My Best Mistake: A Justin and...

By arianagrandefandom

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When Ariana and Justin begin to have a little fun, a problem arises. They have to decide to make the best dec... More

Chapter 1: Just Having Fun
Chapter 2: Scared
Chapter 3: Pre-Party Jitters
Chapter 4: I Couldn't Say It
Chapter 6: Yours Truly
Chapter 7: Blessed
Chapter 8: Truth
Chapter 9: 100
Chapter 10: Interviewed
Chapter 11: Boca
Chapter 12: Hate
Chapter 13: Behind the Booze
Chapter 15: Canadian Baby
Chapter 16: Unlock the Door
Chapter 17: Dr. Bieber
Chapter 18: Mine
Chapter 19: Altercation
Chapter 20: Kill Him
Chapter 21: The Champ
Chapter 22: What Happened
Chapter 23: Ariana's Roast
Chapter 24: Boca Raton Baby

Chapter 5: Hidden

538 16 3
By arianagrandefandom


I haven't felt this much betrayal in a long time. But why should I get to wallow in my sadness when I did something much worse to Sean? He was nothing but loyal, and caring to me. I'm such a shitty person.
Once I got my keys and my phone I stopped by my house to grab at least 6 pairs of clothes, a suitcase and backpack, my laptop, charger, shoes, covers, all the essentials. Then I got into my Escalade and drove. I never stopped crying, not once.
While driving towards my secret destination, I was feeling pretty weak and I knew I needed something to settle my stomach before I puked all over myself. So, I pulled into a gas station parking lot and got out to look around. My stomach was in knots, and I couldn't stop cramping. I walked to the back of the store where the drinks were and grabbed 2 bottles of Ginger-Ale and held them in one arm. Walking past more beverages I saw the 'alcohol' section. I stopped for a second. You're pregnant, you don't need to drink. But wait, you don't want this baby now. Especially not after Justin proved who he really was. Just do it. No one can stop you. The voices in the back of my mind convinced me as I reached in to grab a bottle of Vodka. I confidently walked to the front of the station and set the beverages on the counter to be purchased.
The cashier looked at me in shock then spoke in a thick Latin accent, "Ay, you're that uh.. Grande chick. Righ'?"
I knew I looked completely broken when the man saw me. I was shook up, but I did my best to compose myself in the somewhat sketchy mini mart. "Yeah, that's me."
He looked at me but not in a concerned way, more with just a happy-go-lucky attitude. "Oh this is great, I'm Miguel. A fan." He cheekily responded as he rang up my items. After ringing up the second bottle of vodka he stopped and pointed at a fridge full of soft drinks behind me. "I don't have much, but grab anything out of that fridge and I'll give it to to you free."
I smiled at the sweet gesture but refused. "No thank you. That's super nice, but I don't think I sh-"
"No, please. As the first celebrity in my store, this is my thank you." Miguel was being so nice, so I decided I shouldn't refuse his gift. I grabbed a Sprite® and he bagged it along with my other drinks.
As he handed me the bag, he said, "Have a great night Ms. Grande."
I could tell how genuine it was and it made me feel a bit better to know there are still decent people in the world. People that don't want to bother you for a picture or something, but would rather you receive than give. "Thank you, Miguel."
Getting back in the Escalade I noticed my phone lit up with almost 30 notifications. These were the few that caught my eye:

where are u?- mom
missed call from: Mama Grande (7)
this isn't funny ari- mom
baby please it's not what it looks like- Justin
ariana please talk to me- Justin
what did u see?- frankie
hey bb, where is U? ppl are freaking out? - lexi
it was a mistake. pls call me -Justin
ariana mom is worried as fuck. stop this- Frankie
missed call from: Sir Bizzle (5)
what happened?- mom
oh my lord, stop scaring me and answer-mom

I just shook my head and drove.
About 30 miles outside of L.A., there's this nice exclusive area of houses hidden. Nice and secluded houses that a lot of celebs secretly own to get away from all the shit of the world. A 2-story house built with one of the best views and most beautiful interiors belongs to me. Nobody, not even my family or friends knows I bought it. So, say hello to my secluded hangout for the next few days.
As soon as I got inside I opened the cabinets to expose my favorite thing in the world. Now, even though this is a 2 story house it doesn't have much room for my prized possessions. That's why I had something built into the house for good measure. I had a type of a panic room entrance carved into the ground beneath me to make a secret room. This room has all my music and recording things built into it with a spare bed and a tv. It's supposed to be the room I use to get away from all the bullshit, and it works. I feel like I'm in my own world and no one else exists.
After setting my packed shit beside the bed I walk back out of the secret room and set the bottles of Vodka and Ginger Ale down on the kitchen counter. I made sure the back door was locked, just in case someone saw me drive up.
I walked out of the kitchen to see the white 'living room'. Well, technically it's not a living room but yeah, it's close enough for a house this small. Walking towards the ladder to go up to the main bedroom, I started to have a familiar feeling. Not a good one, a bad one. My stomach was killing me. I felt like I was being ripped apart and flipped around from the inside. It made me feel like I was about to ruin the white walls surrounding me so I turned back to enter the bathroom and... well, you know.
While destroying my dignity yet again by barfing up tons of half digested products, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. When I finished I sat by the bowl, pushed my hair out of my face, and grabbed my phone from my blue jeans. The ID said, "Mama Grande".
Well, I should've known. Let's answer it so she knows I'm alright and will stop calling. I accept and put the phone to my ear, "Hello." My voice is weak but I try to be as confident as possible.
"Ariana. Oh my God. Are you okay? You scared the hell out of me! Where are you? What happened? I can't believe-" She didn't take a breath during any of those sentences so I had to interrupt her before she passed out from the lack of oxygen she was receiving.
"Mom I'm fine." I exhale.
She doesn't hesitate to reply, "Where are you?! I'm coming to get you."
"No you're not, Mom. I just need some space, okay? I'll be fine. Im 21."
Her voice gets strict, "You may be 21, but you're pregnant. And you're not making the best decisions by being alone right now. Can you at least tell me what happened that made you want to leave?"
I retort, "How about you ask Justin. He should know. I gotta go Mom. I'll be turning my phone off so don't bother. Love you, bye." I had to hang up. I had to get away from these thoughts and think of some good ones. Some that made me want to write instead of making me want to cry. I got up and tried to pull myself together and climb up the ladder.
When going up the ladder, it first leads into a narrow loft but expands up into a type of day bed apartment. It's nice. I got this house because it seemed small, classy, respectable, and discreet. It's like no one could ever find me until I wanted them to.
The last time I stayed here, it was after the Jennette fight. It was terrible to lose such an amazing long time friend over some stupid business drama. I just needed to get away, and that's when the house comforted me for a day or two.
I opened the door to the day bed and collapsed on it trying to just lay back and think.
I never should've went to that party. I never should've met Justin. I never should've hurt Sean. I wish I would've never been who I am. At least I wish I wasn't 'famous'. Life would've been so much easier, and less dramatic. I probably would've been a barista at Starbucks and just sang at clubs or something. That sounds fun. I mean, I love the fans but I hate the stress. Now, I've got a whole shit ton of stress growing inside of me. I look down at my stomach and put my hand on it. I start to massage circles on my skin with my fingers. "What am I gonna do with you?" I say out loud. Wow, Ariana. Like this thing can hear you. You must be losing it.
And I am. I know I'm losing my sanity. I thought I started losing it years ago, but I actually started losing it a few weeks ago when I knew something was up with me. The puking, the lack of eating, and the pain. I thought it was just a stomach bug, but it wasn't.
I can't deal with losing myself. At least not right now. I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket and take it with me back down stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I make eye contact with the bottle of vodka sitting on my counter.
I grab it and open the fridge to search for something to chase the alcohol down and see the sprite. I swing the cabinet doors open and make my way down to the secret room.
I grab the TV remote and press the ON button as I plop onto the bed with my sprite and vodka in hand. The 'WELCOME' screen is on and I choose Netflix.
As I open it, I click to watch American Horror Story. I know of a drinking game that will be fuck me up in 5 minutes at the least. Salud!


"What did she want?" Selena said as she looked away.
I felt light headed and was trying to understand what just happened. The drinks must've finally took affect, but I knew I fucked up. I moved away from Sel.
"You okay, baby?" She asked.
I shook my head, "Nah. Um, I gotta go." I tried to walk away and she grabbed my arm to pull my attention towards her.
"Will you call me later. I really mean what I said a while ago."
What did she say? "Probably." I said. "I really should go."

I rushed inside to see Frankie standing by the door.
"Justin! Hey how are you?" Frankie exclaimed.
"I'm good. Sorry, but have you seen your sister?" I try to act like I'm not worried.
He smiles, "Yeah, she ran through there." He paused for a moment. "But she seemed upset. Did you see anything out there? Like Sean?"
I gulped, "Um.. I don't know. I wasn't really paying too much attention."
He chuckled, "Yeah, I see you're not completely yourself. I gotta go find Mom. See ya later."
I went through the hallway that led to the front door and pulled the door open to see Ariana's white Escalade peel off. What the hell have I done? I turned around to see my Mom smiling.
She looks me in the eyes, "Hey baby. Are you okay?"
I could feel the alcohol pull all the sobriety out of my veins in that moment. I didn't want to take a chance of talking and blurting out all my secrets in this state of mind. It wouldn't be right. So, I kept quiet.
She could tell I was drunk. "I'll take you home." Mom said guiding me to my car. We walked by Scooter, and he smiled, "Nice seeing you Biebs. I'll call you in the morning."
Mom drove me home and took my car to her house. Note to self: Pick up Rolls from Mom's house when sober.

The next morning, I was woke up by my doorbell ringing non-stop. I looked over to my alarm clock. 6:57 AM. Who the hell could that be?
I rubbed my head and looked down to see that I was just in a white v-neck and breifs. I walked out of my bedroom and grabbed the black harem pants I threw to the side of the hall whenever I was getting ready for the party yesterday. Oh my God, the party.
I hurried down the stairs to see who was constantly pressing the doorbell button. I threw the door open to see Ariana's Mom. She was wearing the same clothes I saw her in yesterday. She looked like she hadn't slept all night.
"Hey Joan. What are-" I welcomed her.
She walked into my house and started to look around, "Where is Ariana?" Her voice was breaking. I could tell something was happening, and I knew it wouldn't be good.
Confused, I replied, "What do you mean? She's not here."
"She left the party last night after she went to look for you. She was so upset. Now, she is missing and I'm trying to find her without having this get out to the public. She told me to ask you what happened, and then told me that she needed some space. So, what the hell happened to my daughter, Justin?"
What the hell have you done, Justin? "It's a long story."
She stood straight up and looked me in the eyes, "I've got time."
I took her to the living room and we sat down across from each other, "Well, I had drank a bit before going to tell my Mom about me and Ariana. And when I was about to tell her, Selena had came up to me."
Joan interrupted, "What the hell was Selena doing there?"
"I don't know. I didn't invite her. I haven't seen her in a month or longer. But she came up to me and asked to talk to me. So, we went outside and by that time I guess I was pretty drunk. And Sel leaned in and kissed me. Well, Ariana had came out at that moment and she was so upset."
Mama Grande was a bit upset as well, "Are you kidding me, Justin?"
"I didn't want her to kiss me. I was drunk. I don't even remember what she said to me. I was just nervous and wanted to be a bit drunk so it wouldn't be too hard when I told My Mom about the baby. I swear to God, I care about Ariana, and I love her. I tried to get her to call me last night."
She got up, "Well, there's no way we can find her. She just fell off the face of the Earth."
I put my head in my hands. I need to think through this frustration. Then the idea came into my mind. I whispered to myself, "We could track her phone."
"What?" Joan exclaimed.
"I said, we could track her phone. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's not that hard. Parents do it for kids nowadays when they don't trust them."
She looked at me in confusion, "Well, what are we still doing here?"
I got up and went to my music room where the computer was. I opened the browser to search how I would go about finding her.
I finally found a website and entered my info to get access. Then I typed in her number and let the rest come to me. It seemed like it took 50 years for the info to load. A map and website came up on the screen.
Joan leaned in by me, "What does it say."
"It says Ariana is about 39 miles outside of town. It's basically in the middle of nowhere on a mountain. According to the map, it's a small area of houses spread out. The address is here, but I'm sure I've been around here before." I explained.
"You mean, you've known where she was this whole time."
"No. It's just that I'm pretty sure I've been to that area, because one of my friends bought a house over there to get out of the public eye for a while. A lot of celebs bought houses out there. They are hid pretty good." I sighed. "Now, we better go. I have to explain and it's going to be hard to beat traffic."

Hello Reader,
So, this was a bit of a filler chapter to get to the better parts. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Any ideas, don't hesitate to tell me. If you are enjoyed this chapter, please: VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE. Much appreciated. xx.
- love arianagrandefandom

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