My Handsome Boss

Per ShanLaoshi

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The love story about mad boss with his cute secretary Més

01 Introduction
02 First Day of Work
03 He's Big!
04 He is Such a Little Bunny
05 A New Contract
06 Inexperience Like Me
07 Sexy Pose
08 Lovers Don't Do That
09 Long And Thick
10 Older Brother
11 Got You!
12 I Love You
13 Second Date Gone Wrong (Or Sweet, Maybe?)
14 Xiao Wei, The Famous Secretary
15 I Want You
16 Me, Compare to That Women?
17 Naughty Bunny 2.0
18 Who Is The Boss?
19 Another Trouble is Coming 😣
21 Why The Problem is Keep Coming?
22 Don't Touch What Is Mine!
23 Bunny's Punch
24 Soon To Be In-Law
25 Lifetime Contract - The Final Chapter

20 Plot Twist, anyone?

2.2K 122 75
Per ShanLaoshi


I heard Shen Wei called my name, I was in the kitchen that time, preparing ingredients to make hotpot. Shen Wei told me about Yezun, I was so mad after I heard his story, how could a man be as horrible as Guanying? I understand that he probably had dilemma because he was in the middle between his mother and his lover. But still, he was so idiot for letting his mother did that to Yezun. At least he should have prevent that. Didn’t he love Yezun so much? Didn’t he the best man on earth?

Well, according to Shen Wei of course when he was still in love with that man, but after that happened I guess Guanying turned to be the person that Shen Wei hate the most. I admit that I am not a good man, I used to be a playboy but I never let someone hurt my lover physically. That is not reflect a gentlemen. What happened with Yezun surely would traumatized him the most and the only one who should take a responsibility is Guanying. Let’s just hope that nothing happened to Yezun, but Shen Wei’s voice that time was trembled so I rushed to the bedroom and actually I was shocked too.

Yezun was unconscious, there was a white foam on his mouth, his face was bluish and I saw he was holding a bottle of pills. I was pretty sure that he was overdosed. I turned to my bunny and his face was pale also wet because of tears. He was just stood there without even try to do anything. I had to make him keep his sane in this situation because we had to help Yezun before it was too late. This situation was worst than I thought.

“Baby…….. stay focus!” I held both of Shen Wei’s shoulders and shook his body gently “We should help him!”

“.…….” Shen Wei didn’t say anything, he just cried

“Listen to me…” I cupped his face and made him look into my eyes “Yezun gonna be alright, do something for me okay, called the ambulance now. Can you do that?” Shen Wei was really shocked that even didn’t listen to me “Xiao Wei! You heard me?”

“.……” Shen Wei just nodded

“Call ambulance now!” I said firmly and Shen Wei took out his phone. I approached Yezun and tried to woke him up “Yezun…. can you hear my voice? Stay awake!” I heard his breathing was shallow “You can’t do this to us Yezun, are you really want to leave your baby gege alone? Give me a sign that you heard me!”

I held Yezun’s hand and could feel that Yezun moved his index finger slowly, I was a little bit relieved because I knew that we weren’t too late to find him. The ambulance came in 2 minutes and we went to the hospital.

“He’s the only family that I have, I don’t want to lose him…” Shen Wei was cried when I hugged him in the waiting room, he was so hurt and afraid “What if Yezun………..”

“Hey stop right there..” I interrupted him “Yezun will be alright, you have to trust me. I will ask the best doctor in this city to heal him, don’t worry. You have to be strong for Yezun baby”

“This Guanying, I want to kill him so bad!” Shen Wei clenched his fist “Tho he is so hurt but he was fine, what makes Yezun do that?”

To be honest I was wondered too. Something must triggered Yezun to do that but what? I remembered that I took Yezun’s phone when we went to hospital. I took it out from my pocket and gave it to Shen Wei.

“Can you unlock his phone?”

“Yes” Shen Wei nodded and unlocked the phone before gave it back to me “What are you looking for?”

“Something..” I said and looked at his phone, I opened his inbox and bingo! I found what triggered Yezun “This bastard!”

“What?” Shen Wei frowned and read the message, the sender was Guanying after reading that message Shen Wei was cried again “Yunlan, I think I should talk with Guanying right now, this is because of him!”

There was a short message from Guanying to Yezun. A simple message saying ‘We should break up, sorry but I have to follow my mother’s order’.

This bastard, really………….

“He doesn’t deserve your time. Just focus on Yezun now baby” I said and kissed his head “Everything is gonna be alright”

Not really, it wasn’t alright at all because all in my head was just how to beat those gorilla and tore him into pieces because he made Yezun like this and he also made my bunny cried. To be honest, that was the first time I saw Shen Wei crying and hurt like that. Never in my life I expected to see him in this state because all I wanted to see is his happiness and I tried so hard to always make him happy. But this Guanying who used to be the perfect person in Shen Wei’s eyes did that to both of the twins. As Shen Wei’s boyfriend of course I will never forgive this man.

Shen Wei tried so hard to bring the happiness in my life, he made me had a gut to face my mother and Han Chen, he made me want to pursue my happiness, he turned my life to the better one. But then I had to see him in this state, of course I couldn’t bear it. But actually aside of beating Guanying to death, I didn’t know what should I do. This was out of my hand. I just hoped that Yezun will be alright because if something happened to Yezun then I couldn’t imagine what will happen to Shen Wei.

“I love you baby, I promise Yezun will be alright” I whispered to him, my chest was wet because he didn’t stop crying. I kissed his temple over and over again to make him feel better “he’s gonna be alright, I know it”

2 hours later, the doctor told me that Yezun would be alright, but he didn’t know when will Yezun wake up. He was in the deep sleep because of the sleeping pills that he took. The bottle was almost empty meant that he took more than he should. We just had to wait.

I didn’t know it was a good news or not because we didn’t know when will Yezun wake up. Of course this news hit my bunny so hard. He didn’t cry anymore but he had been silent for more than an hour after he heard this news. We couldn’t see Yezun for now because he was still in the ICU. It was late at night and I remembered that we hadn’t eat anything so I took Shen Wei to the nearest hospital canteen and ordered a sandwich and juice.

“Babe, you should eat, you can’t take care of Yezun in empty stomach because you will get sick too” I convinced my lover “Do you want me to feed you?”

“I’m not hungry…” Shen Wei shook his head

“Still you have to eat to give you energy. Don’t you want to take care of Yezun until he wake up?” I said and cut a piece of sandwich with my fork “Let me feed you”

Luckily he opened his mouth and took the sandwich that I offered

“How long he will sleep like that, Yunlan?” Shen Wei asked

“To be honest, I don’t know babe but he will wake up eventually. You have to stay strong for him okay?” I said and fed him again “Eat a lot so you will have a lot of energies. Don’t be afraid, I will always here”

“Thank you, Yunlan…”

“You don’t have to thank me. You are my lover and Yezun also like my own brother so it is something that I should do. Also I contacted my friend from the central hospital, he is one of the best doctor in this country. I told him Yezun’s condition and he will come to check Yezun in the morning. He agreed to be Yezun’s doctor until he 100% heal”

“Really?” Shen Wei looked at me, his eyes sparkled “He will heal Yezun?”

“Yes baby, you know even if Yezun already wake up he needs some times to 100% heal especially from his trauma. My friend said that Yezun need therapy to prevent him doing that again. He not just need a doctor to heal him physically but also mentally. And trust me, my friend is the best option for us”


“Babe, what Yezun did was a suicide attempt” I said, tho it sounds so cruel but I had to say it to Shen Wei “He has depression especially after what happened to him and Guanying. He needs help from a professional, trust me, this is for the best”

“I trust you” Shen Wei nodded. After we had dinner we were back to the waiting room and decided to spent the night there. I let Shen Wei slept using my laps as the pillow.


I didn’t sleep at all and spent some time talk with my friend about Yezun. He would come after his morning visit in the central hospital. He wanted to see Yezun’s condition first before we decide to take Yezun to the central hospital or not. We went to the nearest hospital last night because of the emergency situation. I saw my bunny still sleeping, I made a little move and placed Shen Wei’s head on the pillow that I made from my jacket gently before left him to buy a coffee and breakfast.

The coffee shop was a little bit crowded so I had to wait half a hour to get our coffee and some pastries. I bought strawberry puff pastry also strawberry and cream cheese sandwich for my bunny because he loves strawberry so much, I also went to convenient store to buy blueberries. This would surely cheer him up.

I am the best boyfriend on earth, note that! - Zhao Yunlan The Boss 😎

When I was near the waiting room where I left Shen Wei, I heard Shen Wei yelled at someone. We didn’t expect a guess of course, I wondered who was talking with Shen Wei so I rushed to the waiting room and saw someone that I wanted to kill so much. No…. it wasn’t Han Chen but it was Guanying. I didn’t know how he found out about what happened to Yezun. I saw Shen Wei’s face reddened because of his anger but still wet because he also cried so I pushed Guanying’s body to the side.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him

“I want to see Yezun. I went to his apartment an hour ago but the neighbour told me about what happened last night so I came here” Guanying explained “I want to see him so bad but Xiao Wei didn’t allow me”

“Then you heard him!” I said firmly “You are not allowed here. So you better leave. How dare you want to see Yezun after what you and your wicked mother did to Yezun!”

“I…….. I can explain. You know that I really love Yezun but I can’t choose between my mother and him. You have to understand” Guanying then looked at Shen Wei “Please xiao Wei…. please understand”

“Who asked you to choose?” Shen Wei said “All you should do is prevent your mother to hurt Yezun! But you just stood there and watched your mother humiliated my brother! And as if it wasn’t enough, you also broke up with him over text message? Are you this coward?”

“I’m not allowed to see him”Guanying said

“Right, so why are you here?” I asked “Did you try to disobey your mother, Mama’s boy?”

“Don’t call me that Zhao Yunlan! You don’t understand and beside it’s not your business!” Guanying shouted “It’s about me and Yezun so you better fuck off!”

“It’s my fucking business!” I shouted too “Anything regarding Shen Wei is my fucking business! Now I give you last warn. Get the fuck out or you will regret it!”

“I will not leave this place until I see Yezun and I will explain to him myself!”

“Alright” I dragged him by his collar but he pushed me and punched my face. I saw Shen Wei jumped in shock. This gorilla really pissed me off! I might smaller than him but it didn’t mean that I couldn’t fight him. I punched him back twice! “How dare you! You fucking bastard!”

“Yunlan don’t….” Shen Wei said and pulled my hand “Don’t make a scene here, let just call the security”

A few moments later 2 securities came and dragged Guanying out of hospital. He was in luck because we were in hospital.

“Don’t ever come here again also you’re fired!” I told Guanying before he left with the securities. I looked at Shen Wei who was really afraid and also mad at the same time “Are you okay baby?”

“I’m okay but you’re hurt” Shen Wei said and touched my cheek “Sit down there, Yunlan”

“It’s nothing baby….” I said but I followed what he said and sat down “Did he say something? Did he hurt you?”

“No….” Shen Wei shook his head “He just forced me to allow him to see Yezun. He didn’t know that Yezun is in deep sleep. He explained his reason to me but it was just a nonsense. I can’t believe finally I can see his true nature. I was so stupid that I had crush on him once”

“You’re not stupid. You’re idiot!” I joked “Thanks God a handsome and sexy boss came to your life and made you fall in love with him head over heels”

I really didn’t mean to call my bunny idiot. I just wanted to cheer him up by making a joke. It worked tho since he laughed, for the first time since last night.

“You are so full of yourself” Shen Wei chuckled “Let’s just focus on Yezun and forget about that gorilla. When will your friend arrive?”

“In an hour” I said and gave the paper bag to Shen Wei “We can have breakfast while waiting him. I bought strawberry puff pastry, strawberry sandwich also blueberries to you. I know you like that so much”

“I do … you are the best boyfriend ever!” Shen Wei smiled and kissed my cheek. He opened the paper bag and started to eat blueberry “I love blueberry and strawberry so much, it’s such a mood booster”

“I will buy you a whole strawberry and blueberry farm if you want it” I said “Anything to make you happy, I will do it. I promise last night was the last time you cried. No more cry from now on!”

“You will make me cry because of your words Ah Lan….” Shen Wei whined “Yezun always say that I’m a crybaby. He always scolded me every time I cried even over the drama that I watched on TV”

“Then get ready to face Yezun when he awake. He will scolds you all day because you cried all night yesterday and I’m not gonna help you at all. This baby gege need his lesson and the best teacher is Yezun. Just wait baby…..”

“What a cruel boyfriend” Shen Wei pouted but he still ate his sandwich, his lips was full of cream cheese “This is delicious, Yunlan….”

“Eat a lot baby….”

“Of course, I can’t face Yezun nagging at me with empty stomach” Shen Wei said, I was happy that he was getting better. Strawberry and blueberry always work “I want more of this Yunlan, can we buy it again?”

Oops, my bad! I shouldn’t tell you that because now you all know my secret weapon and you surely will use it to get Shen Wei. Ha! I know your bad intention, dear reader….. - Zhao Yunlan The Boss 😎

“Is that really delicious?” I leaned closer and licked Shen Wei’s lips before kissed him. His lips was sweeter because of the cream cheese and strawberry. It made me hungry but not for the food. You know it…….. But of course it was not the right time so after I ate his lips for a while, I pulled out. His lips was puffy and so red. Matched his blushing cheeks “I agree this is delicious. I will buy more for you….”

“How……. did you know?” Shen Wei said shyly

“I tasted it from your lips. I know you left that cream on your lips deliberately. Didn’t you?” I teased him “You are naughty bunny!”

“What?” Shen Wei was nervous and his face was getting reddened “No…. of course I did not! Eh … you are the pervert boss indeed! How could you blame me?”

“Because you are such a temptation! With or without you realize it!” I said “And I love you so much my naughty little bunny”

“It’s not my fault that I’m a temptation for you. But I love you too boss!” Shen Wei said and smiled before he continued with his breakfast, and I watched him. It was a nice view indeed. “Are you not eating?”

“I already had my breakfast, a moment ago remember?” I said and I poked his lips with my index finger “And I’m so full now”

“You are so weird” Shen Wei shook his head.

Not long after that, my phone vibrated. There was a message popped up on my screen. It was from my friend, he said that he was outside the hospital. He asked me to met him outside since he didn’t know where I was waiting for him.

“Baby, my friend is here. Can you wait here for a while? He is outside and I will fetch him” I told Shen Wei and he just nodded. I walked outside and saw my friend instantly. After greeted anf thanked him, I escorted him to met Shen Wei “Xiao Wei, this is my friend doctor Lan Xichen. He is the one that I told you last night and he will be Yezun’s doctor”

“Pleasure to meet you Dr. Lan. My name is Shen Wei. I’m Yezun’s twin brother” Shen Wei shook Lan Xichen’s hand

“Nice to meet you Shen Wei. Let’s talk for a while before I see Yezun okay?”


Oh.. Oh is this another plot twist? Hahaha….. Why I love plot twist lately? 😅

And that’s all for today’s chapter. I hope you like it. Thank you for read, vote and comment. See you again later and stay safe everyone!  ❤❤



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