Chicago Love Season 4

By Paulinemartin100

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How will Kelly and the family cope ? Or will he have to? Find out in the next season of Chicago Love! Face cl... More

Part 1 "I died today"!
Part 2 Little Magpie!
Part 3 Mayo all dayo!
Part 4 It's me, you little shit!
Part 5 "I saw you in heaven"
Part 6 "What the fcuk is it with water"?
Part 7 Water! Arghhhhhh!
Part 8 The Chapter with no title!
Part 9 "I for idiot"
Part 10. Just the two of us
Part 11 "I'm glad i'm not the only one who's been a bad girl!"
Part 12 Oh thank fu ... god!
Part 13 Well if it isn't Mark "I'm a d*ck" Hunter!
Part 14 "The wheels on the bus"
Part 15 "Don't you dare push me away"
Part 16 You're a heartless b*tch!
Part 17 Unreasonable behaviour
Part 18 "My Mom's gonna love you"
Part 19 "Summer Lovin" ?
Coming Soon Season 5

Part 20 Mickey Mouse!

455 19 16
By Paulinemartin100

By the time Beth reached Shaylynn's she still hadn't had a reply from Kelly. She parked as close to the house as she could then ran up to the front door. She was soaked. Shaylynn smiled at her when she opened the door.

SHAYLYNN: You arrive like a drowned rat and still look good!

BETH: Get me a towel

SHAYLYNN: And can those shorts get any tinier? Have you put on weight?

BETH: I've been eating out for weeks! Is my ass hanging out of them?

SHAYLYNN: No! Well you look better for it!

Beth walked into the house and an excited Jacquelyn ran up and threw her arms around her.

JACQUELYN: Urghhhh! You're all wet!

BETH: Well it is raining! (laughing)

Beth gave her a kiss

JACQUELYN: I missed you!

BETH: I'm glad somebody did! I missed you too peanut!

JACQUELYN: Please don't call me a peanut!

BETH: Sorry squirt!! .... Shit I don't mean to say that!

JACQUELYN: You're as bad as Uncle Kelly!

SHAYLYNN: Go and get Aunt Beth a towel please


BETH: Where are my nephew's

JACQUELYN: They're having a nap!

Jacquelyn ran up the stairs leaving Beth and Shaylynn walking to the kitchen


BETH: Sure

SHAYLYNN: Cookies?

BETH: No! I'm fat enough apparently!

SHAYLYNN: Behave! Whats happening? Have you spoke to Kelly?

Beth sat at the island

BETH: Yeah, he came over to the house and we argued, again. Mark and I wont be talking to each other no more. I phoned him before driving here.

SHAYLYNN: Are you sure it's for good this time?

Shaylynn looked at Beth's reaction

BETH: Yeah, it's for good! Is Jay working?

SHAYLYNN: Probably!

BETH: Where is he?

SHAYLYNN: I don't know where he is!

BETH: Have you two fell out?

SHAYLYNN: I threw him out!

BETH: Why?

SHAYLYNN: It doesn't matter why! it was stupid! I'll phone him later!

BETH: I don't want you two arguing as well!

SHAYLYNN: It's a blip! Honestly!

BETH: It better be!

SHAYLYNN: So, you and Kelly? What's your plan of action?

BETH: I don't know!

Shaylynn handed Beth a cup of coffee then went and stood by the opened kitchen door.  The rain had now stopped and the sun was shining through the open door.

Beth was miles away

SHAYLYNN: I wonder what's keeping Jacquelyn ?

Beth took a sip of coffee


BETH: I wake up in the morning's and i think Jaden and Ellie are still alive! And then it hits me like a ton of bricks!

Beth yawned

SHAYLYNN: I can't imagine how that feels Beth

BETH: Everyone seems to die around me, maybe Kelly and I divorcing is for the best!

SHAYLYNN: Don't say that! You two belong together! Listen i'm sorry for the way I've been speaking to you, but it's only because I love you!

BETH:  I know that!

Jacquelyn suddenly appeared with a towel for Beth

BETH: Thank you honey (smiling)

Beth wrapped the towel around her head

BETH: I'm sorry i missed your ballet show

JACQUELYN: That's okay, you can come to the next one!

BETH: I will, i promise! And if there's anything you want that your mommy wont buy you, let me know!

JACQUELYN: Really! I want an Iphone 11 please, the big one! In silver!

BETH: I'll go shopping tomorrow!

JACQUELYN: Okay! Bye! I have dvd's to watch!

She ran off again, Beth laughed.

SHAYLYNN: No! She's not getting an iphone 11, she'll lose it!

BETH: So what! I'll just get her another one! It's not as if we can't afford it!

SHAYLYNN: I'm trying to teach her the value of money!

BETH: Say's you with more shoes than Macy's!

Beth laughed then suddenly stopped

BETH: I shouldn't be laughing Shaylynn!

SHAYLYNN: Life goes on Beth but you need to grieve as well as laugh! Maybe you should seek professional help ?

BETH: What? A shrink? They'll have me put away!

SHAYLYNN: You still need to talk to someone

BETH: Maybe

SHAYLYNN: So, Kelly?

BETH: I know he still loves me, he was checking out my legs earlier!

Shaylynn smiled at Beth who was yawning again

BETH: I'm still on Greek time!

SHAYLYNN: Did you phone your lawyer to try and put a stop to the divorce?


SHAYLYNN: Fuck Beth! Do it now

Beth phoned Phillip at the office

PHILLIP: Yes Beth?

BETH: Put a stop to my divorce!

PHILLIP: What? I can't it's already going through. I had a conformation email already

BETH: Phillip! (crying)

PHILLIP: You told me to do it!

BETH: And do you always listen to what I tell you?

PHILLIP: Well usually, it's what I get paid for!

BETH: Bye!

Beth hung up

BETH: It's too late!

SHAYLYNN: It'll be down to the courts judgement, it'll be fine, don't worry!

Beth gulped her coffee

SHAYLYNN: You and Kelly need to meet up and talk, not argue!

BETH: He was going out to lunch, I don't know who with!

SHAYLYNN: Lunch?  I'm phoning him to see where he's at!

BETH:  Don't say I'm here!

SHAYLYNN:  I won't

Shaylynn managed to get a hold of Kelly

SHAYLYNN:  Where are you?

KELLY: Why do you want to know where I am?  Is Beth with you?

SHAYLYNN: No, i'm at a loose end and just wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch?

KELLY: No, I'm busy! And pissed off even more now!

SHAYLYNN:  What's wrong now?

KELLY: Just this divorce and now i'm being moved to OFI for the foreseeable future! They have a backlog of cases! I think it's down to Grissom!

SHAYLYNN: I think OFI is your calling Kelly! Come on over and we'll talk!

KELLY: I'm a firefighter Shaylynn! I'm not sitting behind a desk! I can't come over. Gabby and Matt are out and Rosie's asleep on the couch

SHAYLYNN: Come over when she wakes up.  You can stay with us if you like. At least you'll have child care for when you're at work

KELLY:  Yeah, I'll need to sort thing's out.  I never realised how much Beth does ...  sorry did for me......  fuck!

He went quiet, Shaylynn thought she heard him crying

SHAYLYNN: Kelly are you alright, are you crying?

Beth started crying then had to walk away

BETH: I can't cope (quietly)

KELLY: No, i feel like getting drunk to be honest!

Kelly wiped his eyes

KELLY: She looked so beautiful when I saw her today

SHAYLYNN: Kelly nothing happened between her and Mark, she swore to me on Rosie's life when I asked her!

He never spoke

SHAYLYNN: Let me know if you're coming over

KELLY:  I will Shaylynn, thank you

Shaylynn hung up then went to look for Beth.  She was in the living room

SHAYLYNN:  Well at least we know he wasn't out with anyone!  He's at Matt and Gabby's

Shaylynn sat next to her then  put her arm around her

SHAYLYNN: He just told me you looked beautiful today

Beth cried even more

SHAYLYNN: Well that's a glimmer of hope in my eyes!  If you want him Beth you go and get him!

BETH: I'm so tired

SHAYLYNN: Lie on the couch for a while.

BETH: Aren't you working today?

SHAYLYNN: I have a few days off

BETH: Can you tell Rachel I'm here?

SHAYLYNN: Sure, You want a blanket?

BETH: Please, I'm freezing

SHAYLYNN: Sounds like you're coming down with something

BETH: I hope not!

SHAYLYNN: You want to stay for dinner?

BETH: I might as well

SHAYLYNN: I might phone Rachel and see if she wants to come over

BETH: She might be going out with Geoff

SHAYLYNN: I'll call her anyway and let her know where you are

When Shaylynn left the living room Beth sent Sophie a message

"Wanna go out later. I feel like getting totally wrecked"?

She received a message back

"I won't say no to that"

Beth slowly fell asleep after Shaylynn gave her a blanket.

After a dinner of lasagne and salad Beth headed home to get ready.

Kelly was getting ready to go out too

GABBY: Are you going to Molly's?

KELLY: Yeah, i might head to TAO later

MATT: It's not like you to go clubbing!

Kelly gave Matt a cheeky smile

MATT: Is that the old Severide returning?

GABBY: What? No! The old Severide can stay in his box!

KELLY: Just making sure i still have what it takes!

Matt laughed

MATT: Oh i'm sure you still have what it takes!

KELLY: You wanna tag along?

GABBY: No he doesn't! And don't you bring back any old hoe to our house! Understand?

KELLY: Understood! What about a young hoe?

He saluted Gabby and smiled

GABBY:  You are not funny! No hoes of any kind! Not even a garden hoe!

Kelly and Matt laughed

KELLY: Thanks for looking after Rosie, once she's down she wont wake up til morning!

Around 8.00PM Beth picked up Sophie in an Uber then they headed to Molly's

SOPHIE: You look great!

BETH: So do you! In here for a few drinks then we'll head to TAO yeah?

SOPHIE: Yeah baby! (laughing)

BETH: Does Ben mind you coming out?

SOPHIE: No, he practically threw me out!

Molly's was mobbed when they walked in. It took a few minutes for Herman to see Beth waiting at the bar. He smiled and walked over.

HERMANN: Ladies!

BETH: Hey Hermann! We'll take two large glasses of red please!

Beth stuck out her tongue at Hermann, he laughed

Sophie nudged Beth as she spotted Kelly at the other end of the bar with a mystery short haired brunette

HERMANN: Where are you two off to tonight?

BETH: Were going to TAO after here! (smiling)

Sophie whispered into Beth's ear

SOPHIE: Kelly is at the other end of the bar, he's not alone!

Beth managed to take a look without Kelly seeing her. He was with a woman with short dark hair

SOPHIE: Are you alright Beth?

BETH: I'm fine. Hermann who's Kelly with?

HERMANN: That's Lieutenant Wendy Seager from OFI

BETH: Did they arrive together?

HERMANN: No, he got here first! I don't think there's anything going on with them!

BETH: I can't stay here now, it was stupid of me to come here in the first place

HERMANN: He wont even know you're here

BETH: I'm not taking any chances, sorry Hermann

HERMANN: Hey, there's no need to be sorry!

When Sophie opened the door to leave the bar a gust of wind came through the building. A few seconds later after Beth closed the door behind her Kelly sniffed the air.

WENDY: Are you alright?

KELLY: I can smell my wife's perfume

WENDY: Is she here?

Kelly took a look around

KELLY:I can't see her

HERMANN: You can't see who?

KELLY: Beth, I thought I could smell her perfume!

HERMANN: She just left with Sophie! She saw you were here then took off!

KELLY: How did she look?

HERMANN: How do you think she looked Severide?

Hermann smiled at Kelly and shook his head

KELLY: Did she say where she was going?

HERMANN: She mentioned TAO before she saw you

WENDY: I hate that pace, it's so noisy!

KELLY: Beth's part owner there


KELLY:  The foods amazing

WENDY:  Can i buy you a drink?

KELLY:  I'll take a beer

HERMANN:  Beer coming up!

KELLY:  I'll have a few more then i'm heading to TAO myself

Hermann smiled at Kelly again

HERMANN:  That's a great idea!

Tao was mobbed when Sophie and Beth arrived.

BETH: I haven't seen it this busy in ages!

SOPHIE: It was the same last Friday!

BETH: Do you come here a lot?

SOPHIE: All the time since you gave me a free pass! (laughing)

Beth laughed

BETH: Let's get drunk! It looks like i'm a single woman who doesn't give two fucks!

SOPHIE: We'll see!

Sophie and Beth walked up the stairs to the night club and went straight to the bar. Beth spoke to the barman John

BETH: Hey John!

JOHN:  Beth! Great to see you!

BETH:  John we'll take two cocktails !

JOHN:  Any particular ones?

BETH:  Start from the top of the cocktail menu!

John laughed

JOHN:  Things could get messy!

She winked at him

BETH:  I hope so!

JOHN: Want to start with your favourite?

BETH: Go on then!

A few minutes later he handed them Bubbles and Berries!

SOPHIE: Wow, such a Beth colour! (laughing)

BETH: I hope i'm not sick later!

Beth was trying to see who the DJ was

BETH: John is PaulyD DJ?

JOHN: Can't you tell?

BETH:  I can!  Start making the next cocktails up!

SOPHIE: I haven't finished this yet!

Beth downed hers!

BETH: Hurry slow coach! (laughing)

About an hour later Beth spotted Hailey, Jay, Kim, Ruzek and  Atwater

Jay spotted Beth and waved her over.

BETH: Are you on a case? (shouting)

Kim laughed

JAY:  I'm glad we not! (laughing) You look great!

BETH:  Thank you!  So Shaylynn kicked you out!  What did you do?

JAY:  That doesn't matter!

BETH: Dance with me!

JAY:  Are you drunk?

BETH: Of course I'm drunk! Is there any other way to be!

JAY: I love your way of thinking!

Beth laughed

BETH: You secretly love me, admit it! (smiling)

Jay went red

BETH: Jay! (laughing)

JAY:  Shut up!  You make me nervous!

They ended up dancing together on and off while getting drunk.  Sophie was talking to someone she hadn't seen for ages and the rest of the gang seemed to have disappeared.

Kelly had just left Molly's and was in an Uber on his way to TAO in Northside.

Beth was drinking like it was going out of fashion and dancing like a maniac, it took all of Jays strength to try and keep up with her!

JAY: Beth! (laughing)  Slow down!

BETH: I'm drinking to forget him!

JAY: Come and sit down

BETH:  I need another drink! You're drinking as much as me! Hic! (laughing)

Jay laughed

BETH: Is it because you're hen pecked?

JAY: I'm not hen pecked!

Beth couldn't stop laughing

JAY:  Have you got to laugh at everything? (smiling)

BETH: Why not? It's better than fucking crying!

Beth was busy on Facebook and Instagram to see if there were any posts from Kelly

JAY: Beth put your phone away

BETH: No, are you going to arrest me?

JAY: Whats the point? You'd get out!

They both laughed.  Jay looked right into her eyes.

BETH:  What?

JAY: Nothing!

BETH: I'm going to the bathroom before I pee myself

JAY: I'll escort you, I don't want you falling down the stairs!

Beth almost fell up the stairs on the way to the ladies.  Jay grabbed a hold of her.  Sophie noticed from the bar.  They walked along the corridor to the toilets.

BETH: I can't remember where they are! (laughing)

Beth opened a door and walked in.

BETH:  What is this?

JAY: A janitors cupboard (laughing)

BETH:  I'm gonna pee in that mop bucket!

JAY:  Don't you dare!

They turned to look at each other

BETH: Do you think I would seriously pee in that? (laughing)

They both smiled at each other

JAY:  What's happening here?

BETH: I don't know

They both leaned in and started kissing.  Jay pushed her gently against the wall.

BETH:  Jay, we can't do this!  You don't even like me!

JAY: Fuck! I do like you! I'm sorry!

They kissed again but Beth stopped and laughed

BETH: When we kiss it's like i'm kissing Jamie!

JAY: When I kiss you I can see Shaylynn in my head pointing a gun at me!

BETH: I think this was a huge mistake

JAY: I think one more kiss, just to make sure

BETH:  Can you imagine the repercussions?

They kissed again until Beth pushed him away

BETH: No! (laughing) Shaylynn will kill the both of us, then Kelly will kill us again just to make sure we're dead!

Beth laughed then opened the door to go out.  Jay nearly followed her.  She bumped right into Kelly.

KELLY: Kelly! (surprised)

Jay heard and stayed behind the door so Kelly wouldn't see him.

KELLY: What are you doing in the janitors closet?

He rested his hand on her waist, she got goosebumps.

BETH: Looking for the toilet! I nearly peed in the mop bucket! (laughing)

Kelly laughed

KELLY: I hope you never!

BETH:  Of course i never! Are you following me?  Where's your little friend?

Beth closed the cupboard door

KELLY: I wanted to talk to you

BETH: I need to pee!  Meet me at the bar

KELLY:  You'll do a runner

BETH: I won't do a runner! hic

She smiled at him then went to find the toilets.  Kelly made his way down to the bar.

Beth messaged Jay while she was sat on the toilet

"Kelly's waiting downstairs at the bar, you can try and sneak out"

He replied

"I'm sitting with him"

She replied back

"Delete these messages before Shaylynn see them! I know she checks your phone"!

Beth brushed her hair and applied some lipstick before walking back downstairs.

She walked up to Kelly and Jay. Jay looks uneasy.

BETH: Who told you I was here?

KELLY: Hermann told me. But I was coming here anyway?

BETH: Why come here yourself? Why? To hook up with someone?

KELLY: No! Why are you here?

BETH: To get drunk! And I'm with Sophie! Anyway ......

They stared at each other. Beth wanted to grab a hold of him!

BETH: Lets go back to the house and talk

KELLY: No arguing?


Jay was being quiet looking at his phone

KELLY: Is everything alright Halstead?

JAY: Shaylynn's been messaging me. She sent me some photos of the kids asleep

BETH: Go on home Jay Hic!

Atwater and Ruzek appeared

RUZEK: Were heading out to a bar, you coming?

ATWATER: This place is for kids man!

JAY: No, I think I'm going home!

BETH: This place is great! I need another drink!

KELLY: I think you need a glass of water (laughing)

BETH: And I can't find Sophie!

KELLY: She's with Ben

JAY: I'm going! Thanks for an eventful night Beth!

Beth laughed then winked at him

BETH: You're welcome!

He smiled then gave her a hug

JAY: See ya Severide

They all disappeared leaving just Kelly and Beth standing at the bar.

KELLY: I knew you were at Molly's, I could smell your perfume

She smiled at him

KELLY: You look amazing!

BETH: I normally do

They both laughed

On there way home in the Uber they hardly spoke to each other. There hands were touching on the seat and there little pinkies entwined.

BETH: I love you (quietly)

Kelly never heard her. It wasn't long til they were home

KELLY: It feels weird being back

BETH: Fells good for me

They both turned to face each other

BETH: Where shall we talk?

Kelly took off his jacket and threw it over the banister. Beth started to get a fit of the giggles, probably because she was nervous.


BETH: What?

KELLY: I'm sorry

BETH: I'm sorry too ........

They started kissing

BETH: You have no idea how much I've missed you!

KELLY: Yes I do

They made there way upstairs were they ripped at each others clothes

KELLY: We don't do this to each other anymore, okay?

Beth took her dress off. Kelly's eyes ran all over her brown body

KELLY: Fuck, I want you so bad!

BETH: What about the divorce papers!

KELLY: What about them? (smiling)

He pulled her down on top of the bed then kissed her neck

BETH: Why are you smiling?

KELLY: The courts will probably send them back to Phillip!

BETH: Why's that?

KELLY: Because they weren't signed properly

Kelly laughed

BETH: Kelly? I don't understand?

KELLY: I signed them Mickey Mouse!

They both started laughing

BETH: That's hilarious!

KELLY: I'll probably get a fine from the court for wasting there time!

BETH: You'd better pay for that out of your own money!

He laughed again

BETH: Anyway Mickey! Can I be your Minnie?

KELLY: Yeah baby! (laughing)

They started kissing again

BETH: Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind ...... (singing)

Kelly laughed

KELLY: Shut up! (laughing)

About an hour later they were lying in bed with their arms around each other.

KELLY: I need to be getting back to Matt and Gabby's

BETH: No, your not leaving me

KELLY: Then come with me. It'll be a nice surprise for Rosie in the morning.

BETH: Okay!

KELLY: Although Gabby did tell me that I wasn't to bring any hoes back to her place!

BETH: Oh is that right!?

He kissed her then she smiled.

BETH: I'll change into some pajamas then take some fresh clothes for tomorrow. Are you on shift?


BETH: We'll take Rosie out somewhere

KELLY: Sounds good.

Matt and Gabby's house was quiet when they got there. Kelly could hardly see where to put the key. Beth couldn't stop laughing.

BETH: Oh my god! Let me try!

Beth was swaying from left to right trying to put the key in the lock.

KELLY: Give me it! (laughing)

He managed to get the key in

BETH: I knew you'd find the hole

KELLY: I don't normally have this problem!

Kelly had to put his hand over Beth's mouth

KELLY: Shhh or we'll wake up the whole house

They walked up the stairs. But Kelly pinching her butt every two seconds made her laugh even more.

KELLY: Shhhh

BETH: Well stop it

When they got to Kelly's room they went inside and closed the door. Beth fell over a box flat onto her face

KELLY: You alright?

Kelly lay on the bed

BETH: I think so, thanks for helping me up! What's in this box?

Kelly was snoring

BETH: Oh great!

Beth got up there looked in the mirror. There was a small cut on her forehead. She went into the ensuite and washed it with some water and put tissue over it

BETH: Great! Back together two minutes and I have an accident already!

She looked in the mirror again, she removed the tissue and dabbed it again!

BETH: Fuckin' scarface!

Beth got into bed next to Kelly.  Staring at him for ages she drifted off to sleep.

Kelly woke up first the next morning.  He noticed the cut on Beth's forehead so he woke her up.

BETH:  Morning (smiling)

He pointed to the scar

KELLY:  What happened?

BETH: Don't you remember me falling onto that box?

KELLY:  The one with my college trophies in it?

BETH:  I don't know!

He kissed her

KELLY: I'm sorry

BETH:  I'm gonna end up like fuckin' scar face!

KELLY: No you wont, it's not that deep

She smiled at him

BETH:  Can we have lazy morning sex now please?

KELLY:  We need to be quiet, Gabby and Matt are downstairs with the girls

BETH: Not a word!

Twenty minutes later Kelly walked down into the kitchen.  Gabby, Matt and Rosie were sat at the table and baby Cassie was in her highchair.

He sat down.

KELLY: Can I get a coffee?

GABBY:  You know where the pot is!

KELLY:  What's wrong with you?

GABBY: We told you not to bring anyone back!

KELLY: I met someone last night, she's real nice!

MATT:  Come on man, out of respect for Beth

GABBY:  You aren't even divorced yet!

KELLY: Take a chill pill guys!

GABBY:  Take a chill pill!

ROSIE: Chill pill! (laughing)

KELLY:  That's my girl (smiling)

Beth was walking down the stairs listening to them

GABBY: She'd better not be a stripper!

KELLY:  She's not (laughing)

Beth walked into the kitchen.  Rosie saw Beth first and started crying

ROSIE: Mommy! (crying)

She got down from her seat and ran over to Beth.  Beth picked her up and gave her a kiss and cuddle.

BETH:  I've missed you baby!

GABBY: Beth! (shocked)

Matt gave Kelly a dig in the ribs and smiled at him

GABBY: This is awesome!

MATT: Is everything back to normal now?

KELLY:  Yeah were back, but i don't know about normal!

***************************** THE END *****************************

Shaylynn belongs to RonnaSweeney51317

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