Don't Leave Me Here - Starker

By superrspideyy

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Tony hasn't seen Peter in a few months after Civil War. Peter wished Tony would've reached out sooner, but on... More



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By superrspideyy

For the first time in, he didn't know how long, Peter had a completely dreamless sleep.

But if it wasn't one it was the other, and Tony struggled through the nightmare tonight.

Tony hadn't had much trouble with anxiety as of late, and he was proud of himself. As he had been Able to remember the techniques he needed to help fight off the anxiety.

Although today, his anxiety barreled through him like a truck today. He even tried taking his medication, but it wasn't helping. He wasn't sure what did him in this time, but it was enough to send him flying straight over the edge of a cliff he had desperately crawled his way off of.

• Peter •

I was pulled out of sleep way too early in the morning. I had no reason to wake up, but still I decided to get some water.

"Friday, what time is it?" I whispered, holding a finger to my lips.

"It is 2:13 a.m." She whispered back.

I nodded, walking slowly back to our room. I joined Tony back in back, wanting to fall back asleep, before I have the chance to think about having a nightmare.

I had closed my eyes for only a moment, before I hear Tony's breathing speed up. I blinked quickly, trying to rid my sight of the darkness.

He let out a strangled groan, as his whole body tensed. A light sheen of sweat had gathered over his features, and his face was contoretef into a look of pain. He was having a nightmare.

"Tony?" I whispered, shaking him gently.

Nothing happened for a moment, before he had gasped for air, and begun thrashing around. My heart sunk, as I worried of what I should do.

I grabbed his arms, my strength coming in handy here, and held him close to me. He shook in my arms, as strangled sobs tore their way from his throat.

"Honey wake up." I tried calling again, louder this time, but to no avail.

Tears filled my eyes, as I could do nothing other than watch now.

"I'm here baby." I whispered, kissing his forehead, still holding him close.

• Tony •

"Peter watch out!" I tried to yell, but no sound came out, as I watched the horde of alien-looking monsters swarming at him.

It felt as though a hand had wrapped around my throat, and kept me from saying anything. All the words trapped right at the edge, just out of reach of warning Peter.

I looked around, seeing my suit on me. I flew up, and toward Peter, but the closer I got to him, the further he moved away.

I heard a scream, as the monsters had Peter completely surrounded. "Tony!"

"No..." I choked, desperately trying to reach out to him.

"Tony please!" He cried out.

"Peter!" I yelled, as loud as I could manage, but it sounded like a small whisper in my own ears.

"Dammit! Peter!" I cried as I heard another gut wrenching scream.

I fell to my knees as I had no choice but to watch Peter be mauled and shredded by those things. Listening to his cries and screams of pain.

"Tony, I'm here."

I felt a sob tear through my throat, as I dug my feet into the ground, pushing as hard I could against whatever was keeping me here. I have to get to him.

"Baby, please wake up."

I screamed at them, using all of my might and strength to move. And slowly but surely, I moved forward.

Get to Peter.

"Honey, you're okay."

The cries of pain stopped, and the monsters dispersed. My stomach dropped as I saw Peter's suit ripped and torn in shreds, around his lifeless body.

I didn't save him.


I shot straight up, able to hear my heartbeat thudding loudly in my ears.

I felt that hand on my throat again, keeping me from breathing. I pulled in as much air as I could in a few breaths before looking around for Peter.

He was sitting right next to me, saying something. He moved the blanket off of me, and sat in front of me.

I felt tears falling down my face, as I grabbed onto my throat, still heaving in as much air as I could. He pulled my hands away and moved them up to my head. I felt my lungs expand, and the hand released it's death grip little by little.

The ringing in my ears faded slowly, as anxiety crashed over me in waves.

"There ya go honey." He took a deep breath, motioning for me to follow him. I nodded, trying to inhale and exhale in time with him. "Just like that."

He smiled, a few tears falling from his eyes as he did. I frowned, trying to out my thoughts and words together. "Pete..." I choked out, reaching my arm towards him.

He smiled sadly, kissing my knuckles. "I'm here baby."

I nodded, and sucked in another deep, shaky breath, as I was able to breathe somewhat normally again.

"You need some water?"

I shook my head, pulling his hand towards me. I enveloped him in a hug, and pulled him as close as I could, inhaling his sweet scent.

"I'm okay." He whispered, and I focused on his warmth spreading through my own body.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice raw.

He nodded, pulling away. "I'm fine, my love. Are you?" He asked, kissing my cheek softly.

I nodded. "Better now. Thank you."

He kissed me softly, and my heartbeat felt normal again. "I won't make you, but you can tell me about it if you want." He whispered, wiping my face free of tears.

I shook my head, not wanting to relive tha right this second. "Okay. That's okay. You tell me when you're ready."

We laid in silence for what seemed like hours. He had tangled his fingers in my hair, massaging my head, and peppered my face with kisses every once in a while

I closed my eyes, the images of my nightmare flashing in my mind.

"I couldn't even talk..." I started, my eyes filling with tears again at the thought.

"What do you mean?"

"I tried to warn you, but i felt like I was being choked. And I wasn't strong enough to get y-you. And they killed you... right in front of me." I whispered.

He pulled me close, wrapping me tightly in his arms. The waves of anxiety had calmed enough for me to think clearly.

"It's alright. It wasn't real baby."

I nodded. "I know, but dhit it felt like it was."

Damn anxiety. I had gotten so much better. Although it's expected for an episode to happen every once in a while. That was the worst episode I've experienced in a long time.

"I'm proud of you..." He whispered, still playing with my hair.

I moved closer to him, if possible. "I didn't do anything...?"

"It may not seem like it. But you're incredibly strong, facing what you just did. In a difficult time, you didn't stop fighting." He kissed my forehead. "And I am so proud of you."

I smiled, snuggling closer to him. "I love you."

"I love you most." He whispered, pecking my lips again. "Do you want to try and get more sleep?"

I shook my head. I couldn't possibly sleep again tonight. Not when every time I close my eyes, I see Peter's body. I don't want to relive that again. I'd rather get lost in my work.

"You're going to the lab then?" He asked.

I nodded, kissing him once more before crawling out of bed.

I put on a new shirt, and grabbed my phone. "Get some sleep baby." I leaned over, kissing his forehead, and tucking him back into the blankets.

He smiled sadly at me, then closed his eyes before I had even left.

• Peter •

I should know how ge feels now, when I am having a nightmare. It was heartbreaking, having to watch him go through that.

I knew he would go to his lab. We've spent many late nights in their as it is, so it wasn't uncommon for him to be down there for hours at a time. But he was hiding from what just happened.

I would have to accept the situation, for what it was now. He would talk more if he needed to. Although I do wish he were here to lay with me now.

I give up trying to sleep again after five minutes. I turn on Criminal Minds, and grab my phone. After scrolling for a moment, I see an ad, promoting some dog food brand.

I wonder how Tony would feel about a puppy...?

"Second Chance Adoption Center?" I stare at the screen confused, as their website pops up.

"Karen, did you do that?"

"Yes, Peter." She answers, making me laugh. "You clicked the ad, when you don't need dog food, so I filled in the blanks."

"Thanks Karen. What do they have for German Shepard's?"

"There are twelve German Shepard's available as of yesterday. Would you like to see pictures?"

"Yeah, thanks..." I mumble, waiting for the pictures to show up. "How upset do you think Tony would be if I adopted all twelve?"

"I'm not sure Tony would take much of a liking to one, let alone twelve." She spoke, sounding amused.

I frowned. "You really don't think he would even go for one?"

"I'm sorry Peter, but I don't know."

"That's okay, no harm in asking." I shrug, as she pulls details about each of the canines.

"Are any of them, like super fluffy? That's one I've always wanted..." I ask.

"Here's one."

"Karen, he's perfect!"

"He just arrived at the shelter yesterday. If you would like, I can schedule you for a visit?"


"You can go see him tomorrow."

"Thanks Karen." I yawned. "Is Tony still in the lab?"

Friday answered this time. "Yes, Boss is in the lab."

I frowned, but crawled back under the blankets anyways,

"Thanks you two. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Peter." They said in unison.

Tony will be okay. Sometimes, my help isn't always going to be enough. He just needs some time. And that's fine, I'll be right here when he's ready.

I sighed, before crawling out of bed and walking to Tony's closet. I grabbed the first shirt I saw, and threw it on. Yes, it smells like him.

I dove back into bed and pulled the comforter high over my head, and drifted off to sleep.

• Tony •

I sigh, setting the wrench down. I'm not even sure what I'm doing. All I want to do is lay in bed with Peter right now. Yet, I'm down here working.

A distraction was nice, but I've been down here for a good three hours now. I've had time to clear my mind a bit.

I wipe my hands off, and turn off the lights, heading back upstairs. I smile at the sight of Peter sleeping, as I make it to our room. Adorable.

I pull off the dirty shirt, before washing up in the bathroom, then make my way back to bed.

I pull him close to me, and he turns over, burying his head in my chest, making me laugh.

"I'm here bug." I mumble, kissing his curls, and closing my eyes.

• Morning •

Peter had woken up in an awfully good mood. Not that I'm complaining, but I feel that he's up to something.

"Sooo..." Peter giggles.

"What are you up to baby?" I laugh.

"I was wondering..."

"Mhm?" I nod. "I wonder about a lot of things. Good talk Pete." I kiss his forehead, walking away.

He scoffs. "Get back here! I have an actual question!" He chases after me.

I rush towards the couch, and he tackled me onto it. "Okay! Okay!"

He's in a fit of giggles, as he tries to pull me up. He then sits on my lap, and scrunched his nose at me, trying to be serious.

"You're cute. What do you want?"

He blushes, then he smiled brightly.

"Friday! Can you pull it up?" He yells, touching the table, and a picture of a fluffy German Shepard puppy makes it way into view.

"What in the fluff is this?" I ask.

He laughs again, and points at the picture. "What do you think about getting a puppy?"

I stare shocked at the picture, and glance back and forth between it and his hopeful face.

"You're wanting... to bring a dog here?"

He nods quickly. I've never had a dog before. I wasn't allowed to have pets, and once I lived in my own I never thought of it again. I've always been too busy, and piled with work.

I do spend more time at home now, because I want to spend my time with Peter. It would be nice for him to have a dog though, for when I'm not here.

I nodded slowly, still considering the idea. But if he wants him, then I see no problem. "Okay. Yeah, if you want him Pete. But you have to take care of him."

"Really? Thank you Tony!"

He kissed me quickly, then took off.
"Karen! Call Second Chance!"

Now that I think about it, I did have that tank of sea monkies once when I was eight... not sure they ever grew though.

"Yes, I'd like to him please." I heard Peter from the kitchen. "Yes ma'am I know we haven't come in yet to meet him... We still will don't worry." He laughed.

It made me smile seeing him so happy. A picture was enough to win this man's heart. Once this puppy gets here, I don't stand a chance.

"My name is Peter Parker... Okay great, we'll be there by three." He hung up, and looked at me.

His smile was the brightest I'd seen in a while. "We're going shopping!"

He dragged me to our room to get dressed. Then I was pulled out the door, and on the way to the pet store.

• after three •

"Tony he's the cutest!" That was probably the tenth time h had said it.

"You say that about me. Now I have to share?" I fake pouted.

His face fell, and he grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that."

I laughed at his response. He's too sweet. "Bug I'm just playing with you. But you do have to name him."

Please don't say Fluffy...

"His name is Bear. See look..." he explained. Peter squished the pup's face, and held his large paws up. "He looks like a baby bear!"

"It's perfect honey." I smiled.

I watched the two of them for a moment, and Bear stared at Peter like he had fallen in love already. Of course he did. They were both adorable.

"Bear Stark!" I heard Peter mumble.

I froze, glancing over at him, to see him looking at me already. His face was burnt red, and he fumbled with Bear's new collar.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to... Uh what I meant was... Well I- ya know..." He stumbled over his words.

Our puppy, has my last name. Holy shit...

It's like we're a family.

And while that's a bit nerve wracking to think about, I still couldn't stop the smile that broke out on my face.

"No Pete, I like it. If that's what you want it to be."

He nodded, smiling slightly, he cheeks still dusted pink.

"Alright you two, let's get inside and get eveything set up for him."

Bear yipped, and raced out of the car, waiting for Peter to follow.

Between Peter and Bear, I really will turn into a teddy bear.

• night •

I had been working in the lab as Peter had gotten eveything ready for Bear. I walked back into our room, changing into some boxers, and looking at the bed.

I shake my head, seeing Peter passed out with a pink pig in his hand, and Bear curled up, sound asleep, right next to him.

I crawled into bed, smiling at the sight. "Don't get used to it." I whispered.

Apparently he wasn't asleep, because he worked his way in between Peter and I, and licked my nose gently. I know why Peter loved him so much. This dog is absolutely adorable.

"He loves you too, Tony." I heard Peter mumble, who was smiling at us.

"You're not working tonight, right?" Peter asked.

I shook my head. "No. We'll both be here when you wake up."

He yawned, snuggling under the blanket. "Okay, I love you."

I leaned over, kissing his forehead. "I love you too."

Bear snuggled in between us, but not before touching his own nose to Peter's.

Soon I fell asleep to small puppy snores.

No not very happy or proud of this chapter. Idk I don't feel like it all works together too well. Just a filler chapter anyways. Ummm I just have always wanted that puppy and to name him Bear, so I just threw it in here. But yeahhhh... sorry about this one lol. Thank ya for reading! <3

Edited 10•09•21

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