Crimson Heart

By TheInvisibleGrayson

169K 10.3K 2.9K

"How can I trust you? After what you've done!" Beta Prince Waylon Kailea's counting down the days of his fin... More

1| The Outsider
Crimson Heart Cast
2| Angel In the Steam
3| Do I Look Dangerous?
4| A Bump In the Night
5| Concussion Syndrome
6|Falling For The One Who Could Break My Heart
7| The Lost Beta
8| Know You Won't Tell Nobody Bout Me
9| Can We Kiss Forever?
10| So Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too
11| Don't Touch Alexei's Baby
12| Fuego
13| What's Wrong With Being Confident?
14| I'll Never Be The Same
15| Waylon's 1st Friend
16| The Secret Life of Wei
Welcome To The Island Of Kailea
18| The Alpha Walk
19| Papa's Final Words
20| The House of Crimson
21| What if...
22| The Ceremony
23| If You Love Me, Let Me Go
24| Save Me
25| Alpha Alexei Of Crimson
26| Sweet Lover of Mine
27| Hello, From The Other Side
28| I love You Baby
29|| Shelter from The Storm
30| Resilient DNA
31 | Fingers and Toes
32| Unimportant
33| As Long As I'm With You
34| Fearing The Inevitable
35| The Captive Five
36| Let It Snow
37. Kiss Me Goodbye
38. Hey Brother, There's an endless road to rediscover
39| Love That Grows
40. Triple Threat
41| The Cold War
42| Four Sons
43| The Rejected Vendetta
To Be Continued
CRimson Heart LIVE Q&A
Crimson Summer

17| Heart of Crimson

3.3K 254 60
By TheInvisibleGrayson

^Waylon's new theme song, you'll see why at the end


AN: *Makua (shortened to Kua) is what Waylon calls his stepfather, Remy


"This feels kind of weird, don't you think?" 

I asked Alexei, as I looked over the edge of the small ferry transporting us back to Kailea. The ocean's peaceful serenity speaking to me through her quiet waves making me giggle at her tiny jokes. 

"Yeah, it's kind of creepy, slightly nerve-wracking, and I don't know if I can do this," Alexei manages to spit out in one sharp breath and I turn towards him. He was leaning over the edge of the rail looking sickly pale as if he might throw up any second. 

"Alexei, you're going to be an amazing alpha. Don't doubt yourself," I try to help him but I can see everything I say go in one ear and out the other as the dread settles over him like a dark cloud. 

"It's easy for you to say, you don't know what I go through, no one does," For the first time in our relationship, Alexei was trying to shut me out. His loneliness getting the best of him, I let out a long sigh and listened to the ocean as she sang to me for just a few moments. Pulling myself together for him and him alone.

I know he feels alone because he's going to become the alpha of a pack he's only visited. But that's not his fault. It's my father's. 

Alexei wants me to walk away, to let him suffer alone as he drowns in an anxious pool of unknown uncertainties. But the moon goddess gave me to him for this reason, to be the light in his darkness no matter how small that might be. To show him he's never alone as long as I am here beside him.

"Alexei, I grew up the prince of Kailea. I was prepped and groomed for almost sixteen years to assume a position in the house of Kailea and to counsel my sister in her decision making. My Mama, Papa, Kua, Dad, and my three little siblings were always there beside me and I can't possibly imagine a place anywhere else where they're not there all the time," I start off while gently rubbing my boyfriend's back as he listens closely to my every word. 

"But my mate is the Alpha of Crimson and I'll travel to the ends of the earth to be with him. Even if that means I have to leave everything I once knew behind me. All of my training as a Kailea is nothing like the training of a Crimson, but that's okay. I'll learn and I'll adapt. I'm not saying I'll be the perfect Lunos or it will be easy. Of course, I'll make mistakes along the way but I'll learn from them and grow," I continue, staring out where the sky kisses the sea as the sun started to rise, taking in the soft wind from the ferry cutting through the waves. 

"I was meant to do this Alexei, to be here with you as fate intended. Which means I may be all Kailea on the outside, but on the inside, I've always had a Crimson heart and so have you," I say and feel Alexei's arm around my waist. His nose nudging my cheek as he gently kissed it, setting that tiny tingling spark aflame. 

He says nothing, but I can already feel the stress and tension that once hung over him had now been released and he took a deep breath. 

"Waylon," All he says is is my name setting my heart on fire, comforted only by the way he presses his head to mine, every breath he takes tickling my skin. 

"I don't know what kind of man I'd be if you weren't here with me," Alexei finally speaks just as the island of Kailea comes into view and I giggle slightly. 

"A very silly seasick man is exactly what you would be," I make fun of him and he snorts, giving me a tight squeeze. 

"I love you so much, please don't leave me baby," He begs and I'm slightly confused as I rest my hand over his on my waist. 

"What do you mean?" I asked and he buried his head in my shoulder. 

"Don't leave me," he repeats himself with a hint of pain and I understand his true meaning this time. 

It makes me wonder how painful it must have been for my Kua when he lost his mate. We've never talked about it as a family but I always saw the pain in his eyes every year on their anniversary when he visits his mate's memorial site with their daughter. The way he places a single rose could make anyone's heart shatter. 

Last year, the memorial got to me and I started crying. When Kua asked me what was wrong, I told him losing my mate was my worst fear. I didn't even know Alexei was him, I just knew I would be devastated. 

Kua told me the goddess puts people in our lives with purpose and takes them for a reason so there is no need to fear death. Because all we can do is love our mate and cherish every second we have with them because you will never know when that last moment will come. You can only hope it's not too soon.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Alexei asked and I smiled as I wiped the stray tears wishing I wasn't so emotional all the time. 

"Oh my dear Alexei, I'll never leave you. I'll always be right here," I tell him as I pull his hand to my heart. Because although I won't be here forever, I know a piece of me will always be with him. Just like a piece of Kua's mate will forever stay with him. 

Alexei holds me close, refusing to let go of me until the boat comes close to the shore. 

"Waylon, come here." My sister calls out to me and I look back to find a frown had settled into her face by just seeing Alexei and I together. 

"You don't have to listen to her," Alexei warns me and I look back at Juniper. 

But there's something different in the way I feel towards her. There's no instant tug to bow to her or follow her every command. Instead, I feel kind of numb towards her aggression which has never happened before.

It's because she's no longer my alpha. 

She no longer has any power over me. 

I could have laughed but I settle for a smile and stand on my tiptoes to kiss Alexei's cheek. 

"Just trust me baby, I'll be okay and I'll see you on the other side. Besides, we don't need my dads finding out about us just yet," I hint and he smiles back, trusting me as he kisses the top of my head. 

"Okay, but you better tell me the second she gives you any shit," He warns and I playfully mess up his hair. 

"She can't hurt me anymore, only you can," I tell him and getting only a glimpse of his shocked expression before I walked towards Juniper. 

"Took you long enough," Juniper huffed as I got to her side and she smelled me. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, refusing to bow to her out of respect for my own alpha. 

"Something off about you, different in your scent and aura. If you keep it up you'll end up a Crimson just like him, popping out some stinky little warrior babies. Is that what you really want when there are so many Kailea boys dying for your hand?" Juniper tries to make fun of me but fails to hurt me. 

Because she no longer holds the key to the cage on my spirit, for I have broken free. 

"To speak frankly Juni, who I decide to have my babies with is none of your god damn business so you can take your opinions on my private affairs and shove them right back where they came from,"


Who knew 1,300 words could contain so much fucking emotion, holy shit. 

Unless it didn't and I'm just crazy, but it took a lot out of me to write. 

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