♤Kimetsu no Yaiba x Male Read...

By Aito_Akaizuki

87.7K 1.8K 373

M/n L/n. A demon slayer and under the care of Shinobu Kocho. Ever since the big incident during childhood,he... More

Nice ways
Demons work pt1
Demons work pt2
Demon's work pt3
Silent Lullaby
Back to the bad times
Facing the demon
Demon's defeat
I already knew that
Green Tourmaline


3K 100 22
By Aito_Akaizuki

To say M/n was tired would be an understatement. He looked close to passing out. He didnt think an area of this village would be surrounded by demons. Weak demons,but demons noneteless. Plenty of them.

It had took most of the day to dispose of them and he wondered how a village was able to live like nothing was wrong when they were so close to demons. So when he slayed the last demon in sight,(the last in sight- he believed a few of them ran away) his stomach grumbled and his body felt heavy.

He may have done his deed as a demon slayer but that was not much satisfaction when he found no sign or gotten any clue to finding his brother. It was cruel.

Despite the knowledge that his brother wouldnt appreciate the fact that he was more fixated on finding him rather than be devoted to slaying demons to save people,he still couldnt help but yell out his last energy into frustration as he punched the nearest tree.

A heavy sigh seeped through his lips as he slid down to the ground, his back leaning against the tree for support. He needed a rest,he knew that,but he was stubbort for sure. Every second counted. He wasn't even sure if his brother was safe or not. He needed to find him fast.

But first,he needed to find a place to rest-  an inn. Hopefully a place that also sells food because he was starving. With the little bit of strength he regained with sitting down,he stabbed his sword to the ground and proceeded to walk with that support.

He was nearly there,the village was now in sight and all that was left to do was get directions to the nearest in. With his heavy lids,he squinted through his blurry vision and limped through the trees. Before he could take another step he heard someone call out to him with heavy concern.


He collapsed.

The next time he woke up,it was to a small cabin with the only light being the lamp beside a figure who sat close to him. It was the girl from before- Mayu. She must have been the one to call out to him before he passed out and the one to take him here. How she managed to get him here by herself was a question to be answered soon.

From what it seems of the outside,the sun was already out,though he couldnt quite tell through the thick cloth that covered the window.

He also noticed his top uniform was off and was replaced with clean white bandages rolled around his torso. He wondered if he had gotten hurt by the demons and didn't even notice it. He turned to Mayu to question if he had gotten it before she took him here but found the girl was not even staring at him. If anything she stared at the slightly scratched bracelet on top of his neatly folded uniform that he just noticed was set aside. M/n made sure nothing bad happened to that bracelet yet those thing couldn't be avoided, he discovered that after the first few months he wore it after his brother gifted it to him. He settled for making sure it was on him at all times.

With his elbows propped up to support,he didnt fail to notice all his other things set at the foot of the bed. He jolts at the sharp pain on his stomach. Given that he lived at the Butterfly Estate his whole demon slayer years,he could easily tell the wound wasn't that deep. Painful,nonetheless.

"You're awake," Mayu's relief seemed to flow out of her pores as as all tense in her body relaxed.

"I treated your wounds. And dont worry,I didn't mess with any of your stuff." She gestured towards his uniform and sword that he noticed along with a few things when he first woke up.

"Did I...?" He gestured towards his wound,quite unsure how to phrase his question "Did I already have that before you found me?"

He already knew it was a stupid question. How could he not notice that he had been wounded? The only thought that gave him relief was that he didn feel like he was turning into a demon yet. He was sure he wasn't turning into a demon.

When Mayu shook her head,he felt that same amount of relief seep through his pores as he lied back down the bed.

Now he only wonders how he got them-

"You injured yourself when you fainted,the sword pierced your skin but nothing that seemed too alarming," Mayu answered, as if she had read M/n's mind. He gave a small nod in acknowledgement before muttering a small thank you.

Mayu smiled before standing to help him sit up properly "You should eat, I already prepared a meal for you- well,my mother did. She was quite worried when she saw me drag you here while you bleed through your clothes," She mused at the last part, recalling how her mother had fussed alot about kids getting severly hurt and how she'd give
M/n an earful of being reckless.

M/n wasn't sure if he was going to look forward to that. He already had that doubled at the Butterfly Estate.

"You're mother is alright with a stranger in your house?" M/n pushed his thoughts aside as Mayu placed a tray of food on his lap. He lifted a spooful of food to his mouth and savoured the taste.

"You're alright with eating food made by a stranger?" Mayu mused with a brow raised and a smile stretching slowly on her lips. For the first time,M/n reciprocated that playful smile before gulping down the rest of his miso soup.

"Fair point,"

There was a mutual trust between them and there was no need to be cautious. That was what they both silently agreed on.

"Did you make that?" Mayu pointed towards the bracelet she had been eyeing on earlier. In different circumstances,M/n would have felt upset. His brother was certainly not a topic even he can talk about with Shinobu,Aoi nor Kanao. Not that Kanao talked to him that much,but the silent company was very welcoming.

M/n doesn't know whats gotten into him,but he finds it very easy to answer to Mayu as if he has known her his whole life.

"No,my little brother did. Im actually looking for him right now," have been, always will be,until he finds Tooru.

Like M/n has mentioned before. Under different circumstances, he would not have answered that easily, much less add more than asked.

The surprise on Mayu's face was evident as her eyes widened "Looking for him?" She repeated in question before nodding slowly, as if the statement had finally sinked in.

"Is that why you're here?" M/n nodded. Placing the chopticks on top of the empty bowl before giving his thanks once more. He was starting to lose trust in his mouth for saying more than intended.

There was no harm in that,but he felt uncomfortable for easily answering. It hadn't been like that in the few other conversations similar to this.

Mayu took the empty dishes off his lap and placed them on the floor beside her. M/n was grateful she didn't ask anymore questions. He had a suspecting feeling she knew she had an ability to easily coaxe out answers from anyone,and she had respected his decision not to open on that subject.

"You should get some rest if you want to go looking for your brother again tomorrow," She picked up the tray and gave one more smile before leaving out of the room.

He sucked in a breath as he leaned towards the bracelet,delicately taking it in his hands before securing it in his hands. It had fell off,and Mayu picked it up for him. By now the bracelet looked tattered- the strings were dirty and worn out,scratches decor the bead and yet it was still intact.

A single string of hope.

He just needed to hold on,and he would eventually find Tooru.

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