I know - Kyman Fanfic

By EdgyCinnamonRoll25

84.2K 2.2K 3.4K

After Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best frien... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Four

4.4K 114 312
By EdgyCinnamonRoll25

Cartman and I exchanged a casual conversation, talking about things in general and how much Stan pissed him off last night. He gossiped pretty good, giving straight facts and making himself look amazing.

As I dipped the chips in the gravy, he pouted. He had run out of chips. I gave him half of mine, even if it wasn't much, he still seemed happy. He sat back and moaned quietly in delight. I know how much he loved KFC, and if he wasn't trying to lose a tiny bit he would order the same again.

He was doing good, despite having such a big appetite. He had lost a bit, and it showed. I guess I was kind of proud of him in a way. I remembered the stack of homework I had to do and I felt my heart beat out of my chest.

"Hey uh..thanks for bringing me here." I said and he smiled, nodding as he knew I wanted to speak more. "But could we go? I hate to end it early but people will start coming here soon and I have loads of homework to do." He nodded and smiled.

"Of course! I have some to do too so I'll work with you." Even if he was dumb as hell, I did need help on my history based on Nazi Germany. We both stood up and walked out of the building.

"Do you want you're hoodie back? It's freezing!"

"No, I'm alright. I'm used to being cold."


"Because I don't exactly get close to anyone usually and my mothers tight on money so there's no heating."

"Oh..right. Do you not talk to her then?"

"Of course I don't! Her job is disgusting and I don't even want to be near her." I nodded. I couldn't blame him, he hated her for selling her body. "You're mum's nice though, she's big and warm."

"Yeah, she is."

We finally got into my house, my mother not back yet. I flopped down onto the sofa, stomach bloated. I guess it made me look more healthy. Cartman instantly looked back at the baby photos of me and I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, don't look at them. They're so ugly and embarrassing." He picked up one of me at the age of 9. It was my school photo, my old Afro was so big and horrible. "Cartman!" I hissed and he sniggered.

"Look at you're old jewfro!" He mocked, pointing at it. "God you looked so weird as a kid, like a goblin."

"Shut up!"

"Remember when I henna inked freckles onto you're face? You looked so weird!"

"Shut up shut up shut up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, coming at him. As he was standing up and now taller and stronger than me, he just took in my pathetic hits and cries. "Do you know how much I wanted to kill myself?! Huh? I wanted to kill myself because of my parents arguing, my face, my hair, you're insults and slurs, being Jewish, being from jersey, the pressure of being smart and becoming a lawyer! I wanted to fucking kill myself because life was so shit back then! No one cared to turn an eye and look as I held back tears, everyone just kept on teasing and shouting! It was so much! So fucking much!"

I must have looked like a mess, my emotions spilling out into Cartman's chest. He then pulled me in, holding me tight and close. I could feel my whole face sting and cringe, my fingers digging into his t-shirt.

"I wanted to kill myself..." I whimpered out, and we collapsed together. I was in his arms, warm. I didn't know wether to feel safe or totally depressed. He pressed his forehead against mine, causing me to look up.

"I'm so sorry that I made you want to kill yourself," he started in a soft tone. "I didn't mean for it to go that far, I thought it was harmless teasing. You even laughed a few times. Every time you would shout at me, I just thought it was the heat of the moment, wanting to tear my face up. When you had bursts of crying and screaming, I would smile and laugh triumphantly. I'm such a shit person, and I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

That felt so genuine it felt fake. I leaned back and looked at his face. He was crying with me. I smiled and placed my head in his chest. "You didn't affect me that much, Eric." He seemed to jump when I called him by his first name. "You just..kinda pointed it out. Society, girls, boys, everyone was against who I was. Girls would make fun of me, boys would drink with me, I think that's why I turned out gay. Because girls never worked out for me."

"Because I led them away from you."

"That was only a handful. You have no idea how many times I tried to get a girlfriend, it never worked out. All that happened was that I got rejected and hurt. But besides girls, I already knew I was into boys. But whatever. I'm gonna get a drink, do you want one?"

We pulled away, his eyes looking so deeply into mine. "Yeah, sure." We both noticed a car pulling into the driveway. My face lit up and I cleaned up my face in the sink, running out to help my mother with the shopping. Cartman helped, and even put some stuff away.

I got us both a glass of water, my mother not noticing that we've been crying into eachother for about 10 minutes. "So what did you boys get up to?" She asked and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Cartman attempt to speak.

"We just talked, went to KFC. Nothing big." Phew, I don't need more tears on her mind.

"That's good, you haven't been eating a lot lately, Kyle. I hope you ate everything you got."

"Yeah, I did." I spoke, feeling something block my throat as I tried to keep the secret under lock and key. "I uh..need to go upstairs and have a shower or something. I'll be back down soon. Oh, and here." I took off Cartman's hoodie and gave it to him. Without any questions, I ran upstairs.

Did I really spill out my emotions to Cartman? Like he would be sorry, he craved people crying.

I walked in the bathroom to have a warm shower, trying to look normal again. I heard the two downstairs talking about something I couldn't quite work out. As the burning water hit my skin, I felt my body want to run away. Yet I stayed still.

After half an hour I got out of the shower for the second time today then got changed in my room. I got dressed into the clothes before, they had just been cleaned anyway.

I looked over to the 4 books of different subjects that stared at me. I had been putting homework off for ages now, doing as little as possible. Everything was so stressful nowadays. I looked at my phone as I got a message from Stan.

SuperBestFriend!: Hey dude, do you want to join me play basketball after school? I don't mind if anyone joins you, Kenny and Butters already agreed to join. Just not that fatass, he's such a bitch after fighting with me at the sleepover.

Oh yeah, he hadn't said anything about us leaving early, I guess he was kinda cool with it. He knew that Cartman and I both hated football.

Kyle: Sure dude, but I can't exactly stop fatass from joining us. You know how stubborn he is, but maybe he won't. He hates sports.

SuperBestFriend!: I guess you're right..Whatever. See you tomorrow dude.

Kyle: Later dude.

"A basketball match after school?" I jumped out of my skin as I felt Cartman's breath on my neck. "That asshole! I hate him, I'm not that bad. I just hate losing." He then sat on my bed so I took a seat in my spinny chair.

"Yeah, because you're a sore loser. Now could you help me with my history? It's, like, really stressing me out." He dragged the chair I was seated in closer once I took hold of the purple book and he scanned the sheet inside it. He was cool like this, showing his knowledge.

"Easy. Hitler sent Jews into gas chambers, pulled out their gold teeth and shaved their hair for money."

"What happened to the bodies? Like, did they bury them? Dump them in the ocean?" He seemed to take a mental note, like he was going to dump a body himself. I took notes as he repeated his words quietly.

"They dug big holes and dumped most of them in them."

"Most of them?"

"They just left some of the bodies to the side. They didn't exactly care about them, just the money they could get from them and killing them."

"God that's horrible!"

"I know. But hey ho, what can you do about history? Once it's done, it's done."

"You're right. Well, thanks I guess." I noted everything down then closed the books. "Do you need help with anything? Maths? English? Science?"

"Maths mainly. Can you do fractions?"

"Yeah they're easy."

"Don't be such a show off, smartass."

As hours passed, Cartman got a call from his mother to go shopping. I offered to tag along, but he didn't want to waste my time in getting toilet paper and dinner. When he closed the door behind him, I sat on the sofa to watch tv. I luckily got all my homework done, along with helping him with some.

My mother joined me and ate a pot noodle. I was quite bored now, just having to wait until something happened I guess. I eventually decided to walk outside and practice basketball in my mini court. Saying that I'm taller than when I was 10, it's easier for me for score.

I was pretty good at it all, especially shooting. I was probably best at it from the whole group, Stan also pretty good. Butters was way to short to play, so he just observed, mainly watching his boyfriend. Kenny would always goof around, but aimed at distracting us on the sidelines and annoying poor Butters.

The sky was turning a beautiful shade of pink and purple, the clock hitting 5pm. Did Cartman stay over for that long? I enjoyed the silence, it was nice spending time by myself. I then wanted to take a walk, so I told my mother then traveled to the park.

The children were leaving as it got dark, so it was just a few other teenagers and adults with dogs. I sat at a bench, listening to the bushes and trees rustle. I met eyes with a familiar boy, Craig. He was playing football with his group. At least I wasn't surrounded by strangers in case someone stabbed me.

He approached me and stood in front of me. "Hey Kyle." He spoke in his usual monotone voice. He was wearing a sleeveless tank top, denim shorts and his usual blue hat. He was pretty hot to say the least, but he was with Tweek; who was having a panic attack over in the court.

"Hey Craig." I replied, fiddling with a flower in my hand. "How are you? I'm guessing that you went to Clyde's party."

"Yeah, I did. It was alright, all he did was snog Bebe." I laughed at that. Of course he did. "They're so annoying, let alone together. How you holding up since the whole situation with you're parents."

"I'm alright. On and off I guess."

"Do you want to play with us? We can switch to some other sport if you'd like."

"No thanks, I just came here to sit I guess."

"Fair. Well, come over if you change you're mind." He short me a smile then left. He was a cool guy, a women's dream yet he was gay. Him and Tweek were total opposite, it was sweet.

A little while later I got bored and waved towards the group, leaving. It was now quite dark, the only sounds to be heard were my footsteps and my heart beating out of my chest. I knew that nothing bad could possibly happen while everyone's lights were still on, but the fear overwhelmed the facts.

I opened the door and saw that my mother was gone, she probably got the night shift or something as she didn't work earlier. The time was now 7:35pm. Now it was finally me time.

I lied on my bed and read a book about a boy and his dog. They were close, but as soon as the dog got hit by a car later on the boy grew depressed and went on a killing spree. I put it down a few hours later, I couldn't handle sad right now.

I got changed into my boxers then slipped under the covers. Going to sleep was too hard, why was it? So many thoughts flooding in at the wrong time. So I thought of a black wall, that way nothing would enter my mind. Somehow it worked, and I drifted off to sleep.


I heard knocks and grunts from my side. I tried moving and shifting, but the noise haunted me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a figure come through my window. I nearly screamed, but they're hand got clasped around my mouth.

"Kyle, chill out, it's me Cartman." Oh right, what was he up to? I didn't reply but ripped his hand from my lips. "I just..um. Sorry for earlier. So I got you something. Just um..don't tell anyone alright?"

"Cartman..it's like 2am." I groaned, watching how he placed a box by my side.

"Good guess. I've got to go before some retard calls the police for me looking like a burglar. See you tomorrow Kyle." He then left, leaving me with a box with a probable bomb in it.

I tried to sleep again, but curiosity got the best of me as I turned my dim lamp on. I ripped the newspaper off of it and opened it cautiously. But it wasn't a bomb, yet a delicate crystal.

I thought it was fake at first, until closer inspection. How did he know I loved crystals? I checked the card, the place where I got mine. How would he know..unless he saw me or my mother told him, she got them for me as presents.

I saw the price tag and nearly screamed. £145?! I cradled it now, my heart beating fast. All he had to say was sorry, not get me a full on crystal! Oh well, at least I had a new one now. I placed it on the shelf along with my 12 others and placed the box on the floor.

I turned off my light and sighed. That boy was stupid.

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