Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE...

By loveisweakness7

245K 8.7K 1.1K

"If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are." Valerio Montesi... More

Rebel just for kicks
Freya y Valerio
i. Troubled Mind
ii. Friend or Enemy ?
iii. An Angel
iv. Failure is not allowed
v. Feel more Human
vi. Losing Control
vii. Darkest Desires
viii. Breaking the rules
ix. Slowly Losing Her Mind
x. Panic Attack
xi. Crazy, not Creepy
xii. Not ready for this world
xiii. Small society of adults
xiv. Thinking about You
xv. Fight for my Survival
xvi. Trust, my love
xvii. Talking about stupid Rules
xviii. Misunderstanding
xix. You don't like me
xx. Because I love you too, Stupid
xxi. Not so innocent
xxii. Making a deal with the devil
xxiii. An great ballerina
xxiv. Revenge
xxv. 44 Lies
xxvi. Moving on
ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck
ACT TWO/ii. Teens Dramas
ACT TWO/iii. University Day
ACT TWO/iv. Generous donator
ACT TWO/v. Hope
ACT TWO/vi. Assassin
ACT TWO/vii.
ACT TWO/viii. Forgive me
ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale
ACT TWO/x. Cheers, cheers
ACT TWO/xi. Only Friends, right ?
ACT TWO/xii. Bruised Heart
ACT TWO/xiv. Trauma
ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart
ACT TWO/xvi.The family
ACT TWO/xvii. Polo
ACT TWO/xviii. I have feelings, bitch.
ACT TWO/xix. Time to say goodbye
The End!

ACT TWO/xiii. Not the time to be dramatic

2.4K 120 4
By loveisweakness7

Freya looked at her reflection with a slight smile.

For the first time in several months, she did not feel forced to display a forced smile. No, for once, she was sincere. And it was probably the best thing that could have happened to her.

Her relationship with Valerio may have ended on a bad note, but she no longer felt trapped. She was ready to really move forward for the better and without the help of a boy this time.

No, she was ready to move forward for herself.

She nodded her head through her mirror at the thought before getting up from her vanity to retrieve her backpack lying on her bed. She put the straps on the way to her door before quickly heading to her brother's room.

She didn't really care for knocking as she took the handle in her hand to open it before pushing the door."Luis, we're going to be-oh my god!"

"Seriously, Freya? Learn to hit!"

She closed the door immediately with a grimace as she could still see Alvarò and her brother in a compromising position before leaving a breath of laughter in spite of herself."Sorry. I didn't know Alvarò was there."


"Hi, Freya."

Freya left a chuckle in response before reminding her brother to go down for breakfast before heading for the stairs. She went down to the kitchen before greeting Carmen on the way.

"Hey, honey. "

"Did you know that Luis had a guest?" Asked Freya curiously, amused as she closed the door of the fridge behind her before turning to her stepmother.

Carmen hummed with a smile on her lips as she took a sip of her coffee."Mhm-mhm. He seems to come more and more often."

"And you're okay with that?"She asked as she turned to Sandvik who was leaning against the counter.

The latter raised his head from his morning paper before taking his glass of orange juice, shaking his head."He received his acceptance letter for Stanford. He has filled his deal share. I can't really tell him anything."

Freya nodded with a small smile before leaning her hip against the counter."I have not yet received a response from Julliard."

"I am sure you will soon receive the answer." Carmen assured immediately as she approached Freya to give her a larger breakfast than the simple apple she had chosen."They would be crazy for not accepting someone with as much talent as you."

Freya pursed her lips, hoping that her stepmother was right before giving Sandvik a cautious look just to caught him watching her closely. She licked her lips in uncertainty before straightening in spite of herself.

Sandvik shook his head at the sight knowing clearly that there would be no point in saying anything before looking back at his newspaper.

Freya assumed there was a limit to the effort he could make.

She swallowed the orange juice knowingly before placing a quick kiss on Carmen's cheek as she headed for the door. She still had a dance class to run before class started.


"I told you to watch your ankles!"

"I know ... I have it!"

Freya restrained a moan of pain as she watched the paramedic wrap her right ankle in a band.

It turned out that her little moment of happiness was soon broken by a snap of finger. Now she suffered martyrdom with her tyrannical dance teacher and a barely more convenient paramedic. He hadn't even deigned to look up from her ankle to reassure her.

"And what's going to happen with the recruiters? Oh my god!"Denitseï exclaimed in panic before suddenly rushing to the paramedic, making him pull against Freya's bandage in spite of himself.

The brunette gasped in pain at the sensation before quickly bringing her fist to her lips to bite into it. She closed her eyes as she felt a single tear trickle down the corner of her eye before suddenly feeling her heart fall into her chest at the sight of her father literally exploding across the room."Freya! Where"s is she ? Where is she?"

Denitseï gave a pointed look at Freya knowingly before drawing the curtain to question Sandvik and Carmen."Over here, Mr. and Mrs. Bjørkaas."

Freya sank further against the uncomfortable mattress of the emergency bed as she heard the thunderous footsteps of her parents. It was as if she suddenly found herself in a remake of Jaws. She could briefly hear the background music accelerating as they advanced towards her.

Sandvik entered behind the curtain with Carmen before making a sudden stop at the sight of her purple ankle turning almost green. He swallowed with a wide look before turning to the paramedic who seemed to be standing up in the presence of her father."What has happened ?"

"Oh my god, Freya! Honey!"Hailed Carmen as she rushed to her bedside before hugging her."Are you fine ? You are hurt ?"

Unfortunately Freya was more concerned about her father's strangely expressionless reaction. She thought he would have completely lost it at this point.

Freya narrowed her lips as she gave a reassuring look at her stepmother despite the pain and heat lingering along her ankle."It's okay. I'm fine."

"Truth be told, she must be suffering martyrdom right now."The paramedic intervened, allowing Freya to give him a broad look of disbelief. However, he just ignored her as he turned to her father."Your daughter is lucky that she can still walk. Her ankles have been in bad shape for a while. And the probably fierce practices didn't help."

"She is a professional classical dancer."Denitseï said dryly at once."And I always make sure she prepares her ankles. Freya is one of my most disciplined students."

Freya swallowed as she made alert eye contact with her father before looking at the paramedic."But it's just a little sprain, right? A little ice and a few days of rest and I could resume training."

"You have an external ankle sprain."Replied the paramedic gravely as he looked at Freya seriously."You're going to need analgesic medical treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs and above all, rehabilitation. You will not be able to dance again for a long time. And if you ever want to dance again, I advise you to be very careful. One bad blow on your ankle and your career is over."

Freya's eyes widened as she caught sight of Sandvik letting out a deep sigh before stepping out.

She looked at the place he previously occupied before turning to Carmen as the paramedic in turn left the curtain with Denitseï following him.

"Do you think he hates me?"

"What? Of course not, Freya!" Carmen immediately objected as she absently ran her hand through her thick hair to try to comfort her."He's just worried. You know your father."

Freya tried to fight the emotions pouring down her throat before turning to Carmen as she could feel the tears flowing behind her eyes."What am I going to do if I can't dance anymore?"

A sob passed her lips in spite of her, leaving Carmen to rush to Freya to take her in her arms. A scene that Sandvik soon saw as he glanced around the room just to feel his heart lift in his chest.

He was just as shocked and disillusioned as his daughter.

However he knew he couldn't put his disappointment first this time.

Freya needed to think like the champion she was, not the little girl who had just heard bad news. So he made his way back into the room, forcing the duo apart before stopping at the height of his daughter's bed.

Freya sniffled as she hurriedly wiped the tears down her cheeks before shaking her head, contrite."I'm so sorry. I paid attention. I promise you. I really paid attention. I have-"

"I know, Freya. Denitseï explained everything to me."Sandvik assured as he interrupted before hesitating as he laid his eyes on the hand closest to his daughter. He took a slight breath before taking Freya's hand in his."You will heal, Freya. We'll make sure you follow your treatment well. And you will see. In the space of a few weeks you will be again on your pointes. Don't worry."


On the contrary, she was very worried.

And it wasn't these stupid crutches that would improve the situation.

The paramedic told her to stay home for the day, but she couldn't miss another test. Not when the end of the year was so close. And if her future in dance was at stake then she needed an even better academic record if she ever hoped to go to university.

It would seem that her way of thinking had corresponded to her father's standard. Hence the reason why she found herself walking with her crutches along the main corridor of Las Encinas.

She tried to ignore the pounding pain down her ankle or even the itch settling down her armpits as she leaned on her crutches to move forward. Fortunately for her it wasn't her first time with these instruments of torture. She only hoped to be able to remove them as soon as possible.

Unfortunately the pain she was currently feeling in her ankle was even much worse than anything. She could feel her heart beating along her ankle with each of her jumps. And she didn't even speak of the fear she felt at the mere idea of ​​putting it on the ground.

Not to mention that she continually felt the pressure to ruin her chances more than to improve the situation.

Finally she was not long in reaching the classroom now plunged into silence. She put her knee on the handle of one of her crutches to stabilize before hitting her clenched fist against the door.

"Come in!"

Freya sincerely wanted to scream at this precise moment. She could barely stand up at the moment and had to do all the work. Nevertheless, she tried to reach the handle before turning it. She readjusted with her crutches under her armpits before taking a step in the room, calling out to her teacher and all of her comrades.

"Miss. Bjørkaas, what happened?"

Freya gulped as she turned to her curious teacher before shrugging."A dance accident. Azucena said I could still take the test."

"Yeah, sure. Of course. Go sit down."

Freya wrinkled her lips in a supposed smile before turning on her crutches in search of a free place, she ignored the worried look of most of her friends as she spotted a place in the front before hurrying to settle down.

She was in no mood to sit next to someone she knew personally. She hurriedly put her crutches on the ground before taking out her computer to log in on the exam topic.

She leaned in her seat, crossing her bad leg over the other to keep her ankle raised before turning her head briefly to Lucrecia and Carla simply to make eye contact with the duo already watching her.

"What the fuck?" Read Freya on Lucrecia's lips. Freya shrugged before gesturing for her to focus on the test again. She rolled her eyes at the persistence of the Norwegian brunette before turning to her screen anyway.

Freya had barely started her exam, however, before she quickly frowned slightly at the sight of Samuel rising from his seat to join their teacher.

"What do you want? I don't like you out of your seats."

Freya frowned as she watched Samuel lean over the desk, effectively hiding Carla and Lu from sight before quickly understanding at the sight of Lucrecia swapping her computer with Carla's.

Freya shook her head at the sight before letting a soft sigh pass her lips as she leaned her elbow on the table before trying to focus on the subject of chemistry again.


Freya tried to ignore the teens around her as she made her way out of the classroom. She paused at the sight of Lu and Carla in the middle of a conversation before taking advantage of Lucrecia's back to continue on her way. She was already expecting lots of questions from her. Questions she didn't particularly want to answer right now.

So she kept walking, trying to swing her crutches and textbooks against her chest. And all that without setting foot on the ground. Suffice to say that the dance lessons had served her something in the end.

"Hey, let me help you."

Freya paused at the appearance of the familiar little brown before leaving a small smile despite the fact that she gave her books to Alvarò."I thought you were running out of time."

"Well I guess I can distance myself a little from your brother to help a friend in need."Alvarò replied with a sly smile before signing her wrapped ankle."Does it hurt?"

"Like hell!" Freya nodded as she stopped at her locker before gathering her two crutches in one hand so that she could open her locker."But I'm going to survive. After all it's not that bad. I just risk losing my whole future. But, hey... who cares about his future."

"You what?"

Freya winced at the familiar voice before glancing restlessly over her shoulder just to make eye contact with Lu."Lucrecia. I should have known."

"What the hell is happening to you all?"Exclaimed the brunette Montesinos as she waved her hand towards Alvarò so that he made room for her before turning to Freya." Can I know what happened to you? Because if you try a new trend it's a complete failure."

"Cute. But I'm not really in the mood today."Freya replied immediately.

Lucrecia immediately left a scoff before turning to the ever-present brown."What are you still doing there?"

"Okay, I'm leaving. Later, Freya."

Freya sighed as she closed her locker before using her crutches to turn to Lu with a flat look on the brunette."Was it necessary?"

"Yes!"Lu insisted before gesturing for her to move forward with her, anxiously eyeing her bandaged ankle."Now we're going to sit down somewhere before you make your case worse and you're going to tell me everything."






Freya was currently in the midst of selecting her second options. Before she had other options but they were all related to dance. Suffice to say that it had reduced her chances to zero.

She sincerely wanted to believe in her father, but she knew that her situation was far from being won. The chance that she would be able to get out of it all was very close to zero. She shook her head at the thought before passing out a new brochure with boredom.

"What are you doing?"

"I am changing my future."Freya replied absently, without much enthusiasm.

Polo gave a sympathetic look at the brunette Bjørkaas clearly missing her usual benevolent smile that he loved so much."I learned for your ankle. I am sorry."

"Well, according to my father, I will be doing pirouettes in a few weeks so there is no point in being so dramatic."

Polo tilted his head with a small smile."It's true that moping around in the corner with university brochures is not at all dramatic."

Freya left a snort in spite of herself before looking up at the steel-blue-eyed brown."What are you doing here, Polo?"

"What do you think ? I came to comfort a friend."He replied sincerely, shrugging his shoulders before flipping through her brochure list to get out a special brochure for him."And maybe give the ideo of ​​coming to London College? My mothers know the dean well. Maybe they could put a good word in your favor. You know my mothers are fans of you."

Freya tilted her head with a surprised expression before raising her eyebrows maliciously on the brown."If I didn't know you better I might think you're trying to keep me by your side."

"Well, it would be nice if I could have a friend with me there."

"You already have Cayetana, right?"

Polo distractedly looked away at the mention of his girlfriend before shrugging as he gave Freya a look."But it's different. She's not you."

Freya gulped at the intensity of his look clearly uncomfortable before letting out a nervous laugh as she took the brochure to distract herself."I'll add it to the list."

"Cool."Polo nodded immediately before leaving an annoyed whistle at the sound of the bell."I have to go to literature class."

"I have a free period so see you later."Freya replied nervously clearly unsure of how to act in his presence now.

She watched him nod his head cheerfully before following him clearly overcome by the situation.


It hadn't even been two days and she was already getting tired of hopping on her damn crutches. She felt like she was constantly sweating and she didn't even talk about itching along her armpits. The uniform and its many layers certainly didn't help the situation.

She shook her head at the thought before turning into a new hallway just to widen her eyes at the sight of Valerio and Samuel seeming in a sort of fight. She saw Valerio press his index finger on Samuel's forehead.

She didn't even take the time to think when she saw Samuel raise his fist as she accelerated the pace as best she could with her crutches before calling the duo."Samuel!"

Samuel hesitated at the last moment at the sound of her voice before hitting the locker hard next to Valerio's head, creating a jagged mark under the force of his fist."I want you out of my house this afternoon."

"The fuck, Samuel?"

"Stay away from him, Freya. This is an advice !"

Freya paused as she followed Samuel's outstretched back moving away in worry before clenching her jaw as she turned to Valerio. The latter immediately avoided her eyes as he lowered his head, clenching his jaw in frustration and embarrassment.

"What did you do this time?"

"This time ?" Valerio exclaimed with a wide look of disbelief, hurt.

Freya shrugged in abandonment."Right. And then it doesn't concern me."

With that, she readjusted her grip on her crutches before turning on her heel with the intention of turning her back on him.

However Valerio hastened to catch her before blocking her passage by licking his lips."Wait."

"I don't have time for this, Valerio."Freya objected, trying to avoid his dejected look.

"How are you feeling ?"The brown curly-haired asked sincerely letting Freya swallow as she looked back at Valerio in uncertainty."It's just a sprain, right? You're going to get better after that."

Freya shrugged, unconvinced."That's what my father thinks."

"But not you ?"

"I don't know, Valerio."Sighed Freya as she held his gaze with more meaning than she wanted to admit. "All I know is that I had a clear future. A chance in one of the best dance schools in the world and everything has just been questioned. So excuse me if i don't really have the head to deal with your problems over mine."

She gave him a sharp look to support her point before shaking her head as she walked around to join the classroom. She quickly settled in her place, already regretting what she had just said to Valerio before placing her crutches against her table to take her face in her hands.

However, it was not long before she saw Nadia making her way towards her.

At least that was before Lu made her entrance noticed."Hello, everyone! Out of everyone who didn't deserve to win the scholarship, it's only you... who I'm not ashamed to lose to."

Freya left a small curved smile on her lips at the humility that Lucrecia displayed. It was that kind of reaction that made her really proud to be her friend.

She reached out to Nadia to shake her hand."Well played. Congratulations."

Soon enough, Freya hastened to applaud with the rest of the class, letting Nadia turn to each of them with a broad smile of accomplishment. She watched Guzmàn and Rebecca get up before tempering her smile as Lu sat down next to her.

She stopped clapping her hands to put her arm around her shoulders before approaching her by her side."I'm proud of you. I know how hard it must have been for you to say that."

Lu immediately left a scoff."Hard? No. I mean it's not like I'm playing my future and I've lost everything."

"Welcome to the club."Freya sighed in defeat, leaving Lu to turn to her with a contrite expression. She immediately hugged Freya in her arms visibly as dejected as she, clearly oblivious to Nadia's gaze on their duo.


"Freya! Can you come please?"

Freya frowned visibly taken aback before placing her pen between the pages of her manual. She picked up her crutches to get up from the lounge chair she occupied before making her way through the living room. However, it was not long before she paused with a wide look at the sight of her father and Valerio standing next to Carmen.

"Uh, what's going on?"Luis asked immediately as he entered the hall too.

"This boy came to see your sister."

"Uh, Valerio, sir."Valerio immediately corrected in hesitation before turning to Freya barely seeming to be able to hold his emotions. Sandvik gave him a warning look."Yeah, you know what ? It doesn't matter."

Carmen rolled her eyes at the obvious tension between the duo before pulling her husband with her and her son."Come on, both of you. Let them chat a bit."

Freya watched the trio walk away before walking to Valerio, shaking her head."Have you lost your mind?"

"Maybe yeah."Valerio admitted immediately, readjusting the strap on his shoulder leaving Freya to notice the sports bag by his side for the first time.

She immediately nodded towards the bag in a bad feeling."Are you going somewhere?"

"Well Samuel kicked me out."Valerio reminded, shrugging his shoulders before swallowing."Polo offered to come and live with him."

Freya immediately turned her head away with a scoff."Obviously."

"But that's not what I want to do."Valerio said immediately, catching Freya's attention despite herself."I'm going to stop my bullshit, Freya. I promise you. I told Rebecca I was quitting. I'm serious this time. And it's the same with Cayetana and Polo. I know I've been doing crappy things lately but ... I'm trying, Freya."

The brunette swallowed clearly touched in spite of herself by his speech before letting a trembling breath pass her lips."Where are you going to go if you don't go to Polo?"

"I don't know. I would find a place. This is not my first Rodeo."Valerio said absently, swallowing in an attempt to ignore the emotions down his throat.

Freya tilted her head sympathetically to the brown before jumping at the familiar hoarse voice of her father."Carmen asks me to tell you that we have a spare guest room, young man."

Freya widened her eyes as she turned to her father visibly reluctant before turning to Valerio still in shock. The brown gave an equally bewildered look between Freya and the imposing man a little further before swallowing."I don't want to impose myself..."

"I think you already did by coming here, right?"Sandvik replied as he crossed his arms over his chest before giving a sharp look at Valerio."Obviously there will be some rules to follow. Like staying away, far away from my daughter's room."

Freya tried to hide her little smile as she turned to Valerio, shrugging her shoulders."What do you think about it ?"

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