01 Introduction

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Hello, my name is Shen Wei.  I am 25 years old and I’m single. Well, not for long because I will tell you a story about how I found my lover but first of all, I will tell you about myself and the people around me (Ps. Please don't fall in love with my twin brother Yezun,  I know that he is so sweet and the best brother in the world, but please don't, because he has a boyfriend If you don't want to get crushed by a gorilla, don't even try to flirt with Yezun) .

I am just an average 25 years old man, not too tall, not too short, Yezun is slightly taller than me, slightly ……

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

I am just an average 25 years old man, not too tall, not too short, Yezun is slightly taller than me, slightly …….  people always confused with my look actually, sometimes they make a joke telling me that I look like a girl because of my face and my skin. NO!  I’m a man, beside what's wrong with having a cute face right?  Hehehe (I swear, I'm not a narcissist).  why do I look like a girl?  Probably because of my long long eyelashes and also my lips.  Don't blame me, maybe The God was in a good mood when He created me * wink wink *

But sadly, my life is not as good as my look.  Me and Yezun lost both of our parents when we were in high school.  Luckily we both survived because of my father's insurance money.  Yes, both of my parents died in a car accident.  The money that my father left was enough to pay our tuition fees until we graduated from college, well mostly my tuition fees because Yezun got a scholarship.  He is the smartest in Shen’s brotherhood.

After graduated, Yezun worked in a hospital.  Meanwhile me, ugh ... finding a job is as hard as finding a lover hahaha.  I got my first job at a start-up company but got fired 3 months later.  Then I worked as marketing staff but again I only worked for a year before I got fired because I made a mistake, something like that.  Then after that I've worked in some companies but never last long.  Sometimes, I feel bad for Yezun because he works so hard to pay the bills, pay our food and also pay for my dad's debt!  He left us with a huge amount of debt.  I really want to help Yezun more.  A miracle came when I got a job as a secretary.  This is my current job actually.

The company I work for now is a large and very well-known company.  Zhao Group houses several other businesses such as hospitality, restaurants, malls and theme parks.  And, you know my job is as a secretary to the big boss.  Imagine how much salary that I will get.  Yes, a huge!  But of course a large salary is proportional to the job that is also hard.  What did you think when you heard the secretary?  According to the Wikipedia, a secretary is a person who is employed to help in an office and help the people in charge of the office to do their jobs.  By definition, the main task of a secretary is to keep organized paper and electronic files for the business they work for.  Yes true ... that's my job.  But ……… that is only 25% of my whole job.  How about another 75%?  I work as the big boss’s maid!  That's what I like to call myself.

How come?

Yeah because I need to help him even when we're not in the office.  I need to come to his house at 6 am.  Preparing his clothes, his breakfast and all the documents for meetings etc.  I also need to come to the office together with him.  Luckily I don't have to drive.  He has a driver but sometimes I have to because he likes to bully me whenever he gets a chance.  I also need to prepare lunch for him and also coffee break.  This brat is a picky eater.  He gave me a thick book containing what kind of foods that he can and he can't eat.  Oh also when the other get regular work time from 9 to 5, I have extra work time until 9 PM everyday because of course I need to prepare his dinner and also take care of his dog.  I must accompany him every time he wants even when he just takes his dog for a walk, if he wants me to come then I have to come.  This is indeed a crazy job but I need money to help Yezun and I hate the crazy creditor who sometimes tries to flirt with Yezun.  So yeah, I need to hold on to my job, I just need to ignore this crazy boss even thought he always tries to get in to my nerve.

My Handsome Boss Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα