Mr. Lucans House For Disturbe...

By luciensadboat

68.7K 1.3K 359

What's happens when a boy looses his mom, dad, and unborn sister to a fire? Will he be able to feel again? Wi... More

I can leave?
First day in the house
My birthday?
A hospital?
Cuddles and puddles
The past
you what?
People suck
There's a garden?
Special chapter?
Special chapter
A quiet day
Wow! (not an update)
Jamie's birthday
A day off
special chapter 2
it's all fun and games
!!Not an update!!
**not an update**
Okay! Poll time!
Fun time
Punishment time
comfort/ lemon
aftermath of lemon
the three A's part 1
the three A's part 2
poll time!!

The mall?!

3.3K 62 20
By luciensadboat

Oopsk! I'm sorry this came out late I've just been busy. Love you all!! Word count: 3410

Someone or something pulled on the covers, exposing my pale, freckled skin. I shivered and pulled them back up. I had so many nightmares that I eventually just stayed up.

"Come on Zero baby. It's 10, time for breakfast. Then we can go to the store for you." That sounded like..Luce? I groaned and stretched (you know when your body starts quaking) then got out of bed.

"Let's get you a hoodie and I can carry you downstairs." He grabbed me and threw a hoodie on me. I rubbed my eyes while he picked me up, his hands supporting me. I nestled into the crook of his neck and sighed.

"Zero, we're here. Do you want to sit on me?" I nodded and yawned. I heard an awh and grumbled. I'm not cute or pretty so why are they awhing?

Turning around, I realized we were having yogurt and fruit salad. I scrunched my nose. Yogurt is nasty unless it's strawberry.

"Do you have strawberry yogurt..?" Everything became silent. What? I just asked a question.

"Y-yes but it's Zack's..He doesn't like when people to-" I zoned out after that. Getting out of Luces lap, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the yogurt.

"He won't do anything to me, I'm too cute!" I said. I lie so well now. I heard a few grumbles and awhs. I walked back to Luce and sat back down.

I plopped some yogurt down in a cup and put strawberries down. I repeated that so I have 4 layers. I put fruit on top and sprinkled some granola on top. Perfect.

"That looks good, can I have a bite?" I nodded and Luce took a huge spoon full.

"Hey!" I pouted. He wasn't supposed to take that much. Even if I probably won't finish it. He just laughed and kept eating. I finished about half before I was super stuffed. I pushed it to the kid that was looking at it the whole time.

"Here kid, I can't finish it." I can't believe I'm being nice.

"Thank you so much Zero!!" I mumbled something then Luce picked me up and walked to my room.

"Is it going to be cold?"

"Kind of. The high is supposed to be 60." I sighed.

"Is there anything I shouldn't wear?" He shook his head. Good. I think I'm going to wear my black turtle neck with my cute black overalls. Now, do I wear the shorts or the pants? I think the pants.

"Do I have time to take a shower?" He nodded again and left the room. I grabbed my clothes and placed them in the bed. I grabbed some black lace panties and put them on the bed too.

After I showered and brushed my hair and teeth, I put on my clothes. I blow dryed my hair and attempted to style it. It was too long, reaching the middle of my back. Maybe I could put the top half of hair into a bun and leave the bottom alone..Yeah that's what I can do.

I brushed my hair again and did the buns. Ooo, know what I forgot! My make-up. I quickly grabbed it and put some on. Not a lot though. Then, I put some cherry chapstick (it's not sticky like lipstick). I looked great!

"Zero you almost done yet?" Sounds like Xy..Yay!! I ran out my room and knocked on Luces door. I heard a come in and did. There stood Luce and Xy.

"Awhhh!! You're so pretty baby!" I flushed. I'm not pretty.

"Ты идиот, если думаешь, что я красивая." They looked confused. Oh shit, I said that in a different language.

( Google translate was used- it's Russian for "you are an idiot if you think I'm pretty")

"What?" I shook my head and blushed even more. I grabbed Xy and Luce's hand and pulled them out the door.

Time skip bc I'm lazy :v

We finally arrived at the shopping center. Now let me make my list so I don't forget..
-Cacti and succulents
-paint (light blue or purple)
-new clothes

I think that's all I need. Luce looked over at my list and hummed. We walked into the first shop. It looked like shop. I blushed a bit while Luce led us around the store. I ended up grabbed some lace panties, thigh highs and a bunny tail plug.

After we paid, Luce led us to another store. This one has normal clothes. I grabbed some more hoodies and masks. I also grabbed a few long sleeve shirts, pants and two pairs of shorts. Again, we paid and Luce brought me to another shop while Xy left.

The shop is so cute! It's all pastel colors and has the rest of my list on it. I grabbed a lot of succulents and cacti. I also grabbed a gallon of light blue paint and glow in the dark stars. Luce also grabbed a whole bunch of stuffies. I saw one bunny one I really liked but didn't get after I saw the price.

Luce grabbed the bunny I was looking at and put it in the cart. I tried objecting but he wouldn't have any of it. I saw some fuzzy rugs and got a light pink and purple one.

Once we paid, we left the shopping center and went to the car. Xy was standing outside the car with about three bags. After Luce put the last of the bags in the trunk, I hopped in.

Another time skip bc..yeah

When we finally got home I ran up to my room with my bags. I was going to paint my room later along with order my comforter set. I started putting my things away and hummed a little tune mummy used to hum.


"Mummy mummy!! Guess what I did!" I cried out. I had finally got the notes right for her favorite song. Mom smiled. "What did you do Xan?"
"I got the notes right for your song! Wanna hear mummy!!?"
She shook her head and I flew to the piano seat. My tiny fingers flew over the keys and when I was done mummy was crying.
"Mommy what's wrong? Did I do it wrong??" She wiped her tear and smiled."That was perfect Xan."

!!end of flashback!!

I squeezed my eyes shut, still hearing her laughter. I miss her so much..
But she isn't going to come back because of you!
They're right..But I can't change anything. I got up and walked to Luces room. Before I got to knock he came out of the office. I ran /jumped into his arms.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Luce questioned. I shook my head and snuggled up in his arms. I heard a sigh and he started walking.

"I miss them.." I mumbled. It was true though, I miss them every day. They weren't supposed to die that young. I was supposed to be a big brother and hurt anyone that messed with my sibling..

"Who baby?" He started rubbing my back. It felt nice..Mommy used to do this..

"My p-parents.." With those words a tear slid down my cheek. Luce stopped walking and looked at me but I kept my eyes casted downwards.

"Baby it's gonna be okay. They're in a better place with all of your other family. They don't have to deal with ignorant people these days." Was he right..? If course he was right. They didn't have to deal with rapist, robbers, and bullies.

"You're right..Thank you!" I wiped my tears and kissed his cheek. His skin was tinted pink and I giggled.

"Oh you think that's cute do you?" He set me down and tried to tickle me. Key word-tried! I ran away before he could. I kept running until something stopped me. A piano. It was black and had metal roses with vines crawling/dangling from the legs.

"Do you play?" I turned around to see a petite boy with curly blue hair. He was a bit taller then me too.

"I know how to..I just don't play anymore.." I can't believe I told him. I saw Luce coming down the hallway and hid behind blue hair boy.

"What're you running from?" Do I tell him..? Hell yeah, I don't have anything to loose.

"L-luce. He's trying to tickle me." I frowned and scrunched my nose up. He laughed and I turned red.

"If you play, he won't tickle you." Mm..Mommy and daddy did teach me for a reason..

"Okay I'll bite. What song?" I hope this doesn't turn bad. Luce is almost here.

"You know video club?" I nodded. One of mommy's favorites were by video club. "Ok do amour plastique, please!!"

That was moms favorite.. I teared up but went to the piano. Luce had just reached the room and was watching me. I started playing.

Play song now!

By the end of the song, I had tears streaming down my face. Blue boy and Luce clapped and were smiling. Either they couldn't see me face or chose to ignore my tears.

"That was great Zero! Maybe you can play more songs for the family later." I wasn't going to play for them ever but nodded anyways. I stood up and walked over to them.

"Thank you..By the way, what's your name?" I asked. Luce wiped away my tears and hugged me.

"Ezra. My name is Ezra." So cute! This ones mine. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Bye and thank you Ezra!" He was so red and looked lost for words. I giggled and dragged Luce away. I would have to remember that place.

"That was nice. Nobody ever plays on the piano except him and Zack. Even then, they rarely do." I nodded.

"I used to play a lot before they..passed. I learned French, Russian, and I had just started on German. The song I just played was the first one I learned on the piano. My mom loved that song..." I tightened my grip on his hand. Mom loved French songs and the culture.

"Wow! I didn't know that a cutie like you learned all of this before you were what ten? Maybe you could teach me a few things." I laughed. We kept walking till Luce pulled me back. I heard..moans? I blushed and tried to walk away but Luce wouldn't let me.

"L-luce let me go..I want to paint my room." I whisper yelled. He shook his head and knocked on the door. Why would he do that? I hid behind him. He chuckled and knocked again.

"C-coming!" I blushed even more when the door opened and there stood two guys..naked. I closed my eyes as Luce started talking.

I wonder why he wanted me to stay anyways. I just wanted to paint my room and put up the stickers..

"What did I tell you? You guys were gonna help Zero paint his room. Instead, we hear moaning and can't paint his room. Come to my room later for a punishment." They shivered. What punishment?

"Yes sir." They sounded.. excited? Punishments at the old houses were terrible. They locked you in the basement for weeks at a time and feed you a piece of moldy bread each day. And that wasn't even the worse punishment! Do they like pain?

"L-luce can we go now..?" Only then did they notice me. I blushed and pulled on him.

"Yes. You two get cleaned and meet us upstairs in Zero's room in 10 minutes." And with that we left.

Soon we reached my room. Luce helped me move everything away from the walls and set a tarp on the floor so the paint would ruin the floor. We had to wait almost an hour till the two boys came in the room.

"Why the hell are you an hour late?" He sounded angry.. but he isn't angry at me. They both blushed and shifted.

"I uhm..Went for round 2?" It sounds like a question. Wait- round two in making love? Damn. They suck. I can make it to round 4.

"Oh? Are you trying to make your punishment worse?" They nodded. "We'll talk about this later. Now, help Zero paint his room. He also might need help putting up the stickers later so get Xy to come up."

"Yes sir." And with those words, he left.

Another time skip bc I'm lazy

We were finally done. They boys that helped me- Jaime and Hale- were on their way to get Xy. Curse my small body!

"Zero, you needed help?" I turned so fast it's a wonder I didn't get whiplash. It was the blue haired boy- Ezra and Xy.

"Yeah. I want my glow in the dark star stickers all on the wall and some on the ceiling please. Thank you guys for coming to help!"

"No problem Zero." Ezra is so sweet and cute. I just want to eat him up! Anyways, we started putting up the stars and by we, i mean Ezra and Xy. I put the stuff we pulled out back in place and put a light pink rug I got on the floor beside my bed.

"Is this good babe?" I nodded and laid back in my bed. It was so soft. I felt the bed dip and saw Ezra looking at me. I patted the place next to me and he crawled up. I snuggled into him and closed my eyes.

"Zero baby, wake up. It's dinner time." I groaned and pulled the covers up, covering my face.

"If you get up right now I'll give you a kiss." Do I want a kiss..? I want a kiss. But I want a kiss from three different people.. I'm selfish. Oh well, auntie always said I was.

I got up and out of bed to see Ezra and Xy standing in front of my bed.

"Kissy? From both of you?" I batted my eyelashes to make myself look cute. They both blushed and gave me a kiss. Xys lips were a bit chapped but knew what they were doing while Ezra's were super soft and had me wanting more.

"Now let's go sweetheart. Everyone's waiting for us." Hah. They better be waiting. We walked downstairs and sure enough everyone was waiting.

"M' sorry.." I said. They looked shocked. I blushed and pulled on Ezra's hand. He led us to a seat and I sat on him. He looked flustered.

"You're cute Ez." Oopsk. I think I broke him. His mouth opened and closed making him look like a fish. I giggled and it became silent.

"W-what?" I said, suddenly feeling self conscious. I mean, surely they know I can talk and laugh.

"That was one of the most adorable things I've ever heard." A kid said. I blushed and hid my face in Ezra's chest. They're buttheads. I felt Ezra's hands hug me. So warm..

I turned around and got me and Ez a plate. It was pot roast with carrots, potatoes, green beans, and salad. I pulled a bit of everything and got a separate plate for some carrots.

"Why so many carrots?" I heard Xy ask.

"It's one of the only things I can eat without feeling sick and wanting to throw it back up. My mom used to..grow them. We had our own garden." He nodded and I mentally cursed myself for talking about mummy. She was only mine. Nobody else's.

After dinner which consisted of Ez feeding me a bit of salad and green beans. I also ate a lot of carrots. I feel a bit sick now because I ate so much.

"Do you want to go upstairs or watch a movie?" We can watch a movie upstairs on my laptop and I can order my comforter set.

"Upstairs please.." Xy walked me upstairs and grabbed my laptop for me. I opened my special movie app and picked a funny movie. Xy left, turning off the lights. My stars glowed and I gasped.

"So pretty..!" I got up and looked around. Now all I need to do is put up my posters and plants. And a black light! But I really need to get into some PJs.

After taking off my clothes (leaving my panties on) I bent down to get my sweats that were in the bottom drawer. I heard two gasps and shot up.

There stood Xy and Ez looking at me. I blushed and tried covering myself. Then I realized..Both of them can see the burns and scars.. Shit! I ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"I'm sorry Zero. I didn't realize you were getting dressed. Not that it matters, I couldn't see anything. It was too dark." Ezra said..

"R-really? You didn't see anything?" Surely they could've saw.

"Yes." Oh thank God. I didn't know what I was gonna do.

"Will you go into my-" Xy cut me off.

"I have pajamas for you. Both of you." I blushed. I hope it was like the last pair.

"Will you pass them to me..?" I asked. I opened the door a bit to see them standing there with the light on.

"Awh. I wanted to dress you again.." I blushed so hard a crab would be jealous. Xy pulled me into a hug and I saw Ez looking at the scars and burnt skin..

"P-please don't look..or make fun of me.." I whispered. Ezra looked shocked.

"I would never! I think that they make you look strong.." He sounds pure.. I nodded and smiled. Xy began to dress me in baby blue shorts and a long sleeve. It wasn't hot or too cold.

"Awh you look adorable! Now, it's your turn Ezra." He looked scared. I laughed at that.

"M-may I dress you Ez?" He looked at me and blushed but nodded. I undressed him and put him in an outfit exactly like mine. He was so cute!!

"You look so cute!! Thank you for letting me dress you Ez!" I hugged him and dragged him to the bed. I spooned him (me being the small spoon) and Xy spooned Ez. I put the movie on and started watching it. I got bored about halfway through and turned so I was looking at Ez. He looked at me and blushed.

I leaned in and kissed him. He looked shocked. I giggled and started sucking on his neck, leaving dark hickeys. He let out soft moans which only turned me on more. I put my hands up his shirt and pinched his nipples which earned me a long moan.

I wiggled downwards and started sucking one nipple while pinching the other. Ez kept letting out sweet moans, making my cock harder. I stopped playing with his nipples and went down further.

I pulled his shorts and underwear off, revealing his cute pink cock. It was leaking so much and practically begged to be touched.

"I've only played with you nipples yet you're leaking like this? Such a cute boy." I wrapped my hand around his member and swiped my thumb across. He moaned loudly and bucked his hips up.

"P-please.." Ez asked. His face was flushed and he had a lust crazed face.

"Please what? Use your words baby." I stroked him and swiped my thumb across the top, collecting a bead of pre cum. I repeated this a few times and his legs were shaking.

"Please Zero! Touch me! Use me!" He moaned out. I quickly took him in my mouth and sucked. His hips bucked and fingers pulled on my hair. I moaned softly and went down so my nose was touching his trimmed pubes and he gasped.

"A-ah. Im gonna-" I leaned off and practically tortured the tip of his cock. I soon felt something warm and sweet in my mouth. I swallowed and milked him dry.

I got up and went to the bathroom to grab a wet towel. I walked back in the room and wiped Ezra so he was free of the sweat and little cum that came out of my mouth.

"Goodnight Ez."I curled up next to him and closed my eyes..

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