A Humbled Heart

By nerdgatswagg

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Jade was not prepared to loose her mother at an early age, she was also not prepared to live with her father... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

Chapter 5

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By nerdgatswagg

At breakfast the next day Marcus maintained his distance from Jade, the things he felt with her were a warning bell for him to stay away, the worse was that he couldn't stop himself from staring in her direction. Jade on the other hand had been on a high ever since Marcus offered her the job; she knew there was no way Margaret could influence Marcus to take back his offer. Jasmine was clinging to Marcus's arm and whispering into his ears, he smiled and Jade felt a tug in her which came as a shock because she didn't want to have any emotional attachment to him. Last night still played in her mind and looking into his eyes made her feel all warm and fuzzy.

''Jade when is your graduation'', asked Elena. ''Next week Saturday''. ''Well you will have your family there with you'', said Jacob and he watched Jade's expression closely to see if his suspicion will be confirmed. Jade flinched and averted her gaze from Jacob and indeed she had confirmed what he had been thinking all along and it didn't go unnoticed by Marcus and Alexander, though he wasn't entirely sure what was going on in their family, he knew for sure that Jade was not a member of the family they wanted around.

''Of course we will be there to support our Jady'', said David like a brother who was fond of his little sister. Jade wrinkled her nose and Olivia chuckled but Marcus didn't find it funny, he hated the thought that Jade was being maltreated in anyway, he planned on ending this charade of arrangement his parents had with the Colby family and he would take Jade far from all of them. He surprised himself with the intensity of his emotions. After breakfast Jade went to the bank and took out the money she had been saving and bought some groceries for Lillian. When she got to the hospital Lillian was reading a book while Julie sat by the bed texting.

"Jade!! What have I told about spending your money", said Lillian but Jade chuckled and began unloading the provisions. "Lillian it's nothing besides I love taking care of you and Julie you know that'', said Jade with a shrug. ''No it's not, what about your graduation?" she asked "It's is next week Saturday and today is Friday, so there is still time don't worry'', said Jade firmly and put the matter to rest.

''Julie how are you'', asked Jade. ''I'm fine, why do you ask?'' asked Julie alarmed. ''Nothing no reason... You know you can talk to me right?'' asked Jade to which Julie looked away and nodded, Jade sighed and looked at Lillian. ''I have to go but I'll come back, when will you be discharged?'' asked Jade.


''Good, I'll see you tomorrow and please Lillian try to relax and remember you have to be there for my graduation, there is no compromise on that", said Jade, she kissed Lillian's cheek and left the room but not before giving Jade a hard stare.

When she got back to the house, Maria ran out to meet her. "What happened?" asked Jade. "Mr Jacob's brother is here from Italy', said Maria in alarm.'Okay then what's wrong?'' asked Jade again.

''It's not what but who, Mr Richard's wife Miranda is very.... I have no words,
let's just say she is not a friendly person, makes me wonder how she cares for her kids'', said Maria, Jade ignored the comment and went straight to the living room. To her dismay the whole family was there so she walked slowly into the room, the men rose smoothly to their feet. A woman in a pink suit lifted her head and pinned Jade with an icy stare.

''You must be Jade?'' the woman said but her greeting sounded like an accusation. ''Yes I am'', replied Jade and Miranda turned her long aristocratic nose away in a snobbish manner. Her husband on the other hand stepped forward and shook hands with Jade, ''Nice to meet you Jade, my name is Richard and this is my wife Miranda and my children Brandon and Emerald'', he said as he gestured to them, where Miranda gave Jade a glare the children smiled and gave her a little wave.

"Let's all head to the dining room for lunch'', said Elena quickly before the situation turned sourer than it was already. Marcus had just about had it with his aunt; her snobbish ways had gotten worse, poor Richard how did he cope with it. He walked close to Jade and gave her hand a tight squeeze, she gasped and looked up to see his face, he hoped she could see the pride in his eyes, she did because a brilliant smile came on her lips and she mouthed a thank you and squeezed his hand back. The emotions he felt at that moment was profound, that he was responsible for the smile on her face made him feel ten feet tall.

Jade sat beside Olivia which was opposite Miranda, she dreaded these kind of situation because someone was bound to ask personal questions which she would have to answer. Jade had no idea what kind of marriage Marcus and Alexander were going to have, the worse was that she knew Marcus and Alexander knew what Margaret was trying to do, after all they didn't become billionaires by being dull-witted and they had dodged marriage for a long time so it was only a matter of time before they dropped their courtesy and snap.

''So Jasmine and Laura, I am told you are starting your own company?'' asked Miranda. ''Yes we are'', replied Laura with pride.

''That's really good, Jade what have you done?'' asked Miranda with a scornful look on her face, Jade didn't understand where the hostility was coming from, whatever it was she was never going to allow Miranda make her feel inferior because she knew her worth. ''By the grace of God I am about to graduate'', replied Jade but Miranda carried on.

''Okay but you have some goals I presume?'' asked Miranda like she was talking to a child. ''Right now I am looking to work and gain experience then by God's grace, I'll own my own publishing company so I can get the right things out to the world'', she said and it was the first time she had voiced out her dream to anyone now she had said it out and it was becoming reality to her. She turned and found Marcus's eyes on her with an unreadable expression which melted into a smile; Jade looked away quickly and placed her hands on her tummy to quell the trembling.

''That savours strongly of someone with no future", replied Miranda, ''Miranda that is the last of it!'' said her husband who had been listening to his wife bash Jade since she walked in. The table fell silent and an awkward feeling settled over the situation, Jade lifted her head regally and smiled at Miranda.

''Not in my case Ma'am because my future is something you won't be able to comprehend so please keep any rude comments you have about me to yourself, you may be older than I am but right now you aren't acting like it''. As soon as the words left her mouth Miranda gasped and turned to her husband for support but she got none from him, Olivia fist bumped Jade under the table and when she looked across the table, Alexander and Marcus were trying to stifle their laughter. Ever the gracious socialite, Miranda recovered from the embarrassment and stirred the conversation but she didn't direct any more questions at Jade which suited Jade because she had had enough. When dinner was over Jade skipped coffee and headed to her room. Elena knocked a few minutes later and entered the room.

''Jade are you awake?'' Jade sat up and stretched. ''Yes I am''.

''I wanted to apologise for Miranda's forward attitude'', Elena began but Jade immediately shook her head. ''You don't have to apologise, I wasn't offended, and I don't want you to keep apologizing for someone who knows how they should act but choose not to, that is not your burden to carry you know?'' said Jade with a smile on her face and Elena really looked at her and wished she could keep Jade to herself, if only Marcus wasn't so slow in his actions, the daft boy couldn't see what was in front of him.

''There is something about you Jade but I can't quite put my finger on it, it's like magnet''. Jade smiled at this and took Elena's hands in hers, the woman gripped her hands and smiled too. ''What you see in me are the teachings I received from God. There are things he has seen me through that I would not in a million years have been able to do without him. If I live today, it's because he has taught me a lot which has changed the way I used to think''.

''There are times I feel this immense hunger to get closer to him but it scares me'', said Elena and Jade nodded eagerly. ''Yes, don't be scared Elena, run to him when you feel that urge even when you don't. You run to him by studying his words and talking to him everyday like you will a friend''.

''You make it sound too easy Jade'', said Elena but Jade leaned forward and shook her head, "That's because it is easy, God knows you more that you know yourself, he has your best interest, you have nothing to fear in his presence because he loves you so much'', she said and the confusion on Elena's face began to clear and she laughed freely and Jade joined in until Elena remembered what she came for.

"Jade I want to take you shopping for your graduation". Jade became alarmed and quickly shook her head in refusal, "Oh no no... you don't have to do that, I'll be fine really".

"I want to, I need to Jade, please let me because if you don't, I'll take it as an insult", said Elena with a sheepish smile which she quickly hid when Jade turned a surprised look on her, when Jade's shoulders dropped down, Elena knew she had her. "Okay but I don't want anything extravagant", said Jade to which Elena chuckled and opened the door.

"We'll see Jade, we'll see", she said and left. Jade let out a deep sigh and fell back on her bed. "Father I am not sure what's going on here but I am certain your guidance is with me and when the time comes, I'll know what to do", she prayed then closed her eyes.


Marcus felt like punching something, he continued pacing and Alexander watched him wearily.

"That bad huh?" he asked and Marcus stopped pacing and frowned at him for clarification. "I am talking about your feelings for Jade". Marcus rolled his eyes and turned back to continue his pacing, "I have no feelings for Jade Alex", he grounded out but Alexander chuckled and shook his head.

"It is very clear to me because I know you and anyone who looks closely will see it, which is why we need to end this charade with the Colby family tonight so you can court Jade the way you like". Marcus stopped pacing and settled down heavily on the couch, his shoulders sagged and he rubbed his face with his hands and let out a weary sigh.

"Why does she affect me so, it doesn't make any sense", he said but when he remembered how she had smiled at him and the look of admiration in her eyes he knew he had to keep her to himself, she wasn't someone who he had to protect always, he knew he could rely on her too and be confident in her abilities, the way she handled Miranda was nothing short of elegance.

"Okay but I am not doing this for Jade, even if she wasn't in the picture, I still wouldn't want to marry Jasmine", he said and patted himself on the back for his logic but that was short-lived when Alexander opened his mouth, "Yeah keep telling yourself that when you are married to Jade with four children". Marcus growled and turned a scathing look to Alexander who held both hands up in mock surrender and laughed out loud.

"Come on, let's go get your girl", said Alexander as he pulled Marcus to his feet and smacked his shoulders for support. Together went to family living room where the elders were, conversations stopped when they walked in and Marcus felt like he had swallowed a huge rock. "There is something we need to discuss with everyone in this room', said Marcus as he took his seat beside Alexander who nodded discreetly and Marcus was grateful once again that Alexander was with him. Alexander had always been the goofy one that raised everyone's spirits and brought laughter anywhere he went.

"With all due respect this isn't the old days where arranged marriage and courtship was a norm, some people still approve of it till this day but I am not one of those people. If by the grace of God I am to be married then I would certainly do so but to the woman of my choosing whom I will love wholeheartedly and not one placed on me. With that being said I would appreciate it if you didn't encourage your daughters to keep pursuing Alexander and I", said Marcus and with each word he felt a sense of release within himself and he didn't regret a word he had said no matter how they took it.

"Marcus this is something we have agreed on", said Miranda but her husband shook his head and placed a restraining hand on her shoulder, "No we didn't my dear, we presumed, which was not supposed to be the case". Jacob couldn't keep the smile off his face, his sons made him so proud, he had feared they would succumb to the arrangement but they had once again shown they are men of strong sense of duty and honour.

"Richard you are right, they aren't kids anymore, we can't just make these decisions for them besides even if we did they would just argue us to death", he said wearily and the entire room apart from Daniel and Margaret erupted in laughter.

"Surely you can't be serious!" exclaimed Margaret, she stood and started pacing, blatantly ignoring her husband's order for her to sit down. "How do you expect me to just break the whole thing, how do I explain this to my daughters, they would be distraught", she said. Elena leaned forward and held her friend's gaze, how she loved her darling friend but Margaret was always too swayed by her surrounding instead of being steady. 

"Margaret listen to me, Jasmine and Laura are two beautiful women, trust me they will forget my sons in a matter of days". Margaret scoffed in annoyance and flung her manicured nails at Elena, "What would you know about suffering, you practically had everything handed to you", spat Margaret and as soon as the words were out the colours drained from Elena's face, her husband gripped her hands and glared at Daniel to get his wife but the fool just sat there looking like a victim, sometimes he wished Daniel would grow some backbone and discipline his wife.

Marcus surged to feet and was about to approach Margaret when Alexander held him back and nodded to their mother. Elena's gaze was fixed on Margaret as she stood slowly, "Care to repeat that again Margaret?' she asked quietly but Margaret was too riled up to back down at Elena's stare."You heard me Elena, if you knew what suffering is, you would know how important money is, how much it is needed for survival but you don't". Elena's steps faltered and Jacob who had never been a violent man wished at that moment to throttle the woman who was hurting the love of his life. 

Marcus watched his mother in amazement as she walked towards Margaret, always seeing her in a bright mood he had never witnessed her this quiet before, it was like a dam had exploded and all her emotions were showing at the same time on her face and it was heart-breaking to watch his mother in pain. "Suffering, such a small word for a truck load of pain that could kill you", she whispered and release a tremulous breath, her hands went to her stomach and she hugged herself then she raised her head to Margaret.

"If you really knew what suffering is, you would never wish it on your enemy, if you knew how it feels to have your joy in your hands but can't be awake to enjoy it. I was dead when Alexander was born", she said with difficulty, her entire frame was shaking, Alexander surged to his feet but a nod from his father held him back, "My son....my son opened his eyes and his mother could not even hold him, he opened his eyes and saw the eyes of a lifeless woman, I was given a second chance, something not many people get, to come back and love my sons and my husband. I will never allow something like this to separate my family no matter who it hurts. My sons have made their decision and if you do not like it the door is behind you", she said with steel in her back and Jacob couldn't contain the pride that busted within him, he stood and brought his wife into the circle of his arms and kissed her forehead multiple times while rubbing her back gently until she let out her breath.

"I know this has come as a shock to all of you but I haven't said anything because it upsets your mother so much, if it weren't for God she wouldn't be here and as wonderful as it is, it makes me shudder when I think of not having my wife around. I think we need to retire now", said Jacob, his gaze directed at Daniel who scrambled to his feet and pulled Margaret with him, Richard patted Elena's back before pulling Miranda with him. Marcus stood and took his mother from his father into his arms; he closed his eyes tightly and thanked God for her. Alexander walked towards her and she turned a smile on him that set the tears free, he bent his head and she placed a kiss on his forehead and hugged him tightly, when she released him, he wiped her tears and gave her a watery smile before Jacob pulled her into his arms once more and guided her to their room.

"I am so proud of you my wife', he said as he laid her down and kissed her forehead, his Elena, always looking out for others but not herself, he knew this was a long time coming and now that it did he breathed easy because he knew from now on gratitude would follow.

The remaining days flew by and Friday came again, Miranda and her husband were still around, everyone especially Margaret and Daniel had been very careful around Elena, Margaret had a guilty look on her face which Alexander thought served her right for what she said. Elena on the other hand was annoyed with how everyone was treating her like a glass, she had forgiven Margaret for her behaviour and she had told her that but there was still some awkwardness which needed to be overcome. Her husband had been extra attentive, giving her kisses here and there and whispering things into her ears, sometimes she felt comforted while other times she would blush deeply and he would laugh happily and tease her continuously until she shooed him away but he never stayed away for long.

Jasmine, Laura, Daniel and Jade were not told of what had transpired that night but she had noticed the subtle change in Jasmine and Laura, they had become more possessive towards Marcus and Alexander which meant Margaret must have told them about the decision but they wouldn't listen, these girls needed a good dose of discipline to open their eyes. Jade on the other hand spent most of her time playing with Brandon and Emerald, they had become quite close and Jade couldn't help falling in love with them because they were adorable and full of life. 

Some days they would seat and she would tell them stories of her as a child and they would stretch their cute faces up at her with eyes wide open and full of innocence and Jade would pinch their cheeks and take off running which would then turn into an all-out shouting game. Other times Jade would sing lullabies that put them to sleep or she would read them bed-time stories. Elena noticed the ice in Miranda's heart towards Jade had begun to thaw out ever since that she noticed her children's attachment to her.

"Elena are you listening to me?" asked Jade. Elena shook her head and realized she had zoned out while they were shopping. "I am sorry about that, have you seen something you like?" she asked sheepishly. Jade didn't need prompting as she already knew the dress she wanted and it was right in front of her so she unhooked it and held it for Elena to see. Elena smiled widely and clapped her hands and bounced up and down, "Wow, try it on!" she squealed and Jade chuckled, sometimes she wondered if Elena remembered she was an adult.

The dress she chose was a tube dress with one-shoulder gold strap that ran from her right rib up across her chest to her left shoulder and to the back. The dress was a very dark shade of wine and the A-line skirt that stopped before her knees was flawless and very becoming. She stepped out of the dressing room; Elena clasped her hands over her mouth and laughed delightedly. "The dress is perfect Jade!" Jade laughed at her excitement and spun around, "Thank you, I've had my eyes on it for a month", replied Jade.

They paired the dress with black heels and a black clutch, Elena pulled Jade towards the makeup section and wouldn't listen to her protests, Jade was surprised at the amount of makeup a woman needed, the sales clerk had a big smile on his face. Jade was totally wiped out when she got back home, she thought she had heard the last of it but no, when she opened her closet it was to see a whole collection of suits, pants, shirts, skirts, gowns and lots of jacket. "Elena, what did you do?" asked Jade with large eyes, Elena chuckled and waved her hands innocently.

"It wasn't my doing... well maybe a part', she admitted, "It was mine", continued Olivia as she walked into the room."Olivia?" said Jade. Olivia laughed and hugged Jade. "Mum gave me her credit card and let's just say I went to work" she replied.

"We wanted you to look as smart as you are", said Elena, Jade had never had someone do something for her without asking for anything in return so she was on edge. "Elena it would take me months to pay you back, I mean these clothes are expensive". Elena moved forward and gripped her hands, "Jade I want to and I don't want you to pay me back, I wanted to do something nice for you", said Elena and Olivia nodded in agreement.

"Why?' asked Jade."Because you need it, we all do", replied Olivia. Jade didn't have words to describe how she felt; it was wonderful to not have to worry about paying a person back. "Thank you", she said with tears in her eyes and Elena hugged her. Just then Brandon and Emerald rushed in and jumped on Jade.

"Aunty Jade where were you!' asked Brandon with a cute frown on his face. 'You promised me a story', whined Emerald. Elena and Olivia chuckled and sneaked out. That evening dinner went fast; Jade busied herself with the children. She was so restless about her graduation and the speech she had to give; she had not told anyone she was the valedictorian. She wanted it to be a surprised. Most of all the thought of working with Marcus was exhilarating because she could learn a lot from him and who knows start her own one day, with that thought she drifted off to sleep.

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