ILLEGAL ° nct dream, wayv + s...

By ssancchi

33.6K 2K 3.7K

[Agent/Criminal AU] She is back as an agent. He is still not accepted by the public. Together, they find them... More

Chapter One: Special Agent Koeun
Chapter Three: Getting Closer
Chapter Four: The Sides of the Bed
Chapter Five: The Blue-Haired Enemy
Chapter Six: Haunted by the Past
Chapter Seven: The New Associates
Chapter Eight: Re-establishing Connections
Chapter Nine: Four Tasks for Four Units
Chapter Ten: The Unexpected Meal
Chapter Eleven: The Awaited Confrontation
Chapter Twelve: Spitting Lies
Chapter Thirteen: Cooking Partners
Chapter Fourteen: To the Auction Party
Chapter Fifteen: Wines and Profanities
Chapter Sixteen: The Dragon's Ring
Chapter Seventeen: Stealing the Spotlight
Characters [2]
Chapter Eighteen: All Out

Chapter Two: Koeun and the X-Force

1.7K 121 280
By ssancchi

Dedicated to:


"It's been a while, Special Agent Koeun." Sitting on the bike while setting his helmet aside, Mark sent a closed smile at the girl's way, realizing how long it took to see her once again.

On Koeun's perspective, the girl was surely glad to see one of the people she had been longing to be with again. She couldn't bear going around and working with only a few text messages and hints left by Mark to keep her updated. Also, it had been a while since the tracker watch made that loud beep she had been wanting to hear again.

But now, it didn't matter anymore, since he got to show himself in front of her very eyes. She couldn't wish for more.

The two got too immersed at staring at one another- most likely because Koeun was still in the state of surprise- that they almost forgot what to do. Her chocolate eyes were gleaming in joy, her lips were in a wide smile as she slowly began finding it hard to breathe, as well as to calm her accelerating heartbeat.

It was only when she realized what was happening to her that got her pulled back to her senses. "Mark..." She blinked her eyes twice to disregard her weird state and walked towards his way. "You're... back."

Mark sensed how his sudden appearance made her speechless and chuckled. "I am."

Koeun finally stopped when she was close to him, in high spirits. Sensing how awkward she spoke, she let out a small, rueful laugh. "I'm sorry. I didn't really know what to say. I was... surprised."

"You didn't receive my message last midnight?" He slightly leaned back to adjust himself on the bike.

"I did." She quickly said. "It's just that I didn't know you'd be arriving today." The same smile appeared on her face.

The girl still couldn't believe it. She was starting to doubt if this was a dream.

"We wanted to surprise you, that's why." But Mark kept talking, and that was enough to keep her doubt away.


"Yes, the boys and I." Mark gave her a nod. "They were eager to see you that they sent me to look for you. It wasn't that hard to find a special agent like you."

This caused Koeun to lean to the side, placing her weight on her leg, and crossed her arms. Her eyebrows quirked at him, amused. "How'd you know that, ex-agent Mark Lee?"

Hearing her same tone made him glance away for a moment and smiled more in amusement. Looking back at her, he replied. "I'm the current leader of the X-Force, Koeun. I have my ways."

She didn't know why but the way he said it made her heart skip a beat.

"Anyway, the boys couldn't wait to see you so shall we leave?" He handed her the spare helmet she didn't notice before.

"We shall." She gladly took it.

Mark looked forward and wore his while Koeun sat behind him, wearing hers and locking it in place. Once he made sure everything was set, he ignited the engine and sped off from the prison.

All throughout the ride, Koeun was struggling to find peace of mind as she tried to keep some space between them while also trying not to fall off the bike. The wind was blowing harshly, making it more difficult for her. Mark, however, noticed her hesitation. Since he knew she wouldn't hear him in this situation, he acted upon it- his one hand reaching for hers before he let it wrap around his waist.

Agape, Koeun was startled by his actions but knew she had to let him, thinking he might be finding it difficult too. So, she let her arms wrap around him, not too loose yet not too tight, and eventually, leaning her head on his back.

Although no one could see it, Mark's lips slightly curled before speeding up on the road.


It didn't take a while for the two to arrive at their destination, but as soon as they did, Koeun was already in awe about the place.

While they were on the highway earlier, Mark had taken a turn and entered an exclusive avenue wide enough to fit a car. The path was lined with tall hedges and trees, creating barriers at the sides that covered it. This allowed Koeun to be curious about what was hiding behind as they proceeded to go through it.

Finally, after passing by a bunch of trees, the two got out of the path, revealing the place the X-Force was staying at. Koeun gasped as her eyes admired the huge, two-storey, marble mansion in the distance embellished with trimmed hedges at the front. A round, working fountain was also standing mid-front, allowing the motorcycle to go around it before they reached the house's facade.

"This place is wonderful." Koeun remarked as soon as she got off the bike, handing Mark her helmet.

"Well, I can say that having Chenle on our side is very advantageous." Mark had set the helmets aside, pulling the keys out.

She watched him swing his leg to get off of it. "I'm not surprised about that." She remembered Chenle being the son of a wealthy, influential man from China.

"Come on, I'll show you around." His head motioned towards the house and the two began to ascend the stairs.

As soon as Mark pushed the huge, mahogany doors open, Koeun had once again gaped at the sight. The first thing that greeted them was the hall, which was heavily decorated with expensive objects- from antique, ceramic vases, and potted houseplants to a tall, grandfather clock.

Is this for real? Koeun unknowingly spun around to take a more detailed look.

Venturing further, they entered the living room, which was wider than the hall. It was also decorated with expensive furniture, arranged and designed perfectly appealing to the eyes. A chandelier hung in the middle, its warm light illuminating the room. Judging by its theme, the whole place screamed luxury, explained by the hint of gold everywhere.

Koeun was too immersed at admiring the place that she didn't notice someone calling her name. "Koeun!"

Looking away from the paintings on the wall, the girl caught sight of the curly, blonde boy that approached her. A joyful smile appeared on her face. "Renjun!"

Hearing her squeal, Renjun watched her run towards him and extended his arms for her. The older girl quickly enveloped him in a hug, colliding with the boy, and the two lightly swayed.

Mark crossed both of his arms as he watched the scene unfold, glad to see them reuniting.

The two slightly broke away but still holding each other. "I've missed you!" Koeun blurted out, making eye contact.

This caused Renjun to chuckle, his eyes almost disappearing behind his glasses from pure joy. "I've missed you too." He admitted. "Did you know how much I've longed to see you again? I had to complain to Mark, here, about it for the past few months," Koeun let out a hearty laugh as he gestured at Mark. "and he just granted it after waiting for a whole year!"

Still laughing, Koeun tried to suppress it. "Well, at least, you get to see me now. That's what matters."

"You're right." Renjun beamed once again.

"I heard somebody yelling Koeun's name," The two completely broke away from the hug to look at the other person approaching them. "so I quickly came here."

A closed smile settled on her face. "Haechan..."

The boy casually walked towards their way, coming from the same direction Renjun appeared from. One of his hands was stuffed inside his pocket, the corner of his lips curling. Koeun saw the changes in how he looks now compared to before. His hair grew longer and was dyed copper brown.

"Koeun, it's been a while." Stopping in front of her, Haechan offered a hug, in which the girl accepted.

The two knew they weren't as close as she was with Renjun, but the hug still felt warm and comfy.

Breaking away, Haechan spoke again. "It's nice to see you again, Koeun."

"Likewise," Then she remembered something. "and thank you."

"What for?"

"For taking a bullet for me."

Haechan glanced at Mark's way, who just shrugged at him, already concluding that he was telling her stuff they didn't get to say. Moving his attention back to Koeun, he gave her a small smile. "No worries. I had to take one for the team."

"Come on, Koeun." They turned to face Renjun, his head motioning towards the direction they once came. "The others will be thrilled that you're here."

Nodding at him, the four of them began to walk out of the living room, with Renjun and Haechan leading them. Mark had decided to stay at the back with Koeun to give her company.

As they walked along the hallway, Koeun was more able to take in the scene. She didn't see the mansion as a plain building; for her, it was art. The walls and the large glass windows were filled with engravings. Everything about it was detailed finely.

Haechan and Renjun were talking about a certain topic when they were interrupted by a loud shriek. "Koeun!" And a fast-paced thudding of footsteps followed.

The two boys quickly stepped aside to avoid the person, and so he collided with Koeun, taking her in for an embrace. The poor girl let out an oof due to the impact.

"Chenle, let her go." Renjun pulled the blonde-haired Chinese boy away by his collar. "You're hugging her too tight."

"Let her breathe." Haechan added.

But the boy only smiled ruefully. "I'm sorry. I was just excited."

"It's okay." Koeun smiled at him. "I understand how he feels."

"See?" Chenle gave Renjun a look, and then at Haechan. "This is why I like Koeun around. She understands me more." This earned him a chuckle from Koeun, making him look back at her. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good. Everything is going fine." At least, for now. "I get to see you all again."

"Great!" He exclaimed before his hand held her wrist. "Jaemin and the others are in the kitchen. You need to meet them now." And then with a tug, Koeun was dragged away from the others.

"Chenle!" The boys yelled from behind, quickening their pace to catch up with them, but the boy only grinned playfully as they finally made it in their destination.

As soon as they entered, Koeun had caught sight of what was occurring in the place, as well as its interior design. The kitchen had similar arrangements with the one they stayed in China. It was complete- the cupboards were aligned at the top while the sink, stove, and oven settled below it. A counter was set in place, and just behind it, a table stood, making it the centerpiece of the room.

"Koeun!" Her eyes moved to watch the youngest widen his eyes at her in surprise, pushing himself away from one of the counter stools.

"Koeun?" The other two turned to face the entrance for the girl.

"Jisung." She acknowledged before he gave her a quick hug. As soon as they broke away, she laughed in shock. "You've... grown."

This made him scratch the back of his neck, seeing the difference in their heights. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"He has an incredible growth spurt, that's why." Koeun looked past the tall boy to see the person who talked. He was by the table, taking a break from whisking raw eggs in a clear bowl. Raising his head, his black hair fell on his eyes dreamily, making eye contact with Koeun.


"Welcome back, Koeun."

The way he said it made her feel warm inside. Koeun wasn't really expecting this reunion to be like this. Jeno, out of all people, had welcomed her back to the group, and it wasn't every day that she gets to receive something like this.

"Why so serious, Jeno?" The chocolate-haired boy decided to butt in, rolling his eyes playfully. He then moved away from the stove- as he was just cooking when Koeun arrived- and proceeded to take big steps towards the girl. "Koeun~"

The girl found it amusing, laughing when he gave her a welcoming hug. She found herself wrapping her arms around him, gently patting his back. "Jaemin."

Pulling himself away, he gave her a contagious smile. "It's good to have you back." He told her. "Oh, and great timing! You're just in time."

"In time for what?"

"For another of his cooking sessions." Jeno replied for him, taking over the food Jaemin left on the stove. Jisung had also gone back towards the counter table to finish mincing cloves of garlic and onions.

Koeun noticed the variety of ingredients on the table, overwhelmed by the number of dishes they were about to cook. "That's a lot. What's the occasion?"

Before Jaemin could reply, someone else beat him to it. "It's for dinner." Turning back, she saw Mark and the others arriving by the entrance. "We've decided to celebrate this reunion with you."

"Celebrate?" Koeun repeated.

"Yeah." Haechan replied, standing beside their leader. "You're a part of us now, so it would only be just right."

"You're a part of us now..."

For some reason, those words echoed in her mind, making her heart warm. She couldn't believe it. The once considered group of criminals was proclaiming her as a part of them now. What could be more wholesome than that?

"Thank you..." Koeun found herself breathing out. "Thank you for accepting me."

"No, thank you." Mark corrected her. "We wouldn't reach this point if it wasn't for you."

Koeun was speechless now. She was utterly happy about what was happening to her. She was with the people she had longed to see again, accepting her as one of them. She couldn't ask for more.

Sensing the rising drama, Jaemin glanced at the two, back and forth, before he intervened. "Alright, people," He stepped in between. "let's not make Koeun cry this early and go back to cooking." This made Koeun laugh instead of tearing up.

"You ruined the moment, Jaemin." Renjun complained, pushing past the others to aim towards the table and help. The others began to move as well.

"What are you talking about? I'm saving it for later." Jaemin fought back before winking at Koeun. "Thank me later."

Koeun laughed more, getting away from the embarrassment that would've happened. "I will."

Jaemin then clapped his hands together. "Alright, we still have a lot to do. Chop, chop!"

Koeun was making her way towards the counter when she felt a hand gently tugging her back. Stopping, she looked beside her to see Mark. "Yes?"

"How are you feeling?"

She blinked twice, slightly taken aback by the question. Nonetheless, she replied. "I'm really glad." Then she placed her other hand on his. "Thank you for this."

Mark noticed the sudden action and tried not to let her see him being taken aback. "Anything for you." And he sent her a warm smile.


Uwu hours: open.

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