

23.8K 802 96


1. Welcome To Fairy Tail High
2. Staring at you
3. Take me Somewhere
4. Sweet Guy
5. Young and beautiful
6. Getting Close
7. The Big Crash
8. A Mess
9. View
10. This Memory
11. I saw
12. The Big Story
13. Loosing
14. Relationship
15. I'm Ready
16. It Begins
17. I wanna die
18. Prince and Princess
19. Unreal Amnesia
20. Bouquet of Red and Beautiful Roses
21. My Lyon
22. Lier Crier and Fighter
23. His lips Her words
24. Thank You
25. Prom?
26. More Blood
28. Danger
29. Make an Entrance
30. I Love You

27. Who did it?

354 11 0
By bethwritez

~a month, a week, and 3 days after the crash~

•Grays P.O.V•

After I left the hospital I went to a drug store to buy alcohol. Then headed back to my place with a stumble. Slamming my bedroom door shut I popped the cap off the alcohol bottles, and consumed each bottle I bought. It tasted unpleasant, and it stung my throat terribly, but it was super pleasurable. I was beginning to get dizzy, and tired. Obnoxiously I dropped the last of the many bottles with a clash against the wood of my bedroom. With a short sob I fell against my bed hitting the covers, a vile taste stinging in my mouth as I balled in my palms cursing terribly. Why was this happening to me, why again? I was just asking her to be my date to prom, is that so bad that you have to attempt to kill her? Thinking about the event I cried wilder in my hands feeling my headache throb against my skull. Footsteps came at my door, and the door cracked open. I shoot my head up looking at the figure drowsily.

"Oh my god, have you been drinking?! Again..." Lyons voice bursted as he carefully made his way toward my bedside.

"There's glass shattered many bottles... And..." He mutter till he finally got to my sight.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked as kindly as he could. I shook my head my lip quivering wildly. My heart stopped, and skipped a beat at the thought of Lucy in my arms.

"It's Lucy..." I spoke so soft it was like a whisper, "She's in the hospital... Again..." I gulped, my lips feeling dry.

"At least she's still... Alive..." I say as I bit my lip, tears still falling off my jaw line. Lyons face dropped. He looked as if I took out his heart, he looked broken. I curled up as I cried. Lyon disappeared from my sight, but I could still hear his unsteady breathing. Soon enough he stomped out, and I wanted another drink so I crawled through the broken glass pleading for another drop, pleading for help, pleading for Lucy.

•Lucy's P.O.V•

Why am I not dead yet? I purposely had the cold scissor blade close to my stomach, I was going to stand myself, but someone beat me to it. I wiped my fresh tears with one stroke. Nurses come in, and out of my room. They all look very familiar, probably because they were here last time, hopefully they aren't annoyed with me. I feel like such a burden to the nurses, Levy, and her friends, everyone. I'm like the stupid princess, I just need my Prince Charming to save me.

•Grays P.O.V•

When the taste begins to literally take my voice away I clean up the broken glass scattered across my floor. I pick at the small glass pieces from my fingers after I finish, throwing the garbage bag full of broken alcohol bottles out. Walking very unbalanced I head downstairs where I see Lyon laughing, I blink for my stinging eyes, and watch as he has a great time with himself. Lucy's in the hospital, and he's just all sunshine, and smiles while I'm in a deep depression.

"What's so funny?" I ask giving a tired, and weary smile. His smile fades when he notices that I'm actually in the room.

"Did you... Clean up the mess you made?" He asks slightly worried.

"Y-yeah..." I say with a strong sigh. He nods looking away from me. It felt awkward, and uncomfortable to talk to him for some reason.

"Are you holding up?" He whispers, "about everything?" I shrug. Now I don't want to talk anymore especially because my throat is still seriously hurting.

"I wonder who would... Shoot... Lucy..." I look up quickly, and our eyes meet.

"I never told Lyon how Lucy got to the hospital, or about the shooting... Unless..." I murmur to myself still not moving my gaze from his eyes. He looks suspicious, and I think I see him... Smile.

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