Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of Le...

By AmirBadass007

43.3K 592 233

Zoro sacrifices himself for Luffy, giving his life for him at Thriller Bark. The distraught Straw hats strug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Final Chapter

Chapter 6

2.5K 36 16
By AmirBadass007

I don't own One piece or it's characters :)

Robin's POV

I'm directing the Shark submerge when i suddenly see a few of ships are approaching us when i look closer i realize that they are Marine ships! i hear a  voice through loud speaker.

"Mugiwara no ichimi!" A loud voice boomed through a bullhorn, it's origin from the largest marine battle ship in front of us. "Surrender now and we promise you are entitled fair trial!".

I was directing the Shark submerge so in order to get a better look at the situation i surfaced the submerge and joined my Nakama.

The sunny stopped moving as the crew dropped the oars and stood at the front of the deck, shoulder to shoulder, expressions tense and angry.

Luffy moved to stand on his signature spot on lion's head, one hand gripping the mane for support. He swelled his chest with a huge breath. "NO WAY!" he yelled back. "We're going to Myth island to bring back Zoro! Don't get in our way!"

"DON'T TELL THEM THAT!!!" Nami, Usopp and Sanji raged, but it was too late.

"Bring back Roronoa?," The marine vice admiral replied. "Is he dead?"

"That's right, and if you try to stop us here, I'LL KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" The captain yelled with anger.

There was silence on the other end, and i could see them laughing at the news of Zoro's death and us trying to bring him back! after seeing that sight i clenched my fists hard and gritted my teeth, my chest filled with such a rage that were even greater than Luffy's.

"We'll let you go if you give us the Pirate hunter, don't surrender him and we'll sink your ship!" The marine vice admiral said with an evil smirk on his face!

All of us knew that he was bullshiting us and just wanted to mess with us, and even if he wasn't there was no way that we would give them Zoro!

Luffy snapped! "Like hell! we'll never do that!" The captain responded without a moment's hesitation. Me and the rest of the crew joined our captain, screaming out protest and rants.

Luffy's POV

There is no way that i'll give Zoro to these bastards! I'll kill them all if they try to stop us here!

"Very well," The vice admiral spoke up again, cutting through the noise. "Prepare yourselves to die!"

The foremost ship fired it's cannons, the iron spheres hurtling toward the sunny at top speed.

I leaped into air, inflating myself into Fuusen mode. The balls bounced off my body, and i redirected them back at their owners, the cannon balls flew at high speed hitting the marine ship! as i crashed back to the deck, i looked over to Nami and Robin. 

"Nami! Robin!, take Zoro and keep going for the Myth island!" i yelled.

"But-!" Nami began to argue, but i cut her off with a serious look.

"Robin, you and Zoro loved each other, so your the only one who can bring him back! And Nami your the only one who can get Robin to the Myth island, so you two have to continue no matter what!, Let us deal with the Marines!"

Third person POV

More cannons were fired and Straw Hat crew instantly mobilized. The men leapt into action, deflecting the onslaught and preparing to board the oncoming Marine ships. Franky was out of cola so he couldn't be of much help, but he didn't seem interested in the attack. He stroke his chin thinking hard as the other crew members raced around him as the Marine ships drew closer. A light bulb might as well have flickered to life above his head, because the cyborg suddenly grinned and raced below deck.

Zoro's POV

"Cien Fleur!" came a cry from below. "Wing!" Robin suddenly came flying from below, one hundred arms sprouting from her back and meshing together to from two massive wings, catching the light of a dying sun. I squinted and as she floated in front of the rays, her form was back lit and made her seem to glow with inner beauty!

An angel? I thought. Am i finally getting a glimpse of heaven before i descend into hell? 

She continued on, and the light faded. I blinked the uncharacteristic thoughts from my mind and watched as Robin landed on the roof of the crow's nest and Nami finally scrambled on deck, her Climatact in hand. The navigator dodged one of Luffy's punches directed at an oncoming cannonball and yelled something up at the archaeologist. It was lost in the clamor of cannon fire, but i caught a disembodied ear vanish from her back. I smiled and watched as Robin opened the hatch on the roof and slipped inside, vanishing from view. Nami watched with anxiety, her hands wrapped tightly around the steel blue of her weapon.

A minute passed and nothing happened, i had half a mind to go up there and watch whats going on when Nami suddenly went rigid, her pupils shrinking in horror as she slowly looked up at the darkening sky, the moon already rising into the black expanse. "OH NO!," she whispered. "OH PLEASE NO! NOT NOW!"

"What is it?" Chopper asked noticing her horrified expression. At this point i was getting a really bad feeling as well!

She looked back at the doctor, her expression exposing her as terrified. "A cyclone is coming!," she reported. "And a really big one at that! i can tell by the feel of the air temperature!"

Chopper froze, his eyes bugging from his head almost in a comical fashion. "NANI!?!" he screeched.

"Everyone," Nami yelled to get her Nakama's attention, but they were all too preoccupied with the fight to heed her words. She tried grabbing Usopp's arm as he ran past, but the sniper was to distracted to even register the noise. Nami glanced back at the sky again, where dark clouds could be easily seen even against the night sky. The sea began to roll, and the wind picked up, carrying the Sunny forward and dragging the oars behind.

"Everyone, please!" Nami screamed. "The Cyclone is here!" she looked up just as rain finally began to fall. The sea grew wilder, swelling to heights as tall as twenty feet. Marines and Pirates alike stopped to stare at the maelstrom that had snuck up on them. The wind roared in their ears, rain and hail lashing exposed skin, soaking all unprotected bodies to the bone.


A voice rose from above the chaos, Robin had finally emerged from the crow's nest, her arm wrapped around my body's chest in what looked like an uncomfortable fashion. her hair was plastered to her face the moment the door was opened, her eyes awaiting further instructions from the expert navigator.

Nami grunted as a huge gust of wind nearly blasted her off her feet. "Bring him down, we'll go in the shark submerge. The mini Merry is too dangerous!" said the orange haired navigator.

Robin didn't seem to hear, and strained to pick up the words torn to pieces by the wind, A huge wind crashed on deck, sending the crew rolling on the deck.

"Euuuuughhhhh!" Luffy moaned as he was doused in seawater. "Nami...get going..."

"Open fire!" ordered a voice, and the Marines fired another volley. A projectile crashed into the ship, barely denting the wood but shoving the ship sideways into another Marine ship that had pulled alongside the Sunny. With a yell, Marine officers boarded the deck of Sunny, and Straw Hats were consumed.

In the middle of all this chaos i was just standing there watching! knowing that there was nothing i could do to help my crew!

Lightning flashed overhead , illuminating the sky for a split second and leaving even me dazed. I had trouble dodging flailing bodies, if i were overshadowed now, there would be less chance i would be able to follow Nami and Robin and my body, and i didn't want to know what would happen if body and soul were separated!

Thunder rolled, crashing on our ears. More lightning, this time it was dangerously close. I found refuge on the rungs to the nest and wished desperately i could help Robin lug my body out of the hole in the ceiling and out on the slippery roof, all without falling. Despite having several arms latched on for extra support, with the torrents of rain and waves of seawater, the devil fruit user was losing strength.

"Drop it!" Nami yelled, whacking a Marine over the head with her climatact. "If that's the best we can do, just drop him!"

WITCH!!! i yelled. I want my body in pristine condition when i get back! If you go breaking both of my legs! worse one of my arms i won't forgive you!

Robin wasn't able to. At that moment, another lightning bolt flashed. It was only for a split second, but suddenly the entire mast was crackling with electricity, and Robin's scream of pain could be heard even over the clamor of the ongoing battle.

My eyes narrowed, and i gripped the rungs so tight my already transparent knuckles turned white. A rage swelled in my chest that would have put the waves to shame! I would never forgive myself if any of my Nakama were to die for me! especially Robin, her scream of pain hit me deep i felt as if my heart was being crushed under heavy weights! I felt an intense tug in my gut, the same one when she was attacked by Enel and Aokiji. The urge to protect her but i can't do that now! and i hate myself for it!

Robin went limb because of the pain, her extra limbs vanishing. "Robin!" Nami screamed.

"Robin chan!" Sanji yelled, disposing of his group of Marines and running to catch her as she slipped from the slick tile and fell back to the deck. The cook managed to catch her, skin dark from electrocution, but still conscious.

"Thank you Sanji san, but...Zoro..."

Nami and Sanji exchanged glances, each staring up at the nest. My body was lying half in and half out of the room, my hair and bandages soaked through, looking like a pathetic rag doll.

The force of the wind was to great, so great in fact that when my body started to fall down on the deck wind took my dead body with it and pushed it into the ocean!

Oh shit! Now that is just great! i say to myself.

I looked over to shitty cook who was laying Robin down on the deck! and Nami was beside him. "Nami san, take Robin chan somewhere safe while i get Marimo!" Said the yellow haired cook.

"Wait sanji kun!" Nami yelled but it was too late. Sanji had already kicked off his shoes and was diving for my body.

"Nami sis!"

The navigator turned towards the source of the voice, "FRANKY!, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?"

"Making you guys a boat!" the cyborg explained. "Where is Zoro's body?"

"Zoro's body fell overboard and Sanji kun has gone to get him, as soon as he gets back we'll leave!"

"Let's go on and see what Franky has created for us." Robin suggested. I look at her, her eyes were heavy with pain and sadness, i had only seen her eyes like that once before in Enies Lobby. But this time it was different kind of pain, one that i couldn't describe without it sounding romantic!

But underneath that layer was a pure heart, full of determination and confidence to see this through to the end.

Nami cast one look at the ocean before nodding and moving away with Robin, following Franky down into the workshop. I didn't immediately follow, i ran to the rail to see if the idiot cook had surfaced yet.

My eyes scanned the ocean for the shitty cook. Finally i spotted a flash of yellow and white in the midst of the chaos, and i let out a whoop as i spotted Sanji's hair and my soaking bandages against the dark blue and green of the raging sea. turning away i raced down below decks, trying to catch up with girls before they set sail without me.

Franky had fashioned a bit of larger version of the mini merry but it was larger and more durable for stormy weather. It seated six people tightly compacted together under a wooden roof reinforced with steel to prevent leaks. it had a hurried decor job of still wet dark green paint. A port hole was set into the side, and through it i could see Nami taking the controls.

Only our shipwright was good enough to build something like this in ten minutes.

Franky was off to one side, guiding out the newest creation. As the door was opened, and the ship began to meet the maelstrom beyond, i jerked myself into action and ran forward, making a dive for the rear of the ship. I had barely phased through and hit interior before the full force of the storm hit, an the tiny ship was rocked violently to the side.

Had i been alive my head would have collided roughly with the side of the boat and it would have hurt like hell! instead my head went right through and pulled back again, falling back to the floor with a moan.

the rocking and rolling of the vessel made me sick to my stomach, but i managed to slide against the wall and propping myself up to watch the going on.

Nami was doing her best to keep herself calm as she expertly steered the craft through the raging waves while Robin had her eyes pressed against the window, scanning the waves for that telltale sign of blonde. I looked through the porthole on the other wall to witness the progress of the departing ship. As i watched, a huge arm suddenly appeared above the Sunny and crashed into a Marine warship, crushing it to pieces.

As the debris crashed into the waves, i spotted Sanji break the surface of the water, his tie wrapped around my body's wrists so that they were secure around his neck and had little

chance of sliding off. His shoulders were bare so i assumed his shirt was wrapped around our waists. How he had managed all that in a damn cyclone is impressive.

I looked back around, Robin! over here, he's over here! i yelled. But Robin didn't even twitch. Voice! come on, seriously.

I lurched to my feet as the ship hit another swell. I fell forward, overshadowing the archaeologist. My vision immediately zoomed in twenty/twenty, looking through the woman's eyes. I can't bloom eyes outside the ship without blinding myself, Robin/I thought. If i could even hold it with all the seawater.

You idiot! I thought, desperately channeling my own words into her mind. I didn't know if she registered it or not, but i went on anyway. There are two windows! try the other one!.

Robin's mind went blank. Z-Zoro!?

The second window, baka! Geez and you call yourself a historian!

Very slowly Robin's/mine's vision shifted behind her , stumbling over coiled rope on the floor and looking through the second porthole, through which Sanji was clearly visible battling against the waves. Incredible, Robin's mind marveled. "Zoro is still Zoro even when he's not here!"

Of course i am, i muttered. Now tell Nami about the ero cook so he doesn't let my body drown. With that i withdrew from Robin's mind and left her body, backing up to regain my own body and mind.

"Nami i see him!" Robin said immediately, growing a hand from Nami's arm and pulling the wheel to the right. The navigator shuddered, still not quite used to disembodied limbs blooming from her body. But as Sanji entered her field of vision, all thoughts of third arm vanished, and she put the metal to the metal, speeding the ship over the raging ocean toward the cook in distress.

"Robin can you pull him in?" Nami yelled.

"I think so."

"Then get on it."

Robin reached the handle that would open the door to the ship, shading her eyes with a spare hand while blooming an entire line of them from the ship's hull and pulled sanji and my body into the mini ship and slammed the door close and blocking the rain. Sanji was soaked to the skin and shivering uncontrollably. Nami received the OK from Robin and began moving the boat away from the thousand sunny and the rest of the crew, following the log pose toward the Myth island.

"Here take this, sanji san." Robin said handing him a thick towel to wrap around his bare chest. My body had been removed and wrapped in a towel, taking up a few seats on the benches near the back of the boat.

"Thank you Robin chan," Said the shitty cook, "How many more hours do you think we have?"

Robin looked out the window, where the cyclone was slowly disappearing behind them as the boat moved forward. The night sky was clear once again. "If i had to venture a guess, i would say less than twelve hours." Robin said

Alright this is it for chapter 6! I hope that you are enjoying the story so far :)

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