One-shot Book! (Sanders Sides...

By Ash_Explains

452 11 5

A one-shot/one-shot idea book, because my ideas are keeping me up at night and it's tiring lol I'll put warni... More

Mistakes and Snakes
Wait for me!
Binding oneself together
We have each other
Unus... and only Unus.


50 1 0
By Ash_Explains

TW:  yelling.
BuzzFeed unsolved fic.
FLUFF!! <3
Ship: Shyan
It's a soulmate AU, guys
Plot: Shane is Lucifer, and Ryan is terrified of him.
Art belongs to me!
See you at the end!
Shane watched carefully as Ryan pressed himself up against the far wall. They were in a hotel room, and Shane had been going through the footage they'd gotten on the latest Unsolved Supernatural video. Ryan had been looking over his shoulder when they'd come across a clip. Ryan and Shane had been in a jail cell with the spirit box. Ryan hadn't seen it at the time, but there had been a spectre behind him, hands chillingly close to his neck. Shane had seen it, and reacted as he always did. His eyes went black, and he forced the ghost back into Oblivion. Or, the in-between, if you were mortal. Shane stepped back from the terrified man, giving him space. "What the absolute crap, Shane." The man closed his eyes in terror, as if not wanting to look at Shane. "You're a demon? Seriously? Your probably trying to murder me or something. Are you evil? What do you want with me!" Ryan's voice raised to a yell, punctuated with the panicked breaths he was taking. Shane felt his heart crack. He was the cause of Ryan's terror. He was hurting Ryan.
"One at a time, Ryan. What's your first question? I'll answer them all." Shane's voice was quiet, guilty.
"Are you gonna hurt me?" Ryan questioned. "Absolutely not." Shane stared straight at Ryan, letting him see he was completely serious. Dead serious, as one might say. The shorter man's shoulders relaxed very slightly. "Are you really a demon?"
Shane closed his eyes, trying to remain expressionless. "... I mean, technically you could say I am." Shane took a seat on the edge of one of the beds, keeping a distance between him and the believer. "Technically?" Ryan's voice gave away his curiosity. He'd been hunting ghosts and demons for years, and now was his chance to actually learn.
"...I am... Actually... Well, I'm..." Shane fought to get the words out. He knew this would scare Ryan more. He'd never been so lost for words. "I'm Lucifer. I am the devil himself." Ryan pressed himself back up against the wall, stiff as a board. "Any more questions?" Shane asked. "Yeah. Why haven't you taken my soul yet?" Shane smirked ruefully. "Well, you see... I was going to. I took the time to gain your trust, and then by that point it was a mixture of 'frick this, BuzzFeed Unsolved is now my life' and 'well, I can't hurt Ryan. I'm his friend now'. I haven't taken your soul because I don't think I'm capable of causing you that much pain voluntarily." Ryan frowned. "Okay... But aren't you supposed to be, like, horned and demon-like?" Shane grew guarded. "Next question." Ryan narrowed his eyes. "Why? Is it a bad question?" Shane shook his head. "Just scary. Yeah, I have horns and a tail and a demonic lookin' face. Any more questions?"

"... A ton, but we really better get back to editing. I'm still scared of you, so if you could, watch yourself please." Shane nodded. "I'm going to walk over to you, okay?" Ryan nodded, eyes never leaving Shane. Lucifer stood and slowly walked over to Ryan, eyes glued to the floor. He looked at Ryan through his lashes, studying his expression. Obviously there was fear, coupled with curiosity and wonder. "Well, let's get back to it," Ryan said briskly.

It was the late hours of the night, and Shane was sure that Ryan's entire life force ran off of coffee and Coca-Cola.

They'd finished up with the editing in an appallingly short amount of time, and Shane knew that Ryan was mostly out of it at this point. So when Ryan fell into Shane's lap, he knew it was time for sleep. "C'mon, shortie. Get into your bed, it's late." Ryan didn't move, instead opting to talk. "What do your horns look like, Shane?" Shane hesitated, and then Ryan burst into wheezing bouts of laughter. "What's so funny, Ryan?" Shane shifted, slightly uncomfortable, what with the position of Ryan's head. "You're a horny boy! You've got horns!" Ryan shouted joyously, radiating such childish energy. "I suppose I am. Ryan, are you sure you want to see my horns? They're not pretty." He warned. Ryan sat up, noticing the slight shake in Shane's voice. "I'm sure they'll be fine, Shane." Ryan shifted so he was sitting next to the demon, and Shane saw no way of getting out of this. "Okay. If you get scared, tell me, alright?" Ryan nodded enthusiastically.

Shane let his actual appearance through. He knew what he looked like: pale skin, longer nails, and inky black hair. His eyes were pools of darkness, his teeth sharper than a wolves'. His tail rested idly on the blanket beside Ryan, shadowy and not quite solid.
Then came the horns.
Here's the thing: demons and angels were really the only creatures with designated 'mates' that they couldn't survive without. Humans had spun the stories into the Soulmate legends, which were pretty cute if Shane was honest. A demon's horns and an angel's halo was significant only because it showed how many people the creature had loved before their soulmate, and how deep the love had run. When they met their soulmate, a blue stripe would run down their horns/halos. Most demons didn't love easily, therefore their horns were more or less undamaged. Shane? Nah, everything was different with him, apparently. His horns were cracked horribly, twisted and riddled with small holes where his past loves had taken a part of him with them.
Ryan looked at them, seemingly speechless. "Why're they like... Like that? Did you get in fights a lot?" Shane chuckled ruefully. "Nope. I was a very well behaved young demon back in the old days. They look like this for an entirely different reason." Ryan frowned. "Well, what's with this blue line? What does that mean?" Shane froze. Holy crap. There was no way.."T-there's a b- a blue line?" Shane stuttered out. "Well, yeah, it just.. y'know, kinda appeared just now..." Shane felt like laughing. Of course it hadn't shown before. Ryan hadn't seen him before. He'd only seen a human.
"That's a soulmate line, Ryan." Shane said softly, examining Ryan more closely. "You guys have actual soulmates? Who's yours?" Ryan seemed jumpy now, eyes flickering between Shane's horns and his face. "Well Ryan, it's the neighbor down the street. C'mon, dude. I'm sitting here with you, and the line just showed up. Who do you think it is?" Ryan flushed in embarrassment, and Shane could see the realization slowly sinking in. "I'm- I'm your soulmate?" Shane shrugged. "Yep."

"And I'm just supposed to be okay with this?" Ryan asked. Shane was abruptly shocked. His chest felt like someone had sprayed holy water on it. "No! Jeez, Ryan, I may be Lucifer but I'm not a trashbag! I'd never force you into anything. You can just forget this. It's fine." It wasn't fine. Shane's more animalistic instincts were thrumming, urging him to claim his mate and hold him close, to protect him with all he had. Shane loved this short human. Ryan hesitated. "Is it really fine? I don't think... I mean, I'm not scared of you anymore... Is that the soulmate thing?" Shane nodded wordlessly. The urge to kiss Ryan until he understood what Shane was feeling was almost unbearable, but Shane would never even touch him without consent. He was just glad Ryan wasn't scared, despite being inches away from the ruler of Hell himself.

"Um, I want to try something. Is that okay, Shane?" Ryan scooted forward ever so slightly. "Yeah. Go ahead, just.. be careful with what you're doing, 'kay? I'm a demonic entity, let's not forget." Bitterness seeped through Shane's every word. Ryan raised his hand to Shane's horns, hands shaking. Shane wanted to warn him, but he had said that Ryan was free to do what he wanted. Shane just hoped he could contain himself-
Every thought stopped. The rush of adrenaline that flowed through the demon was shocking. Shane's horns were very sensitive, and if they were touched in the right places then Shane could find himself completely at Ryan's mercy. Ryan's fingers trailed across the twisted, damaged horns. He never lingered in a place for more than a few seconds. Then he increased the pressure, just enough to shatter Shane's willpower (the willpower that was currently being used to not curl up on Ryan's lap). Shane let out a huff of breath, eyes wide and staring avidly at Ryan, taking in every beautiful detail of his face.
"Shane? You okay?" Ryan asked. Shane nodded, not trusting his voice. Ryan moved his hand again, and Shane let out a very small whimper. It was all too much and not enough at the same time. Nothing about it was inherently sexual. It was just something that demons had to deal with; their mates could make them submit at any time, and had complete control over them when they did. That's why there had to be trust between partners- you couldn't just give anyone that kind of power. Shane could feel Ryan looking at him, but was just focused on not clinging to Ryan like an oversized koala.

He heard Ryan's intake of breath when he presumably realized what effect his touch had on Shane. Then Ryan just had to make Shane's self control disappear completely. Ryan's touch had become as light as a butterfly's wing, and it reduced Shane to jello, pretty much. Shane curled into Ryan, just wanting to be held and loved, like he was a pathetic dog curled  in it's owners' lap. He felt Ryan laugh softly at the pure ridiculousness of the situation, and his laughs warmed Shane's heart. "What's this?" Ryan teased. "Shane, wanting cuddles? I never thought I'd see the day." There was affection in every word Ryan spoke, and it made Shane feel more loved than he'd ever felt before. Shane felt safe, something he'd never had the joy of experiencing. He hummed joyfully. "Here, lay down." Ryan said. Shane wasn't even aware he had moved before he was on his back, waiting for Ryan to cuddle him again. "Huh. Why'd you listen so fast?" Ryan asked. "Usually it takes you a few seconds to process a response." Shane smiled.."it's a demon thing. You touching my horns was kind of a way to get me to submit. At this point, you could tell me to dress in drag and do the hula and it'd be done in a matter of minutes. You have complete control over me." Ryan looked guilty. "I didn't force you to do anything, right? You're okay?"
"I'm great, Ryan. If I didn't want you touching my horns, I would've said so. I trust that you wouldn't hurt me on purpose. That's what this is. I let you have control over me because I trust you." Shane answered comfortingly. Ryan's guilty look faded, to be replaced with one of fondness. "You look adorable," he commented. Shane couldn't control the blush that spread across his face at the complement. "T- thanks?" He squeaked. Ryan grinned and flopped himself down next to Shane. The demon's response was immediate; he curled into Ryan, smiling softly as he was hugged closer.
"Y'know, this might be the soulmate talking, but I think I love you." Ryan said, breath warm on Shane's hair. Shane blushed again, and he could tell that Ryan saw it.
"I love you too."
The pair fell asleep like that, at around two in the morning, just content to have each other to lay beside.
I'm proud of this.
It's like, so cute.
Fluff might be my favorite thing to write.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and feel free to politely point out mistakes in the comments!

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