Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE...

By loveisweakness7

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"If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are." Valerio Montesi... More

Rebel just for kicks
Freya y Valerio
i. Troubled Mind
ii. Friend or Enemy ?
iii. An Angel
iv. Failure is not allowed
v. Feel more Human
vi. Losing Control
vii. Darkest Desires
viii. Breaking the rules
ix. Slowly Losing Her Mind
x. Panic Attack
xi. Crazy, not Creepy
xii. Not ready for this world
xiii. Small society of adults
xiv. Thinking about You
xv. Fight for my Survival
xvi. Trust, my love
xvii. Talking about stupid Rules
xviii. Misunderstanding
xix. You don't like me
xx. Because I love you too, Stupid
xxi. Not so innocent
xxii. Making a deal with the devil
xxiii. An great ballerina
xxiv. Revenge
xxv. 44 Lies
xxvi. Moving on
ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck
ACT TWO/ii. Teens Dramas
ACT TWO/iii. University Day
ACT TWO/iv. Generous donator
ACT TWO/v. Hope
ACT TWO/vi. Assassin
ACT TWO/vii.
ACT TWO/viii. Forgive me
ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale
ACT TWO/x. Cheers, cheers
ACT TWO/xi. Only Friends, right ?
ACT TWO/xii. Bruised Heart
ACT TWO/xiii. Not the time to be dramatic
ACT TWO/xiv. Trauma
ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart
ACT TWO/xvi.The family
ACT TWO/xvii. Polo
ACT TWO/xix. Time to say goodbye
The End!

ACT TWO/xviii. I have feelings, bitch.

2.4K 108 8
By loveisweakness7

Call an ambulance, please.

Call an ambulance, please !

Call an ambulance, please.

Call an ambulance, please !

More shouting.

The blood.

Guzmàn standing above the body.

Polo... Polo giving his last breath.

Freya felt like she was watching everything over and over, her mind shocked by the latest events. It was as if she was going through a kind of catatonic state in which she was immersed in her own world. She was fully aware of her group of friends gathered around her, but still could not understand the idea that he had not fallen.

No, he had been murdered.

"I-I didn't mean to. I didn't." Sobbed Lu finally forcing Freya of her stupor as she raised her head simply to meet the disoriented, panicked look of Lucrecia." You have to believe me. Freya-"

Freya looked away clearly unable to look at her in shock before giving an incredulous look at Carla."It was an accident, Lu."

"It was my fault. "

"No." Nadia immediately objected, catching Lu's gaze away from the brunette Bjørkaas."We'll tell them it was an accident."

"Nobody will believe that." Valerio declared leaving Freya to raise her head on the big brown while swallowing, the traces of wet along her cheeks still present."Everyone saw her throw a drink in his face."

Nadia seemed just as disoriented as she shook her head in the objection, her voice charged with tense and broken as she pleaded in defense of Lu clearly ignorant of the Montesinos brunette trying to make eye contact with Freya by any means."But it's true."

"The cops don't want the truth." Intervened Samuel as he approached the group, capturing attention."They want to close the case as soon as possible, find someone to blame, and lock them up for 20 or 30 years."

"We have no choice."Said Guzmàn letting Freya raise her head from her hands to give him a puzzled look.

Freya still couldn't believe she was in such a situation. Polo was her friend. And Lucrecia was too, but what she did ... accident or not. They had demonized Polo for months for the same thing. She honestly did not know how to react at this precise moment.

All she knew was that she was way too shocked to support Lu right now.

She stood up abruptly after Samuel's sudden declaration."Yes, we do. We can put an end to this nightmare once and for all. We've all suffered enough. Too many lives have been destroyed. We will walk out of here, together and free. And we'll leave this shit behind forever."

Freya immediately brought her thumb to her lips as she realized what he entailed before standing aside. She felt the serious look of the group on her back before hearing her brother restrain Valerio from going to see her. Instead, he made his way to Freya before trying to put his hand on her shoulder. The brunette jumped immediately before pushing him dryly in spite of herself.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down, it's just me."Said Luis as he noticed the expression shared on his sister's face.

"No, Luis-"

"Are you serious?"Cayetana suddenly exclaimed before turning to the only one person who seemed just as shaken by Polo's death as she was."Freya!"

The duo Bjørkaas turned to the blonde at her call, leaving Freya to meet Lucrecia's annihilated gaze again despite herself. She swallowed as she supported her golden brown orbs before looking up at Valerio again at his suggestion."What if there are other fingerprints on it?"

"What are you talking about ?"Asked Luis immediately forcing Freya to join their group in spite of herself.

"What if they found all of our fingerprints on it?"Valerio continued, giving Lu a serious look.

Carla nodded in realization before catching Freya's gaze."It would be the same as not finding any. Polo did something horrible, but he wasn't a murderer. And neither are you, Lu. He wouldn't want you to waste your life paying for one mistake."

Freya looked down at Lu in realization and guilt before swallowing as she slowly advanced in hesitation towards Lucrecia before sitting next to her. Almost immediately Lucrecia took her hand in hers, giving her a look on the verge of tears.

However, the duo soon turned to Carla as she pulled the bloody neck of the bottle out of her bag. The whole group gathered around Lu and Freya, letting the brunette give an uncertain look at Lucrecia before looking up at the whole group as they took turns taking the bottle, including Luis and Alvarò.

"Nadia, you're risking the scholarship in New York." Warns Guzmàn as it was Nadia's turn. Freya and Lu immediately raised their heads at the news in confusion."Before coming, Polo convinced his moms not to cancel it."

Lu immediately leaves a breathless breath before taking her face in her hands."Fuck."

Freya raised her hand to try to comfort Lu only she got stuck unable to do anything. She really wanted to comfort her but it wasn't fair. She didn't really know what they all went through after Marina's death, but she did know that she was currently going through the pain of losing Polo.

She rested her arm by her side as she gave a sheepish look at the tearful brunette Montesinos before raising her head just to swallow as she met Valerio's gaze. She looked away in shame clearly unable to bear the shared feeling in her chest before standing up as Nadia took Lu's face to force her to look at her."If we're going to New York ... we're going together."

She took the bottle too before looking up at one of the last two people to hold it. Freya slowly turned to her feet as she felt the eyes of the whole group on her before holding back a tremor as she looked down at Lu.

She looked up at Nadia again as she felt a trembling breath leave her lips before lowering her eyes to the neck in Nadia's hands.

"Freya, we all have to do it." Samuel reminded."For Lucrecia."

She narrowed her lips as she felt Lu's gaze settle on her before taking a shaky step towards Nadia. She reached out to take the neck before closing her eyes as she felt the glass against her palm.

She gave it almost immediately to Guzmàn, clearly unable to keep it any longer before restraining a start as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head simply to meet Nadia's intense gaze.

In the end, only Cayetana was left, letting Freya watch as she collapsed while taking the bottle.

Finally, Rebecca suggested that Polo should also touch the bottle to tip the scales toward suicide. Obviously it was Cayetana that returned the task of going down to put the bottle in the hand of Polo. Rebecca decided to accompany her, leaving the group in oppressive silence. Freya fell back onto one of the couches clearly unable to stand longer.

The group made their way to the broken window to observe from above before quickly discovering another equally alarming problem. Lucrecia had been spotted with the broken bottle. They were going to have to find a way to divert attention.

Soon enough she felt a presence hovering over her before she looked up just to see Valerio, kneeling before her."Freya ..."

"I can't, Valerio. Don't ask me that."

Valerio pursed his lips as he immediately took Freya's face between his hands."Hey, hey, shh, it's okay. It's okay."

Freya again felt tears streaming down her cheeks as she hugged Valerio clearly unable to hold back any longer. She clung to his silk shirt as if her life depended on it while Valerio caressed her back in a torn feeling. He had to protect Lucrecia. Freya must understand it. He knew she was capable of anything for Lu. She just had to remember who she was.

"Hey, Freya. Look at me."Whispered Valerio as he pulled back slightly to make eye contact."It's for Lucrecia. She needs you."

Freya gulped as she wiped the tears dryly down her cheeks in frustration before looking up to watch the brunette Montesinos a little further."I couldn't do it. They'll know I'm lying. I..."

"Hey, shh. Look at me, you're going to get there."Valerio assured as he took her face in his hands to support her watery eyes."You're brave. Remember how you stand up to your father. You can do it."


"It's important that you tell us everything you've seen, anything you think might be useful. Everything. Any detail could be key."

Freya was now standing next to Valerio on one of the couches as she watched the same investigator who investigated the disappearance of Samuel. She strolled along the club, watching each teenager gathered as if she were looking for a sign of weakness.

She clenched her jaw as she felt panic again invade her before shaking Valerio's hand with all her might.

The brown immediately let go of her hand before placing his arm around her shoulders to bring her closer to his side. He knew he had to be there for her if he hoped she would join the plan as planned. She was far too innocent for their entire small group.

"Guzmàn."Whispered Nadia, calling the attention of the whole group."Wait, so are you saying we should all accuse each other?"

"That's right."Guzmàn agreed, leaning over."If witnesses saw Lu go into the restroom with the bottle, it's over. But if they also have witnesses who saw me, Samuel, or Valerio go in..."

"Those statements will be worthless."


Valerio gulped as he tightened his grip around Freya at the sensation of her tremors."Now, the question is ... who will accuse who?"


"It was Samu. I saw him go into the restroom with a broken bottle."Said Rebecca.


"I didn't do it. But if I knew who did, I wouldn't tell you."Said Samuel insolently.

Freya could see the inspector constantly pressing her pencil against her notebook in frustration."That means you know who did it."

"That mean I'd never tell you."Replied Samuel before suddenly leaning towards the redhead."I saw Luis going in just after Polo."

"Are you sure? "


Valerio gulped as he looked at the table separating him from the inspector before looking up at the redhead again."Absolutely. Cayetana was jealous of my relationship with Polo. As soon as I saw her follow him, I knew what would happen."
"What time was that?"


"At 12:30."Cayetana replied."A quarter to one, yeah. I know because that's the time I take my allergy tablet. I was going to the restroom, but I saw Polo. I thought I'd better not go in... because I didn't want to bump into him. and that's when I saw someone go into the restroom right after him. carrying a glass object."

"Who did you see?"

"I just feel so bad because... and with all that's going on with him..."

"Cayetana, who did you see?"



"Guzmàn."Said Ander."He bent down, picked up the neck of the bottle, and entered the restroom."

"You saw him? With your own eyes? You saw Guzmàn?"


"Omar."Guzmàn declared.


"Nadia. That's all I know. Can I go?"


"Freya."Said Nadia.


"Rebecca."Said Luis.


"I'm sorry but I haven't seen anything."Alvarò said, shrugging his shoulders."But I'm innocent."


"You seem really nervous, Freya."The brunette Bjørkaas looked up from her hands again, swallowing before catching the inspector's gaze."You have to tell me what you saw."

The brunette slowly turned her head towards the whole group gathered further before meeting Valerio's gaze again. However, it was not long before she laid her eyes on the brunette by his side. The one who had been by her side from the start. She supported Lucrecia's gaze by swallowing before leaving a small nod for reassured her.

She continued to nod her head, licking her lips before turning to the inspector."I ... I saw Valerio come in after Polo. He saw me kiss Polo on the cheek. He was mad with jealousy. I didn't think it would go that far but ..."


Finally it was Lucrecia's turn.

Freya walked past the Montesinos brunette, keeping her eyes on her to remind her to lie before joining her place next to Valerio.

"I can't do it."Lu said suddenly, allowing Freya to look at Valerio before getting up.

She settled down beside Lu taking her hand in hers before sharing a serious look with Nadia.

The latter nodded her head as she straightened up to Lu."You have to lie. Tell them you saw someone else go in. It doesn't matter who it is."

"You have to do it, Lu."

"You couldn't even look me in the eye."Lu reminded in self-loathing.

Freya narrowed her lips as she met Nadia's gaze before pressing her forehead against Lu's temple."I know. I'm sorry. But you must not give up. Not now. Samuel is right. Too many lives have been destroyed. You must be lying, Lucrecia."

Lu closed her eyes, holding back a sob before feeling Valerio's presence. The latter put his hand on Freya's knee in gratitude before turning to Lu.

Freya stood up to give them space before nervously joining the side of her brother and Alvarò.

Luis immediately took her hand in his before watching nervously watching Lu join the chair in front of the investigator. She felt Valerio join her, his arm immediately resting around her back to bring her nervously closer to his side as he looked at Lu.

"Several witnesses have told us they saw you arguing with Polo." Said the inspector, taking a close look at the Montesinos brunette."Did you throw a drink in his face?"

Lu looked down, weary."Yes."

The inspector glanced down at her notebook before frowning slightly as she looked back at Lucrecia."And at least two people saw you go into the restroom with the neck of the bottle in your hand. Was it you? Did you kill him?"

"No." Lucrecia replied slowly, tense, panicked internally.

The inspector gave her a questionable look."We know each other better than either of us would like to, Lucrecia. And I think you're lying to me. Tell me the truth. Why are you so shaken up? What's wrong?"

Lu nervously played with her hands before swallowing as she took a deep inaudible breath."I'm shaken up because I saw who did it."


Lu gave the whole group a look a little further, her gaze fixed on each face of the people-not the members of her family who had not hesitated to cover her this evening. She couldn't denounce a single one. She could never name any of them for her crime.

She shook her head, stammering, confused."I don't know. I-I don't ..."

"What happened tonight? I've never seen you like this before. And I don't believe you're this upset over Polo's death. You weren't even really friends."

Lucrecia narrowed her lips before frowning as she absently patted her index finger along her thigh. She shook her head before turning back to the inspector.

"What do you know? Polo was my friend. Despite everything..."Chuckled softly Lu."... We are all friends. More like a family. We might not say we love each other every day... but you have no fucking clue what I've been through with these people. Year after year... and we have a lot of years in front of us! I'm shaken up... because it hurts my soul... that the best people I've ever know... have to go through this shit again... like with Marina. They don't reserve it. So... If I'm crying, if my voice breaks... and I don't know what to do, it's because... I have feelings, bitch."

Freya left a hint of a smile on her lips as she turned her head to Valerio in relief.

"But I didn't do it."


This ordeal was over.

Due to lack of evidence, the whole group was released.

Freya immediately brought her hand to her eyes as she made her way outside, the blinding sunlight after spending the whole night in the dark club.

She descends the steps with the help of Luis before leaving a small smile on her lips as she watched Valerio hug Lucrecia.

Her gaze shifted to Guzmàn and Nadia kissing a little further before she turned to her little brother. She hugged him, resting her forehead against his shoulder."Thank you. Thank you for doing this for my friend. "

"You know she is more than that. She's part of the family now."Whispered Luis in return with a broad smile as the Montesinos duo walked towards them.

Freya immediately pulled away to hug Lucrecia as hard as possible against her. She made eye contact with Valerio over Lu's shoulder before reaching out for him. Valerio hastily took her hand in his leaving Freya to pull him towards their duo before kissing the back of his hand in relief.

This nightmare was really over.

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