Remember Me (ONC2020) ✔

By Voyageavecmoi

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A poor farmer enlists the help of a memory snatcher to discover the truth about his sister's suspicious death... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 20

35 5 34
By Voyageavecmoi

After dropping the unconscious queen off with her family in the forest, Runan joined Solara, Ju'rah and Tunia in the travel pod. Tunia disabled its tracking features and sent a message to their people still fighting near tunnels. They'd won today's battle and could lie low for the week with their Lower allies while she prepared the next stage of the plan. The pod travelled to Lower Caldozza through an alternate route she had researched and stopped at a rustic, two-storey noodle house where Solara ran inside to gather memory capturing supplies and food.

They ditched the pod in a forest, a thirty-minute walk from the inflatable boats Mem-Stem believed were too worn out to use in their adventure features. The red rafts sent a flurry of memories through Tunia's mind. Laughing, a splash of water on her skin, and Ju'rah holding a hand that wasn't hers but felt like it was.

We're taking you to a safe place. If you need to rest, you have plenty of time. Ju'rah is here and safe, so are Runan and Solara. You need to be strong for the next phase.

The pressure in Tunia's skull lessened, and the agitated memories faded. The humidity of the forest created beads of perspiration on her skin.

"Everything okay?" Ju'rah asked. Ever since Messita jumped into her mind, he watched Tunia like a spy bot.

"She remembers the boats in images. She's not communicating in words yet."

Ju'rah's head bowed as he nodded. "And what about you?"

"My legs are relieved, and my arms apprehensive of those paddles."

"We'll take care of it."

Tunia ran her palms over her sinewy limbs that felt like wires compared to her companions. Uppers weren't built for this society, but the spirit resting in her mind needed familiar comforts. She had to keep them both alive for everyone's sake.

The river flowed gently through the forest, requiring minimal team effort unlike in Messita's marketed memories. Ju'rah and Runan moved them along while birds flew overhead and a breeze rolled past. After three hours they arrived at a grown-in walking path that Ju'rah navigated without issue despite its meandering. Twenty minutes and hundreds of bug bites later, they reached a cozy cabin with a campfire out front.

Suddenly, Ju'rah's hands pulled her against his warm chest and desire coursed through her. His shirt smelled of smoke and citrus.

"Do you believe it'll work?" Ju'rah asked.

The voice left her lips was sultrier and more alto than Tunia's. "It's perfect. I'll assume the queen's role, learn as much as possible as a passenger in her mind. By the time I jump to control, I'll understand how she talks, acts and interacts with the people closest to her, then I can act without drawing suspicion."

Ju'rah was close enough for his breath to tickle her lips. "What if she catches you?"

"How could she suspect it? It's never been done, not to an Upper. She'd only think herself mad."

Are you ready? Tunia asked.


Keep me close. I have ideas to deal with the complications of the plan.

Messita pulled herself up, almost like breaking the surface of water after holding her breath too long. The greens and browns of the forest burned into her eyes while the scent of sweat, wet leaves crawled up her nose. A blurry olive and brown face sharpened, and she was drawn to him like a fish to a river.

"Ju'rah," she breathed, voice higher than before. Her hands were pale, bony and red, her skin blotchy, her joints sore.

"Are you okay?"

Tears spilled as the futility of her situation roared in her ears. A heroine without a body to complete her plan, a lover without arms to hold her sweetheart.

"I ruined everything."

We'll recover. People are overseeing your body, which is kept on ice. Other options are available too.

"We have Ita. That's all I ever wanted."

She sobbed into her hands. All he'd desired was a life together and family which could no longer be, not in the same way. She'd promised they'd have one once the world was a fairer place for their people.

It will be Ita. So many are and will fight. Don't despair, give it time.

"It's me, babe," Messita said.

His eyes widened. "Ita?"

"Mostly, Tunia is here too, giving me pep talks."

Ju'rah wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tight enough for her to cringe.

"Careful, this is Tunia's body. We should check with her before."

It's fine. Use it as if it were yours. Keep in mind it's more fragile and less capable than the one you remember.

It's not as bad as the queen's.

Ju'rah raised an eyebrow.

"She said it's okay."

Leaves crunched behind them, and there stood her brother and Solara with blushing cheeks. If something succeeded in this plan, it was loosening up Runan and giving him the happiness he needed not to be such an uptight prick. One she loved regardless, but she preferred in this form.

"Ita's back," Ju'rah announced with a grin. "Tunia is there too, so it's the best of both worlds."

"Good, in time to reel in a meal," Runan said.

"My mind is present, coordination still recovering."

Solara dug through a large paper bag. "It's okay, I nicked a few of my sister's supplies to make noodles."

Once a pot of water and noodles boiled over the fire, Tunia asked for permission to speak. Messita followed Tunia's instructions to slip into a hover-mode where everything was a little muffled, but she was still aware of her surroundings.

"Hi everyone, it's Tunia. We're on track for tonight. We'll need food and rest. Solara, ready your equipment to capture a series of memories from Messita in the next few days. We're compiling a video for the Lowers and Uppers that depicts her experience in the royal residence and their true intentions toward Lowers and chipping. We'll also share the process of how she jumped to arm your people and our allies, the creators at least, with the power to move between worlds. It may sound perverse, but combining the power and skills of your people with the knowledge of mine would be enough to dismantle the monarchy with the queen in a weakened state."

"Who would take her place?" Runan asked.

"They will look to Messita for guidance because she infiltrated the royal house. Once she regains her full strength and body, others will follow."

And if I don't regain my body?

One bridge at a time.

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