Walking through the rain

By The_unborn_nightmare

880 87 109

Don't you ever wonder how fast your life can change in a blink of an eye. Life is a mystery let's see how Kim... More

A long road ahead
A new home
10 years later
What would you do?
Cloudy days are yet to come
The long lost memory
Love is a feeling not a word
Love yourself
Empty feeling
Don't go
Another bump in the road
The reason behind my tears
The sun will come out tomorrow

Without you

46 4 0
By The_unborn_nightmare

Kimberly's Pov

Since you left days are shorter, nights are longer, as tears soak my shirt the pain grows stronger. Each and every tear that falls, tells the story behind it all. You showed me how to love and to speak what was on my mind, but now that your gone those feelings are hard to find. Since you left my heart is in excruciating pain, because without you in my life I will never be the same. So I wrote this poem remembering your words it's not how you see, it's how you observe.

I put the poem in the casket before they started to bury Andrew. I couldn't hold back the tears, so I left. I don't know were I was going but I just wanted to be alone. I decide to go and stay in a cabin up in the mountains that Samantha's father owned. It was a cold morning, I just sit under a hollow tree sobbing away the pain or at least trying to. I could see the snowfall in the distance, so I decide to go inside and lay down.

Samantha's Pov

I pay my respects to Andrew's family, it was heartbreaking to see all the sadness, I still couldn't believe this had happen. Before I could talk to Kimberly she ran off, I didn't know were she was going or what she was gonna do. I need to be there for her now more than ever, she is devastated and I'm scared for her. I go home and take a long hot shower, then I call my boss Doctor Hernandez to see if he can help me find Kimberly, we both had the week off for Christmas.

Doctor Hernandez Pov

I head over to Samantha's house, she was a nervous wreak I could tell by her voice over the phone, she told me that Kimberly left the funeral and hasn't seen her since. I finally get to Samantha's house, she let's me in and hands me a cup of coffee, she says "I can't do this I need to know were she is I was vulnerable like her once and when you feel that much pain you can't think strait, I was lucky to have you to help me through that tough path but she's alone she doesn't have no one right now!!" I tell her "Samantha you need to calm down, we will find her but right now you need to think strait", she nods "yea your right I hope we find her", I comfort her saying "we will don't worry".

We ride around the town looking for Kimberly, we search all day but no luck I could see the look on Samantha's face and all I saw was frustration, a scared mom worried for her daughter. It's a rainy and cold day out it's almost 7 a clock and we didn't even see a glimpse of Kimberly yet. I try to talk to Samantha to calm her down "Samantha we will find her she couldn't have gone far", she says "I hope so I don't want to loose another daughter, not again", I stop the car and say "look Samantha you can't think like that if you love Kimberly you can't give up, you can't have negative thoughts". She just nods and says "keep driving".

Kimberly's Pov

I didn't expect this to happen but it did and this is the worst pain ever I can't control my emotions I don't even know were my head is. I look in the mirror and I see a person that doesn't know her next step, it feels like a storm just came into my life and destroyed everything in it. I sit there rubbing my tummy, I say to myself "it's gonna be ok baby don't worry daddy is looking after us". I hope he is because I need help especially now, it's so cold in this cabin maybe even colder then the tears running down my cheeks. Maybe I should just lay down and think about what I'm going to do tomorrow.

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