District Transfer - The Hunge...

By bridgetwynneb

449 20 10

Ailbe Javal has a new life in district 2 where she has a new family and friends. But how can her life go on i... More

District 13
District 2
Another outcast
The reaping
A fancy capitol train
The capitol
Kiss-ass dinner
Boot camp day 1
Boot camp day 2
The competition
Time to prove my skillz
Free day dinner
And we're live!
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Home free
And we're live!

Let the games begin.

17 1 0
By bridgetwynneb

2:00. AM. In the morning. MORNING.

I dragged myself out of bed and stared at myself in the mirror. My hair is tied back with a black bandana into a hasty bun. No makeup adorns my face and the outfit payed on the bed fit me snuggly.

The pants and tee shirt were both a sleek material that would keep in heat. So cold night. There was a waterproof hoodie and the hiking boots came up to my shins. Everything was black and I had fuzzy socks on, God bless, and griped gloves.

I was escorted to a helicopter and met Luke there. The ride was silent with the windows blocked out. They inserted the tracker into my arm, but I wasn't paying attention.

Soon enough we had landed. I was led through a maze of hallways and corridors to my prep room. Luke was there standing next to my tube.

I walked up to him and hugged him. He clipped the pendant around my neck once more. "Click the top button and its a watch inside." He said, his voice cracking.

I just nodded, not wanting to loose it myself. We hugged tightly once again.

"1 minute till departure"

The speaker announced. Luke straightened me up and looked at my uniform, "expect cold nights and rocky terrain. I'm guessing not much sunlight either."

I nodded and stepped up to my tube. "Blow them away," he said, a small smile forming on his face.

The tune locked shut around me and I was ready to be lifted above ground. But instead the tube shot downwards.

After a minute or so, I felt cold air rush my face. My skin tingled. It was pitch black. "I CANT SEE!!" Someone, who suspiciously sounded like Val, screeched.

"NEITHER CAN I!" Eire, the blind boy from 4 yelled back.

Laughter arose, so loud you couldn't even hear the count down begin. Luckily for me, I did hear it. The blinds were cackling and my eyes were adjusting.

We were in a cave and there were spikes everywhere. There was no light. You could run in any direction and be lost, shrouded in darkness.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Rebecca's voice am echoes through the cave, snapping me back to reality, "let the 99th annual hunger games begin!"

The blinds were still laughing as the cannon blasted. I sprinted towards the cornucopia, only to find people stumbling and tripping over rocks and craters.

The blinds were right on my tail but I didn't care. I grabbed a sword, a throwing knife, 2 axes, a backpack and some random food.

I turned around to face the blinds, Eire in the front. "Truce?" I asked, hoping he remembered our conversations. "Truce." He nodded, "just spill some blood and save Val for us."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me and ran off again. Wielding my axes I beheaded most people who got in my way. I skipped the mason twins and sliced up kian from 1.

I climbed into a nearby cave and looked through my new things. The cave was slightly above the ground and you'd have to jump to get in. I was pretty safe.

There was screaming and crying and laughing. I spread my pack out and found some pretty awesome crap. Night vision goggles, score. 2 flashlights with batteries.

Throwing knives, first aid, jerky, trail mix, and extra blades, of all sizes. There was a sleeping bag and some rope.

Of course I had the 2 axes, sword, knife, tarp and sword from the cornucopia.

I set up camp and checked my pocket watch. There would be no way to tell time in the cave so I was lucky to have it. 10:58 it read.

And just on queue the Capitol symbol lit up the sky. The anthem played and the bloodbath tributes were shown in the sky.

District 1 - Val
District 4 - girl
District 6 - both
District 9 - both

I didn't know half the tributes but now they weren't my problem. 6 deaths, 17 more to go. As the symbol faded away, laughter and battle cries could be heard from whichever blinds were left.

I suppose they got to Val and I was happy, this let me rest well. Safely hidden and well protected.

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