A Humbled Heart

By nerdgatswagg

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Jade was not prepared to loose her mother at an early age, she was also not prepared to live with her father... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

Chapter 7

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By nerdgatswagg

When Jade woke up the next morning, she could not cover the smile on her face. Her family had gone back to their house, Elena and Jacob had insisted that Jade stay with them until she was stable enough to get her own place. Jasmine and Laura had given her death glare the whole time they were saying their goodbyes. Alexander and Marcus would soon return to their apartments, Richard was leaving that morning but Miranda and the children were not leaving yet.

"Good morning Holy Spirit, today feel like a wonderful day, Lord help me to do my best and order my steps".

She showered quickly and put on a black pencil skirt with a long sleeved navy blue peplum chiffon shirt and a navy blue blazer. When she got downstairs Marcus was the only one at the dining table. It wasn't a surprise judging by how early it was, Elena and Jacob would probably still be in bed. Marcus looked up when he heard her come in. She looked beautiful as always, her hair was up and lovely, she looked away and sat down quietly but not before Marcus saw her flushes cheeks. "Good morning Mr Valiant", she greeted him and looked down.

''Morning Jade, I trust you slept well?'' he asked and she blushed deeply when she remembered her forward behaviour the night before. ''Yes I did... I thought you would have left for work'', she commented, he raised his head and caught her gaze.

''I am going later than usual because I want to show you the ropes today'', he said while holding her gaze. ''But why would you do this, aren't you extremely busy?'' she said as she drank her coffee.

''Yes but I am willing to make an exception'', he replied and gave her a smile, she looked away and wringed her fingers.

After breakfast, they headed to the office, when they got there Jade's eyes went wide like a kid on Christmas day. Marcus couldn't hide the smile on his face at her delight, they got into the building and he lead her to the elevator, Jade followed every movement around her, the people, the structure, trying to take it all in at once.

''Don't worry the building isn't running away'', he said and Jade bit her lip and looked away, she was embarrassed at been caught gawking at her surroundings. When they got to Marcus's office, Jade couldn't help but leave his side to look around; the office was too beautiful and elegant to be a place where cold calculations were carried out. The dark brown mahogany table was very masculine, the grey couch, glass centre table and the side tables gave the office an appeal which was very Marcus. She was so absorbed in her thoughts she wasn't aware when Marcus entered.

"Oh I'm so sorry for zoning out!'" exclaimed Jade as a light blush creeped on her face. Marcus chuckled and sat down on his chair still observing her. ''No harm done Jade, what's on your mind?"

''I like the style combination of your office, it's very you I would say''. Marcus leaned forward, totally intrigued to hear what her perspective of him was.

''What would you say my style is Jade?'' Jade turned to face him and smiled a bit before answering, ''It is not in my place to say that, you were going to show me around?'' She began to walk away and Marcus smiled at her skilful way of dodging the question. They went from each department to the other, Jade was silent, nodding and asking questions here and there while Marcus was so content standing next to her that he failed to see the shocked faces of his employees, normally the silent, brooding and strict boss there was definitely a difference in him which they could attribute to the person standing beside him, their first impression of Jade went through the roof.

When they finally got back to Marcus's floor, there was another office he propelled her to, it was a little smaller that Marcus's office. The huge desk was made of dark brown oak wood, the walls were a cream colour but the grey carpet gave it a very professional look. The shelf was stock with books from every genre mostly finance, and the couch was also grey while the centre table was white.

''Wow this wonderful, whose office is this?'' ''Yours'', he replied simply as if it were everyday he gave someone an office like this. Jade couldn't contain the gleeful giggle that escaped her lips, she spun around while taking the whole view of the room but stopped when she realize how childish she was behaving. ''I mean this is very generous of you, this office is very elegant'. Marcus nodded and couldn't help the leap his heart made at her gratitude.

''I am having a meeting today with some clients from Germany to close an important deal, I expect you to be there''. '' Do I take notes?'' ''Yes but do not express your opinions or object, you will tell me your findings privately''. Her head snapped up, her quick mind immediately grasped the wisdom behind his words, she smiled and shook her head.

''What?'' he asked ''I understand a little why people say you are very astute, it's uncanning''. ''Really? Are there anymore understanding you would like to share?'' Jade giggled and shook her head. ''I will flatter you no further Mister Valiant'', she said and waltzed away, Marcus chuckled and shook his head fondly.

As soon as work began Jade understood why the media nicknamed Marcus 'ruthless'. His gaze gave its object of focus a cause to stop and rethink. She saw the look of admiration on the faces of his employees and how Marcus would cringe when given a compliment, she saw how much his employees watched and imitated his actions and how loyal they were to him and she was once again grateful that God foresaw this and put his son Marcus to lead his employees the right way. 

If only people would learn to follow what is right the world would be so much better, she began to pray, 'Father your word has taught me that you are the author and finisher of our faith and I know that when we keep our focus on you we would not stray. I know you know what I'm about to say but I also know you want me to say it, I care way too much for my boss than I should, I don't want to cause problems for my sisters so guide me Lord to do the right thing and also bless and comfort Marcus so he remains strong in you in Jesus name Amen".

She finished praying in time to hear Marcus's voice through the intercom; she went to his office and stood waiting until he looked up surprised. ''I thought you had gone?'' ''Did you want me to leave before you?'' she asked ''We can leave right now if you are ready''.

''Yes I am''. Marcus stood to his intimidating height and grabbed his jacket and coat while sh
utting down his system. Jade came back with her bag and coat in hand and followed him to the lift. He placed his hand on the small of her elbow to guide her. ''It's okay to brief me now'', he said as he slid in beside her.

''Okay, Mr Anderson was bluffing when he said he had other deal similar to this one because this deal is too good to pass up so it doesn't make sense to brag about dismissing many of its kind. He assistant is the brain that brings it all but Mr Anderson does not want people to know this''. By time she was done Marcus had turned to face her completely. ''What?''

''How do you know this?'' he asked so she continued, ''Up until the point where he said they had produced 30% more than they had in the space of six months I believed him, he stood in one spot and maintained eye contact with each person as if daring anyone to object his facts, he started bluffing when his points became a tad bit inconsistent, his strides were light and jerky and his assistant had to send him points to backup his lies from then on''.

''Hence your conclusion?'' he asked.

''Hence my conclusion Sir''.

''You don't have to call me Sir, it makes me sound old, call me Marcus''. ''No I couldn't possibly do that you know', she replied immediately. ''You either call me Marcus or you resi.....'' ''Marcus!'' she immediately cut him off. He never got tired of hearing her say his given
name; he held her gaze and smiled. ''I want to hear it again''.

''Marcus'', she replied and his smile increased. ''See that wasn't so hard?'' he replied and the conversation moved on to lighter subject but she couldn't stop the thought that his name would forever be imprinted in her heart, the question was would he be there to take the spot that has his name?


''Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, can't both work the same time?'' asked Maria the house-keeper. ''No they can't, when two opposing forces comes together the result you get is one working for one purpose and the other working for another... O my goodness, those kids!!!' exclaimed Jade.

''What are you tal....'' said Maria but Jade already took off after Brandon who had somehow gotten flour under his shoes and was currently chasing Emerald with flour covered hands. ''Brandon get back here! You are messing up the whole house!!'' yelled Jade as she ran after him but he kept running and laughing, that minx!

"Jade do you want cinnamon in the cake for the kids?' yelled Maria from the kitchen, Jade turned and replied while running backwards, 'No, Emerald is allergic to cinnamons''. As she turned to continue her pursuit she lost her footing and collided with the last person she wanted to see. Brandon already had flour hands all over Marcus's clothes and the stains were evident everywhere but Marcus didn't notice because Jade was clinging to his shoulder with eyes closed and he thought he was seeing things as he had just been thinking of her. Ever since he moved back to his penthouse he had missed her, constantly worrying if she was okay. Jade opened her eyes and gave a small squeak before pulling away from Marcus.

''Brandon! What did I tell you about chasing your sister, you have gotten flour on your hands and under your feet and now that whole corridor is stained''. ''Sorry Aunty Jade, it won't happen again'', said Brandon with a small pout but Jade wasn't having it because Brandon and Emerald could be cute little monsters when they wanted to be. ''What is the right thing to do now?'' questioned Jade with her hands on her waist.

''Go tell my Nana to clean me up?'' he said with a hopeful expression on his face but again Jade was not having it so he tried again. "Clean myself up and wash Emerald's hands", he said with a slight bow on his head which surprised Marcus to the moon and back because he knew just how stubborn the boys in his family could be.

"Good, your cake will be ready in the next thirty minutes so you should be in the kitchen by then yes?'' asked Jade sternly. "Yes ma'am'', they both replied and again Marcus was surprised as they sped off to do as they were told. He turned back to Jade and found her furiously cleaning the stains on the floor with the cloth she had on hand. He wasn't sure how long he stood there staring at her work but when he came to, it was to see Jade stomping towards him with purpose and he almost cowered. ''You have got flour stains all over you, I need to clean you up now'', she said and blew furiously at her bangs.

''It's okay, I can jus....'' Jade's hand sliced through the air and interrupted him, ''No! I said I will clean it off and that is it!'' she took his hand firmly in hers and pulled him to the bathroom on the right end of the corridor. When they got in Jade left the door open and pulled him to the mirror, he sat on slab so she could reach his collar. She took a dry face towel and wet it in the tap all the while murmuring about how stubborn people could be. Marcus was speechless at this bossy side if her, strangely enough he thought it was attractive. Jade began cleaning his right sleeve then his left still murmuring and Marcus couldn't help but stare.

''You know you would make a great mother''.

''The man who marries me would be one lucky fellow right?'' she replied sarcastically, the reality of Marcus's words reached her; she stopped and realized just how bossy she had been to him who is currently her boss. Her eyes widened and her complexion went pale, she immediately took a step back and wringed her hands nervously, Marcus had to control himself from laughing.

''I am really sorry, I didn't mean to go off on you like that, please don't be offended, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean anything by it really it's just that...''

''Just that what'', he asked and stood to his full height which towered over her. ''Well when I get upset I don't see who is in front of me so.... Please don't fire me'', she said desperately, looking at him with the same expression Brandon had. Marcus was transfixed by her gaze, the desperate tone in her voice and all the more by the tears in her eyes.

''Jade what's really going on?'' she laughed lightly and shook her head. ''Nothing really, I don't want to lose my job because of my irrational actions, please don't fire me''. Marcus moved closer to her and smothered her bangs from her face; she didn't pull away like she always did which was progress to him but frightening to her. ''You give me the same expression Brandon gave you and expect me to still fire you? You break my heart Jade'', he said dramatically and Jade giggled freely and shoved him.

''The stains are still here Jade''. Without any more reminders she got to work cleaning vigorously while Marcus stared at her adoringly. When she was done she pulled him to his feet and walked round inspecting his clothes with a slight frown and a little pout on her face, a chuckle from Marcus brought Jade's head up sharply. ''What's funny?''

''You are really serious about this aren't you?'' he asked and Jade's frown deepened, ''Marcus I can't have you leaving here with even a speck of dust on your clothes''. ''Jade it's not a big deal''. ''Of course it is, this is not funny Marcus''. She was yet to realize that she had used his given name more times in the last few minutes than she did a month ago but Marcus was fully aware. He took her hand and pulled her close to him while he sat back down so they were almost on the same eye level. Jade realized just how close they were, her eyes flew to his lips but she immediately snapped out of her daze and looked away, Marcus's gaze was so intense on her face as if memorising her features.

''You need to go somewhere right?'' ''Trying to get rid of me?'' he asked teasingly but Jade didn't catch and took it seriously. ''No no no...I...I didn't mean it that way''.

"Then what did you mean?" he asked faking a frown, she was just too easy to tease. ''W... Well I... I just.. I''. ''You just what Jade?''

''I um.. Oh stop teasing me Marcus, this isn't funny'', she said hysterically and Marcus busted out laughing, he hadn't laughed so much in a long time. "I'll stop if you say my name again''. Jade became shy all of a sudden when she realized she had been addressing him informally. ''No I can't do that".

''I'll kiss you if you don't... '' ''Marcus! Marcus!'' He laughed loudly and hugged her. 'You are very charming Jade, makes want to have you all to myself'', he voiced out wistfully. ''Marcus you can't be serious'', said Jade but Marcus's gaze held hers captive for two minutes, like magnets their eyes held each other and time froze. Marcus saw the fear in her eyes and sighed in defeat, when would she learn to trust his intentions. He left shortly and Jade sat for some time, it would be so easy to let go but what if he broke her heart or worse still what if he didn't let her in until it was too late.


The game of cat and mouse began between Jade and Marcus, she would hid from him at every turn, any situation that involved them both being alone she would avoid at all cost, Marcus on the other hand wished she wouldn't avoid him, he knew he had to clarify that he was under no obligation to marry Jasmine and that his interest were solely for one woman who was as evasive as a bird, why couldn't she just trust him, his patience was wearing thin with the woman.

The next day brought a dreaded visit from Jasmine and Laura, Jade was hesitant to go into Marcus's office mostly because he had been in a nasty mood since the night before, apparently his personal assistant had failed to inform his flight engineer that he needed an emergency maintenance check-up before flying to an important meeting. He was furious but didn't show it, however Jade notices the slight tension in his jaw and the tightness in his hands when he clasped them together. ''Jade are you listening!'' Jade blinked twice at Jasmine and Laura who were looking like they would pounce on her in the next instance if they weren't attended to.

''Marcus is really busy; he is not taking visitors at the moment''. Of all days why did it have to be today that Christopher was taking a day off and she just had to offer to fill in for him, ugh! ''I don't need an appointment to see my future husband; we are going out to eat''. Something about the way Jasmine spat out the words made Jade think of violent things, she wanted to stake her claim on Marcus but stopped herself short and blinked in surprise, where had that thought come from?

''Please, now is not a good time, you need to understand, why don't you try calling him'', Jasmine and Laura were already at Marcus's door by the time Jade had finished; she said her last prayer and followed them in. Jasmine made the mistake of opening the double doors together, for some reason Marcus hated it when the double doors were opened together, he almost fired an employee last month because of it. Marcus lifted up his head to see who came and his annoyance increased a hundredfold at seeing Jasmine and Laura, his gaze shifted to Jade who stood behind the two of them and his annoyance increased even more. ''Marcus darling I came so we can have lunch'', said Jasmine and Jade flinched waiting for Marcus to explode but he remained calm.

''Good to see you Jasmine, you look beautiful as always, Laura I will inform Alexander of your presence, there is an issue we need to discuss urgently''. Jasmine's face scrunched up, not the plan she had in mind but if a proposal was coming then she had no objection. He walked out and pulled Jade with him, Jade looked took a deep breath and looked up, Marcus's smile dropped inch by inch until it turned to a freezing glare which he directed at Jade and at that moment she truly understood what it meant to be at the mercy of those eyes.

''When I ask you to do things I expect perfection Miss Jade'', he said calmly, his voice was deadly cold that Jade blinked twice to be certain it was still Marcus. 'I can explain''. His gaze pinned her in place. "That is Mr Valiant to you Miss Jade". Jade flinched back and looked at him again, she thought they had agreed on first names but the command felt like he was putting her in her place.

"I expressly told you to not let anyone in my office but you didn't do as you were told. Make no mistake I am still your boss no matter how I relate with you in and out of the office, I expect you to be professional is that understood?''

''No, with all due respect Sir, I couldn't just ask them to leave, they aren't just anybody, I did it out of respect for your betrothed''.

''I see, I will conclude that meeting in an hour or two''. Jade had never wanted to thump someone as much as she wanted to at that moment, he confused her, one minute he was caring and next he is cold.

She wasn't sure how long the meeting took but she was vaguely aware of Jasmine and Laura running out with tears running down their face, the look in Jasmine's eyes unsettled her, it felt like she was accusing Jade for all her misfortunes. Alexander walked out first, his eyes looked sad even though he had a smile on his face.

''Rough break?'' she asked and he shook his head, ''There was nothing to break', he replied with a sigh, ''Annoyed I didn't do it sooner'', he continued.

''Well you have done it now and you did her a favour because now she can open her heart to the man who is right for her''. Alexander nodded and smiled slightly; if only Jade would stop pushing Marcus away things would be much easier.

''I could say the same about you, I know you trust God Jade but the question is do you trust him in the case of Marcus?'' Before Jade could reply Alexander walked off and Marcus came out to inform her of the ad-hoc meeting. Throughout the meeting Jade kept thinking of what Alexander had said, were her feelings so obvious that anyone could see or worse could Marcus see it in her eyes. Was he the right one for her? Would he be truthful?

When evening came Jade was filled with so much relief she could have cried. Marcus had barely said one word to her and when she tried to make light conversation he didn't reply so she kept to herself. When they got to the house Marcus didn't leave so Jade figured his mother had invited him and Alexander and knowing him he wouldn't deny his mother anything. 

However when they got to the living room, Marcus's countenance changed when he saw the Colby family, Jade could have cried because her visions were getting blurry which were the telltale sign that the migraines were back and she needed to lay her head down but regardless she quickly went upstairs and freshened up. When she got back downstairs, she was relieved to not be the last person down. Everyone except Marcus was seated and conversations were I'm full swing by the time she sat down, unfortunately it revolve around her.

"Jade! How are you? We get to see little of you these days, Marcus is working you hard right?'' asked Elena. Margaret's icy blue eyes glared at Jade. ''Marcus hired her?'' ''Jade is Marcus's personal advisor'', replied Jacob and he couldn't contain his glee when she turned in outrage. 'Why would he hire her all of a sudden? She has no experience whatsoever''. 

One look from Alexander silenced her. Olivia sat beside Jade as usual, they had become like sisters and Jade had come to see her as a confidante. Marcus came in and sat down beside her, she turned a surprised look to him but he refused to look her way. The reason people were careful around Olivia was because she could spot everything and she did notice what transpired between Jade and Marcus, the fact that Jade's hands were clenched and she looked pale almost like she was ill.

''Jade are you okay?'' asked Olivia. ''The migraines are back and the noise is making it worse''.

''Do you want to skip dinner and lay down?'' ''No it would be rude of me', replied Jade to which Olivia scoffed, ''We are talking health and you are concerned about manners, you
really need to sort out your priorities''. Jade couldn't stop the laughter that broke out and Olivia joined in.

The first course came and Jade forced each spoon into her mouth even though she didn't have much choice appetite, she couldn't join the conversation because every sound felt her head was going to explode. She was grateful that this time, no one drew attention to her, the rest of dinner went in a blur and she vaguely remembered Olivia pulling her to her feet and taking her to her room before returning to the living room where the others were.

''Where are Jade's family?'' asked Olivia as she took her seat. 'They left thirty minutes ago'', replied Alexander and Olivia gaped at him, 'Did I take that long?' Alexander nodded I'm affirmation. ''Sorry about that''.

''Is Jade okay?'' asked Elena. ''No, Jade gets these severe migraines from time to time, sometimes the pain is less and sometimes it's really intense, so intense we have to walk three to four times around the house so she can be tired enough to fall asleep''. ''Is she asleep now?'' asked Marcus.

''No, she asked me to come downstairs so it doesn't look rude to her family''.

''That woman! Her health is on the line and she is worried about opinions, she needs to sort out her priorities'', muttered Marcus and Olivia exclaimed, ''Right! That's what I said''. 'I'll take her for the walk since it is probably my fault she has the migraine", stated Marcus.

''I don't think it's your fault, Jade has been having these migraines since she was a kid''.

''That woman, I'll take her for the walk, you can all go to bed, and I'll make sure she is alright''. ''No I'll do it th....'' said Olivia but was cut off by her father who had a smile on his face. ''Let Marcus help Olivia, she is his responsibility after all''.

''He is what?'' asked Olivia with a confused expression but he didn't stop to explain, he took his wife by the hand and pulled her to her feet. Alexander followed suit with a smile too and that was when Olivia caught on to her family's setup, these people!

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