The Redemption

By user70513038

6.8K 216 136

It's been roughly two months now since Lloyd, Mari, Alya, Nino and Ari have returned from Ninjago and all of... More

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the Family :)
What's going on currently


224 9 3
By user70513038

Lloyd's p.o.v.

It's been a weak since I got the request to help out the museum. I'd let Tim know ahead of time so he could know that I was busy. His only response was okay and that he'd meet me for lunch. I wasn't going to complain after all we both had lives outside of school and the masks. So it made some sense.

I finished getting dressed in the gi that Mari had made for me only two days ago according to her she got permission from my father to make it and he approved of the design himself. It was really great to see that the two got along and if we where ever in Ninjago my parents made it so that way my Father was her guardian there. Which was a good thing in my opinion.

Now I'm guessing your wondering why I'm wearing a gi. Well that's easy the museum Director (Alix's dad) was meeting with a few delegates from ninjago and sometimes the dialect can be difficult to understand at times. So Alix had asked me to wear a gi since this was a formal thing and she'd be there to suffer with me and to keep my team at a respectable distance. Yup they are as terrified of her as they are of Alya. They learned this during the Reverser incident. Yeah Alix is one of the very few people who I can trust wholeheartedly to have my back. I want to give her a miraculous but with six in full circulation right now it would be a huge risk to put a seventh in full circulation. 

I put on my boots before going downstairs. "Now no ghosts posessions, evil Djins, or dark evils older than the test of time or else Alya will be the least of your enemies worries" Mom said bringing me into a hug.

"I'll try mom" I said returning the hug and giving her a kiss on her temple.

"Be back in time for dinner alright" Dad told me.

"Kay dad" I said giving him a hug before heading out the door.

Mari was currently with Alya trying to get Ari to notice her for the umpteenth time. I swear she's going to be hurt one of these days because of her obsession with her. I had taken off my benj-stone bracelet  so I could use my powers should something happen.

I then quickly made my way to the Lovre to help out.

Tim's p.o.v.

I sometimes can't believe Bruce. He thinks that Lloyd is a bad influence on me, he's not. "So where's lover boy today?" Jason asked

"Museum he's helping the director of the Museum and the section director with the set up of the museum since a few of the artifacts belong to his family line and the first generation and second of Elemental Masters. And before you ask apparently Elemental masters can live for a very long time. Garmadon is over one thousand years old" I explained, "His Grandfather though was over three thousand when he passed."

"Wow he's going to out live you" Jason said

"Actually since he gave up his golden power he kinda hopes he won't out live me sadly we won't know till he's in his thirties since that is around the time that the elemental masters stop aging." I told Jason.

I heard Bruce grumble under his breath. "Still got nothing to convince me that my boyfriend is some sort of demon incarnate?" I asked

"I asked Fate to look into the lineage, but the scroll did tell the truth about the elemental masters" Bruce growled under his breath.

  I smirked. "But why didn't his father get his grandfather's power why just Lloyd?" Bruce asked

"That even confused Lloyd, but his father's powers have always been tied to the darkness and his uncles to the light so I guess that it only makes some sense." I said

I remember that conversation very clearly from three days ago the confusion in Lloyd's eye's was unmistakable. I glanced at the clock and got off the couch to get two large thermoses of coffee and the lunch I'd asked Alfred to make for us. I did say I'd meet him for a small lunch date after all. "Where you going Timer's" Dick asked

"A small Lunch date with Lloyd at the museum and I also plan on seeing if I can lend a hand or at least learn more about some of the history of Ninjago" I said rolling my eyes having already told them this yesterday.

Jason and Dick smiled evily. "We are coming with you" Dick said slinging his arm around Jason's shoulder which under normal circumstances Jason would judo flip him then shoot him multiple times for doing that sort of thing.

"Leave me out of this imbicels" Damian tutted with his tongue.

I could only sigh seeing no way out of this. "Speaking of I think I'll come with. I think it would do us all some good" Bruce said

I instantly knew it was to find all the dirt on the masters since the data on them was extremely limited to just names and what they where the master of.  Now he could just ask Lloyd but Bruce is just so paranoid about him that he refuses to even ask.

Alfred gladly took us to meet up with Lloyd at the museum. "Sir if I must say despite your claims Master Bruce that this boy is a bad influence to Master Tim . I must say he's improved and changed since meeting him." Alfred said as he drove.

"How so?" I asked cause if Alfred thought it was a bad change I instantly feared the worst. "Not to fret Master Tim it's all in a good way. You sleep more. your coffee addiction has gone down dramatically. If anything I'd say you're acting more human with this young man. "Alfred said

My eye's widened in surprise. "It also shows in how you fight as well it's like you know you have to make it back in one piece or else risk hurting the one you cherish the most" Alfred said

I then thought back to when I first texted Lloyd as Hackerextrordinaire. At first he was standoffish to me. But then again he did make me smile. Then the second time I'd completely forgotten about my bet/deal with Dick and Jason till they reminded me. So I had to quickly come up with an excuse before quickly texting him. Then things really started to pick up with the two of us. I was actually looking forward to our texting sessions whenever we could text one another. Then when Bruce announced he was opening a branch office of his company in Paris I instantly volunteered to go.


"So I need one of you to go to Paris for the opening of the Wayne Enterprises Building in Paris, France" Bruce said during dinner

"I'm out" Jason instantly said

"I'll go" I said a bit to eagerly

"May I ask why Tim?" Bruce asked

"Well you know that app Cupid's Arrow that Dick and Jason had me sign up for. Well the guy I'm currently talking to on that app lives in Paris" I said

That instantly got my brother's undivided attention. "You haven't grossed him out yet?" Jason asked shocked

"No" I dead-panned

"So where does he live in Paris?" Dick grinned

I instantly drew a blank. "Um" I said

"Oh my god Timmer's forget to ask where he lives in Paris" Jason said laughing his arse off.

I could only glare at him. "Well you'll leave day after tomorrow to Paris" Bruce said to me.

"Not without us he's not." Jason maliciously grinned gabbing me by my shoulders.

I could only go along with it.  That lead to us bribing/threatening Chloe for who it might possibly be. "Ugh if anything it's one of the Dupain-Cheng siblings." Chloe sneered as she looked over the text.

"Their parent's own a bakery right across from our school that is extremely popular with the citizens of Paris. Lloyd is known more for his barista, baking, frosting skills with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. His sister Marinette is known for her puffed pastries." Chloe grumbled in disgust

"Can you give us the address please?" I asked

Chloe gave it to us with a lot of grumbling and complaining. The second I saw Lloyd I was instantly entranced by him. He just seemed so regal and composed as he worked a cappuccino machine. Then as he interacted with the customers. But anyone who can handle Dick with such grace even when he's on one of his sugar sprees has my respect.

Then at the rink he still had that grace about him and he showed his kind caring side when his sister had a break down. He and Marinette showed that blood is not everything when it came to family even though he was adopted he still cared for his sister. I'll admit I wish that my brother's where like that with one another instead of trying to constantly kill each other.


"We are here sirs"Alfred said

I opened the door and walked into the museum. I instantly saw Cole the Master of Earth. Now Lloyd had told me they'd be here, but he'd be keeping his distance from them since they tend to try and take him from his now rightful home here in Paris since abandoning him. Alya, Miss Cheng, Alix,  Nino, and a few others though managed to stop them then again Alya and Alix are quite literally forces of nature not to be taken lightly under any circumstances.

"Who are you?" Cole asked

"I'm Tim. Do you know where Lloyd is?" I responded as calmly as I could restraining myself.

"Yeah he is what's it to you?" He retorted at me with a glare.

"Well we happen to be seeing one another right now and we had arranged a lunch date for today" I said plastering a totally fake smile on my face.

"Cole what are you do- oh hey Tim I'll go get the green bean for you" Alix said walking in on our argument before turning to leave.

"Actually I think I'll come with you" I said giving her a look that said 'before I lose it and become akumatized'

"In that case this way" Alix said gesturing for me to follow her.

My family and I quickly followed after her. "Sorry about Brookstone he, Kai, and Jay just tried another kidnapping attempt of Lloyd not ten minutes ago. So I left him with Marinette who just came about fifteen minutes ago." Alix said as she walked along the exhibit halls.

We soon came to a room in which Lloyd was carrying a heavy crate single handedly while Mari arranged portraits on the walls. "Hey Lloyd who is this master?" Mari asked

"That would be Skylor the master of Amber she can emulate the power of anyone she touches" Lloyd said placing the crate down, "Her father was Master Chen, and when he was banished to the Cursed realm she took over the noodle house industry that he created. She's a really good person once you get to know her"

"Hey Lloyd" I said

"Tim" Lloyd said shocked before pulling out his phone, "Wow lost track of time"

I let out a chuckle. "Hey Tim" Mari said giving me a wave

"Hey Marinette" I said returning the wave.

Suddenly I felt sad that demon spawn was left out, but not even we knew she'd be here. I then took a good Look at Lloyd. "So who made that for you?" I asked looking it up and down

"Mari did with the help of my father behind my back might I add." Lloyd said giving his sister a pointed look

"Come on Lloyd give me this please. Plus it gives me some small comfort knowing that your fully protected and besides your master robes give me the hebijebies just remembering that time you were possessed because you were protecting four people from a vengeful ghost that was a former pupil of your uncle and the Master of Wind." Mari said

Lloyd visibly shuddered like it was a memory that he'd rather forget. "Well Lunch?" I said holding up the basket.

"That sounds wonderful Tim and Thank you you didn't have to." Lloyd said giving my a side hug and a peck on my temple.

"Come on it's to make up for all the time's I had to take your lunch" I told him

Lloyd let out a laugh. We decided to head the the museum cafeteria for lunch. We talked about the elemental masters. "Let me guess that ever famous Gotham Paranioa?" Lloyd asked

"Yup" I answered with a smile.

"Ah you have friends who are they" A man with a long mustache asked as he walked in

"Dr. Sanders" Lloyd said immediatly.

  "I'm Tim. Lloyd and I are currently dating" I said introducing myself

"Tim this is Dr.Sanders the director of the Ninjago exhibit." Lloyd said introducing the two of us to one another.

"Nice to meet you" Dr. Sanders said

He just gave me a friendly vibe, but something in the back of my seemed unsettled by him. We soon wrapped up our lunch and I helped Lloyd set up the exhibit. I asked a lot of questions about culture, clothes, and how certain things are done. Then it came to one particular item it was a medallion done in a yin-yang style. It instantly confused me since it was with two pieces of odd clothing. "Hey Lloyd what's this?" I asked calling him over

"Oh that's a marriage medallion. With the marriage clothing" Lloyd told me

"How does that work?" Jason asked looking at the set curiosity sparkled in his eyes.

"Well the medallion is for when you propose to the one you love by asking them to be your Yang to your Yin." Lloyd answered

"So it's a more deeper more well meant proposal than the typical ring" Dick inquired

"Exactly" Lloyd said

"And the clothes" Jason asked

"The traditional marriage clothing. My Father and uncle have told me multiple times growing up if I ever got married that is what was expected, but I'll give Mari the reins so I and whomever I choose  to be my don't look like complete fools." Lloyd said truthfully.

"So you don't see you and Tim possibly doing this sort of thing?" Bruce asked

"I really can't say for certain By the time either one of us even consider doing this sort of thing we might have moved on from one another having found someone different. Or Something on the more ...." Lloyd made a few hand guestures, but I instantly got what he was saying what if one of the two of us died.

"I see" Bruce said

"He's right for all we know they could just become good friends as they grow up" Dick said

Bruce had to conceded defeat in this case since Lloyd was quite right in his logic. But as I looked at the man's wedding get up I could have sworn that I saw Lloyd in something similar to this except that this one was green with a bit of gold.

We soon wrapped up what we were doing at the museum and started to leave, but just as Lloyd was about to tell me good bye within a blink of an eye Bruce, Dick, Jason, Damian, and I were in the Parisian Bat cave and the alarms were all going haywire blaring in our ears like no tomorrow. I quickly turned them off and started to see what the heck had happened. Cause that was not normal in any sense of the word even for the Justice League.

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