Royal Magic

By dompryor234

529 21 7

You cannot refuse or resist when a prince chooses you." That is the rule for all witches who aren't promise... More

Table of Content
Mother and Daughters
Rachel and Sarah
Tollar Stone
A Better Life
The Kiss
Grandma Ruth
Shattered Dreams
Rachel's Problems
Games and Relatives
Wizard Revealed
The King of Perta
Laura the healer
The Bulkans
The Vision
The End of Weston

Ella's Ambition

21 1 0
By dompryor234

Sitting at the center square of Weston our group gathered after getting Laura some food. The area is filled with happy people enjoying the festival with the exception of  my father. "That dirty scumbag." He growls as I just finish telling him what happened to Tim.  

"Scumbags since his sons are traitors also" Rachel corrected right next to us reminding us of Cody's and Matthew's involvement.

"I still cannot believe that the Walkers did this "Father perplexes. "They had everything in Weston why throw it away."

"Whatever their reasons where I'm happy I don't have to marry Matthew now." Mel  celebrates in happiness missing the disturbed expressions she's receiving ..  To think of an engagement being canceled is heartless when talking about treason from a trusted ally.  Clueless of the animosity she is getting Mel continues her celebration by flirting with Alek. "Now that I am a free woman again, who'll be my next lover." She hints and  Alek didn't seem bothered by my sister's conduct. 

Instead, he's taking advantage of her willingness to please him. "I am sure I can arrange something but I'm a little perch. Can you get me some lemonade"  Alek  asks?

"Of Course," Mel volunteers sashaying away making sure Alek was watching. The lemonade stand is a couple yards away and it had a long line. Alek gazes at Mel with mild amusement that Mel ate up. Shaking my head at the pair I can't help but be confused by this development. 

Deciding to take a break from their drama I turn to see my mother glaring at Laura. Scowling I can't see a reason why until I notice my friend is sitting directly next to King Louis. Knowing Ella she probably planned on Mel being the one to enticed the king not Laura.

"King Louis, I'm sorry  about what happened between Tim and his family. " Ella declares  moving forward to be by the king's side forcing Laura out of her seat. Once that occurs I see my mother grin at seeing Laura's retreating form.

"Rude" Laura mutters moving to another seat.

"The Walker matter needed to be addressed, and I'm glad I was able to help Weston." Louis answers giving Laura a pointed look before he adds. "Even though some people here have strong opinions of me ignoring the village for so long." At that remark Laura only rolled her eyes making the king grin.

"Hogwash. " Ella protests missing Louis grinning at Laura. "That's ridiculous I bet you had too much work to do in the capital."  

At that comment King Louis looked generally thoughtful." Yes I have been busy since taking the throne and that's why I am here at the Princess Festival. I want to find a wife that can shoulder the burden with me and be my partner." He confesses in a sincere voice  that made me realize how many struggles this young king has to carry. Maybe that's why  he is so interested in Laura she's  an ideal match. Not only does she have knowledge on policies and treaties something that the king can use in the future. Her reputation would also be an added bonus at his side.

Everyone else must be thinking similar thoughts but one person. " My daughter Melissa would be the perfect choice for you." Ella proposes  shocking us all by her words. " She's good with people and is very kind." Ella lies earning a snort from me and giggles from Rachel.  

That fib wasn't even believable to the king. Who previously witness my sister's uncaring nature when talking about her engagement. "Oh, really? Can she negotiate treaties and counsel our people in crisis" Louis  questions pointedly?

"Of course not,  Melissa knows her place is in the household not doing men's work." Ella disputes looking offended that Louis proposed such a thing.

"That's the wife I require and if we are speaking on this matter alone. Laura is a better choice than your daughter" Louis declares.

"Its not right  a woman's place is at home tending to family." Ella argues with the king. " No respectful girl would travel  around  getting into men's business. " Ella preaches throwing an obvious insult at Laura who only laughed it off.

"Oh, Mrs. Miller are you talking about me?"  

"Yes, a woman should be home with children not getting into all types of trouble."  Ella rants turning her stare back on the king. "King Louis my daughter is the exact woman all of Perta should strive to be. Not someone who is running around trying to get people to sign a paper." At that remark the humor left Laura's face as she marches up to Ella  giving her a cold glare.

"That paper saved hundreds if not thousands of people."  Laura disagrees her voice turning cold. "If your definition of a  woman means I can't save lives than so be it.." Clapping is heard next as Louis interrupted the two women confrontation. The King of Perta had a soft expression on his face as he moves to separate Laura from my mother.

"Well said Laura" Louis congratulates before taking her hand turning to Ella and saying. " I made my decision of what kind of wife I desire. And the person who fits that category is Laura who soon will be my queen."  Louis proclaims alarming everyone including Laura and Ella both snapping their heads back .

"What?" Alek begins standing up but luckily Malcolm was there grabbing the man's shoulder.

"Don't even think about it or you'll be facing the General of Falcon Ridge." The threat must have stupefied Alek because he freezes in place.

"That was you?" Alek asks looking at Malcolm like he saw a ghost.

"Yes, and I'd rather not let this nice festival turn into a battlefield." Malcolm responds, his eyes cold as he gestures to the guards surrounding them. Grunting, Alek turns to leave but not before he bumps shoulders with Malcolm.

"Looks like you made a new friend"  Rachel teases. 

"I just cannot hide my dislike for that man"  Malcolm announces. While this was going on I almost missed Ella's reaction to Louis's news.

"She's blind why choose her over my daughter? "Ella spat out and I can see her hopes are dwindling as she adds. "Your Highness, if you marry Laura then your future heirs could be as blind as she is." 

"My children are none of your concern and for your information.  I have the best healers in the kingdom that can cure a child of blindness in the womb." Louis declares taking insult of my mother's comment about Laura. .

"You wouldn't have to risk that if you marry my daughter. " Ella tries to persuade the king . "She can give you plenty of healthy babies to be heirs." That part she practically screams out like that would help her case. It only made her situation worse in my opinion as King Louis openly scowls at my mother in hatred.

"Ella, this is enough. Melissa will get married but not to a royal." Father interjects stepping in as Ella becomes more unhinged at Louis' continuous refusal.

"My baby deserves better than marrying a farmer."  Ella screams in fury as her eyes turn to one person .. "This is all her fault." Ella pointing an accusing finger at Laura like she has done a great wrong. Suddenly the wind picked up and a familiar aura appears over Ella's body. I shiver with the temperature dropping instantly  as my mother's magic increases. Dark skies materializes and the sound of cracking thunder can be heard . "I am not going to let her win." Ella raising her hand in the air making chairs fly because of the wind. Screaming people ran out of the way  trying to dodge rubble and other items.

"Ella, stop you are going to hurt someone"  Louis orders as he tries to restrain Ella. Seeing him come towards her my mother sends a strong gust of wind at Louis. It pushed him back into a couple booths twenty feet away. After that Ella creates a funnel of air to spin around her. It prevents anyone else from coming near her to stop this madness. 

"I'll just get rid of her than King Louis will have no choice but marry Melissa."  Ella announces shocking me as I realize her true motive .. The funnel of air shifted around Ella picking up  chairs and tables around us. These objects are all being propelled towards my small defenseless friend.

"Laura" I scream watching the chairs and table hurled at her not being able to help. Just when they  are going to make contact rocks and stones from nearby building fly around Laura. Together the rocks made a dome-shaped shelter shielding her from the attack. 

Turning to the source of the magic I see Rachel preserving the dome. Ella furious at her plan being stopped turns her efforts on Rachel. With her attention on Rachel Ella overlooks the water from a nearby fountain flowing like a snake with Sarah controlling it. Molding the water with her magic into a ball, Sarah throws it at a distracted Ella.

It hit my mother square in the stomach knocking her to the ground. Hurt, and losing control of her magic the storm finally vanishes. Waiting a minute Rachel scans at the sky for signs of Ella's magic. Seeing that the magic is gone, she releases the barrier over Laura.  Rocks and stones that once was a dome comes crashing to the ground missing the trembling girl they were protecting seconds ago.

Stumbling out in a confusion, Laura almost trips over the rocks. "Laura, are you all right?" I yell running to her checking for any injuries. Luckily there was nothing. Rachel's quick actions saved our friend's life.

 "I'm fine, thank heavens for Rachel." Laura weeps in relief. 

Rubbing her head "It's all right"  I sooth calmly even though it was a big lie. My mother had done something  undeserving to a kind and giving girl. For what so a royal would notice my sister is unbelievable. 

"She is getting up." Someone shouts pointing to Ella as she got to her feet. Finally standing  Ella is surrounded by guards with  their blades at her neck. Sinking back to her knees Ella seems to finally understand what her actions had cost her.

"Please don't hurt me" she begs quickly giving  up.

"Laura are you hurt?"  Louis asks checking her for any wounds. Once it was establish that Laura is not damage. He holds Laura's hand tightly looking at  my mother groveling on the ground for mercy. Although by Louis's demeanor the last thing he wants to give is mercy ."Mercy has long passed for you." Louis pointing his own sword at my mother's throat. "Your crimes don't deserve any leniency for attempting to kill an innocent woman." Falling apart Ella tries to grab one of Louis's pants legs but was swiftly detained. Chains are secured around her wrist and ankles so every movement is controlled. Feeling that my mother's time was up I couldn't help but get a question off my mind.

"Mother, why did you even try to harm Laura?" My voice steady not letting my emotions of anger out. A hand on my shoulder keeps me calm. Jacob's tight grip seems to be the only thing keeping me from attacking Ella myself.

My voice must have done the trick because even in chains Ella morphs back to her usual self. "I was trying to obtain a King for your sister after the one you stole from us" Ella alleges her eyes cold.. "For a waste of space to be picked over my baby was unacceptable. I wasn't going to let your friend ruin another chance for my dreams to come true." My mind is in shock, and I wasn't the only one at Ella's confession. I didn't know what to say after this, but someone did.

"Ella how  could you do this."  Father speaking in disapproval at his wife's actions alongside many others. It was well-known Ella could be nasty but attempting to kill someone out of jealousy was unbelievable.

"Andrew, she was taking a King away from our daughter." Ella argues, not comprehending that killing Laura was a crime. I wonder how far gone was my mother's logic to believe this was alright..

"I've heard enough"  Louis snaps his voice stopping every other around them. "You wanted a King for your daughter, now one will be locking you away to stand trial." His words makes Ella's bravado dissolve as she falls apart when guards begin taking her away.

Panicking, Ella's eyes had that familiar glow to them. However a sword placed at her heart quickly silences anymore resistance. I stare at Ella being force to stand before I looked at my Father who is shell-shocked. He didn't seem capable of processing anything, and when Mel comes running up, I think it finally clicked in his mind.

"Melissa" Father  shouts in horror when my sister confronts the guards holding Ella. Some of the men even starts to point their weapons at her and Louis intervenes thankfully.

"Melissa, stop this right now or face imprisonment with your mother." That statement halts all further attempts for my sister.

"What did she do?" Mel questions looking at everyone  for an answer as people remained silent. No one wants to respond to the question except Louis.

"She tried to kill Laura." Louis replies and with a clap of his hands the guards restarted taking my mother away.

Mel watches this horrified before looking at my father for help. "Daddy, do something" Mel pleading. " Don't let them take her away." At my sister's tears I realize her whole life is falling apart like our mother's. To Mel Ella isn't just her parent but her best friend so this must be terrible to her.

 Father who must of had similar thoughts because his shoulder straightens up. Determined he walks up to King Louis and stands before him. "King Louis, please wait a moment." Father's voices making everyone freezes their action.

"This better not be about lessening your wife's crimes because I will not turn a blind eye." Louis states his eyes unsympathetic. I see Father's shoulders becoming tense at this moment. 

"I understand her crimes need to be answered for" Father announces shocking Mel. "I am only asking for my wife to be detained at my house instead of jail for my daughters' benefit." Nodding, Mel agrees, but I didn't say a word. The last thing I wanted is to be in the same room as an attempted murderer.

"I am not going to be merciful." King Louis refused but is interrupted by Laura. 

 Looking small but  undaunted she speaks. "Let Ella go home instead of jail. She'll still be put on trial and be sentence to banishment or worse." Her surprise defense of my mother stuns all of us including King Louis

"Laura she tried to kill you" he says.

"And Rachel saved me, and now I want to show kindness." Laura announces marching up to Ella giving her an unfriendly stare. "This isn't for you but your family Ella. I wouldn't care if you were struck dead right now. However Andrew wants this and I will give him this request." And with that speech she looks at Louis waiting for his answer.

"Laura, are you sure?" Louis states and when Laura nods he relents. "I guess you got lucky Ella,  you can go home for now." Mel and Ella cries in relief thinking she escaped punishment but it was short lived. "Nevertheless after the festival, you will be transferred to the capital and imprison with the Walkers.. At that my sister and mother's faces are shattered again as their hopes disappear. To be place with the Walkers my mother will be label just as horrid as they are.

"I don't think that's fair" Mel protests, but father interjects. 

"That is more than fair, my King." Father declares  silencing my sister and taking charge of the arrangement of placing Ella at home. Mel seems furious at father's acceptance but hid her displeasure thankfully. She did glare at Laura like she's the cause of all this instead of Ella.  Disgusted with my family playing the victim while the real one was standing by herself terrified. Turning to look at Laura, I seen Alek there leaning over her whispering something in her ear. Whatever it was it made Laura's whole face turn white and chalky.

Frowning, I move to go to her side, but Jacob grabs my hand. "Andy, your father was asking if you wanted to say goodbye to your mother." 

Looking at my mother, I can honestly say I would rather eat dirt than do that. ""No, I'm done with her." I  declared  writing off Ella from  my life. Jacob agrees and signals the guards to usher my family away. The villagers spread out making a path so wide that twenty men could walk side by side.

Ella, now in chains and shackles walks awkwardly  with her head down. Her festival dress  is dirty, and her hair lost its curl. She's a completely different person than the woman who was the village leader's wife. Ella Miller was  once respected and awed, now she is notorious. As if she knows her reputation is gone. She lifts her eyes to meet mine and a look of revenge greets me. By that one look I acknowledged that my mother truly hated me and wanted payback. And by this day's end Ella got her wish at the cost of others.

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